Enantioselective Three-Step Synthesis of Homo-β-proline: A Donor

Publication Date (Web): May 9, 2017 ... An enantioselective three-step synthesis of the GABA uptake inhibitor (S)-(+)-homo-β-proline was developed. ...
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Letter pubs.acs.org/OrgLett

Enantioselective Three-Step Synthesis of Homo-β-proline: A Donor− Acceptor Cyclopropane as Key Intermediate Ludwig K. A. Pilsl,† Thomas Ertl,‡ and Oliver Reiser* Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: An enantioselective three-step synthesis of the GABA uptake inhibitor (S)-(+)-homo-β-proline was developed. The basis for the synthesis was the enantioselective CuI-catalyzed cyclopropanation of N-Boc-pyrrole, a substrate that persistently has proved to be challenging in such transformations. The cyclopropanation can be performed on a 150 mmol scale, and the two subsequent steps (i.e., hydrogenation and in situ cyclopropane-opening/double-deprotection) toward the target molecule proceed smoothly in quantitative yield without loss of enantiopurity. Scheme 1. Retrosynthesis of homo-β-proline (1) from NBoc-pyrrole (3)


omo-β-proline (3-pyrrolidineacetic acid, 1) is a structural analogue of the nonproteinogenic γ-amino acid and neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and was first mentioned in the late 1950s in a series of Japanese patents.1 Studies on its biological potential appeared around 20 years later, when a group of Danish scientists discovered that 1 is an inhibitor of GABA uptake.2 Further studies on N-substituted derivatives of 1 emphasized its potential as a modulator of neuronal and glial GABA’ergic function.3 Besides its biological activity, the core structure of 1 is a common structural element in many classes of natural products4 and is also used as an integral building block and/or pharmacophore in drug development, as illustrated by the large body of literature making use of this particular scaffold.5 Racemic homo-β-proline (±-1) is commercially available from a handful of suppliers ranging approximately 20−200 USD/mmol. Commercial sources for the enantiopure material are scarce with higher costs. This may be due to the limited number of reported syntheses for either racemic or enantiopure 1. To date, there are a total of ten synthetic protocols reported in the literature that aim for the synthesis of 1 (see Supporting Information (SI)),6 and only two of these are of enantioselective nature.7,8 Given the highly interesting properties combined with the restricted accessibility, we envisioned the synthesis of enantiomerically pure 1 from a monocyclopropanated pyrrole derivative 2-R (Scheme 1), utilizing the unique properties of donor−acceptor cyclopropanes9 that allow the ring opening of the weakest bond in the three-membered ring. While the asymmetric cyclopropanation reactions of furans can be carried out with ethyl diazoacetate in high enantioselectivities (>90% ee) using copper(I) bis(oxazoline) complexes,10,11 the analogous transformation of N-protected pyrrole such as 3 led only to unsatisfactory results (99% ee) was isolated in multigram quantity. The absolute stereochemistry of 2-tBu was determined by a combination of optical rotation, chiral HPLC, and X-ray analysis and follows the Pfaltz model for asymmetric induction in cyclopropanation of alkenes catalyzed by copper(I)-bis(oxazoline) complexes (Figure 1 and SI). It is interesting to

species in the presence of various aza-bis(oxazoline) (azabox, Table 1) ligands.16 The latter are closely related in their steric Table 1. Enantioselective Cyclopropanation of N-Bocpyrrole with CuI-aza-bis(oxazoline) Complexesa




t (°C)

yield 2 (%)b

ee 2 (%)c

yield 6 (%)b

ee 6 (%)c

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11d 12

tBu tBu tBu Me tBu tBu Me tBu tBu tBu tBu tBu

7 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12

−10 −10 −15 20 0 −20 20 20 −10 −20 −15 0

24 29 19 54 33 26 61 23 30 37 44 (59)e 17g

37 33 52 55 81 64 52 83 90 93 87 (>99)f 57 (99)f

2 10 − n.d. 24 2 n.d. 31 17 − 12 19h

n.d. 0 − n.d. 18 n.d. n.d. 27 n.d. − 40 26

Figure 1. Transition state model 13 for the asymmetric cyclopropanation of 3 and single crystal X-ray structure of 2-tBu (Color code: C = gray, H = white, N = blue, O = red).

note that the double cyclopropanation adduct 6-tBu, which was also characterized by X-ray analysis (SI), is formed with low enantioselectivity. This suggests that the minor enantiomer (ent)-2-tBu efficiently undergoes the second cyclopropanation as well, indicating substrate rather than catalyst control in this step. Having succeeded in the enantioselective preparation of 2tBu, we focused on the downstream steps toward homo-βproline (1). Upon treatment of cyclopropane 2-tBu with TFA/ Et3SiH aiming at double bond hydrogenation, ring opening, and protecting group removal in a one-pot reaction, indeed 1 was detected in trace amounts, but the conversion was somewhat sluggish with diverse side products being formed. Hence, it was decided to hydrogenate first the enamine 2-tBu under neutral conditions in order to prevent its activation as an imine electrophile by protonation. Initially, Pd/C at ambient pressure of hydrogen was employed, giving rise to the desired product 14 in 85% yield after chromatographic purification. Optimization of the hydrogenation step was carried out by changing the catalyst or the pressure of hydrogen gas. Quantitative yields of 14 without the necessity for a chromatographic workup were achieved using either Rh/C (5 wt %, 0.14 mol % Rh, 8 h at 1 atm H2) or Pd/C (10 wt %, 2.4 mol % Pd, 4 h at 20 atm H2) (Scheme 2). Next, various conditions for the opening of the cyclopropane ring of 14 with concurrent deprotection of the N-Boc group and the tert-butyl ester were tested. It became apparent that the desired transformation to 1 can be achieved with various Brønsted or oxophilic Lewis acids; however, epimerization during the ring-opening/deprotection cascade was the major obstacle. For example, employing Sc(OTf)3/Et3SiH under reflux conditions resulted in a complete conversion of 14; however, 1 could only be obtained in racemic form (see SI). Application of TFA/Et3SiH under milder conditions confirmed that the temperature for the cyclopropane ringopening step is crucial for the enantiopurity of the product (>99% ee at 0 °C vs 73% ee at ambient temp); however, long reaction times became necessary for complete conversion. When BF3·OEt2 was applied under the same conditions, the reaction time could be decreased dramatically to 2 days along

