RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-...
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EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay situation-wanted classified advertisement per issue. The advertiser must state circumstances with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each ad may not exceed 50 words (45 words plus five-word box address or advertiser's name and address). Excess words charged at 25 cents a word. After six such ads have run, the member may restart the ad by rewriting and resubmitting it, restating the circumstances of his unemployment status. Ads from ACS Members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcements to Mrs. Audra Rafter, Employment Aids Office. Department of Membership Activities, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-time, freelance, or consulting work are excluded from this service to unemployed members. However, retired members

may advertise for full- or part-time positions or consulting work. Additional insertions after the free ones may be made at 25 cents per word. Nondisplay insertions by EMPLOYED ACS members seeking full- or part-time positions or consulting work and RATES all nondisplay insertions by Student Affiliates of the Display advertisements $111 per column inch Society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement Minimum display space, one inch, with inch units of situation-wanted ads must state ACS membership thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount status, or whether the advertiser is retired (and 55 years allowed on display ads only. Standard setting of age or older) to ensure publication of the ad in the $1.20 a word, minimum charge $18.70 each. Inproper classification. Nonmembers are charged $1.20 clude five words for box address. Advertisements per word, minimum charge $18.70. Ads submitted by from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating the New York bank which will employed members, student affiliates, and all nonissue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisemembers should be sent to Chemical and Engineering ment will be run on the nearest publication date News. 142 East Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06851. following receipt of the bank draft. In printing these ads, ACS assumes no obligation as to SEND advertisements with remittance to CHEMIqualifications of prospective employees or responsiCAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, 142 East Ave., bilities of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information Norwalk, Conn. 06851, to reach there not later than the deadline of 9 A.M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the concerning positions advertised nor of those seeking date of publication. employment. Replies to announcements should carry

IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state laws against discrimination and the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination in employment because of sex unless based on a bonafide occupational qualification. Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.

DIRECTOR OF PHARMACEUTICAL OPERATIONS Rochelle Laboratories, So. California based manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and antibiotics, is seeking a dynamic and qualified individual to direct its pharmaceutical manufacturing operations.

POSITIONS OPEN PLACEMENT BUREAUS Engineers and Chemist—Immediate nationwide openings in the process industry. For details and free Career Kit, submit confidential resume to CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS, 2418 Devine St., Columbia, S.C. 29205 Avoid Layoffs. Thousands practice privately. Book & kit, $4.95 THE TECHNICAL INDEPENDENT, Box 822, Charleston, W.Va. 25323 Chemists-Chemical Engineers-Bioscientists New York's largest technical placement firm provides a nationwide service for chemical, plastic, food, drug, cosmetic, metallurgical and related professionals. We specialize in all areas of R&D, ENGINEERING, MFG., SALES, Q.C., MKT'ING. All fees are paid by client companies. Strictly confidential. Resumes invited. PATTON PERSONNEL, Dept. 20; 1472 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036

INDUSTRIAL POSITIONS Vinyl Chloride Monomer Production Manager—Major producing client needs B.S./M.S. Ch.E. with line management exp. for key assignment. To $24,000. Gene Taylor, ANDERSON-TAYLOR, P.O. Box 2 1 , Exton, Pa. 19341 General Manager: Leader in the industrial coatings field is seeking a General Manager for our Hayward, California operation. National as well as international growth has opened this position. Industrial coatings experience necessary. Management duties will include product development, sales, production, labor negotiations as required, as well as complete profit and loss responsibilities. Excellent salary and fringe benefits including cash profit sharing. Written replies only to Mr. Terrence B. Sheehan, Assistant to the President, Midland Division, The Dexter Corporation, East Water Street, Waukegan, Illinois 60085

Must possess degree in Chemistry, Pharmacy or related

science and a minimum of 5 - 1 0 years of directly related supervisory experience in the production of sterile and non-sterile finished dosage forms and final preparation of bulk chemicals.

Must also be familiar with packaging of pharmaceutical and

verterinary drugs. This responsible position will require a highly motivated individual who is not afraid of long hours of work and is seeking a challenge. education and experience.

Salary is commensurate with

Those qualified should direct their resumes in confidence,

including salary history and requirements to:

Director of Industrial Relations

RACHELLE LABORATORIES, INC. 700 Henry Ford Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 90801 An equal opportunity employer M/F

CHEMICAL SALES OPPORTUNITY International Leader in Water Treatment Industry has excellent career opportunity in technical sales and consulting service field. Good salary, commission, profit sharing, full expenses, car. Mature, promotable people preferred with technical background coupled with aggressive personable character. Previous sales experience not required. If interested submit detailed resume of experience and salary history to: DEARBORN CHEMICAL DIVISION CHEMED CORPORATION SUITE 406 800 E. NW HWY-Palatine, III. 60067 An equal opportunity

RESEARCH COMPOUNDER to study elastomer systems emphasizing structure-property relationships involved in improving tire performance. M.S. or Ph.D. in either Polymer Science, Material Science or Physical Chemistry with some research or development experience in rubber technology. Qualified applicants please send resume and salary requirements to Box 22-D-5 Easton, Pa. 18042 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE The Employment Clearing House is a year-round contact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment in the profession of chemistry and for employers seeking qualified personnel. CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT. Any ACS member or student affiliate may use the service at no charge. Application forms are available on request, and the information supplied on training, experience, and education will be placed on file in a data storage and retrieval system This information will then be immediately available, on a nonconfidential basis.

to potential employers in search of scientific personnel Members or student affiliates who desire application forms or other information may telephone the ACS Employment Aids Office, toll-free, 800-4248539. or write to the address below. EMPLOYERS. Any employer seeking qualified scientific personnel may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202-872-4528) or by writing to the address below. After specification of position requirements, a search of the complete

file of candidate records will be conducted. Copies of resumes of those who meet the specifications will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each. There is a basic fee of $5.00 for each search conducted. (This fee will be waived if there are no suitable candidates on file.) Further contact with candidates of interest is the responsibility of the employer. The Society requires that users make no placement charge against applicants. Additional information on the service, including the data storage and retrieval system, is available on request.

American Chemical Society

For application forms, position description forms, and further details please write:


C&EN May 28, 1973

1 1 5 5 — 1 6 t h St., N.W. W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036 Attn: Employment Aids Office




Why BASF Wyandotte?


Our corporation is currently undergoing a sustained period of significant growth in technology and facility expansion. As a member of the BASF Group, renowned for its tech­ nical excellence, you will work in a stimulating professional environment. We offer excellent challenge and career growth potential to bright, creative engineers with ana­ lytical problem solving ability.






The ideal candidate will have a degree in Chemical Engineering with five or more years experience in process or project work to acquire an intimate knowledge of chemical unit operations and a working knowledge of construction, electrical, mechanical and instrument engineering. Will have project management and/or engineering responsibilities for projects up to one million and occasionally may handle projects up to five million. Opportunity for career advancement to broader managerial respon­ sibilities in engineering or manufacturing.

You'll like what you find! Technical challenge...advancement opportunity... total engineering involvement...with an in­ ternational leader in the design and manu­ facture oi*flexible packaging films for the meat industry...a growing company for creative, young-thinking engineers like yourself, who I want more than an ordinary engineering career. T a k e a close look at these openings!

SENIOR PROCESS ENCINEERS A degree in Chemical Engineering will be required with 5-10 years ex­ perience in process improvement, process engineering and/or process development. Will have assigned responsibilities in a multi-plant opera­ tion for process monitoring, process improvement studies and process design projects. Minimal travel.

Plastics Development Engineer Technical degree in a packaging-related Held, plus 2 years experience in plastics con­ verting with emphasis on laminating, printing, s'itting, vacuum or gas flush packaging, and blown film extrusion.

Excellent salary and employee benefit package. Please forward your resume, including salary history, in confidence to :

Pilot Plant Supervisor


liS or M S in Chemical Engineering, plus 5—7 years industrial experience with any of the following areas: rayon, cellulose synthetic fibers, petroleum, or heavy chemicals. Exten­ sive pilot plant and production development j experience required.


MR. W. M. DICKSON Professional Employment Coordinator-Dept. D

BASF Wyandotte Corporation Wyandotte, Michigan 48192

Chemical Engineers

An Affirmative Action Employer


Chemical Engineering concepts in the areas of heat exchange, filtration, precipitation, vacuum, pressure, liquid flow, viscosity, sur­ face tension, drying, pumping rates, etc. Requires BS Chemical Engineering and 2 years experience in process a n d / o r Project Chemical Engineering.

Environment Development Engineer 1

Diversified projects relating to water conserva­ tion, treatment and purification to meet I corporate environmental standards. BS Chemical Engineering and some exposure in Chemical Industry and / o r educational back­ ground in water treatment facilities.


