EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical & Engineering News

Nov 6, 2010 - Eng. News Archives. Abstract. First Page Image. MEMBERS of the Society who arc UNEMPLOYED, and who so state when they request a ...
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RATES (payable in advance accompanying copy instructions): Display advertisements $40 per column inch (space unlimited). Minimum dis­ play space, one inch, with advertisements ac­ cepted in multiples of one-half-inch units there­ after. No agency or cash discounts. Standard setting 60 cents a word, minimum charge $6 each. Include 5 words for box address. Advertise­ ments from outside the U.S. should be accom­ panied by information stating the New York bank which will issue us a bank draft at U.S. cur­ rency rates. The advertisement will be run in the nearest publication data following receipt of the bank draft. SEND advertisements with remittance to CHEM­ ICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, 430 Park Avenue, New York 22, Ν. Υ., to reach there not later than the deadline of 9:00 A. M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the date of publication.

MEMBERS of the Society who arc UNEMPLOYED, and who so state when they request a situation wanted classified ad­ vertisement, shall be allowed, without charge, three non-display insertions in a calendar year, not to exceed 50 words each (45 words plus 5-word box address or advertiser's-name and address), and not more than one per issue. Excess words charged at 25 cents per word, no minimum charge. This rate applies only for situations wanted advertisements. All other non-display in­ sertions by Society members looking for positions, and all non-display insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society, shall be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion made, no minimum charge. Individuals placing situations wanted advertise­ ments should indicate in a letter of transmittal whether or not they arc members of the Society to insure appearance of the advertisement in the proper classification. In printing these advertisements the Society assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsi­ bility of employers, nor docs the Society have information concerning the position advertised, or in regard to those seeking employment. Those replying to announcements should send copies and not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers desiring applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. T h e ACS expects that each user of this section consider himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to his advertisement.

POSITIONS OPEN Placement Bureaus EXECUTIVES, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS with exceptional backgrounds of experience should use our confidential and individual method of contacting responsible em­ ployers. No limit to territory. We negotiate all overtures. Established 1915. The National Business Bourse, 220 South State Street, Chicago 4, Illinois

CHEMISTS · ENGINEERS An active confidential service: Interview at your convenience. Call, write or wire: Gladys Hunting (Consultant) Drake Personnel, Inc. New address: 29 East Madison St. Chicago 2, 111. Tele: FI 6-8700

PATENT LIAISON Opportunity for B.S. or higher degree w i t h background in chemistry and physics a n d familiarity w i t h patent appli­ cations. Versatility and technical writing ability impor­ tant. Chief duty preparation of patent filing information in a form suitable for completion of patent applications by attorneys. Opening in n e w Research Center. M a i n activities con­ cern platinum metals catalysis and metallurgy, technology of high temperature and pressure, and industrial dia­ monds. Please send detailed resume in confidence to— TECHNICAL SECRETARY, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION





NO CHARGE TO INDIVIDUALS 1518 Walnut St., Phila. 2, Pa.

Suite 1207-F,






497 Delancy Street











Newark 5, New Jersey


I C H E M I C A L ENGINEERS • • F u l l scope personne! hqtrs—Jr. to Sr.! .. Lab (R & D, Anal., Control, etc.) Plant! .. Marketing, Sales, "White Collar"!

Getting the Most Out of Your

• • F R E E ! Ask for "Chem. Career Scope Readings"! COME IN, WRITE or PHONE NOW! 01 9-3800. Our service is confidential!

"Job Wanted" Advertising




Industrial Positions CHEMICAL PATENT ATTORNEY Ethyl Corporation has a position available at Detroit for an alert, ambitious and personable patent attorney. Degree in chemistry or chemical engineering essential. Previous patent experience desirable, but not essential. Position involves close cooperation with research and development personnel and includes preparing and prosecuting patent applications, interference practice, infringement and validity opinions, etc. Personnel Manager ETHYL CORPORATION 1600 W. Eight Mile Road, Ferndale 20, Mich.

PLASTICS ENGINEER Degree in Chemical Engineering or Chemistry, Master's preferred. At least five years experience in plastic engineering desired. Must be thoroughly familiar with plastic components, adhesives, allied materials and selection and application of them. Must be able to evaluate raw materials and select replacements for existing materials. Must be familiar with techniques, manufacture, and application of plastics. W. L. Jones, Personnel Manager, Thiokol Chemical Corporation, Elkton Division, Elkton, Maryland, EXport 8-3000.



