EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 4, 2010 - No discounts or allowances. SEND advertisements, with remittance to INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 332 West 42nd St., ...
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EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION RATES to be paid in advance. Standard setting 5c a word, minimum charge 92.00 each; include 8 words for box address. (Exceptions see ^ Display, $7.50 per column inch. N o discounts or allowances. S E N D advertisements, with remittance to INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 332 West 42nd St., New York, Ν . Υ. to reach there not later than 10:00 A.M. on the 10th and 25th, closing dates for N E W S E D I T I O N S of the 25th and 10th, respectively. Insertions made in order of receipt provided necessary remittances are complete. Employers are requested to mention in their announcements the section of t h e country in which the open position is located to ensure replies only from those who are geographically available. In printing these advertisements the SOCIETY assumes no obligations as t o qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers. T H E AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY is vitally interested in the welfare of its members and in seeing that the chemical industry is manned with competent chemists and chemical engineers. These pages are part of our service in that connection. In addition most of the larger sections of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY and several of the smaller onen have active employment committees. Local section secretaries in your area will inform you as t o any employment aids that may be available locally. An Employment Clearinghouse is operated at each national meeting of the SOCIETY for the purpose of bringing together representatives of industry looking for chemists and members and student affiliates in attendance wish-



G R A D U A T E ASSISTANTSHIPS at the u n i ­ versity of Maine. Applicant may work half time toward the master's decree in chemistry or chemi­ cal engineering. Application must be received before March 20 .giving a detailed statement of personal and professional qualifications including race, nationality, dated photograph, transcript, referred research field, and three reference »tters. Remuneration, $500 plus-tuition for halftime student work. B o x 2 5 - N - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.


UNUSUAL O P P O R T U N I T Y awaits biochem­ ist who is thoroughly familiar with endocrine chemistry. Nationally known Michigan phar­ maceutical manufacturer wants experienced sci­ entist for independent research position to investi­ gate protein endocrine products. If you are pre­ pared by education and experience to conduct and supervise work in this field, send full particulars about your research interests, education, experi­ ence, and salary desired, also your photograph, t o B o x 6 9 - N - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. G R A D U A T E FELLOWSHIP in midwestern university. Research in methods of organic anal­ ysis. Work for advanced degree, majoring in analytical chemistry. Qualifications: B.S. or M.S. with a good grounding in analytical chemis­ try including organic microanalysis. Starts July or September first. B o x 3 1 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. T E X T I L E C H E M I S T with at least two years' practical mill experience i n the finishing of tex­ tile goods, particularly with permanent finishes. One familiar with the formulation of resin finishes and their application and capable of developing new finishes, preferred, but not absolutely neces­ sary. College education or the equivalent re­ quired. Good opportunity with an old, wellestablished firm. Location, Middle Atlantic. Write details regarding education, experience, nationality and race in first letter. Send also a small recent photograph and state salary desired. B o x 3 4 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. M A N QUALIFIED to work on the formula­ tion and development of hot melt, and lacquer coatings, preferably for heat sealing, and food protective papers, b y progressive concern that can offer exceptional opportunity for a qualified man. Man should be well versed in the properties of waxes, resins and film forming materials. B o x 5 1 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R wanted for Engi­ neering Department of large eastern manufac­ turer. Must have thorough knowledge of pe­ troleum distillation and cracking process chem­ istry and analysis. Prefer at least five years' re­ search and laboratory experience in this field, with another five years' refinery design, installa­ tion and maintenance. Heat exchanger exSerience desirable. Job will involve design and evelopment of methods and equipment. E n ­ close photograph and give full details of per­ sonal data, education, nature of experience, and salary expected. Replies will be considered con­ fidential. Box 2 3 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST—M.S. or P h . D . Mar­ ried. For work in field of p H and physical meas­ urements. Ability to write reports and desire to d o accurate work essential. Give complete de­ tails of training, experience, etc., and enclose photograph. Our staff advised this advertise­ ment. Box 2 8 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

Unemployed members of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY seeking em­ ployment for themselves are allowed in one calendar year 3 free announce­ ments, one per issue, set in standard style and limited to 50 words each, in- eluding 8-word box address. Excess words 5c each. Additional standard announcements 50% of regular rate. Employed members of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY seeking new posi­ tions are permitted 3 standard announcements during the calendar year at 50% of the regular rate—include 8 words for box address. Employers seeking chemists and chemical engineers are permitted 3 standard announcements, not t o exceed 50 words each including box address and not more than one per issue, during the calendar year without charge, provided they agree in writing to acknowledge all replies (excees words 5o each), otherwise full rate applies. Ο ing to make such contacts. For further details, consult the preliminary and final programs as printed in the N E W S EDITION prior to each meeting. In the New York area, special employment facilities are offered b y tho Employment Bureau of the Chemists' Club, 52 East 41st St., New York» N . V., and by the Chemist Advisory Council, Inc.. 60 East 42nd St., New York, Ν . Υ. In the Chicago area, the Chicago Section maintains an em­ ployment service at 413 Stevens Hotel, Chicago, 111. Those replying to announcements should be careful to send copies and not original documents. Advertising circulars will not be forwarded and to that end all letters will be opened at the forwarding office.