Research Investigator Metallurgy


Mechanical Design Engineer | Specific projects relative to design revisions of existing equipment, design of high-speed J machinery used in chemical processing, and I design considerations for new plants. BSME coupled with 3-10 years industrial experience ' in machine a n d / o r equipment design. I O u r modern cna;inccring/m;inufacUirinii faeilI itics arc located in the pleasant central II1 linois community of Danville, just 130 miles south of Chicago. If you're looking for more I than the ordinary engineering position, send a letter or resume, to M r J. Kerns, Tee-Pak, Inc., Executive Ofliccs, 2 North Riverside Plaza, Chicago Illinois 60606.



An immediate opening exists for an unusually talented and ex­ perienced Research Investigator to develop economic processes for the beneficiation of naturally occurring minerals. The successful candidate will possess a Masters degree in Ex­ tractive Metallurgy with emphasis on mineral dressing and between three to five years of related mineral beneficiation experience. Individuals with B.S. degrees and longer ex­ perience will be considered. Qualified candidates should send their confidential resume and salary requirements to H. F. Metcalfe, Personnel Manager. Pfizer Inc., Minerals, Pigments and Metals Division, 640 North 13th Street, Easton, Pa. 18042.

TEE-PAK, inc. Wholly owned subsidiary of Con­ tinental Can Corporation / A n ^Kqual Opportunity Employer ^


An Equal Opportunity Employer—Male/Female

May 28, 1973 C&EN


Project Analyst Position is open to evaluate R & D programs for commercial feasibility. Candidate should be able to prepare fixed capital and manufacturing cost estimates, and develop an overall project financial outlook. Should also be able to communicate with research, engineering, production and financial groups. Minimum M.S. degree in chemical engineering with 3-5 years experience in the chemical or petrochemical industry in construction, engineering design or project analysis.

Market Research Position for Chemist or Chemical Engineer to do market research and forecasting in corporate research organization. Candidate must have 3 to 5 years experience in technical market research, have an understanding of the business informational needs of the bench scientist and have the capability of developing inputs to assist management in the selection and analysis of research projects. Major chemical



in Northern



Send resume in confidence includins salary history and requirements.

BOX 24-D-5, ACS, 455 16th ST., N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 26136 I A n Equal Opportunity Employer, M / F |


Ft. Lauderdale Florida

S E N I O R PROCESS D E S I G N E N G I NEER. B.S. or M.S. Chemical Engineer w i t h minimum 5 years diversified process design and related experience. Broad competence required in preparation of flow sheets and balances and selection, sizing, and application of process equipment. Position involves detailed w o r k in preparation of bid packages, estimates, and design of relatively small scale packaged plants for w o r k in progress. Please send resume in confidence including salary history and academic record (or w r i t e for application) to: Technical Director, P A R K S O N C O R P O R A T I O N , 5601 N.E. 14th A v e nue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 3 3 3 0 8 . A n Equal O p p o r t u n i t y Employer

POLYMER CHEMIST General Mills Chemicals, Inc., specializing in fine, industrial and biochemicals, is seeking a resin research chemist with an advanced degree or equivalent experience in polymers to design and evaluate resins for surface coatings and graphic arts. Experience in coatings or graphic arts industries desirable, specifically related to aqueous systems. Send resume including salary requirements to:


Personnel Manager General Mills Chemicals, Inc. 4620 West 77th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435


GNtMNMSMC. A n Equal Opportunity Employer

DEVELOPMENT MANAGER B.S.Ch.E. required. Will manage a development group for a producer of C.P.I, equipment. Will supervise data computation, plan lab. tests & develop new products. Pilot plant operation involv. Fee company paid. Salary: $16-18,000. Contact: P. M. Anderson. Baird & Associates, Inc. Suite 1006, Akron Savings Bldg. Akron, Ohio 44308 Phone: (216)762-7641

Supervisor, Electrocoating— Research and Development A recent promotion has created an immediate opening at our Research Center for an individual with a minim u m of 5 yrs. experience in the Electro Deposition of Organic Coatings. The position involves supervision of a laboratory group combined with customer contact responsibilities. Successful candidate m u s t possess initiative, ability and a desire to pursue an aggressive research and development program. We offer an excellent starting salary, benefit plan, paid relocation, temporary living expenses and professional recognition. If qualified, please send complete resume and salary history t o : T . A . E d m in son

DeSoto, Inc. 1700 So. Mt. Prospect Rd. Des Plaines, Illinois60018 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER


Assistantships for




A c a d e m i c year



Ph.D. and



pointments available.



C h e m i s t r y D e p a r t m e n t , St. J o h n ' s U n i v e r s i t y , New Y o r k , 11439.

Postdoctoral Position: Physical Chemistry. Must have experience in gas phase electron diffraction. Experience with other structural methods desirable. Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. Write K. Hedberg, Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Assistant Professor: 4 year state-supported university with a Master's program has an opening for a physicalinorganic chemist. Recent Ph.D. preferred. Teaching duties would include general chemistry, upper-division courses in the field of specialty, and supervision of thesis research. We are an equal opportunity employer. Send resume to: Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky 40475 Post-doctoral Associate with background in chromatographic separations and organic instrumental analysis to investigate composition of paper mill effluents. Send resume to Dr. C. W. Dence, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 Fellowships for M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in Structural Crystallography, Inorganic, or Organic Chemistry. Long-established, well equipped department, Washington, D.C. $2800-3600 plus free tuition. Chemistry Department, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20007 Instructor—Starting Fall, 1973, B.S. Chemistry. Laboratory teaching, maintaining and servicing instruments such as NMR, mass spectrometer and gas chromatograph, and assist faculty in setting up laboratories. State University of New York is an Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer. Forward resume, official transcripts and have three letters of reference sent to Dr. A. Silveira, Jr., Chairman, Chemistry Department, State University College at Oswego, Oswego, New York 13126 Laboratory Coordinator—B.S. or M.S. in Chemistry to supervise laboratory teaching and preparations in Freshman Chemistry. Send resume to R. Filler, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616 before June 15. Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering—Recent Ph.D. in chemical engineering with potential for excellence in teaching, research, and scholarly activity. Interest in chemistry and some industrial experience preferred. Qualified individuals should send resume, three letters of recommendation, and academic transcripts to Head, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Managing Editor for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, located in Washington, D.C. Ph.D. in biochemistry or related field plus substantial editorial experience required. Will supervise small professional staff. Send resume to: Dr. Robert W. Johnston, Executive Office, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Graduate Assistantships leading to M.S. in Chemistry. General program with research in all fields. Ten man department with emphasis on individual instruction. $250-275/mo. plus remission of tuition and fees. Located in an excellent area for outdoor recreation. Contact: Dr. R. L. Sublett, Chm. Dept. of Chemistry, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee 38501

Abbott Laboratories is looking for a qualified professional to evaluate, abstract, and code current medical-scientific literature—prepare literature surveys and bibliographies and actively participate with research project teams in the vital areas of Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Clinical Medicine or Organic Chemistry. Position requires a BS/MS/ Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry or Biomedical Sciences and the desirability of foreign language skills and writing experience.

Postdoctoral Position in Surface Chemistry and Diffusion for U.S. Citizen Available September 1973. Write G. L. Haller, Yale University, 9 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven, CT 06520

Abbott is an expanding, international health care products company with a lot to o f f e r competitive salary, full benefits and profit sharing. If you meet these requirements, rush resume and salary history in confidence to:

Graduate Teaching Assistantships available for work toward M.S. or Ph.D. in all areas of chemistry or biochemistry. Excellent facilities and program. Write Chairman, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322. An equal opportunity employer.

J . B. G a d d i s Professional Employment

SENIOR FACULTY IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY—An experienced individual with an active research program, publications and teaching experience in synthetic organic chemistry is being sought to head an academic Division of Medicinal Chemistry within the Department of Pharmacological Sciences. Teaching responsibilities will include graduate instruction in medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and pharmacology. The Health Sciences Center is an equal opportunity employer and applications for members of minority groups or women are welcome. Address reply to Dr. Arthur C. Upton, Dean, School of Basic Health Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, L.I., New York, 11790, USA.