a Reaction conditions: 3.0 mmol (0.5 g) of 3, 1 mol % Cu(OTf)2, 2.2 mol % ligand, 1 mol % PhNHNH2, 4.5 mmol of diazoacetate, 3 mL of DCM. bIsolated yield. cDetermined by chiral HPLC. d150.6 mmol (25.2 g) 3. ebrsm. fAfter recrystallization from hexanes. g(ent)-2. h (ent)-6.

demand to bis(oxazoline)17 ligands but bear the possibility of electronic variation through alkylation on the central nitrogen, thus acting as an anionic or neutral ligand. Moreover, azabis(oxazolines) can be readily immobilized18 on various supports through functionalization of the central nitrogen, which facilitates catalyst recovery being relevant for possible large-scale applications. The monocyclopropanated adduct 2-R could be obtained from 3 in moderate yields along with varying amounts of biscyclopropanated adduct 6-R19 (Table 1). The cyclopropanations occur with complete diastereoselectivity; i.e., the ester groups orient on the convex face of the bicycle in 2-R and 6-R. Steric bulk in both the ligand and the diazoacetate is key to achieving high enantioselectivities. Thus, tert-butyl diazoacetate was far superior compared to the corresponding methyl ester (entries 7, 8), and likewise, tert-butyl substitution in the chiral ligand is required compared to isopropyl, benzyl, or indanyl derived aza-bis(oxazolines) (entries 1, 2, 12). Notably, nonalkylated aza-bis(oxazoline) ligands generally gave better results than alkylated ones (entries 3, 6, 10) or bis(oxazoline) ligands.12 Optimal conditions were found by using an in situ generated catalyst from Cu(OTf)2/PhNHNH2/11 and tertbutyldiazoacetate as the cyclopropanation reagent at −10 to −20 °C (entries 9, 10) to yield 2-tBu in 90−93% ee. The robustness of this cyclopropanation step was demonstrated by performing the reaction on a 150 mmol scale (25 g 2755

DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b01111 Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 2754−2757


Organic Letters

Scheme 4. Synthesis of Homo-β-proline (1) from N-Bocpyrrole (3)

Scheme 2. Ring Opening of Cyclopropane Ring and Possible Epimerization

Scheme 5. Transesterification of 2-tBu toward β-ACC 4

with only a slight erosion of enantiopurity (97% ee, Scheme 3). For analytical purposes, 15 was isolated and characterized; however, the crude could be directly converted to 1 in overall quantitative yield starting from 14.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b01111. Experimental details, optimization of reaction conditions, crystallographic data for 2-tBu, 6-tBu, and 15; and summary of literature syntheses of 1 (PDF) Crystallographic data for 2-tBu (CIF) Crystallographic data for 6-tBu (CIF) Crystallographic data for 15 (CIF)

Scheme 3. Ring-Opening/Deprotection Cascade toward Homo-β-proline (1)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

The scalability of the newly developed synthetic route was demonstrated by starting from 3.6 mmol (1.00 g) of 2-tBu, 20 resulting in 457 mg of 1 ([α]20 D +9.5 (c 1, H2O)) in an overall yield of >99% without the necessity to isolate either 14 or 15 (Scheme 4). The β-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (β-ACC) derivative 4 can be incorporated into peptides using established coupling strategies, which has led to biologically active peptidomimetics and foldamers with interesting properties.14 This compound has not been accessible via an enantioselective route until now, but required the enzymatic resolution or chiral separation of racemic 2-Me.21 Transesterification of 2-tBu to 2-Me was smoothly achieved without erosion of enantiopurity (Scheme 5), which can be further converted to 4 following our previously reported protocol.21b In summary, we have developed the enantioselective cyclopropanation of N-Boc-pyrrole (3) on gram scale, which can be converted in quantitative yield and without the need for chromatographic purification of intermediates to enantiomerically pure homo-β-proline 1.

Oliver Reiser: 0000-0003-1430-573X Present Address †

Patheon Regensburg GmbH, Donaustauferstrasse 378, 93055 Regensburg, Germany. Author Contributions ‡

L.K.A.P. and T.E. contributed equally.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support by DFG (Graduiertenkolleg Medizinische Chemie GRK 1910 and RE948/9-1) is gratefully acknowledged. Evonik Degussa GmbH is acknowledged for a generous donation of L-tert-leucine. Dr. Martin Glos, Dr. Markus Hager, Dr. Klaus Harrar, and Dr. Peter Kreitmeier (all University of Regensburg) are acknowledged for technical assistance and fruitful discussions. 2756

DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b01111 Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 2754−2757


Organic Letters

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b01111 Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 2754−2757