SECRETARY-LIBRARIAN. Wanted, for small laboratory twenty miles from New York, young lady, preferably college graduate chemistry major, capable of acting as laboratory secretary and also of doing literature research. Write complete details education, chemical and secre­ tarial experience, personal data, salary desired. Box 2 9 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T with several years experience in paint industry is needed by large pigment manu­ facturer. The work involves research and de­ velopment in paints and varnishes. Location: Eastern. Give full details concerning education and experience and enclose, if possible, a small photograph. Box 3 4 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. S Y N T H E T I C R E S I N Chemist experienceu in the application of resins t o coatings and adhesives. Exceptional opportunity. Location—Middle West. Reply giving detailed experience, full personal data, education, starting salary exected and photo. Ê>ox 3 8 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST—Bachelor or Master, must have outstanding scholastic record and good foundation in physical and organic chemistry. Applicants should give educational history, ex­ perience, age and other personal data, and recent photo. Box 4 0 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng- Chem., Easton, Pa. P H A R M A C E U T I C A L CONTROL Chemist. Laboratory located in central New York. Young man desired with some experience in drug analy­ sis. Gentile. Moderate salary to start but ex­ cellent future. Give full personal data, academic and practical training, references, photograph and salary expected. Box 4 3 - N - 3 , I n d . & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D . Experienced vegetable oil chem­ ist to perform fundamental development work in the field of China wood oil substitutes. A varnish background is desirable. Middle west location. Box 4 5 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D . C H E M I S T with good organic chemical baékground for development work in alkyd and phenolic resins. D o not apply unless you have had actual resin formulation experience. Chicago location. Box 4 6 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ANALYST W A N T E D for control analytical laboratory of medicinal manufacturer located in New York Metropolitan Area. Should have good basic training and one to three years' experience in analysis of pharmaceuticals and médicinale. Box 5 1 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : B E S T M . D . or P h . D . vitamin ecientist-executive experienced chemical assay, sources, manufacture. Must have creative ideas' on commercial applications. Excellent company will pay well and give free rein t o right man. Everett Brown Agency, 17 John Street, New York, Ν . Υ. W A N T E D : L A T E X Chemist, experienced or trained in the field of latex, graduate work pre­ ferred. Salary open. In reply, state age, qualifi­ cations and enclose photo. Box 5 6 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. POST-DOCTORATE FELLOWSHIP in Colloids, established by the Bristol-Myers Company at Stanford University, California. Stipend $3000 with annual appointment or reappointment, avail­ able for the academic session 1941-42, for the Jurpose of studying under the supervision of . W. McBain physical chemical and colloidal principles involved m colloids, emulsions and soap systems. Enquiries to Professor McBain.


C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R with experience in food technology and preferably also in the manu­ facture of cosmetics and household specialties. Man with good background in control, develop­ ment and production desired. Give summary of experience, training and personal data also refer­ ences and recent photograph. Box 7 4 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem-, Easton, Pa. EXECUTIVES, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS A N D C H E M I S T S with exceptional backgrounds of experience should use our confidential and in­ dividual method of contacting responsible em­ ployers. N o limit t o territory. We negotiate all overtures. Established 1915. T h e National Business Bourse, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, l i t


C H E M I S T , P h . D . , major in organic chemistry, minor physics and mathematics, experienced in research and teaching, immediately available for research, teaching, local sales or special assign­ ment work. B o x 4 2 - T - l , Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . F I N I S H I N G E N G I N E E R desires position with manufacturer using $50,000 minimum annu­ ally of lacquers, enamels, etc. as chemical engineer in charge of finishing operations. Ch.E. Rensse­ laer, M.S. Ch.E. Carnegie. Industrial writing and teaching experience. B o x 4 2 - N - l , Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . C H E M I S T - L I B R A R I A N , advanced degree chemistry. Library training and experience; abstracting and bibliographies of scientific litera­ ture. Read French and German. Nine years* experience medical, biological, and food research including college teaching. Desires position chemical, biological, or technical library. B o x 5 0 - T - l . Ind. A E n g . Chem.. Easton, P a . D I R E C T O R OF R E S E A R C H desires new connection with progressive and responsible or­ ganization. Technical, planning and adminis­ trative ability proven in both academic and in­ dustrial fields. Familiar with manufacturing operations. Patents. Publications. Ph.D. Protestant, married, a g e 40. Box 1 9 - N - 2 . Ind. Φ E n g . Chem.. Easton, P a . ORGANIC C H E M I S T , P h . D . Twelve years' experience seeks responsible position. Thorough fundamental background; successful industrial experience in research and' development, includ­ ing organic synthesis, hydrocarbons, hydrogénation, catalytic reactions, halogenation, teaching. Publications, honor-societies; Eastern location. B o x 2 1 - N - 2 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R . Fifteen years' industrial research experience. B.S. 1923.* M.S. 1925, last twelve years with oil refinery doing research on lubrication and automotive problems. A t present unemployed. Desires research or operating position. Box 3 6 - N - 2 , Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . ELECTROCHEM 1ST, Ph.D. 1932^ nôlr teaching at large Eastern University desires industrial position. Wide research experience in electrolysis, polarization, overvoltage, and other electrochemical problems. Also thoroughly trained in all branches of physical chemistry and in mechanical and chemical engineering. Box 3 9 - N - 2 , Ind. & E n g . Chem.. Easton, P a . C H E M I S T R Y PROFESSOR, Ph.D., desires change to a school that welcomes modern chemical ideas, encourages research, and discourages fossilisation. Enthusiastic and inspiring teacher (no snap courses, however), experienced in general, analytical, physical; unusually strong background of organic, physics, mathematics. Research projects under way. Publications» Chemical Abstracter, honor societies, Protestant, single, 31, exempt from draft. Box 6 5 - N - 2 , Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, Pa.