ACADEMIC POSITIONS Postdoctoral Position: Multinuclear nmr study of ambident anions. Organic or inorganic chemist suitable. Send resume and two references to Dr. L. M. Jackman, Chemistry Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802

Postdoctoral position available Fall, 1973, in Cancer Chemotherapy. Background in the area of folates preferred but not required. Write with resume: Dr. Aly Nahas, Department of Biochemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14642

Research Associate, Postdoctoral; Biochemistry. Advanced studies on hormonal influences on function, intermediary metabolism, and enzymology of specialized tissue; university-affiliated laboratory. Send resume and salary requirements to: David V. Cohn, Ph.D., Calcium Research Laboratory, VA Hospital, 4801 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri 64128 Assistant or Associate Professorship—Ph.D. Biochemist, available August 25, 1973. Should have strong interest in undergraduate education. Teaching duties will include general biochemistry and general chemistry. Send resume to Chairman, Chemistry Faculty, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907. An equal opportunity employer. Faculty Position—Ph.D. Physical Chemist to join a nine man Ph.D. granting department. Duties will include undergraduate and graduate teaching and development of a research program; preferably in experimental spectroscopy. Send resume, statement of research intent and list of three references to: Dr. Lawrence J. Winters, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23220. An equal opportunity employer

IF YOU ARE AN UNEMPLOYED ACS MEMBER— • You may attend ACS Short Courses free of charge. • You may borrow ACS Audio Courses free and retain the reference book. Write to Educational Activities Dept., ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) Organic/Biophysical Chemist: 29, Ph.D. 1970. Research experience under well known supervisors includes: membrane and protein structure using fluorescent labels, molecular complexes and redox potentials, excimers, photochemistry, kinetics, and free radical chemistry. Experience with all common analytical and separation methods. 10 publications. Seeking employment in Northeast or S.F. Bay area. Academic, industrial R&D or other interesting position. Fluent German. Phone (415) 658-8521 or write: Box 300D-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1967. (Ultraviolet spectroscopy and synthesis of spiro model compounds. Wittig reaction.) Postdoctoral experience. 3 years industrial experience in polymer chemistry and technology and in synthetic organic chemistry. Position desired in academia, industry or government. Resume available. Box 301-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Analytical Development Chemist: To solve real world problems such as those inherent to R&D and the reduction to practice of new or modified processes (organic/inorganic) by instrumental and classical methods. 15 yrs. experience. Box 302-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 R&D Chemist (Analytical): To provide analytical guidance to R&D projects, develop new analytical methods and contribute independently, as needed. 17 years experience. Many accomplishments. Box 303-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1965. Seeking R&D position in organic synthesis, reaction studies or process development. Seven years experience in fine chemicals, organometallics, halogen chemistry, oxidation reactions, scale-up studies extensive instrumental analysis. Patents and publications. Available immediately; location and salary open. Box 304-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical-Organic/Bioorganic Chemist: Ph.D. 1970, 29, two year post-doc. Ten publications. Extensive experience in kinetics and mechanisms especially organophosphorus and amine chemistry. Recently involved in organic models for enzyme action-enzyme kinetics. Exp. in analytical techniques-NMR, UV, IR, GC. No agencies. Box 305-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

methods, photochemistry. Ph.D., sex and ethnic majority a temporary handicap. Seek industrial position. Available July. Box 307-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist Ph.D. 1968. Over four years industrial experience. Manufacture of diazonium salts, couplers, dyes and intermediates. Also research experience. Desire industrial position in R & D or production. Box 308-D-5, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Analytical Chemist, Ph.D. 1962, 11 years industrial R&D experience in Germany and Canada, (Plastics, Adhesives, Textiles, Petroleum Producs, Environmental Pollution Control), utilizing IR, UV, Raman, GC, Electron Microscopy, X-R, wet Analysis, etc. Publications, proven ability in Lab administration and modern analytical method development. Call (613) 829-1904 or write Box 400-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

1973. Seeks R/D position in industry and any organic laboratory. Box 412-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Pharmaceutical Analyst: Applied research. Methods development, and non-routine control essays. Two research papers on new colorimetric methods published. Translation of German, French, Italian, and Spanish chemical literature into English. Glassblowing of small chemical apparatus. Seeks laboratory position with a pharmaceutical firm. Available immediately. Box 413-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Physical/analytical Chemist. Ph.D. 1972. Seek industrial R/D or Academic position. Experienced with Water Chemical Analysis, IR, GC, UV, NMR. Supervisory experience. Familiar with computer programming and data processing. Box 414-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Analytical Chemist—Methods Development: Chemistry B.S. with one year of chemical engineering. Problem solver who knows chromatography, infrared, ultraviolet and wet methods. Anxious to learn new analytical techniques. Six years in organic halides, organic phosphates and aromatic acids. Desires position within 200 miles of Pittsburgh. Box 401-D-5 ACS, 115516th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Physical/Inorganic Chemist. Ph.D. 1969. Four years postdoctoral. Heterogeneous catalysis, surface chemistry gas surface interactions, inorganic synthesis and characterization, hydrides, reaction kinetics. Instrumentation: Mass spec, IR, NMR, ESR, radioactive tracer and vacuum techniques. Publications. Seeks industrial position. No geographical preference. Available immediately. Box 415-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Biochemist—Ph.D. 1969, four years of post-doctoral. Experience in all forms of chromatography, UV, IR, mass spectrum, radioisotopic tracer, enzymology, lipids, biogenic amine metabolism. Very strong organic chemistry background. Seeking industrial, academic, or laboratory position. Box 402-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Profit minded physical/inorganic chemist—masters degree. Some knowledge of organometallic synthesis techniques. Strong background in instrumentation. Looking for position in R&D with room to grow. Michael R. Childers, P.O. Box 1201, College Station Tx 77840.

Sr Chem Engr: Chem Engr/Fuels Engr, 1973 Ph.D. 6 yrs. exp. in R/D. Responsible for design and catalytic conv. processes for petroleum and petrochem. Extens, research exp, in pollution cont. and high pressure fluidization espec. for coal hydrogénation. Box 403-D5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Physical/Radiation Chemist. Ph.D., 1971. Two years postdoctoral. Experienced and interested in EPR, radiation research on polymers and organic glasses, kinetics. Seeking industrial or institute position. No geographical limitation; available immediately. Box 417-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20036

lnorganic»Analytical, Ph.D. Over 15 years experience with most physical-analytical methods, microchemical methods, chemical microscopy, gas analysis, fine particles, optical and photographic techiques, radioactive tracers, and nuclear reactor materials. Assignments have included R & D supervision, technical and economic evaluations, and legal consulting. Consulting or research institute preferred. Box 404-D-5 ACS, 115516th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Catalytic-Inorganic Chemist (Ph.D. 1960). Solid achievements in heterogeneous and homogeneous catalytic process development. Broad experience in precious metals, transition metal oxides, organometallics, high surface area metals, and powder technology. Background includes product management, sales, and technical service. Responsible position required. Box 418-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

R/D Organic Chemist. Ph.D., synthetic and physical organic academic experience with three years of industrial process development, pilot scale production, and plant start-up experience in specialty chemicals. Desires responsible industrial or academic position. Principles only. Phone 616-744-2938 or Box 405-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemical Crystallographer: Ph.D. 1969. Experienced in X-ray single-crystal structure determination and powder diffraction of organic compounds, large and small computer Fortran programming, organic synthesis, natural products isolation, literature searching, laboratory administration and planning. Diligent, thorough, honest, with empathy. Available immediately for responsible position. Box 419-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Organic Chemist: Ph.D., 1971. Also strong in analytical techniques (chromatography, spectroscopy). Two years postdoctoral in medicinal chemistry. Experienced in teaching synthetic, mechanistic research. Publications. Good recommendations. Seeking position in industry, government, academic. Available July 1. R. H. Jones, P.O. Box 382, 800 Madison Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Organic Synthesis Chemist—Senior Research Scientist (Hair Dyes, 6 years) Medicinal Chemist (New Drugs, 10-1/2 years) M.A. equivalent graduate courses in chemistry, M.A. degree in Philosophy. (All grades upper 10%). Also Ph.C. (Pharmaceutical Chemist). Additional Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Teaching experiences. Box 407-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic/Analytical Chemist. BS 1971 + 12 credits Grad. 2 yrs Ind. Exp. Flavors, fragrances, essential oils. Q.C. (GLC,TLC,IR,UV,CC) GLC analytical method development, R&D of aroma chemicals. Phone area (212) 441-9476. Alan Goldberg, 117-01 Park Lane South, Kew Gardens, Qns. N.Y. 11418 Organic Analytical Ph.D. (Manchester, England) desires R&D position. Experienced in the synthesis of nucleic acid derivatives, heterocycles, and steroids. Metabolism and residue analysis of pesticides. Analysis of drugs in formulations and biological fluids. Techniques: NMR, MS, and all chromatography including HPLC. Publications. Box 409-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic-Bioorganic Chemist, Ph.D. 1970. 3 years postdoctoral research. Experience in alkaloid synthesis and structure determination, nitrogen heterocycles, protein isolation and characterization. Will seriously consider any position (industrial, academic) utilizing at least some of my chemistry training. Available July. West, Midwest preferred, others considered. Box 410-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chem.E.: B.S.-Honors. M.Ch.E. Experienced. Single. Age 38. Principals. Box 306-D-5, ACS, 1155 16thSt., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Energetic, Goal Oriented Chemist, married, 28, Ph.D. May 1973 from one of the top ten chemistry departments is looking for a challenging and rewarding career in advertising, public relations, etc. in the chemical industry or related sector. Box 411-D-5,·ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemist, Organic: 2 years industrial experience, 1 year postdoctoral research. Diversified experience in laboratory and manufacturing product and process development of organophosphorus, sulfur, heterocyclic and oxime compounds. Bench scale to pilot plant. Supervisory experience. Extensive instrumental