OCT. 3, 196 0

Every year thousands of our readers list their profes­ sional qualifications in C&EN's classified pages. It is through these listings that job applicants get in touch with companies interested in their particular abilities. Many companies, however, tell us that they never receive an acknowledgement from their letters of in­ quiry. Some estimate that 50% don't acknowledge these valuable contacts. Our suggestion: Answer all inquiries. It's not fair to other applicants or to the companies to ignore replies to your advertisements. In the long run, a courteous answer, even if a turndown, will pay dividends.

C&EN has an obligation to both advertisers and readers. We count heavily on your cooperation to help us maintain it.



PROTEIN AND ENZYME CHEMIST Midwest pharmaceutical mfr. seeking Ph.D. Biochem­ ist experienced in modern protein isolation techniques with particular emphasis on enzymes and hormones. Industrial or academic experience required. Send resume to Research Director Wilson Laboratories, 4221 S. Western A v e . , Chicago 9, 111.




Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation is looking for a man with a Ph.D. or possibly an M.S. to join the Research and Development Department at the professional level.

Excellent opportunity with well established photographic-sensitizing firm for man with B.S. in pulp and paper, forestry, or chemical engi­ neering.

Our man will carry on advanced work with glasses and ceramics for special applications in semiconductors. Basic research is desired as well as applications to particular devices.

Will supervise Q.C. activities of raw stock material, including accep­ tance, testing, vendor liaison, pro­ duction control, etc.

Relocation expenses paid to the San Francisco Bay Area. Those who have moved to Fairchild have found both professional and living climate to be particularly stimulating.

Kindly send resume and salary require­ ments to:

Write to Mr. Don Palmer for a confidential interview arranged to suit your convenience. All replies are acknowledged promptly.

Fred A. Weterrings Industrial Relations DivisionHALOID XEROX INC.


P.O. Box 1540, Rochester 3, Ν. Υ.






CHEMISTS, ENGINEERS, PHYSICAL CHEMISTS, METALLURGISTS KAWECKI CHEMICAL COMPANY is a young progres­ sive, fast growing producer of rare and refractory metals and compounds. Laboratory and plant are located at Boyertown, Pa. (40 miles West of Phila.) Research facilities are now being expanded, creating several openings for aggressive individuals seeking challenging positions with a growing company. SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS Physical chemists, chemists and chemical engineers needed for study, development, refining and testing of semiconductor materials. Experience and theoretical background re­ quired. Experience in preparation of ultra high purity materials essential. Some knowledge of semiconductor devices utiliz­ ing these products is desirable.

DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS Chemical and metallurgical engineers for pilot plant de­ velopment of new processes. Must be cap­ able of moving laboratory processes through pilot development to plant production. Processes include extractive metallurgy and development of high purity rare and refractory metals.

RESEARCH CHEMISTS Openings in research and development department for chemists with strong theoretical background in inor­ ganic chemistry. Must have several years experience, preferably in field of less familiar and exotic elements: Unusual and challenging opportunity in development of new processes and products.

METALLURGISTS Experienced in rare and refractory metals for development of high purity metals and alloys. Must be capable of studying and evaluating metals and alloys and heading up a group of metallurgical development.

METALS REDUCTION AND REFINING Metal­ lurgical engineers and chemical engineers with experience in preparation and refining of rare and refractory metals for develop­ ment of new types of highly specialized metal reductions.


Y0 8-8161

PROJECT ENGINEER Excellent opportunity with well established, progressive organic Chemical Manufacturer, for experienced Chemical Engineer. Must be capable of follow-through from original design of new installation and procure­ ment to completed installation and plant engineering studies. Submit resume of education, experience, present salary. p i a n t Manager HARCHEM DIV., WALLACE & TIERNAN, INC. Dover, Ohio SENIOR POLYMER CHEMIST A challenging position is open as Senior Polymer Chemist in a small but growing division of a large company at its Cleve­ land laboratory. Requirements are a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry and a minimum of three to five years experience in the polymer field. P L A N T PROCESS ENGINEER An aggressive man is needed as a Plant Process Engineer with possible future production responsibilities on polyvinyl resins. The position requires a Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering with a minimum of three to five years experience in the vinyl resins or associated fields. SALES R E P R E S E N T A T I V E We are in need of a young man for our Chicago sales office. A B.S. in Chem­ istry and 2—3 years industrial sales experience required. Experience in synthetic resins and emulsions preferred.