(Continued, on page 294)

294 (Situations Wanted Continued) RESEARCH C H E M I S T . B.Chem.. Ph.D. 1936. Cornell. Major inorganic chemistry (nitrogen compounds), minors spectroscopy and electrochemistry. Three years industrial experience in non-ferrous corrosion research, inhibitors, metal analysis, electrolysis. Some sales experience; knowledge of photography; mechanical ability. Protestant, single, age 31. Capable and industrious worker. Available immediately. Eastern location preferred. Publication. Box 6 6 - N - 2 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST Ph.D. 1939. Researches in immunochemical, serological and medical biochemistry. Broad knowledge of bacteriology and related fields. Publications. Teaching experience in biochemistry. Sigma Xi. Married, age 2S. Desires industrial or academic research. Box 1 7 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T B.S. 1933. Three years* experience in oil emulsions. Two years* expereince in production work. Inventive with mechanical ability. Desires position in Eastern United States. Single. Box 1 8 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , Ph.G. & B.Sc. degrees, Univ. of Md. M . S c (equiv.)-Biochem-, J.H.U.; one year Graduate Research-Med. Pharmacol-U of Md. Med. Sen. Experience, analytical and control methods, physico-chem. and mod. prod, meth. and tech. admin, work. Box 2Ô-T-2. Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. M A R K E T D E V E L O P M E N T . Man with 14 years* experience surveying, evaluating and developing markets for chemicals whether in the laboratory stage, semi-commercial or commercial. Also successful finding new outlets for established products. Box 2 7 - T - 2 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. I EZNOW a man you might like t o know. He is under 50. Has courage, conscience and sense. Workers under him gladly give their best. Primarily an executive with a fine balance between the technical and business requirements of an enterprise. Someone has a need this man ought to fill exceptionally well in co-ordinating sales, production and research. Loyal beyond question. I serve no self-interest in this act of co-operation. T o valid inquiry I will gladly furnish his name. Box 2 9 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL· C H E M I S T , M.S. Two summers' work will complete Ph.D. at mid-western university. Three years* teaching general and analytical chemistry. Summer work in petroleum refinery (laboratory and plant) and in paint research laboratory. Desires position teaching physical, industrial or analytical chemistry with opportunity for research. Age 28, married. Now employed. Sox 3 3 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL-COLLOID Chemist. Ph.D. (Rheology) 2*/s years* teaching junior college inorganic and physical chemistry. Approximately 2 years with U. S. Department of Agriculture on male hormones. Desires laboratory position with opportunity for part or full time research. American, single. Jewish, 31. Reasonable notice. Box 3 9 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMIST. Ph.D.—Excellent background of education, research, and practical experience in industrial chemistry. Desires better possibilities, preferably in laboratory supervision or research on analytical methods. Age 36. Protestant, married. Box 5 9 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. O R G A N I C C H E M I S T . 23, candidate for M.S. a t Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, desires position in research or production work. Special training in synthesis, analysis, and mierochemistry. Excellent references. Location immaterial. Box 6 0 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem.. SsstoG 4 Pa. I N S T R U C T O R at A.C.S. accredited college desires teaching position with more promising future. Experience with Physical, Quantitative, Qualitative cSemi-Micro) and General courses. Research, Pb.D-, publications. Age 26, protestant, married. Box 7 3 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. T E C H N I C A L SERVICE or Sales Organizer in plastic industry wanted by Chemical Engineer with Ph.D-, twelve years* experience in rubber, paper, lacquer, and plasties. Adept at development research, production, sales promotion and service. Excellent references. Box 8 2 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. Y O U N G C H E M I S T B.S. 1939. One year graduate work towards M.S. Thorough knowledge physical, analytical, organic and bio-chemistry. Biochemical and organic analysis. Organic synthesis. Some industrial experience. Φ Single. Age 22. Salary secondary. Location immate­ rial. Available immediately. Box 1 2 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.