Synthetic Organic Chemist. Ph.D. 1971, with two years of postdoctoral research experience in organic synthesis. M.S. in medicinal chemistry. Extensive experience in nitrogen heterocyclic compounds, organophosphorus compounds, unsaturated fatty acids and pospholipids. Publications. Available September

GC-MS-Computer/ Analytical/Natural Products/ Physical Organic/Toxicological-Forensic Chemist: Ph.D. Postdoctoral, several years of industrial R&D, junior management & college teaching experiences. Knowledge of drugs, chemical processes/catalysts, chromatography, spectroscopy & wet chemistry. P.O. Box 8244 Milv aukee, Wise. 53225 Foreign Trade: Swiss-American chemist, M.S., with solid business and technical background, sales and administrative experience including chemical export U.S. and Europe, U.S. citizen, multilingual, seeks foreign trade position U.S. or abroad. Principals only. No agencies. Box 421-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organometallic Chemist—Ph.D. 1970. Postdoctoral Experience. Several years of industrial experience in organic synthesis, films, silicone polymers, and pilot plant process and development. Publications. A wide knowledge of instrumentation and techniques. Supervisory experience. Salary, location open. Available immediately. Box 422-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Plant Manager. Extensive line management experience and full responsibility all aspects plant operations including manufacturing, product improvement, process development, quality and cost control, plant engineering and maintenance, purchasing, personnel OSHA, and EPA compliance. Experienced varied organic and inorganic manufacturing in batch and continuous systems. Ph.D. Central N.J. preferred. P. F. Spitzer, Jr., Willow Rd., Belle Mead, N.J. Product/Process Development, Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, broad background in polymers and heavy chemicals, last 15 years in plastics applications and polymer research. Strong supervisory and administrative experience. Co-Manager, overseas affiliate of major plastics manufacturer. Government contract experience. Desires position with either plastics producer or user. Box 424-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Director of Water & Waste Management. D.Sc. Development/implementation/market promotion. R&D: waste treatment, ion-exchange, membrane systems, marine pollution control; materials, hardware, process, application. Recycling. Systems engineering. Corporate & technical consulting. Government contracts, reports. Patents. Administrator of interdisciplinary R&D and marketing teams. Overseas negotiations. Box 421-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C 20036

May 28, 1973 C&EN


Sales/Marketing/Commercial Development—MBA. Marketing, B.S. Chemistry. Experience—Sales and Marketing of the following products: single crystals, stable isotopes, laser products speciality chemicals to the plastics, pharmaceutical, and cosmetc industries. Seeks position in sales-marketing, or commercial development. Please, no agencies. Box 425-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Synthetic Fuel/Catalysts: Ph.D. 1972. 1 year Post Doctoral. Industrial catalysts vs coal and coal derived liquids, model compounds, kinetics, diffusion, hydrogenation-hydrocracking, CO conversion. Interested-exploratory catalysis, coal-shale conversions, desulphurization, engine pollution abatement. Dexterous. Box 426-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.,20036 Technical Specifications and material testing experience in chemicals, metals, paper products, plastics, rubber, etc. Knowledge of Federal, Military, ASTM Specifications and Testing Manuals. Ph.D. Inorganic (organometallic) 1969. Army supplies testing, evaluation and procurement officer 1970-1972. Postdoc. Publications. Seeks suitable industrial position. Box 427-D-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Sales Position desired by organic chemist, Ph.D. 1961, Box 301-C-5, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Analytical/Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Two years postdoctoral experience in conversion of solid wastes to hydrocarbon fuels. Knowledgeable in IR, UV, NMR, GLC, GC-MS, DSC, DTA, TGA, and high pressure LC. Thesis in Organic Photochemistry. Seeks challenging academic or industrial position. Box 400-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Wash., D.C. 20036 Analytical/Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1969. 1 year postdoc. Experienced in: pesticide and water analysis, GC, AA, IR, TLC, Organic Synthesis, Organosulfur Chemistry, and Petrochemicals. Seeks a position in a research laboratory. Will relocate. Box 401-C-5 ACS, 1155-16th St.. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist Ph.D. 1951 Biomedical products, proteins, especially collagen, gelatin, elastin, enzymes, analytical biochemistry. Experienced project leader. Publications, patents, honors, best references. Consider any offer government, industry, teaching. Box 402-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist/Chemical Engineer Ph.D. Biochemistry 1973, 4 years industrial supervisory experience as Chemical Engineer, thesis: biochemical study of methyl mercury in fish, seeking environmental research position. Box 403-C-5, 1155-16th N.W., ACS, Washington, D.C.20036

Organometallic Chemist. Ph.D. 1969. Three years postdoctoral work. Studies involving homogeneous catalytic organometallic processes. Extensive research experience in the fields of main group and transition metal organometallic chemistry. The hydride (transition metal as well as main group hydrides), fluorine and fluorocarbon chemistry. Nmr studies involving inorganic stereochemistry. Publications. Seeks industrial or academic position. Box 411-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th N.W., Washington. D.C. 20036 Physical Chemistry/Molecular Spectroscopy. Experience with polarized infrared, laser Raman, U.V., visible, x-ray spectroscopies-theoretical, experimental. Will learn new fields! Postdoc, University teaching and T.A. Publications. Research position Institutions, University, Govt., or Industry. Box 412-C-5, ACS, 115516th N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer/Organic Chemist: Ph.D., supervise, bench. More than 20 years industrial R&D experience—desalination, chemicals, petroleum. Projects include organic and polymer synthesis, membrane and polymer development for varied applications, separations, aerosol characterization. Internal and external liaison experience. Diversified interest, patents, publications. Box 413-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Rubber, Urethane Chemist: senior staff member, or manager—product development and applications, plant problems. Box 414-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Chemical Integrator. Desires highly responsible technical liaison position. Have thorough technical education and broad knowledge of the chemical market place. Work history includes Materials Management and Market R&D. Experienced in staple, specialty, and developmental products; spanning inorganics, metallo-organics, and organics. Box 415-C-5, ACS, 1155-16thSt. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Organic Chemist: Ph.D. Experience in R&D of natural products. Box 308-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical & Physical—Research & Supervision: emphasis on spectrometry, GC and relationship to chemical methods. Many publications including classical papers on mass spectrometry. Diversified product lines; problem solving approach. Managerial and teaching experience you can use in faculty or responsible industrial appointment. Box 400-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist—Ph.D. Broad Experience in analytical methods development and application of atomic absorption spectroscopy, electroanalytical chemistry, chromatography and wet chemistry. Supervision of inorganic analysis group. Analytical problem solving on products and pollution. Teaching experience in analytical and general chemistry. Seeking position in analytical problem solving. Box 401-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist, B.Sc. 1973 major Biochemistry/Genetics. Six years research experience in biochemical genetics and enzymology. Publications. Seeks employment in greater Vancouver area, Canada. Box 402-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Multi-faceted Biochemist (B.S.—Biological Sciences, B.A.—Chemistry, June 1973), seeks position in industry and/or research. Have experience in research, most types of chromatography, microscopy, and many types of instrumentation. No position too challenging for this dynamic, young scientist. Available June 1973. Box 403-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

Coatings Chemist. 17 years industrial experience. Ph.D. Organic Polymers. Strong problem solving background: paints, resins, vinyls, acrylics, alkyds, reactive polyurethanes. Graffiti resistant coatings. Patents, No Agencies. Box 417-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemical Engineer B.S.Ch.E. 1965. Hands on experience in printed circuit boards manufacturing, production of chemicals, in pilot plant operations. Process development and process scale-up. Successful record in improving productivity. Seeks challenging employment. Box 404-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington D.C. 20036

Coil Coating Chemist experienced in quality control operations for coil coating line. Basic background in formulation and application of general industrial finishes. Additional experience in R&D, technical service, sales, and market development. Thoroughly familiar with performance specifications and test methods. Excellent references. Box 418-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Electrochemical Biomedical Engineer—age 47. Experienced with batteries, clinical chemistry instrumentation, electroplating, electric vehicles, electronics, electrophoresis, fuel cells, mammography. Numerous patents. Skilled in business planning, technical management, new venture/product analysis. Eugene Findl, 21442 Dequindre Rd.. Warren, Mich. 48091 (313) 7560590.