TECHNICAL SALES Technical salesmen needed for various geographical locations in the U. S. servicing the Chemical, MetallurgicaJ and Electronic Industries. Chemistry, chemical engineering or metallurgy degree required.

Please send resume and salary require­ ments to:

Please send resume to:


Excellent advancement possibilities. Many unusual company benefits. Friendly small company atmosphere.

A Division of Air Reduction Co., I n c . Fritz Frerichs, Personnel Manager


Personnel Department 1747 Chester A v e n u e C l e v e l a n d 14, Ohio A t t n : M r . A . S. H a r a d



196 0



Physical Research Chemists

1 To investigate properties of new polymers and fibers for assessing ultimate potentiality in end use applications. 2 To investigate microstructure of polymers and fibers for selecting new polymers, converting polymers to fibers and predicting and con­ trolling fiber products.

Celanese is expanding ils research staff, paving the way for future growth in the plastics, cliemical and syn­ thetic fiber fields. To you this can mean real opportunity for professional and personal advancement, either in research, or into one of the many Celanese plants. Please send resumes including salary requirements to D r . J. W. Cogger. CORPORATION




NCAV J e r s e y

LIBRARIAN TECHNICAL L I B R A R Y of approximately 15,000 volumes and a large collection of Atomic Energy Commission Reports. DUTIES Will report directly to head librar­ ian; provide reference arid litera­ ture survey services to scientists, engineers, and administrative per­ sonnel; assist in acquisition of new material and supervision of clerical assistants. QUALIFICATIONS Technical background (B.S. degree in chemistry or physics preferred), a working knowledge of French or German, degree in library science. Library experience de­ sirable but not required. The salary will be commensurate with training and experience. Send résumé to:

CHEMICAL PATENT ATTORNEY Established patent law firm in Chicago has an opening for an attorney interested in a diversified patent practice including patent prosecution, opinions, agreements and litigation, primarily in the chemical field. Applicants who will be considered must have a degree in chemistry with advanced courses in organic, must have had two to four years of experience in preparing and prosecuting organic chemical, biochemical or pharmaceutical chemical patent applications, and must be willing and able to qualify for admission to the Illinois Bar. Others need not apply. A reading knowledge of German or French, an advanced degree in chemistry and some aptitude in the mechanical or electrical arts will be helpful. This is a real opportunity for a qualified and personable young attorney who may be interested in an eventual partnership. Send photograph, complete resume and references to: Box 21-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

UNION CARBIDE NUCLEAR COMPANY Central Employment office Technical Personnel P. O. Box M Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Opportunity Through Growth For



CHEMISTS-ENGINEERS Required by expanding research a n d development department for: •

Analytical Instrument Development #

Process Development & Improvement •

Instrumentation •


Computer Application Studies •

Pilot Plant Operations •

N e w Product Development

O p e n i n g s e x i s t f o r t o p g r a d u a t e s a t all d e g r e e l e v e l s w i t h u p t o 5 years' experience. Excellent benefits a n d assistance in relocation t o t h e Gulf Coast.

Fwase send resume to C. Randall

ENGINEERS at Expanding Silicone Plant Our continued growth in silicones has created a need for engineers who are willing to assume complete responsibility for design and installation of chemical process equipment or utilities, services or structural installations, covering all phases from initial estimâtes to field construction. BS in chemical engineering or mechanical engineering with 3-6 years chemical plant experience required. Investigate

by writing in confidence


R.'K. Clark, Manager Employee Relations


Silicone Products Dept.



P. O. Box 846






Port Neches, Texas


196 0

Waterford, New York

A r e y o u απ outdoor Do y o u l i k e h u n t i n g ,




Then there may be an opportunity to combine fine living in Idaho with an excellent professional career in the Atomic Energy field with





CHEMISTS For basic studies in chemical processing of nuclear fuels. Special interests include studies of mechanism of stress corrosion and corrosion protection, chemical separation processes, kinetics and mechanisms of radiolytic de­ composition of organic solvents, physical chemistry of solids in waste treatment and disposal problems. Challenging research positions for qualified degree chemists.



For process development studies on aqueous chemical fuel recovery processes. Special interests include stud­ ies of fluid bed systems, chemical dissolution and extrac­ tion systems and operation of hot pilot plant equipment. Chemical Engineers also needed for Project Engineering, Plant Engineering and other Research and Development work.