CHEMIST: B.S. 1940, University of Chicago. Graduate work. Age 22. Co-operative, con­ scientious, much physical endurance. Desires em­ ployment in branch of organic chemistry. Thor­ ough foundation in organic chemistry and ana­ lytical chemistry. Will accept position anywhere in the U. S. Box 1 3 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PETROLEUM CHEMIST, employed, desires change. Sixteen years* experience with two major companies as laboratory head and develop­ ment chemist. Successful development of sev­ eral products and processes. Patent applica­ tions. College graduate. Married. Eastern lo­ cation preferred Box 1 4 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. PROFESSOR, Ph.D. Cornell, successful de­ partment head in small state college desires change to teaching position with opportunity for advancement on basis merit displayed. Fellow, A.A.A.S. and A.I.C. Primary interest teaching, secondary research. Age 37, mar­ ried, 16 years' teaching experience, excellent references, available short notice anywhere in U.S. Box 1 5 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC RESEARCH Chemist. Ph.D. 1921, large Eastern University. Wants position with progressive concern. American. Age 48. Protestant. Teaching experience. Ten years* experience in Vitamin and Pharmaceutical Re­ search investigative ability. Excellent back­ ground. References. Available immediately. Box 1 6 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. CHEMIST and SALES Engineer to start de­ partment for manufacture and sale of special adnesives or wax compositions. Must know specific formulation and requirements of users. Location New York. Write fully in confidence. Box 1 7 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. TEACHING or RESEARCH position wanted by organic chemist, Ph.D., 1938. Experienced in college teaching, industrial process development. Specialties: organic micro-analysis, organic syn­ thesis, food analysis, bacteriology. Employed. Available on reasonable notice. Married. Box 1 8 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. BIOCHEMIST, 22, B.S.. taking M.S. at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. Trained Biolo­ gist and Chemist. One year experience manu­ facturing estrogenic, gonadotropic hormones, other pharmaceuticals. Experienced in bioassay methods. High draft number. Box 1 9 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. SPECTROSCOPIST, B.S., two years' gradu­ ate study. Thorough training in quantitative and qualitative analysis with D.C. arc, A.C. arc, and high voltage spark. Specialized research in spark analysis of lead and easily oxidizable metals. Box 2 0 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PATENT ATTORNEY and Chemical Engi­ neer seeks combination job as development and patent department chief. Age 47, highest aca­ demic, legal and practical qualifications. LinQuist, inventor, former Patent Office examiner and chief inspector, Army Ordinance Department. Electrical and mechanical experience. Special­ ties explosives, oil refining, electrochemistry. Box 2 5 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. EDIBLE OIL chemist, Ph.D., many years of re­ search and aggressive experience. Has a thor­ ough knowledge of the technical and consumer problems of the shortening and margarine in­ dustries. Capable of directing laboratory find­ ings to successful plant operation. Do you have the problems and the future opportunities which might be attractive to him? Box 2 7 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST-LIBRARIAN—B.S. in Industrial Chemistry. Three years* experience as analyti­ cal chemist and two years as abstractor and li­ brarian. Reading knowledge, French, German, Russian. Desires position as chemist-librarian or abstractor. Location South or East. Box 3 2 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. REFINERY S U P E R I N T E N D E N T or chemi­ cal plant superintendent. Five years' executive experience large petroleum refinery, two years' supervision organic chemical plant. Background: Chemical Engineering B.S.; Four years' research, development, process, engineering, mainte­ nance engineering, safety engineering. Very reputable references. Employed. Box 3 6 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D., 2V* years post doctorate work, several years laboratory re­ search direction and production in synthetic drugs and fine chemicals. Publications and patents. Married, age 33. Now employed. Box 3 7 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. CHEMIST, B.S., 1935. One year of gradu­ ate and extension work. Employed as Chief In­ spector of a large steel company. Desires posi­ tion in Chemical or Bacteriological work with opportunity for research and advancement. Willing worker and location immaterial. Box 3 9 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST, B.S. 1939, age 23, single, desires position in research, development, production control or analysis. ll/z years' experience in organic and physiological research and develop­ ment. N.Y.C. area preferred. Free after June to locate anywhere. Salary not important, op­ portunity desired. Box 4 1 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