Crystal Chemistry applied to problems in materials science. Senior Ph.D. in physical chemistry (1953) will bring extensive industrial experience to research, development or manufacturing functions. Interested in technical rather than management type work. Good report writer and team worker. X-ray diffraction a specialty. Box 419-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Save! $1,000.00 off while on special! Electrochemist: Advanced techniques with plating solutions, plating machines, ancilliary equipment. Precision plating of electronics, alloys precious metals, thin films. Waste treatment and pollution engineering. Many years experience in all areas. East Coast preferred. No Agencies. J. Wright, 2032 Calle Serena, Fullerton, California 92633

Director R&D, Technical. Generalist. Ph.D. Organic and Polymer, B. Chem. Eng., B.A. Academic, industrial, managerial experience. Unusually inventive in diverse fields—of processes and products for massive markets. Starch and alcohol processing; pulping, bleaching wood and agricultural residues; clays, talcs, composite materials; papermaking, coating; instruments. Box 420-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Organic/Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1972. One year postdoctoral and college teaching. Experienced in Chemistry of nitrogen heterocycles, instrumentation (GLC, NMR, AA, IR, UV, electron microscopy, DSC, automated analysis techniques), organic synthesis, enzyme analysis, and liquid chromatography. Seek position in industry or teaching. Dan Helton, 3711 Briarbridge, Louisville, Ky. 40218

Environmental Instrumentation & Services. 5 years experience with top firm in market and product development of instrumentation systems for monitoring air and water pollutants. Established service subsidiary. Conducted market surveys, established business plan and directed development programs. Profit and goal oriented. Ph.D. 1967, P.O. Box 264, Northport, N.Y. 11768

Give a Vietnam Veteran a Break. Organic Chemist, Ph.D. Sept. 1972, desires challenging R&D position. Strong background in synthetic organic and analytical chemistry. Available immediately, location & salary open. Call (518) 293-6235 or write Box 408-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th N.W., Washington, D.C, 20036

Synthetic Fuels—Coal Conversion Chemist/Engineer. Experience in Hydro-processing of Petroleum residuum and coal liquids, Catalysis. (B.S.Ch.E., M.E.A., Ph.D. (Fuels)-1973). Avoid man-power shortage during Energy crisis. Contact Box 424-C-5, ACS, 115516th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Research Chemist-Organic, Ph.D., 1972 with varied experience in gas and liquid laser materials research, organic photochemistry and clinical chemistry. Seeks responsible position in academic or R&D activities with interest in applications of synthetic organic photochemistry, flash photolysis, luminescent materials and chemical spectroscopy. Familiar with UV, IR, NMR, MS, and GLC. Publications. Charles R. Hurt, 618 Nicholson St., N.E., Wash., D.C. 20011 (202) 529-2118.

Textile/Coatings R&D: M.S. 20 years broad industrial experience. Specialty chemicals, textile flame retardants, finishes, pigment print systems, thermosetting resins, lattices, vinyl stabilizers, paint additives, pharmaceuticals. Emulsion technology, specialty formulations. Customer, technical society and governmental bureau liaison. Creative record; capable administrator. Publications and patents. Box 425-C-5, ACS, 115516th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1967, Five years post-doc experience in organic synthesis of new biologically-active compounds. Well experienced in the use of all modern techniques applied in organic synthesis and natural products. Desires industrial position in organic synthesis. Several publications. Permanent Resident. Box 410-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Unusual Chemical Engineer—B.Ch.E. 1965. Multilingual. 3 years international experience as technical liaison with legal and marketing. Over 3 years experience in product development adhesive tapes and technical support to production. Desires industrial or gov't position. No agencies please. Call (503) 926-7011 or Box 426-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

C&EN May 28, 1973

Analytical Chemist, M.S., eight years experience in methods development of dosage forms. Knowledgeable in GC, IR, UV-VIS, chromatographic and wet methods of analysis. Box 307-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Craftsman in Organic Chemistry, modern synthesis, energetic, hard worker. Extensive academic training through 1969. Experience in reversible colorants, pigments, surfactants, pharmaceuticals, organometallics, heterocycles, Instrumentation. But Ph.D., age, ethnic minority indirect handicap. Seeks challenge in R/D. Will consider postdoctoral position in Health Sciences. No Agencies. Box 416-C-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemist/Chemical Engineer, Ph.D. 15+ yr. experience in process engineering—petrochem, textile and fabricating industries—bench to on-stream plant. Strong in materials sciences, program and project management, on time, in budget. Broad exposure to teaching—R&D. Seek academic or industrial affiliation. McKinney, 3212 Brightwood, St. Charles, Mo. 63301


Desire undergraduate teaching, industrial or government assignment preferably in environmental-related chemical area. Organic heterocyclic photochemistry Ph.D. Two years post-doctoral. Three years undergraduate minority teaching experience. Soon to be U.S. citizen. Permanent resident. D-1-4 Virginia Court Apts., West Columbia, S.C. 29169. (803) 7651965.

Chemical Engineer-Chemist: B.S.Ch.E. 1967, 3-1/2 years of experience in synthetic woven fabric for paper industry. Testing, Evaluating, Formulating, application of adhesives, coatings, fibers, fabric. 1-1/2 years of Q.C. experience in packaging of dry & liquid chemicals. Seeking R&D position. Available immediately, Relocate. Box 405-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Engineering Analyist—Ph.D. Chemical Engineering. Five years experience in Process Analysis related to heat transfer with phase change, Polymer and Inorganic Reactors, and Equilibrium Staged Operations. Have background in statistics, optimization, O.R., and numerical analysis. Publications, open location. Box 406B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Engineering Executive: Ph.D. Experienced in chemical and mechanical systems. Self-starter, innovative, exceptional ability to motivate productive engineering, quality assurance, technical service organizations. Experienced dealing with foreign concerns. Seeks responsible position with challenge. Box 407-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Innovative Chemical Engineer/Chemist, R&D Manager, Ph.D.ChE., Successfully commercialized new products, processes. Eleven years management experience: specialty Chemicals, Polymers, Fuels & Lubricants, Additives, Refining Processes, Petrochemicals, Catalyst Development, Automotive Emissions and Pollution Control. Over Seventy Patents/Publications. Desires R&D Management Position with Aggressive Company. Box 408-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Inorganic/Organic Chemist, Ph.D., 1968, Proven record in synthetic chemistry. Desires bench position. Knowledge of flame retardants, pesticides, silicones, halogenated hydrocarbons, amines and coordination compounds. Strong instrumentation background. Available immediately. Age 29. Box 409-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1972. Experienced in synthesis, photolysis and pyrolysis of ester, diazirine and deuterated cyclic ketones. Instrumental operation experienced: NMR, IR, MASS SPEC, GLPC, UV-VIS, TLC, VACUUM LINE, EMISSION SPEC, AND COMPUTER. Experienced in sex hormones extraction, drug quality control and analysis. Postdoctoral experience. Location open. David Chien, 12 Hyde Place, Toledo, Ohio 43610 (419)242-6043 Imaginative Organic Chemist Ph.D., experienced in catalytic (non-polluting) synthetic process development of fine chemicals. Supervised quality control and manufacture of fragrance chemicals. Experience using: gc; tic; cc; ir; uv; vis; nmr. Publications. Seeking position in teaching, research or development. Box

412-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Senior Organic Chemist. Ph.D. Successful commer­ cial development of fire retardants, agricultural chemi­ cals, pharmaceuticals and organic intermediates. Broad industrial experience in synthesis and process development. Patents. Responsible for products from conception to commercial production. Smooth liaison with Applications Research and Market Development. Box 413-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Synthetic Organic Chemist seeks research position. Ph.D. 1973, M.S. 1970. Experience in synthesis of steroids, fused ring systems, nitrogen heterocycles and lipid chemistry. Experience in nmr, ir, uv and mass spec; gc, tic and column chromatography. No agen­ cies. James Good, Dept. of Chem. U. of S. Carolina, Columbia, S.C. 29208

crystal structure determination and computer program­ ming. Available June. Box 426-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Marketing/Sales. B.S.Ch.E. Extensive background in market and product development, product manage­ ment, technical service, troubleshooting, sales. Expe­ rience with plastics materials and products, packaging films, chemicals, operations, processes, and equip­ ment. Willing to travel and relocate. Resident of northern N.J. Box 428-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Plastics Specialist. M.S. Chemical Engineer with 13 years in-depth experience in process product and mar­ ket development/research of thermoplastics seeks challenging responsible position. Expertise in areas such as fire retardant plastics, polyolefins, anaerobic adhesives. Have supervisory and managerial experi­ ence. Completing MBA. Box 429-B-5, ACS, 115516th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Synthetic Organic Chemist. Ph.D. 1971, age 29, fami­ ly. Postdoctoral experience in synthesis, reactions and mechanisms of potential carcinostatic agents. Back­ ground in organosulfur chemistry, organometallics. Publications. Seeking industrial research position in­ volving biologically active compounds in agricultural or pharmaceutical areas. Prefer Eastern U.S. R. A. Jourdenais, 215 E. Court, Univ. Village, Fargo, N.D. 58102 (701)232-1876