There are also career opportunities for





in all levels of education and experience Write to: PHILLIPS



A t o m i c Energy D i v i s i o n Personnel A d m i n i s t r a t i o n P. O . Box 2 0 6 7 D Z Idaho Falls, Idaho



B.S. or M.S.

Our continued expansion has created a position for chemist with some experience in color development. Knowledge of pigments, color agents and color evaluation as applied to thermoplastics desirable.

2 to 5 years' experience Interest and sufficient experi­ ence in polymer field to conduct independent re­ search Opportunities in both and applied areas

Attractive relocation provisions—educational assistance program— salary advancement opportunity—other liberal benefits. For more information write in confidence to :

basic Ν. Η. Petersen, Resident Personnel Manager


For technical application form and descriptive ma­ terial, write to: Technical Personnel Manager Battelle Memorial Institute 505 King Avenue Columbus 1, Ohio

ELEQRO-ANALYST Ph.Dg. with more than one year's experience, to initiate and supervise a group on electroanalytical methods of analysis. Should have a working knowledge of polarography, p o ­ tent iometric titrations, amperometry, coulometry, and related fields. This position is in the newly-created CENTRAL ANALYTICAL DEPARTMENT of



OLIN MATHIESON CHEMICAL CORP. 275 Winchester A v e . , New H a v e n , Conn.

A Growth Company Located in the Growing Mid-Ohio Valley Manufacturers of Polymers for the Plastics Rubber and Paint Industries Box 68

Washington, West Virginia

CHEMICAL PRODUCTION ENGINEER PROCESS ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER Recently announced expansions have created the following growth opportunities at this polyvinyl chloride resin plant in northeastern Ohio: Process Engineer—Technical control of production, personal attention to recipes, procedures, and process equipment improvements to maintain production quality at maximum rate. Production Engineer—Investigate and develop new processes and equipment for cost reduction purposes, evaluate production performances, compute plant operating efficiency, make cost estimates, economic evaluations, engineering calculations, flow diagrams of new processes and equipment. Project Engineer—Specifications of equipment and materials for project requirements, investigates and recommends equipment and materials and makes engineering studies and cost estimates of proposed additions and changes to plant facilities, coordinates installation, construction and startup of new facilities. Applicants should have chemical or chemical engineering degree and none to 5 years experience in any of the following: chemical production, process control, development, process engineering, project engineering. Salary will depend on qualifications. Company paid pension, hospitalization, surgical plan and life insurance. Submit complete résumé of education, experience, and salary requirements to Box 42-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a .


3, 196 0



CHEMISTS—CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Current expansion program has created outstanding growth opportunities for experienced personnel as: 1. 2. 3.

Head of Vinyl Polymer Research Section. Senior Organic Research Chemist. Vinyl Applications Engineer.






Ph.D. Protein chemistry BIOCHEMIST: experience preferred, pharmaceutical background, initiative essential. Independent basic research project. Salary open. J. N. Sandman, Deborah Hospital, 901 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., or call HObart 1-0953 in Riverside, N.J. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: B.S. in chemical engineering to work under production superintendent in small organic chemical plant located ten miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. Excellent opportunity for young engineer to gain valuable varied production and engineering experience. Send résumé: Montrose Chemical Corp. of California, P.O. Box 147, Torrance, California. COATING OR POLYMER CHEMIST for research and development work with expanding specialty manufacturer. "Golden" opportunity for ambitious chemist who may be "stymied" in present position. Box 30-J-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

CAREERS In Applications Research and Development at the





RESEARCH CENTER · WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Stimulating opportunities for BS/MS chemists and chemical engineers with up to five years experience. You can capitalize on mechanical aptitude or an interest in physical chemistry, physics or materials engineering as you study the utilization of our present and future products. Hercules is a leading chemical manufacturer and this work would be in such areas as adhesives, coatings, elastomers, paper, plastics, and printing inks. You may contact Dr. John C. Robinson, Jr., Personnel Manager Hercules Research Center, Wilmington, Delaware

PHYSICIST M. S. or Ph. D., strong math background and interest in flame theory and combustion phenomena. Must be good experimentalist and interested in working with highly specialized equipment. W. L. Jones, Personnel Manager, Thiokol Chemical Corporation, Elkton Division, Elkton, Maryland, EXport 8-3000. U. S. AND CANADIAN SALES Current openings for graduate chemists interested in challenging sales opportunities. Strong technical training program for field selling. .. eventual assignment as technical representative with world's largest manufacturer-distributor of laboratory apparatus and reagent chemicals. Salary, bonus, expenses, car, benefits. Send full resume to: Paul F. Faupel, Technical Employment Manager, Fisher Scientific Company, 717 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh 19, Pennsylvania.