Vol. i9, No. 5 TEACHING POSITION wanted by P h . D . University of Chicago, 1939. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Four years' experience in teaching gen­ eral and organic chemistry and in administration. Paper at St. Louis. Gentile. Box 4 2 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CFLLULAR PHYSIOLOGIST and Biochem­ ist. Ph.D. 1939, Harvard. Research in yeast, bacteria, and animal tissue metabolism. Experi­ enced in manometric and biochemical techniques relating to cellular metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and fermentation problems. Desires aca­ demic or industrial research position. Single, 28. Available immediately. Box 4 4 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL, INORGANIC . Chemist. Ph.D. with college teaching and practical indus­ trial experience. Supervision of research on analytical methods, analysis, control, inorganic and heavy chemicals. Member of A.C.S., A . I . C , Sigma Xi. Publications, American. Employed but desires change. Location immaterial. Box 4 7 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST. Ph.D., 1939, leading Southern University, desires research or teaching position. Age 25. Three years' research (one year post-doctorate fellowship") on the autoxidation of various types of organic compounds, publication, reports. Sigma Xi, reading knowl­ edge of French and German. Excellent refer­ ences. Box 4 8 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. June 1941large Eastern University. Three years* experi, ence in petroleum and cellulose industries. Prot­ estant, single, age 28. Eastern or mid-western location preferred. Available for interview at St. Louis meeting. Box 4 9 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. ORGANIC RESEARCH Ph.D., 1938. Two years' industrial experience, including research in synthetic resins. Now employed, seeking better research or teaching position. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Interviews at St. Louis meeting. Box 5 0 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, recent Ph.D., seeks research position. Excellent record, scholar­ ship, Sigma Xi. Physical, analytical, inorganic minors. Good linquist, publication, research reports, glassblowing. Experience in industry at a research institute. Available on short notice. B o x 5 2 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D., 1937. 4 years' experience in organic research and produc­ tion. Experienced in synthesis including pyri­ dines, sterols, pharmaceuticals. Patents, publi­ cations. Sigma Xi, " Phi Lambda upsilon. Married, age 30, Protestant. Eastern location referred. employed, §ίοχ 5 3 - Ν - 3 ,Now Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST major—B.S. Jan. 1941 Penn State. Desires research or operating position for industrial experience. Prefer per­ manent position. Knowledge of French, Ger­ man. Age 22. Salary consideration moderate. Location immaterial. B o x 5 5 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST desires change. Five years' experience in analysis of petroleum products. One year of experience in water analysis. Broad training in analytical processes. Expert laboratory glassblower. Can design, construct, and repair laboratory apparatus. Available for interview at A.C.S. meeting in St. Louis. Box 5 7 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , Ch.E., 1937 (Columbia), age 26, married, desires opportunity for research, development or plant production. Exin food technology and production, Çerience 'horough basic training. Member Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Upsilon. B o x 5 8 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST, Ph.D. degree expected June 1941, desires position in chemical research. Age 27. Married. Member of Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Competent glass blower. Four years graduate assistant. Location immaterial. Available June. B o x 5 9 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. COLLEGE TEACHER, now employed, desires change. Year and half graduate study be­ yond Master's. Three years' ptirt time teaching fellowship; two years' full-time college teaching. Major: analytical: now teaching analytical and organic in State University. Phi Kappa Phi. Enthusiastic, progressive, modern. Primarily interested in teaching. Age 29. Interview St. Louis meeting. B o x 6 4 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST—three years' experi­ ence in research laboratory of large industrial concern formulating alkyd resins, processing dry­ ing oils, synthesizing and polymerizing various vinyl compounds. Desires position with firm in metropolitan area involving research or develop­ ment work on synthetic resins or plastics. B.S. in chemistry and graduate study. Box 6 5 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ( C o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 295)


March 10, 1941 ( S i t u a t i o n s Wanted C o n t i n u e d ) TEACHING POSITION desired b y organic chemist; A.B. Harvard, Ph.D. N . Y . U. E x perienced in setting up, maintaining: micro organic analytical laboratory. Teaching; Fellow for 4 years in organic chemistry, qualitative a n d quantitative organic micro analysis. Seven p u b lications in organic synthesis and micro analysis. Sigma Xi. Age 26. Box 6 8 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easfcon, Pa. CHEMIST, Ph.D., 1939, inorganic chemistry. M.S., 1925, chemical engineering. Seventeen years' teaching experience. Publications. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Sigma Xi. Age 39- Married. Employed but desires position with greater opportunities. Box 6 9 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easfcon, Pa. S Y N T H E T I C ORGANIC chemist. M . S . University of Chicago. 25, single, personable, responsible. Excellent background. Research beyond Master's. Glass-blowing; vacuum-line; micro analysis; literature research. Excellent training organic research synthesis, analysis. Desires position New York, Chicago, vicinity. Expects attend St. Louis meeting. Box 7 0 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easfcon, Pa. TEACHING POSITION in Ohio college or university by physical chemist now in government service. Academic qualifications include B.Ch.E., Ph.D., scientific publications. Industrial and governmental research experience. Recent legal education; member federal bar. A g e 41. Box 7 2 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easfcon, Pa. COLLOID CHEMIST, M.S., well trained in physical and chemical engineering, base-exchange electrofiltration, experienced in research and pilot plant design and operation, able organizer and manager, will accept suitable position with reputable firm. Available immediately. Box 7 3 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easfcon, Pa. ORGANIC CHE1VÎISTTM.S. 1Θ41. T w o years' laboratory instructor in chemistry at east­ ern university. Several months' experience as chemist with essential oil company. Wishes laboratory position in production, control, or research. Location immaterial. Available im­ mediately. Box 7 6 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem-, Easfcon, Pa. WELL TRAINED woman Ph.D., experienced over period of several years in all branches of undergraduate chemistry teaching, desires new connection. Excellent references. Will arrange interviews at the St. Louis meeting. Box 7 7 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easfcon, Pa. I N D U S T R I A L CHEMIST and engineer de­ sires position in production in New York zone. Twenty-five years' experience in factory and development work as production manager, super­ intendent and research engineer, in organic field and in duties requiring a sound grasp» of physical principles. Employed but desire n e w connection where my experience will be of greater· use. Posi­ tion must offer good salary, permanence and future. Box 8 0 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY teacfcier, Pk.D., married, 37, Protestant. Ten years o f unusually successful experience in preparing groups of from 100 to 150 students for Medical College, Dental College, Chemical Engineering, Hospital labo­ ratory work, Science teaching, etc. Now em­ ployed at a satisfactory salary, but desire a posi­ tion of greater responsibility. Honorary and professional societies, research, publications. Lo­ cation: East or mid-west. Box 8 2 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST, also qualified to Iianclle ana­ lytical, general organic, research, development and control work. Graduate leading; Swiss tech­ nical school. Good U . S. experience. Desires Êosition with chance for advancement;. ίοχ 8 6 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST, Ph.D. 12'years' industrial expe­ rience. Research, development, testing, process installation and control. Broad knowledge of metal finishing. Looking for a connection with a firm who can use a well trained, experienced and versatile man. Box 8 7 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.