Product Development/Technical Service Chemist. Ex­ perienced in both organic synthesis and polymerization techniques. Acrylic and urethane areas; prepared coatings, films, adhesives, laminates. Organic inter­ mediates, pharmaceutical compounds. Desire position to advance into management. Box 430-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1957. Has 14 years experi­ ence in industrial R&D. Organic synthesis, dispersion and emulsion polymerization, microencapsulation, color precursors, paper coatings. Desires position in U.S. or overseas. Box 417-B-5, ACS. 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Production Director, Chemist in charge of mfg., Q.C., R&D, sterilization, cost reduction, standard costs, poi­ son control, production scheduling and inventory con­ trol, etc. for 5 years + in famous cosmetic company. Also experienced in food and denture products mfg. Call (1-416-533-3425) Box 431 -B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Senior Chemist: M.S. Organic. Ten years R&D mag­ netic tape, organic semiconductors, solid state devices and materials research. Ten years R&D in surface coatings, floor covering and wire insulation. Patents and papers in fields of electronic devices and organic coatings. Strong in analytical instrumentation. Box 418-B-5, ACS 1155-16th St., Ν W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical/Inorganic/Surface Chemist. Ph.D. Exten­ sive experience supervising R&D and technical service projects on coatings, pigment dispersions, degradation of paint films, reprographic coatings, extractive metal­ lurgy, electrodeposition and related fused-salt pro­ cesses, high-temperature inorganic compounds. Strong interest mineralogy. Patents, publications. Box 419-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Physical Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1972. One year post­ doctoral. Research area included synthesis, kinetics, conformational analysis. Knowledge in modern instru­ mentation. Desire position in R&D or process develop­ ment, but will consider related fields. Available imme­ diately—will relocate. Box 420-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer Chemist: M.S. broad diversified experience. Emulsion suspension batch polymerization. PVC, polystyrene: acrylates polyolefins, copolymers. Com­ pounding resins, latexes, coatings, evaluation, charac­ terization. Strong organic. Laboratory, pilot plant for­ mulation process development. Patents production problems. Quality control Customer Service, supervi­ sory experience. Business courses, foreign languages. Free to travel. Available. No agencies Please. Box 421-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer/Organic Chemist: Six years industrial experi­ ence-basic research and product development through production. Expertise in coatings polymers, electro­ photographic science, paints, ink additives, polyelectrolytes and polymers/coatings characterization. Ph.D. 1968. Seeks research and/or research administration in industry. Principals only. Box 422-B-5, ACS, 1155-16thSt., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer Technologist—Twenty years experience. Most elastomer types, gum and latex; also polyethyl­ ene, PVC, unsaturated polyester, epoxies, silicones, urethanes, Mechanical molding, dip molding, extruding, calendering, coatings, adhesives. Compounding and processing. Nine years Management and Supervisory: research, development, applications, technical service, sales. Industrial and consumer products. Box 423B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 2O036 Chemist—Light-sensitive coatings, colors and their ap­ plications (cosmetics, paints, inks), instrumental shade adjustment, wet and instrumental analysis and testing, semi-conductors, reaction kinetics, desires R&D or an­ alytical position. Industrial and government experi­ ence; patents, publications, writing skills. Ph.D., M.S. (Chem.), B.S. (Ch.E.). Presently eastern residence. Box 424-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Chemist Ph.D. Registered Pharmacist 2 states. 20 years experience all phases of pharmaceutical industry. Responsible Non-Conformist. Unorthodox "Take Charge" Trouble Shooter assuming complete responsi­ bility to resolve any technical problems. Knowledge­ able in regulatory affairs. Additional Postgrad back­ ground including Chemical Engineering and Law. Box 425-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemistry Teacher Ph.D. May 1973 in Inorganic Chem­ istry. Three years experience in teaching Freshman Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Prefer teaching position at a small college. Experienced in x-ray single

Prostaglandins? Process improvement chemist with record of low cost process innovations in refining natu­ ral products would like to tackle this field. In small company, will work for lunch money in return for a small interest. Sig Muller, Box 681 Chula Vista, CA. 92012 Results-Oriented Professional seeks development/re­ search growth position. Achievements in radiation cur­ ing, electrophotography, plastics compounding, organic photoconductors, integrated circuit processing and photochemistry. Patents, publications and presenta­ tions document these accomplishments. Future achievements depend on your goals. Ph.D. Chemistry /B.S. Chemical Engineering. Box 433-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Urethane Chemist BS 15 years experience, foams, fab­ ric coatings, adhesives, poremerics—resin synthesis, application, analysis, troubleshooting, technical sales, manufacturing, testing—hands on type—available im­ mediately. Box 434-B-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist, B.S. 18 years experience in wet, instrumental, microelemental quality control, and meth­ od development. Supervisory experience in sugar and beverage laboratory. Desire position in similar area. Willing to relocate. No agencies. Paul R. Lee, 62 Ken Court, Stamford, Conn. 06905 Chemist: Ph.D. 1966, London, M. S. Brown; OrganicOrganometallic Synthesis, Structure determination, Mechanistic studies, Biochem. background, Instrumen­ tation. Experienced Drub/Pharmaceutical Industry, plant, production, QC, Chem, process improvement, translating blueprints plans to commercial production. Publications. Permanent resident, family. Will relo­ cate, available now. Desires industrial or academic position. M. S. Khan, 2157 Ε 33 St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234 Environmental Toxicologist Ph.D. 3 years postdoctoral position. Experience in fate and metabolism of pesti­ cides and industrial compounds in a model ecosystem. Broad background in biochemistry, organic chemistry, biology, and toxicology. Seek R&D position. Available immediately. Box 437-B-5, 1155-16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C.20036 Analytical/Organic Chemist: M.S. (eq.) 1968. 4.5 years, pharmaceutical analytical research (wet and in­ strumentation) 3 yrs. heterocyclic and organometallic synthesis. 3 yrs. grad. teaching assistantship. Desire academic or industrial position. Resume and refer­ ences on request. (201) 247-3082, David P. Chang, 32 Hardenberg St., New Brunswick, N.J. 08901 Chemical Engineer—Experience in process develop­ ment, product development, commercial development, economic analysis, technical planning, market develop­ ment. Management oriented. Problem solver with background in polymers, petrochemicals, metal alkyls, specialty organics. Seek any responsible position. Location open. No agencies. Box 401-A-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist Ph.D., 1967. Industrial experience with synthesis of heterocyclic, organometallic, optically active, and liquid crystalline materials. Broad knowl­ edge of most analytical tools and techniques. Seeks industrial position. Available immediately. Location open. Box 402-A-5 ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist, Ph.D., 1972, seeks industrial position in organic chemistry or related area. Academic back­ ground in solution kinetics with related experience in gas chromatography, UV, IR, NMR, mass spectrome­ try, and Fortran programing. Strong interest in the ap­ plication of videotape to problems in communication and training. Box 403-A-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Physical/Inorganic: I'm experienced in under gradu­ ate education but am ready to try other things as well. Research experience in heterogeneous reaction rates and infrared spectroscopy. Ph.D. 1966. Available now. Kenneth H. Brown, 714 Headley ave., Lexington, Kentucky 40508, Phone 606-252-1814 Information Scientist, Ph.D. Chemist and US patent Agent. Recent experience in strategy formulation tor manual and computer searching US Gov't Documents, Patents, Chemical Condensates, Compendex, Metadex, Eric, Biosis, Medline, Datrix, etc. Many years experi­ ence in managing an information service group and re­ lates well to people. Box 407-A-5, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Medicinal Chemist (Ph.D. 1971). Previous to degree extensive experience in the organic syntheses of anti­ cancer drugs. 18 Publications. Seeks research posi­ tion in industry or teaching institution. No agencies please. New York City vicinity only. Box 408-A-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036 Laboratory Supervisor: Directed laboratory responsible for R&D, technical service, quality control, plant safety. Developed test methods, technological forecasts, sales literature. Coordinated with manufacturing, purchasing and sales. Age 32, Ph.D. Box 409-A-5, ACS, 115516th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 BA-Chemistry: 1949; Twenty two years "Unique" ex­ perience in research, development, production, quality control in carbon-graphite, high temperature technolo­ gy, electrolytic, and metal fabrication fields. Strong background in safety, material specifications, economic evaluation, and personnel training. Desire employment in technical sales, purchasing, quality control, or safety. Box 410-A-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 B.S. Chemist: 1962. Experience in photographic, coatings, and dye chemistry. Seeks employment in the New England area. Box 411-A-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist: M.S. 18 years diversified experience in pro­ cess improvement and development in organic interme­ diates. Experienced in Laboratory and manufacturing of fiber reactive dyestuffs. Strong laboratory bench work, supervision and quality control. Will consider any opportunity. Principals only. Box 412-A-5, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Accountant/Chemist. M.B.A.: Accounting specializa­ tion equivalent to undergraduate degree. Electives in Finance. M.S. (Analytic Chemistry): Electives in Chem. Eng. and Meteorology dealt with air pollution. Experienced with I.R., G.C., U.V., A.A. Have per­ formed surveys and filled state air pollution applications for firms. Box 400-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical Chemist—Broad experience in organic and inorganic analysis. Extensive development of flame and flameless Atomic Absorption methods for metal pollutants. Devised effective means to remove "hard­ core" pollutants from industrial streams. Experienced in all phases of gas chromatography. Seeking respon­ sible position. Box 401-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical Inorganic Chemist: M.S., Ph.D., Teaching and post-doctoral research experience. Publications. Presently teaching at a central University in N.E. part. Seeking academic/industrial/administrative position, preferably teaching. Available July 1973. Box 402-E4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical/Nuclear Radiochemist Ph.D. 1964. Aca­ demic research experience, very versatile, UV, IR, Emission, Nuclear Spectroscopy, trace elemental anal­ ysis, Optics, Lasers, Plasma research, Nuclear Reac­ tions, Activation Analysis, Radiochemical Techniques. Very strong instrumentation design, development, ap­ plications. Computer programming, interfacing. Many publications. Any type position, prefer West Coast. Box403-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Biochemist-Microbiologist. M.S. Extensive research in lipid chemistry. Strong background in liquid scintil­ lation spectrometry with training in radiochemical tech­ niques. Knowledge of NMR, GC, TLC, UV, IR. Three years of university level teaching experience. Highly adaptable. Will relocate. Box 404-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Biochemist. Ph.D. Research interests—eucaryote chromosomal proteins, DNA metabolism, and molecu­ lar genetics. Seeks teaching and/or research position. Research and teaching experience in physical bio­ chemistry of proteins and enzymology. Box 405-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemical Engineer: M.S. 1966. Experience in pro­ cess and product development in monomers and poly­ mers of silicone products. Manufacturing experience in liquid silage additive. Desires responsible position. Available immediately. Willing to relocate. 2345 Ridge Rd., East, Rochester, N.Y. 14622 Chemical Engineer, Ph.D., 1961. Nineteen years of broad engineering experience in process and equip­ ment design, research and development related to chemical reactions, kinetics, catalysis, heat transfer, corrosion, gas filtration, fluidization, distillation and electronic data processing. Desires responsible staff or management position in industry. Box 407-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemistry-Medical Science-Radiobiology/Biophysics: B.S., B.A., M.S. plus. Honors: 3.6/4.0 over 74 se­ mester hours graduate school. Civil Service GS-11 (389B, 416. 421, 424). V.A. radioisotopes research,

