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Nov 4, 2010 - Notices must he accompanied by remittance in full and sent to INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 332 West 42nd St., New York, ...
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E m p l o y m e n t Service Notices must he accompanied by remittance in full and sent to INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 332 West 42nd St.,

New York, N . V., to reach there on the first of the month for the N E W S EDITION of t h e 10th and on the 10th for the 20th.


will be inserted in the order of their receipt.

In printing these advertisements t h e SOCIETY assumes no obli-

R a t e s : Members of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY are en-

titled, during the year, and for their own account only, to free insertion of 4 announcements, not to exceed one per issue, pertaining to new positions or change of employer, each limited to fifty words, address included, in either the Situations Open "or Situations Wanted section. Additional insertions, extra space or display ($7.50 per inch) will b e charged a t the regular rate.

Situations Open The Society regards acknowledgment by employers of all applications as an act of common courtesy but can assume no responsibility for their failure to do so. CHEMICAL ENGINEER experienced in the production of phthalir anhydride and maleic anhydride hv the vapor phase oxidation method. Must be able to assist in the design, operation and construction of same. Box 69-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. EXECUTIVES. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS with exceptional backgrounds of experience ehould use our confidential and individual method of contacting responsible employers. No limit to territory. We negotiate all overtures. Established 1915. The National Business Bourse, 20 W. Jaokson Blvd., Chicago, 111. GREASE RESEARCH CHKMIST wanted by large Eastern petroleum refiner. Requires a graduate chemist with several years' experience in development and manufacture of greases. Applicant should have a knowledge of basic materials, methods of evaluation, and field requirements of automotive and industrial products. Write full details of chemical training, experience, age, salary expected, and enclose a recent photograph. Box 61-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. LACQUER CHEMIST: Experienced for growing department of outstanding manufacturer in its field. Must be familiar with the newer rawmaterials and particularly with industrial applications other than the usual decorative finishes. Write fully, stating age, education, experience, positions Field, salaries received. Box 65-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, M.S. or Ph.D. young, with several years' experience in organic synthesis and manufacture of synthetic resins by progressive manufacture of printing inks and varnishes; position in research and development laboratory; give training, age, salary expected; photograph, location, Ohio Valley. Box 56-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D.. young with several years' experience in organic synthesis wanted for similar type of work by large company in middle west. State salary desired. Box 13-N-4, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PAINT AND VARNISH CHEMIST. Pacific Coast manufacturer desires experienced chemist for general development w*ork and research. Practical experience and ability to do independent work most essential. State experience and expected salary in first reply. Box 72-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. LACQUER EXPERT: Experienced in sales, .-.ervice and formulation of industrial lacquers, rapahle of initiating and developing a specialty department. Familiarity necessary, not only uith industrial specialties and their application, but also with old and new cellulose derivatives, synthetic and natural resins and platicizers. Write complete details of education, experience, previous positions including salaries and expectations for the future. Box 66—N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEER: Chemical Engineer with several years' experience on distil.ation and cracking unit processing, heat balances, testing of equipment and economic studies. Good personality and appearance with initiative. Give details of education, experience, salary expected and photo. Replies treated confidentially. Middle Atlantic. Box 63-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa.

Non-members will be charged 5 cents a word, with a minimum charge of $2.00 for each insertion, t h e address counting as 10 words. gations as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers. THOSE R E P L Y I N G T O A N N O U N C E M E N T S SHOULD B E C A R E F U L T O S E N D C O P I E S A N D NOT O R I G I N A L D O C U M E N T S . Potential employers are requested t o mention in their announcements t h e section of t h e country in which the open position is located to insure replies only from those who are geographically available.

SAFETY ENGINEER for Southern Tier New York State chemical and metal stamping plant. Must be experienced to handle all safety problems. First letter to state age, experience, salary and references. Box 51-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. WANTED: To sail July 15th. Chemical Engineer or Chemist with plant experience in Coconut Oil Refining, Hydrogenating and Deodorizing, to put into operation and instruct personnel in a new plant now being erected in the Philippine Islands. Temporary but might develop into a permanent position. State full details of training and experience, age, and salary expected. Enclose photograph and list of references- Box 67-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. YOUNG PATENT ATTORNEY with training in organic chemistry. Petroleum experience preferred. Registration not essential but must be qualified to prepare and prosecute applications with minimum of supervision. Outline fully personal, educational, and professional qualifications. Box 64-N-5, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMISTS WITH SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS try this office, we list men and women from all parts of the oountry. Our work is not restricted to members of any organisation. Bureau of Employment of The Chemists Club, Inc., (Agency), 52 East 41st Street, New York, N. Y.

Situations Wanted (A. C. S. Members)

ABLE ASSISTANT would like to hear from chemist or organisation engaged in research. B.S. in Ch.E. with several years' plant and laboratory experience. Salary secondary. Metropolitan area preferred. Box 48-N-5, Ind.