SITUATIONS WANTED (MOMMEMBERS) CHEMIST, M.S. Lehigh 1940, 26, single, de­ sires position in research, development, production control, or analysis, preferably organic. Eastern location preferred. Available immediately. Bos54-frJ-2, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PATENT ATTORNEY of outstanding traini n s with mature and exceptional experience in chemical, mechanical, and metallurgical arts, de­ sires employment with corporation or patent firm. Β ο ι 67-Ν-2, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. P A I N T A N D Varnish Chemist: B.S. 1920. Age 36. Married. Fourteen years' experience in varnishes, resins, and pigmented products, par­ ticularly for specialized industrial applications. Now employed but desires position with greater opportunity for advancement. A-l references. Box 53—T-2, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST-ATTORNEY, 35, who has special­ ized in raw materials, analysis, manufacture, and legislation of foods, drugs, and cosmetics, desires administrative post, preferably in metropolitan or Chicago area. Now located in New York. B o x 2 2 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH, INDUSTRIAL, organic. Out­ standing chemical engineer. Univ. of# Penna. 25 years conducting and supervising major proj­ ects, laboratory to full production. Improving product, equipment, and plant layout. New roducts. Cost reduction. 100% American. lox26— N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. DRAFTSMAN, chemical engineer, general plant layout, calculations, and equipment de­ tailing, by-product coke ovens, coal tar oil re­ finery; dye, dry color, paint and varnish works. Protestant. U . S. citizen. Box 31—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST-LIBRARIAN, woman, 22, M.S. Thorough training in organic and analytical at large eastern university. Four years* scientific library experience. Now employed in biochemi­ cal laboratory. Reads French and German. De­ sires laboratory or library position. Box 33—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PAPER CHEMIST: 32, German American. Thoroughly familiar with Mfr. of Bond, Mimeo, Offset, Diary, Drawing, Envelope, Index, Ledger: Colors. Sulphite Pulp, Bleaching. Diploma in Analytical and Industrial Chemistry. Prefer Wisconsin and South. Box 35—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST: B.S. in Pharmacy 1937. M.S. organic major 1939. Registered Pharmacist in N . J. Preference pharmaceutical house in metro­ politan Ν. Υ. No laboratory experience. Box 60—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. WOMAN CHEMIST, Ph.D., many years' experience in all cases of patent soliciting, ex­ cellent translator and abstractor, willing to help in research work if desired, wishes position with corporation. First-rate references. Box 61—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER, M.S., 33, married. Ten years' experience in natural gas and refinery laboratory covering gasoline and oil treating, greases, asphalt. Supervisor of refinery labora­ tory. Desires petroleum research, development work. Box 63—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. DEVELOPMENT and RESEARCH chemist, Ph.D., in various inorganic fields for many years specializing in glass, enamels, high melting metals. Desires research or operating position. Location immaterial. Box 85—N-3, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

Sight Glasses



Generator Field Rheostats SMOOTH, close, gradual control of enerator voltage is provided by generator eld control rheostats produced by the Ohmite Manufacturing Co., Chicago, 111. Compact, vitreous enameled construc­ tion ensures permanently smooth opera-


Degumrned Castor O i l THE Pawling Refining Corp., Port Chester, Ν . Υ., w i t h its Paluszek process produces 100 per cent degumrned castor oil which, when blended wifch mineral oils, is said to h a v e great lubricity and wetness, brought about by i t s ability to lower the surface tension. The completely degumrned castor o i l has an unusual natu­ ral solvent action as a detergent upon sludge, carbon, and engine varnish, in both gasoline and Diesel engines. On January 15, the c o m p a n y moved into its new plant i n Port Chester, Ν". Υ., with enlarged manufacturing facilities and new processes resulting from several years' research on automotive problems.

tion and exact control. Economy in space and weight makes them particularly useful on portable equipment. Field rheostats are tapered or uniformly wound, as required, to provide control for sepa­ rately or self-excited generators. They are available in a series of 10 wattage sizes from 25 to 1000 watts.