May 28, 1973 C&EN


oncology. Desires clinical research, industrial management. 1613-74th St., Kenosha, Wis. 53140 Ph 414-657-3702. Ph.D. Certified Clinical Chemist, Director Product Development, with 15 years experience in all phases of clinical chemical diagnostics, including kit development. Available, due to corporate decision to withdraw from chemical diagnostic market. Box 409-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 College teaching position sought by organic-biochemistry Ph.D., 1969. Postdoctoral experience. Two years experience teaching organic chemistry and biochemistry. Research in nucleotides and coenzymes. Six publications. Preference for a liberal arts college, medium sized university, or a two year college. Available immediately. Phone 412-564-2032. Box 410-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Colloid and Photochemist, Ph.D., 1964. Seek industrial position. Experienced in all facets of titanium dioxide technology. Produced superior hydrophobic titania for use in plastic systems. Responsible for testing new non-chalking pigments. Prepared unique silica-titania mixed oxides via oxidation of respective halides. Responsible for redesign and operation of micronizer pilot plant. Studied photochemical behavior of organic materials in organic glasses. Experienced in process chemistry. Have also worked in the area of inorganic semiconductors. Box 411-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Development Chemist extensive diversified experience in polymer products (acrylics, epoxies, polyesters, polysulfides, etc.) and applications. Supervisory experience. Sound appreciation of market requirements. Bench scale to pilot plant. Box 412-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Expert dry laid non-woven fabrics, research and production. Will relocate South or Midwest. C. J. Papenfuss, 129 Stagecoach Road, Holliston, Mass. 01746 Faculty Position, September 1973 Teaching experience several years. Research in reaction mechanisms, coordination chemistry, analytical chemistry, isotope geochemistry. Seeks initial support for work on effect of metal ions on C02-Carbonate cycle and a permanent position. Contact: Kotra V. Krishnamurty, Visiting Associate Professor, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20007 M.B.A. Finance/B.S. Chemistry. Managerial experience in business and technical planning and administration, budgeting, technology and venture development, product development, energy and environmental studies, petrochemical research. Effective with people at all levels. Creative self-starter. Patents, publications. Seeks challenge as business or technical planner or new business/technology developer. Box 415E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Liquid Chromatographer, Analytical-Organic Chemist, Ph.D. Developed LC capability for analysis of organic compounds both in mixtures and as trace amounts in effluent water. Methods development to solve problems in organic synthesis, quality control and ecology. Use of combined VPC, TLC, NMR, IR with primary concern on separation. Organic synthesis background. N.Y., N.J.. Northeast preferred. Box 417-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist, Ph.D. (1972) + 13 months postgraduate work. Experience in synthesis and photochemistry of cyclic olefinic hydrocarbons. Working knowledge of GC, IR, UV, and NMR (A-60 and XL-100). Interested in gaining experience in pharmacy, drug analysis, or petrol industry. Available now. Box 418-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Ph.D. Degrees from Hopkins, Purdue, and Wisconsin. Varied experience. Developed processes for alcohol carbonylation, paraffin chlorination and nitration, chloromethylation of aromatics, and olefin carboxylation and sulfonation. Supervisory experience. Patents and papers. Desire position in R&D but will consider related fields. Box 419E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic/Wood Chemist. Developed reverse osmosis membranes. Research associated with hardboard coatings; developed process isolating carbohydrate from wood wastes, characterized lignin products, fats, resins in wood, waxes, lannins in bark via gas chromatography, infrared spectroscopy. Developed methods for smoke analysis. Will relocate. Paul Niketas, 6047 Hampton Dr., Carpentersville, III. 60110 (312) 4264607 Physical/Analytical Chemist, Ph.D. 1971. Over one year postdoctoral research. Strong background in gas phase photochemistry and chemical kinetics. Experience including VUV, UV, IR, GC, GLC, radio-active measurement, and vacuum UV monochrometic lamp constraction. Desires industrial/academic research position. Open location. Available now. Box 421-E4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Physical Chemist/Materials Scientist, Ph.D., Berkeley, 1970. One year of college teaching experience; two years of industrial research, at a large laboratory, on wide-bandgap semiconductors. Developed and applied technique of bias evaporation to nonmetals to obtain superior-quality thin films for demanding applications. J. Gordon Davy, 534A Wanamaker Road., Jenkintown, Pa. 19046, phone 215-884-2471 Ph.D. physical, 1971; M.S. organic; two years postdoctoral. Pulsed, Fourier-transform, high resolution, wideline nmr spectroscopist. Synthesis: organometallic,