ADHESIVE CHEMIST Leading Los Angeles manufacturer of adhesives for the building trade and industry needs capable, imaginative chemist to help with new product development program. Must have experience in the adhesive field, be familiar with formulations containing reclaim rubber, synthetic rubber, rosin and rosin derivatives, synthetic resins, inorganic fillers, solvents. Should know emulsifying techniques. Degree required. Excellent opportunity for right person. Salary open depending on experience and ability. Please send résumé. All replies will be held in strictest confidence. Box 36-Γ-10, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . PETROCHEMICAL PILOT PLANT ENGINEERS Chemical Engineers with demonstrated initiative and 2-4 years experience in unit operations wanted for non-routine assignments in development of promising new polyolenns. Excellent opportunities for professional and personal advancement in a young expanding company which is well established in the petrochemical field. Varied cultural activities and graduate courses are available locally. Send resume to: E m p l o y e e Relations Department PETRO-TEX CHEMICAL CORP. P . O. Box 2584 Houston 1, Texas



OCT. 3f 196 0

SALES ENGINEERS Leading Water Treatment Company has several openings in key territories. Chemical background or power plant experience required. Reply in confidence. Box CEN 403, 125 W. 41 S t . , N.Y. 36 SENIOR SCIENTIST: Attractive, permanent position for qualified scientist or engineer with several years practical experience working on electrical insulating materials and with extensive knowledge of their properties, measurements and applications to electrical and electronic components. Capable of supervising, where necessary, the work of chemists and electrical engineers and of present­ ing the results of his work orally and in writing. JUNIOR SCIENTIST: B.S. minimum or equivalent. Experience with properties, measure­ ment, application of electrical insulating materials necessary. Must be imaginative and accustomed to bench work. Excellent chance for advancement in an R & D group working on electrical and electronic components. Send complete resume and salary requirements to Manager, Research and Engineering, Aerovox Corp., New Bedford, Mass.

GOODYEAR ATOMIC CORPORATION Has an opening for a specialist to work on research and development projects in the fields of thin film, crystal perfection, defect structure, and corrosion. Background should be in solid state physics, physical chemistry, electron microscopy, and/or electron dif­ fraction. Excellent laboratory facilities are available to support studies in these areas. Submit résumé and salary requirements to: EMPLOYMENT DEPT.


CHEMISTS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERS GAF, f a m o u s for itH achievements in developing p r o d u c t s " f r o m r e ­ search t o r e a l i t y , " c o n t i n u e s t o broaden t h e b r e a d t h a n d scope of its activities. Under t h i s p r o g r a m of c o n t i n u o u s expansion, the c h e m i s t finds t h e challenge a n d s t a ­ bility provided by p r o d u c t diver­ sification, a n d t h e l a t i t u d e for professional growth c o m m e n s u ­ r a t e with h i s own c o n t r i b u t i o n s . IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN SEVERAL O F OUR LOCATIONS:

EASTON, PA. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, Ph.D., 0-5 years experience. Knowledge of Organic Chemistry with interest in structure determination and trace analysis by intrumental & analytical techniques. APPLICATIONS CHEMISTS, 1-10. years experience, openings in textile . dyeing and polymer applications. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. or equivalent 0-5 years experience gen­ eral organic synthesis, monomers or polymers. send resume to : Mr. C. Ύ. Farley, Supervisor, Professional Employment, Coal & Lincoln Street, Easton, Pa.

RENSSELAER, Ν. Υ. P.R.D. CHEMIST, M.S. Degree in organic chemistry; Process develop­ ment work; to develop plant-fea­ sible processes and supervise instal­ lation on a manufacturing scale. send resume t o : Mr. P. L. McShane, Supervisor, Professional Employment, Riverside Ave., Rensselaer, Ν. Υ.

UNPEN, N. J. ORGANIC CHEMISTS, P h . D . 0-3 years experience, perform exploratory new fields and line product and de­ velopment work. PHYSICAL CHEMIST, Ph.D. 3-5 years experience investigation and evaluation on iron & other metal pow­ ders. send resume t o : Mr. P. Smith, Jr., Supervisor, Professional Employ­ ment, P. O. Box 12, Linden, N. J. DYESTUFF 6· CHEMICAL DIVISION "The Organic Chemicals Arm" of

GENERAL ANIUNE & FILM CORPORATION 435 Hudson Street, New York 14, Ν. Υ.