• /s> ο» Μ


T H E six sight glass fittings announced by the Cochrane Corp., 17th Street and Alle­ gheny Avenue, Philadelphia, Penna., last year have been supplemented by five smaller sizes with screwed connections. Sizes range from 0.75 to 2 inches for the new screwed connection fittings and from 2.5 t o 8 inches for the flanged design. Bodies are of cast iron for pressures to 125 pounds per square inch. Pyrex windows are held in place b y gasketed steel frames. Weights have been reduced on all sizes. Transport Pump D E S I G N E D originally for high-speed fuel­ ing of airplanes and for trucks transporting high-octane gasoline, the new Granco Model H H F Transport pump, a product of Granberg Equipment, Inc., Oakland, Calif., is also said to have important indus­ trial applications, especially for moving inks, paints, light solvents, oils, etc. The relief valve is submerged, chatterproof, and readily adjustable from outside the pump. The outboard ball bearing is integral with the pump, ensuring perma­ nent shaft alignment. There are no valves, gears, cams, blades, drags, scoops, rings, or washers, no dragging or sliding motions, and the pumping action is brought about by the natural squeezing motion of the Granberg rotor. M e t a l M a t e of Glass A PATENT issued t o Howard Scott, re­ search engineer at t h e Westinghouse Elec­ tric & Manufacturing Co., E a s t Pitts­ burgh, Penna., covers a new way of using Kovar, the Westinghouse alloy which is a perfect mate of glass, t o seal parts of vacuum tubes used in the radio and electric power industries. Kovar is a mixture of iron, nickel, cobalt, and manganese and has the unusual characteristic of expand­ ing at the same rate as glass as the tem­ perature rises. Thus it forms a strain-free seal to keep unwanted air out of glass vacuum devices in which electrons gener­ ate x-rays or radio waves or transform alternating into direct current. Kovar also resists the corrosive action of metallic vapors, such as mercury and sodium, which are used in some of these vacuum devices. I t is used in conjunc­ tion with a hard, low-expanding type of glass.




Vol. 19, No. 5






Five cents a word, m i n i m u m charge $2.00; display available a t $7.50 per i n c h ; i n advance. MICRO-ELEMENTARY ANALYSES: C , H, N, S, P, Halogens, Methoxyl, Methylimid, Mol. Wt., etc.. Micro-inorganic Assays, Spot Tests, Micro-distillations and typical microchemical research work. D r . Carl Tiedcke, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, Ν . Υ. SPARK-PLUG porcelain analyses. Consultant with 10 years' experience in making pétrographie (microscopical) analyses of spark-plug insulators. Analyses made on either powdered or thin-sectioned material. Mica insulators also examined. Michrochemical tests available. For particulars write: Dr. A. E . Alexander, 665 5th Avenue, New York, Ν . Υ. W A N T E D : COMPLETE sets of Journal fur Praktieche Chemie; Monatshefte fur Chemie. Box 4 3 - N - 1 2 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. W A N T E D : CHEMICAL Abstracts and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, decennial indices; J. A . C. S.; B e ­ nch te, with general indices; Chemical Reviews; Helvetica Chimica Acta; I . C. T ; All complete t o 1940 bound or unbound. Also Chem. Soo. London Journal and British Abstracts *'A" 1934— 1940. Box 4 0 - T - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. WISH to purchase, International Critical Tables, Journal American Society Agronomy; Modern Plastics, complete sets. Box 1 0 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : One (1) Hoppler Viscoeimeter, Precision Model. State condition and price. Box 2 1 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : Scott tensile testing machine, motor driven, with autographic recorder. m Ca­ pacity about 300 pounds. I£indly communicate, stating model, and condition, and price. Ameri­ can Analytical Laboratories, Inc., 140 West 42nd Street, New York, Ν . Υ.

Industrial Literature CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 8 8

research gives very complete data o n metallic soaps. I t includes a chart for laboratory use, listing properties of all metallic soaps. Book IE. MARKET DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, M E T A S A P CHEMICAL C O . , Harrison, N. J.