C&EN May 28, 1973

organic, deuterated compounds. Chromatography, vacuum line, dry box techniques. UV, IR, instrumental, wet, activation analysis. Liquid crystals, adsorption, solid state, anodic coatings on aluminum. Publications. R&D, teaching. Box 423-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

polymerization, graft polymers, thermally-stable materials, elastomer curing reactions and organometallics, silicones, polysulfides, epoxies, polyurethanes, carboxylic rubbers in laboratory, process scale-up or production. Age 48, in NYC area, but readily relocatable. Box412-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Plastics, Coatings & Adhesives Formulator: B.S Organic chemistry, M.E.S. Rubber technology. Paints, cements, inks, resins, rubbers, latices, papers, films, foams, textiles. Polymerization, compounding, extrusion, calendering, molding, laminating, converting. Product development, process engineering, production scheduling, plant management, technical director, sales service, equipment procurement, project work. Patents, publications. Box 424-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Organic Synthetic/Analytical Chemist. Ph.D. 1969. 1 yr. postdoc. Experienced in Organosulfur Chemistry Instrumentation (GLC, NMR, AA, IR, UV, CD, ORD), organic synthesis, petrochemicals & detergents and pesticide & water analyses. Seeks a position in a research laboratory or teaching in a university or college. Will relocate. Box 413-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Project Manager: 22 years experience in project management, project engineering, process engineering, technical consulting, economic evaluation, cost estimation; with engineering and operating companies; organics, pharmaceuticals, polymers; MS Chem. Engineer, Registered Professional Engineer: New York-New Jersey area. Box 425-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Physical Chemist. Ph.D., 1969. Female. NSF Graduate Fellow. Postdoctoral training. Applied quantum chemistry background-natural and magneto-optical activity, vibronic states, spectral interpretations. Strong in mathematics and computer programming. Publications. Teaching experience. Seeks academic/government/industry position. Box 414-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Specialty Chemicals, B.A. Twenty years experience in cleaning compounds, floor waxes, paint strippers, etc. Competent in Technical Service, R&D, Bench Work, Quality Control, Plant Management and Technical Writings. Desire North East or Middle Atlantic States. Salary open. Box 426-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Physical Chemist, Ph.D. (1968) seeks position in industry or academic. Experience in surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis. Three years of postdoctoral experience in organic geochemistry. Four years of teaching. Experience in vacuum techniques, chromatographic techniques and instrumental methods of analysis. Available immediately and will relocate. Box 415-D-4. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042

Rubber/Plastics Chemist—Chief Rubber Chemist for many years. Natural and synthetic rubber compounding, calendering, color matching, moldings, drum, drape, curing. Adhesives (solvent & waterbase), plastisols, organosols, vinyl solutions. Desires responsible position: Lab. Director, Factory Control, Quality Control, Development, Technical Service, Product Development. Box 427-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Physical-inorganic Chemist-Ph.D. Extensive experience in the study and development of colloidal inorganic systems-particularly silicates and aluminates. Successful in development, research and teaching. Experience in administration. Kinetics thermodynamics, mechanisms, structure and surfaces research. Desire teaching or research position. Many publications. Box 416-D-4. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042

Urethanes, Epoxies, Elastomers & Resins applied as foams, adhesives, coatings and structures. Development chemist/chemical engineer: compounding, manufacturing and application. Good background in testing. Supervisory experience. Prefer Northeast location. Box 428-E-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Age 30 Ph.D. Physical-Radiation Chemist. Five years Postdoctoral. Currently studying Water Quality. Box 417-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Air Pollution Engineer. Six years developing and applying control equipment, processes, and instruments. Developed H2S control process from bench through pilot plant and patent applications and licensing. Developed S02 stack monitor from inception through prototype field operation. B.Ch.E. 1958. Prefer N.J., N Y C , or Phila. P.O. Box 1505, New Brunswick, N.J. 08904 or (201) 246-2388. Analytical (Inorganic) Chemist. Ph.D. 1972. Experience in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (flame and non flame) For trace analysis (Environment, Petroleum etc.) Knowledge of instrumental methods (G.C., I.R., Mass. Spec, etc.) Publications. Supervisory experience. Fluent languages. Age 29. Box 401-D-4 C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemist, Bench or boss. B.S. + Grad + 23 yrs. exp. Adhesives, coatings, sealants. Water-base or highsolids. Auto./lnd. R&D, Prod. dev. Prefer suburban Detroit. Consider Southwest. Box 403-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemist seeks applied research: product/process development, technical service, innovation, metal-related/ physical-organic studies. Four years experience: Chemical treatments for nonwovens; cost reduction, formulation and application, technical assistance to mills. Excellent academic record; Ph.D., metal template effect; physical-organic background, some advanced inorganic. Audrey Knauer, P.O.B. 174, Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 Electroanalytical/Material Science. Ph.D. June. Experience in the fabrication and study of beta-alumina solid electrolyte and its application to galvanic cells. Mossbauer spectroscopy, thin-film and electrochemical techniques extensively used. Familiar with UV, NMR, AA and IR. Previous industrial experience. Publications. Seeks industrial position. Box 407-D4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Marketing/Sales Manager-B.S. Organic Chemistry. M.B.A. Equivalent in Marketing-Expertise in speciality chemicals, paint and plastics. Capability in moving new products to market place-demonstrated entrepreneural motivation. Proven initiative in planning and commercial development. Experienced in fast track situations. Can operate in administration and assume P&L responsibility. Box 408-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Materials Control Cataloger, Data Processing. Overseas refinery service recently. Refinery material and commercial nonmetallic materials. Also experienced electrical equipment manufacturing processes: Metal finishing, plating, encapsulation, safety, machine shop, etc. Early experience Nuclear, paper, photographic industries. BS Chemistry, some metallurgy, Ceramics. (713)781-6859. F. J. Fitch, Camelot Apt. 25, 6419 Skyline, Houston, Texas 77027 Organic Chemist. Ph.D. 5 years industrial research in polymer chemistry, 2 years postdoctoral work in physical-organic and 6 years university teaching/research. Experimental background in synthesis, fluorine chemistry, kinetics and thermochemistry. Publications and Patents. Principles only. Box 411-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Polymer Chemist: Need urgent, salary realistic. Versatile, experienced in synthesis and controlled

Plastics/Coatings Development Chemist/Engineer M.S. Chemistry. Many years experience in reactive polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxies, acrylics, phenolics, reinforced plastics, thermoplastic nylons, coatings (powders, liquids), urethane foams, matched metal die and pulltrusion molding, laminating, casting. Desires plastics or coatings development position. No geographical limitation. No agencies. Box 418-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Sales Manager-Industrial or Textile Chemicals-Self starting, profit conscious, growth minded, and people orientated. 23 years experience marketing and managing chemicals, specialties and rubber products to fiber, textile, textile chemical, protective coatings, synthetics resins, tobacco, paper, film & foil, adhesives and chemical intermediate industries. Box 419-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Seasoned, Broadly Based B.S., age 44-Experienced, laboratory management, process control, product quality, pollution control, process development, physical testing, visual inspections, marketing research, market planning and forecasting, business management, and sales. Robert G. Scharff, 768 Montford Drive, Charlotte, N.C. 28209, Ph(704) 523-7148. Box 420-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Technological Revolutions in the fields of ENERGY, of AIR AND STREAM DE-POLLUTION, of EVAPORATION (e.g., organic substances having extremely high boiling temperatures) and of producing FRESH WATER most economically from sea water, brackish waters or other reverse-solubility solutions available through seasoned versatile chemical engineer. Box 421-D-4, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic/Medicinal Chemist, Ph.D. Successful record of productive and innovative research and development in synthesis, characterization and pharmaceutical and biomedical research. Publications, patents and successful grant proposals. Box 407-C-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

SITUATIONS WANTED (Retired Chemists and Ch.E.'s) Chemist/Chemical Engineer looking for contact with American or Canadian companies to develop or ake industrial projects or business with establishments in England, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, travelling there. Will be attending ACHEMA Exhibition and Congress for Chemical Plant and Equipment at Frankfurt/Main, West Germany. Box 428-D-5, ACS, 115516th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C, 20036 Manager: R&D, Production & Sales. Creative, Ph.D., Ch. Engr. Expertise Organic Synthesis, Surfactants, Polymerization, Formulation, Application of AcrylicVinyl Urethane, Epoxy, Polyester & Rubber. Heavy exp. in Coating, Adhesive, Laminants in Paints, Textile, Metal, Paper, Electrical, Printing fields: Patents & Publications. Consultant or employment. Box 438-B-5, ACS, 1155-16thSt., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Technical Translations—from Russian, Czech, German, French, Spanish into English or German. Chemistry, esp. Physical, Electro-combustion, jet propulsion, metals s a , member Am. Transi. Assn. Dr. Johann G. Tschinkel, 52 Fairview Terr., S. Glastonbury, Conn. 06073. Tel. 633-2746

D I R E C T O R Y SECTION This section includes: CHEMICALS EXCHANGE—Chemicals, Resins, Gums, Oils, Waxes, Pigments, etc.: E Q U I P M E N T M A R T —New and Used Equipment. Instruments; Facilities for Plant and Laboratory; T E C H N I C A L SERVICES—Consultants ; Engineering, Testing, Professional Services.

Advertising Rates: Space rate is $94 per inch. Lower rates available on contract basis. An "inch" advertisement measures % " deep on one column. Additional space in even lineal inch units. Maximum space—4" per Directory per issue. Set ads due 21 days in advance of publications; plated ads, 17 days.

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May 28, 1973 C&EN