Market Development Assistant Highly promising growth situation with a major petrochemical the midst of dynamic expansion.

company in

QUALIFICATIONS: Over 28 years; BS in chemistry or chem engineering; minimum 2 years background in chemical market development work, preferably in the field of synthetic resins; SALARY O P E N . ASSIGNMENT: T o develop and improve t h e potential commercial market for pilot chemical products and processes. Laboratory work will be supplemented by production trials at customers plant, where techniques of application and manufacture are developed. Subsequent plant scale operation should follow. Complete marketing and sales follow-thru. Our candidate will not be easy to locate. He must be a self-starter with the ability and independence of action which only maturity brings. He must have flexibility of being equally at ease whether speaking to production or top management about technical or economic ideas. H e will be a member of a newly formed market development group within the Polychemical Department. All inquiries treated in strictest confidence. Direct your inquiry and detailed résumé to: Mr. Myles McLoughlin, Personnel Manager



5 2 9















1 7,

Ν. Υ.

OUR CONTINUING GROWTH REQUIRES EXPANSION OF . . .Market Research & Development activities in Clifton, New Jersey . . .Technical Sales & Services in Clifton, New Jersey, & Territories throughout the country ...Process Engineering work at our Baton Rouge, Louisiana, & Clifton, New Jersey locations.

The following career opportunities are available: MARKET RESEARCH SPECIALIST For chemicals and plastics. Minimum 6.S. with experience in professional market research and in plastics.

ENGINEERING ECONOMICS SPECIALIST For economic evaluation of new processes, cost studies, etc. B.S. in Ch.E. with MBA desirable.

MARKET DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST For coordination of new product introduction and of new fabrication methods. B.S. Degree with experience in resin product development. Market research and applications development experience helpful.

TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES For specific territories. B.S. with plastics selling experience. Experience may be substituted for educational requirement.

TECHNICAL SERVICE ENGINEERS For customer service work. E.S. with engineer­ ing, materials development or testing experience

PROCESS ENGINEERS For plant process development, process design, economic evaluation and engineering studies. All levels of experience.

Apply in confidence to J. B. Flaherty


PHYSICAL CHEMIST M. S. or Ph. D., and strong math background. Must have interest and experience in either chemical thermodynamic calculations or poly­ mer physics. Must be capable of translating data on polymer physical properties into mathematical models and expressions. W. L. Jones, Personnel Manager, Thiolcol Chemical Corporation, Ellcton Division, Ellcton, Maryland, EXport 8-3000.

ORGANIC CHEMISTS Positions available for Ph.D. and B.S. organic chemists with interest in paint, polymer or petroleum additivies. 5-10 years experience nec­ essary. Send résumé and recent photograph. CARLISLE CHEMICAL WORKS, INC. Reading, Ohio

CLIFTON, NEW JERSEY MARKETING M A N : Challenging position immediately available for aggressive man with solid technical background. Experience with surfactants preferred. Will consider other. This is an excellent opportunity to get in with a dynamic firm. Send full resume and salary requirements. Box 20-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton. Pa. PLANT E N G I N E E R : B.S. in chemical engi­ neering with good background in basic engineer­ ing and project supervision for miscellaneou.engineering assignments in small growing or­ ganic chemical plant located ten miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. Company is closely affiliated with large international organization and offers, good opportunity for advancement with the maximum in fringes and security. Send résumé : Montrose Chemical Corp. of California, P.O. Box 147, Torrance, California. CHEMIST : Experienced in drug analyses. Able to apply modern physical methods. Willing to work at bench and assume supervision of others. Long established independent laboratory, central Philadelphia. State training and experience. Immediate opening ; starting date may be as late as November 1st. Replies confidential until after personal interview. Box 31-J-9, C. & Ε. N., Easton, Pa.

CHEMIST OR ENGINEER having several years recent experience in processing synthetic petroleum catalysts. Box 19-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST : Ph.D., for purely synthetic work. Position open December 1st. AVrite to : Dr. Erwin Schwenk, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass.

