Emsorb® Esters offer superior color and color stability - Chemical

Nov 6, 2010 - Emsorb® Esters offer superior color and color stability. Chem. Eng. News , 1967, 45 (36), p 27. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v045n036.p027. Publica...
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Cross-linking Trimer Acid produces toughness in polymers Emsorb® Esters offer superior color and color stability

T h e functionality of three carboxyl groups in Empol® 1043 Trimer Acid gives a cross-linking action which produces a toughness t h a t ' s highly desirable in specialty resin systems.

T h e superior color and color stability of E m s o r b Sorbitan and Ethoxylated Sorbitan Esters is demonstrated by t h e d a t a shown below. E m s o r b Esters are derived from t h e finest quality E m e r y fatty acids, and manufactured to exacting s t a n d a r d s , t h u s assuring t h e batch-to-batch purity and uniformity essential for consistency and perfection in finished products. Explore E m s o r b Esters for use in your products. W r i t e now for folder containing specifications and typical properties. Initial Gardner Color Emsorb 2500 Sorbitan Mono-oleate Competitive Sorbitan Mono-oleate Emsorb 2505 Sorbitan Monostearate Competitive Sorbitan Monostearate Emsorb 6903 POE (20) Sorbitan Trioleate Competitive POE (20) Sorbitan Trioleate

Other characteristics of this unique liquid tribasic acid are: light color (9 Gardner), a high trimer acid content (70% ), good compatibility with epoxy resins, and the increased flexibility it imparts to cured epoxy systems, with t h e retention of excellent tensile strength. A second E m e r y trimer acid, Empol 1040, with a higher trimer acid content of 9 1 % , has found principal application as a flexibilizer for epoxy resins. W h y not investigate these unusual tribasic acids to see w h a t t h e y can contribute to the success of your products. Use coupon to request d a t a sheets and evaluation samples.

Gardner Color After 2 Hrs. at 2 0 5 ° ^













1 Color Stability Test: 30 grams of sample placed in 6 inch glass test tube and subjected to 205°C for a period of two hours. Initial and final Gardner Color were recorded. 2Bottle A sBottle B

INDUSTRIES, INC. Organic Chemicals Division Dept. 309, Carew Tower Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Western Operations. Santa Fe Springs. Calif. Emery Industries. (Canada) Ltd.. London. Ontario Unilever-Emery. N.V.. Gouda. The Netherlands Export Division. Cincinnati

Please send • "Plastolein Plasticizers" catalog D Empol 1043 Trimer Acid data sheet • Empol 1043 Trimer Acid evaluation sample D "Empol 1040 Trimer Acid for Flexibilizing Epoxy Resins", Bulletin 438A D Empol 1040 Trimer Acid evaluation sample • Emsorb Esters bulletin Title

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