W A N T E D : We are badly in need of additional stock to meet our requirements. We wish to purchase any number of laboratory instruments, equipment of every nature such as microscopes, balances, refractometers, optical equipment of every type, testing equipment, industrial and re­ search precision tool room equipment, small precision lathes, milling machine, engraving ma­ chine, measuring instruments every type. Send complete lists of all surplus for immediate dis­ posal, quote price as we do not quote. The Labo­ ratory Exchange, 24 East 21st St., New York, Ν. Υ. LIBRARY for sale. Separate items. Fifty years accumulation of U. S. and British chemical journals, books, bulletins, etc., including all A. C. S. journals beginning with 1900. Owner retiring from business. Box 6 1 - N - 2 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. FOR SALE—Chemische Zentralblatt 18981916 (bound); Bulletin Société Chimique de France 1898-1927 (bound), 1928-1940 (unbound). Box l l - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. FOR SALE, 700 pounds, commercial sodium metal in two steel drums, 150 gallons commercial iron pentacarbonyl in 30 gallon drums. Make reasonable offer for each or both. Cosden Petroleum Corporation, Big Spring, Texas. FOR SALE: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volumes 26 to 32, $5 per volume; Analytical Edition, volumes 1 to 12, 25 cents per copy; News Edition, 72 miscellaneous copies, 5 cents apiece. Box 67 N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

folder. These activated carbon absorbers are designed to reduce the fresh air intake of the conditioning system by permitting increased recycling of conditioned air. Such recycling effects substantial econo­ mies in the operation of central heating and cooling systems. Comparative costs are given for conditioning outside air vs. deodorizing circulated air. Bulletin 111 IE. DOBEX Drv., W. B. CONNOR ENGI­ NEERING CORP., 114 East 32nd St., New York, Ν. Υ.

Molybdenum. A bulletin on molybdenum in dyeing furs, feathers, hair, skins, and similar products, i n mimeographed form, is accompanied b y translations of three expired German p a t e n t s o n the u s e of molybdenum. Bulletin IE. CLIMAX MOLYBDENUM C O . , 500 Fifth Ave., N e w York, Ν . Υ.

Organic Chemical Specialties, a new bulletin, describes a number of products which are useful in the textile industry and in a wide range of other applications. These include leather manufacture, papermaking, metal cleaning and plating, pig­ ment dispersions, and cosmetic prepara­ tions. Bulletin IE. FINE CHEMICALS DIV., E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & Co., INC., Wilmington, Del.

Odor Absorbers and their use for scientific control of odor i n air-conditioning installations are discussed in a 4-page

Portable Electrical Testing Instruments are described in an 8-page catalog.

· ETC.

N o d i s c o u n t s or allowances

FOR SALE one kilo each Gallium Germanium Indium Tantalum Uranium—one kilo each any salt of Caesium or Rubidium—100 pounds Zirconium metal—2000 pounds ore on hand containing 27 percent Selenium and 704 ounces Silver also Platinum and Palladium—2000 tons residue containing 25% Chrome salt. Box 6 6 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. FOR SALE: Color Trade Journal, vols. 1-15 (1917-1924), bound; Dyestuffa, vols. 21-29 (1920-1928), bound; Journal. Society of Dyers and Colouriste, vols. 33-45 (1917-1929), bound. W. Westerfield, 149-09 Northern Blvd., Flushing, Ν . Υ. FOR SALE: Guaranteed used equipment available for immediate delivery, send for our latest bulletins. Partial list is shown here. JLovibond tintometer with 185 color standards. Kiehie Universal testing machine, Sharpies laboratory super centrifuge. Travis colloid mill 40 gals per hour, DeLaval purifier N o . 196, B&L Nephoiometer, 6 x 6 hydraulic press, Keuffel & Esser Spectrophotometer, B&L spectrophotometer uni­ versal, Leitz ultramicroscope, Gaertner microme­ ter microscope, horizontal and vertical sterilis­ ing autoclaves, Freas vacuum ovens, Freas drying ovens, incubators, microtomes, micro­ scopes, refractometer, saccharimeters, Becker Troemner, Voland and other fine analytical balances reconditioned, torsion scales, Inter­ national centrifuges, pyrometers, L&N condi­ tioning furnace, 200 slightly used animal cages and several hundred additional standard labora­ tory instruments are now available at attractive reductions. Write for complete listings now. The Laboratory Exchange, 24 East 21at St., N e w York, Ν . Υ.

Burnouts are prevented by providing a fuse for each range of every instrument. The small, easily carried fuses can be quickly replaced without opening the case. Alternating and direct current instruments of standard types and ranges with ac­ curacies conforming to Α. Ι. Ε. Ε. stand­ ards are available. Bulletin P-10-1 IE. THE WINSLOW Co., INC., 9 Liberty St., Newark, N. J. Tear-Off Device for Strip-Chart Recorders A N E W device enables users of Microm a x strip-chart recorders, m a d e b y t h e Leeds & Northrup C o . , Philadelphia, Penna., t o tear off and file a record of each day's operation. I t can be quickly and easily attached. W h e n used, there is n o wasted chart, a n d i t i s n o t necessary t o rethread it through t h e guides. A rubber s t a m p can be furnished which identifies t h e recorder a n d t h e location of t h e thermocouples.

WANTED CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERS To Register in t h e Employment Clearing House Time—April S-ll9 1941 Place—St, L·ouis9 Missouri Open only to Members and Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society registered at the meeting. Request forms from the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Mills Building, Washington, D. C. For further details, see NEWS EDITION, January 10, 1941, page 20.