GROUP L E A D E R POLYMER RESEARCH Ph.D. with five or more years of experience in organic polymer chemistry to head new polymer preparation group. Will have broad responsibility in formulating pro­ gram, recruiting, and supervision of technical personnel. Excellent support facilities include new plastics evaluation laboratory. Outstanding opportunity in growing research organization of major oil company. Pleasant working and living conditions in southwestern city of 25,000. For prompt and confidential con­ sideration, please send a complete résumé of education, experience, and salary requirements to: Personnel Relations Dept. No. 7 CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY P o n c a City, Oklahoma

Academic Positions PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY — ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: Young Ph.D., September 1961. G. E. Schildknecht, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, BIOCHEMISTRY : Ph.D. Research in connective tissue program; some teaching. Dr. Otto Neuhaus, Physiological Chemistry, Wayne State University College of Medicine, Detroit 7, Mich. POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN BIOCHEMISTRY involving blood proteins, available immediately. $6,000 to begin, partially tax free, no tuition. For further information write Assistant Director, Office of Education. The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Texas Medical Center, Houston 25, Texas POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOC! ΑΊΈ : Recent organic Ph.D. preferably with research experience in polymerization reactions and mechanisms to work full time (one month vacation per year) in academic atmosphere do­ ing publishable research. Salary open, $6,600 minimum. Include brief personal and academic details. D. S. Trifan, Plastics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST: Ten years of diversified experience in ethical field. Formu­ lation, manufacturing, trouble-shooting. Orranic synthetic research. Cosmetic and analytical development. Publications. Languages. Mar­ ried, 37. Desires N.J., N.Y. area. Accepts foreign assignments. Available immediately. Box 300-F-10, C. A E. N., Easton. Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST: iTs! Age 24. Will consider analytical chemistry. Three years in­ dustrial experience in plant biochemistry, syn­ thetic resins, instrumentation, and trouble-shoot­ ing. Broad background in analytical techniques. Supervisory experience. Draft exempt. Location immaterial; a progressive company, a must. Box 301-F-10. C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton. Pa. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMIST : B.S., age 36. Experienced research and development Diazo, wash-off, Electrofax, IR systems, including coat­ ing and resin applications. Desire growth op­ portunity. New York Citv-New Jersey area. Box 303-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. WOMAN ANALYTICAL CHEMIST: A.B. in chemistry. Several years experience in petro­ leum research organization in spectrophotometric, flame-photometric, gas and trace (metal and nonmetal) analyses, also method development and supervisory · experience. Washington, D.C. area onlv. Box 304-F-10. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

( C o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 128) OCT.

3, 1 9 6 0 C & E N


(Situations Wanted, Continued) PH.D. 9 years experience in medicinal organic chemistry. Publications, patents. Desires re­ sponsible position in organic synthesis. Pre­ ferred location: Metropolitan New York, or central New Jersey area. Box 302-F-10, C. & E. N „ Easton, Pa. ELASTOMER FOAM CHEMIST : M.S. 1954. Age 30, married. Seven years experience in latex and urethane foams, both production and development. Desires a responsible position as group leader in development and/or technical service, preferably in flexible urethane foams. Available immediately. Box 305-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST: B.S., female, age 36. Fifteen years diversified analytical experience in color and cosmetic field. Experienced in emission, ultraviolet, infrared, chromatography, methods development and specification at group leader level. Familiar with USP, AOAC, and federal specification procedures. Metropolitan New York-New Jersey area only. Box 306-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. INTERNATIONAL DIVISION : South America or Europe. Liaison, technical sales, production. Chemist, Ph.D., with broad ex­ perience. Business minded. Languages. Box 307-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. MANAGER : Seeks growth opportunity to utilize total experience which includes work as manager of division to develop and market urethane polymers, manager of textile finishing plant, R&D administration, chemical sales. Ed­ ucation: Chemical Engineering (B.S.), Business (M.B.A. from Harvard Business School). Box 308-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST: M.S., age 29, single. Recently became paraplegic. Background in­ cludes experience as a commodity purchasing agent for large corporation and bench scale re­ search in synthesis of organic lubricants. De­ sires position in organic research. Box 309-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH SUPERVISION, TECHNICAL SERVICE, MARKET DEVELOPMENT: M.S., 25 years experience includes polymerization, coatings, adhesives, textiles, paper, foamable plastics. Creative, varied field background, patents. Can assume broad responsibility. West Coast preferred. Box 310-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL OR OPERATIONS MANAGER: B.Ch.E. 1943. Seventeen years in sales, production, development, and general manager specialty chemical field. Of value similar posi­ tion or market development. Box 311-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ACADEMIC: University teaching position with opportunity for research desired. Will com­ plete postdoctoral research appointment in January. Experiences in small ring compounds. Organic Ph.D., 1960, married, family. West Coast location preferred. Nonacademic positions con­ sidered. Box 312-F-10, C. & E. N„ Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R : 1948, age 37, twelve years chemical production management and en­ gineering. Seeks management position with new plant or expanding company, preferably in the South. Box 313-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST SUPERVISOR : 12 years experience in metals, 6 in organics. Last 9 in supervisory level which included 3 years in Central and South America. One year tech­ nical sales. B.A. chemistry, age 42, married, family. Desires position of chief chemist or related capacity. Résumé. Box 307-J-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST: B.S., 37 graduate credit hours in organic, 8 years experience in steroid research, 4 years in microanalytical and analytical, instrumentation and chromatography, also paper chromatography, interpretation of data, advisory and supervisory experience. Publications and patents. Wish to relocate. Married. De­ sires challenging position. Box 300-J-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC MANAGER: Broad administrative and technical experience. Versatile. 19 years pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other organic chemicals. Process improvement, methods en­ gineering, quality control, safety. Machinery purchase and operation in production, packaging, soft capsule. Will relocate, domestic or foreign. Résume waiting for you. Cook, 18 Charles, Westboro, Massachusetts. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R : B.S.Ch.E. wjz years experience production, research and development, engineering and maintenance, in fields of resins, plastics, plastic-coated metals, terpenes, detergents, boron fuels. 12 years supervisory background. Desire responsible, challenging position. $10,000 minimum. Box 304-L-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. INDUSTRIAL CHEMIST-BIOCHEMIST : Ph.D. Executive 25 years top experience. Age 46. Seeks challenging key industrial position having major responsibilities. Box 302-L-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. 128




