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ENCYCLOPEDIA of X-RAYS and GAMMA RAYS '- i ^ m f e f$$mm ! « ? & % &*p& C-Nsspeal izSmm%$


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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF X-RAYS AND GAMMA RAYS Edited by George L. Clark, Research Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois. 1963, 7 X 10, Approx. 1200 pages. $35.00 The world's foremost authorities on radiation science have pooled their vast wealth of experience into this major scientific encyclopedia. A total of 300 specialists have written more than 350 articles under the editorship of Professor G. L. Clark, who has spent more than forty years in the radiation field and is acknowledged as an international authority on X-rays. The many areas of this tremendous subject are represented by men of equally diversified occupations. M a n y are from colleges of medicine and dentistry; others are from hospitals, clinics, research institutes, and government agencies involved in atomic energy research. The book includes such recent topics as atomistics, nuclear materials and reactors, space, missile, aeronatuical, astrophysical and astronautical projects. The more conventional types of industry are represented by scientists writing on alloys, automotive materials, light elements (e.g., berryllium, magnesium, carbons), cement and other building materials, chemicals, clay products, electronics, foods, drugs, polymers and plastics, and many others. The most advanced stages, mathematical and theoretical, of such widening and deeping segments of knowledge as McLachlan's masterly treatment of Information Theory, Bonart's

Fold (Faltungs) Integrals and the Paracrysalline State, H a u p t m a n ' s Phase Problem, and Rudman's Line Breadth Analysis are a few more examples of the various kinds of important subjects included. The overall design of this encyclopedia was to cover every conceivable phase of X and G radiation. This has been achieved with a thoroughness and clarity t h a t follows the traditional quality of excellence which characterizes the other Reinhold scientific encyclopedias. The coverage of topics which are in the public eye is as newsworthy as today's headlines. For example, the reader will find an accurate evaluation of the biological consequences upon the survivors of the 1945 Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombings, and accounts of the latest strides in X-ray microscopy, flash radiography and cineradiography at incredible speeds. Pin-pointing specific information is easy in this encyclopedia. All articles are listed alphabetically under the key word in the title. Where there are other significant words in the title, or important sections in the text not indicated expressly by the title, these are all appropriately listed with reference to the actual location of the article, in a kind of continuous topical index throughout the book. There is, of course, the conventional topical index at the end of the volume. Professor Clark has edited and been responsible for several highly successful Reinhold encyclopedias including Encyclopedia of Microscopy, Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Encyclopedia of Chemistry. In each one, he has gathered together the greatest names in all areas of chemistry, and groomed their collective work into a superbly organized, thorough reference. The "Encyclopedia of X-Rays and Gamma R a y s " surpasses all other printed works on the subject of X and Gamma Radiation. Certainly it is the definitive work on the half-century old radiation field. 30 DAY EXAMINATION OFFER REINHOLD BOOK DIVISION, Dept. M-147, 430 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Please send me the following book for 30 days' examination under the following terms: • Total Payment enclosed (Reinhold pays regular delivery charges) • Bill me (plus delivery charges) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF X-RAYS AND GAMMA RAYS $35 NAME

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