196 0

CHEMIST: Age 29. Experienced research and development. Production control. Back­ ground in soaps, detergents and film processing. Available im­ West or Southwest desired. mediately. Box 319-L-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

SITUATIONS WANTED (Nonntembers) SENIOR CHEMIST: Ph.D. with 13 years of experience in industrial research (Canada) seeks responsible position. Experience includes studies in polyacrylate chemistry, textile auxiliaries, flocculating agents, plasticizers for PVC. Box 600-F-10, C. ά Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR—INSTRUMENT SALES, MARKET RESEARCH: Sixteen years experi­ ence all phases development and marketing ana­ lytical instruments. Gas chromatography, spec­ troscopy, polarography, electro-medical. De­ sires administrative position witli instrument manufacturer in Massachusetts or Rhode Is­ land. Box 601-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa.


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Chemists and Chemical Engineers


January 30, 1961 issue

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BACK ISSUES of nearly all volumes of ACS journals aie available promptly from the American Chemical Society. \Vrite for quota­ tions on volumes and sets. Special Issues Sales Department, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington 6. D.C. SPECIALISTS in sets, back files, chemical, scientific, technical journals. Get our quotations before you buy or sell. Canner's Inc.. Boston 20. Massachusetts. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ΙΝλΈΝΤΙΟΝ DEVELOPMENT: Experi­ mental equipment. Drawings. Details on re­ quest. Todd Consulting Engineers, 424 West 119th St., New York 27.

SCANDINAVIA With a high standard of living and a considerable purchasing power, the Scan­ dinavian market offers great opportunities for pharmaceuticals, foods and chemical specialities. With a view to increasing its activities in this line, a 60-year-old, wellestablished manufacturer/distributor with an efficient sales and service organisation throughout Scandinavia is interested in manufacturing and/or selling above prod­ ucts under license. American references available. A/S EINAR WILLUMSEN, 57 Studiestraede, Copenhagen, Denmark.

I f you are an employer or a job applicant, the January 30 issue will be important to you. This issue will contain C&EN's annual "CAREER OPPORTUNITIES" feature with editorial devoted to the cur­ rent employment situation and advertise­ ments by the country's leading companies. Here the applicant can browse through helpful editorial on making career deci­ sions—going after a job, profiles on re­ search, production, analysis, design, de­ velopment and sales. All that he will need to acquaint him with opportunities ahead in the vast chemical process indus­ tries. And here the chemical company can tell its full story to prospective applicants. This is more than a "Help Wanted" ad. It is one of the few opportunities which a company has to gixe the full scope of its operation—who it is, what it manufac­ tures, past accomplishments, plans for the future, facilities and working conditions, advancement policies and opportunities, company benefits and living conditions. The "CAREER OPPORTUNITIES" sec­ tion is fast becoming the employment forum of the chemical process industries.




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