Energy and Electron Transfer in a Poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene

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Macromolecules 2007, 40, 2760-2772

Energy and Electron Transfer in a Poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene) Bearing Perylenediimides as Pendant Electron Acceptor Groups Rafael Go´ mez,†,‡ Dirk Veldman,‡ Rau´ l Blanco,† Carlos Seoane,† Jose´ L. Segura,*,† and Rene´ A. J. Janssen*,‡ Departamento de Quı´mica Orga´ nica, Facultad de Quı´mica, UniVersidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040, Madrid, Spain, and Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, EindhoVen UniVersity of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB EindhoVen, The Netherlands ReceiVed January 4, 2007; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed February 7, 2007

ABSTRACT: We describe the synthesis and characterization of a novel poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene) substituted with perylenediimide (PDI) moieties as pendant groups. Cyclic voltammetry experiments show the amphoteric nature of the material, which combines the good electron donor ability of the polymeric chain with the acceptor properties of the pendant PDI moieties. Absorption spectroscopy suggests the presence of PDI aggregates, whereas the emission spectra show a strong emission quenching of both the polymeric backbone and the PDI units. Further investigation on the energy and/or electron-transfer processes involved is carried out by temperature-dependent excitation spectra and photoluminescence lifetimes. These studies show the presence of electron transfer not only from the electron donor polymeric chain to the pendant PDI units but also, and more remarkably, to PDI aggregates both in solution and in solid state, as is further confirmed by photoinduced absorption spectroscopy.

Introduction The use of photoactive organic compounds as materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)1 and plastic solar cells2 has gained significant attention in the past decade. Both photoactive polymers3 and small-size functional molecules4,5 have been successfully employed in the fabrication of this kind of optoelectronic devices. Among conjugated polymers, polyfluorene (PF) derivatives have played a key role in the development of optoelectronic devices due to their high photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) efficiencies and good thermal stabilities. Furthermore, facile methods for functionalizing the C9 position of the fluorene unit offer the possibility of tuning the optoelectronic properties of PF and to obtain materials with enhanced solubility and film forming ability.6,7 On the other hand, perylenediimide (PDI)-based colorants have received a great deal of attention not only in academic but also as industrial dye and in pigment research.8 More recently, PDI derivatives have developed into one of the best n-type semiconductors available to date9 and have found application in different areas such as organic solar cells5,10 or field effect transistors,11 among others.12-15 In parallel with the different applications found for PDI derivatives, a broad range of derivatives have been synthesized, including derivatives with extended π-conjugation,16 multi-PDI systems,17 supramolecular architectures,18,19 and a number of PDI derivatives covalently linked to electroactive moieties.20-28 One of the most active areas of research involving PDI systems is related to their implications in photoinduced energy and/or electron-transfer processes. In this regard, Mu¨llen and co-workers have incorporated perylenemonoimide and PDI dyes into shape-persistent dendrimers, allowing the investigation of dye-dye interactions at the single molecule level.29 * To whom correspondence should be addressed: (R.J.) phone +31 40 2473597, e-mail [email protected]; (J.L.S.) phone +34-91-3945142, e-mail [email protected]. † Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ‡ Eindhoven University of Technology.

Conjugated oligomers such as oligothiophenes,30 oligo(pphenylenevinylene)s,31-34 oligo(p-phenylene)s,35 and oligopyrroles36 have also been covalently linked to perylenemonoimide and PDI dyes, and their photophysical properties have been investigated. Besides, there has been increasing interest in the morphology of organic semiconductors in films because of its strong influence on device performance. In this regard, PDI derivatives have been covalently linked as side chains to poly(methyl methacrylate)37 and poly(isocyanide)38 and have been incorporated in the main chain of copolymers39 and supramolecular polymers.40 Some efforts have also been dedicated to the synthesis of systems that contain oligo- and polyfluorenes covalently linked to perylenemonoimide and PDI derivatives (Figure 1). Wasielewski and co-workers have investigated oligofluorenes as molecular wires (1, Figure 1).41 Electron transfer was identified after excitation of derivatives 1, but not in the reference systems 2 containing only oligofluorenes and PDI. Others have attached peryleneimides at the end of oligofluorene chains. The resulting materials (3, Figure 1) do not show energy transfer in solution, but an almost complete transfer of excitation energy to the perylenemonoimides is observed in the solid state.42 Copolymers 4 (Figure 1) have also been synthesized using 1% and 5% of PDI comonomer,42a and as it might be expected for materials containing only low amounts of the dye chromophores, in solution they show the absence of energy transfer. However, in the solid state, efficient energy transfer to the chromophores occurs. Similarly, no energy transfer is observed in solution for polymers 5.43 A different type of perylene containing polymer (6, Figure 1) has been synthesized, for which the design permits the incorporation of a higher concentration of perylene dye without affecting the electronic properties of the polyfluorene backbone.42a Whereas the previous types of polymers, in which the perylene units are directly attached to the main chain, show energy transfer only in the solid state, efficient energy transfer to the

10.1021/ma070026b CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/17/2007

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 8, 2007



Figure 1. Selected peryleneimide-containing oligo- and polyfluorenes.

Figure 2. Donor-acceptor polymer PFP-PDI.

pendant groups is clearly observed in the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of 6. In this article we describe the synthesis of a new poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene) (PFP) derivative bearing PDI moieties attached as pendant groups (PFP-PDI, Figure 2). The presence of the electron-rich dialkoxybenzene units in polymer PFPPDI increases the electron-donating ability of the polymeric chain, in comparison with that of the parent polyfluorene (PF) system, which, as shown above, by itself is not a strong enough donor against PDI to result in electron transfer. This fact is, therefore, of great importance to investigate this polymeric chain in combination with electron acceptor systems. The strong tendency of PDI derivatives to π-stack and construct one-dimensional aggregates has been well established in the solid state44 and in solution.45 In this regard, Wasielewski and co-workers have also investigated extensively the selfassembly of PDI derivatives driven primarily by strong van der Waals interactions between the PDI molecules.17f,46 For some of these derivatives, PDI molecules stack to form aggregates in which energy transfer processes take place not from individual molecules but from the aggregated PDI molecules.47

Whereas the presence of low concentrations of PDI units in compounds 1-5 prevents the observation of aggregation phenomena and, thus, excitation energy transfer occurs without the participation of PDI aggregates, the synthetic strategy used for the synthesis of PFP-PDI incorporates a high concentration of PDI units as side groups and enables the aggregation of PDI moieties in the polymer. Moreover, the polymeric architecture enhances the π-π stacking interaction between the perylene units. Thus, in this article we describe the synthesis and the photophysical processes of the first fluorene-based copolymer containing covalently linked PDI units that exhibits photoinduced electron transfer not only to the individual PDI moieties but also to aggregated PDI units. Results and Discussion Synthesis. The preparation of the donor-acceptor poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene) bearing PDI units (PFP-PDI) and the reference poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene) (PFP) was carried out using the classical palladium-catalyzed Suzuki48 coupling reaction between the appropriately functionalized monomers. This approach has the advantage to yield structurally well-defined alternating copolymers. Synthesis of Monomers. The synthesis of the suitably functionalized monomer 12 bearing PDI units is shown in Scheme 1. In order to enhance the solubility and processability, we have chosen a long nonconjugated alkyl spacer between the PFP backbone and the PDI groups, which is also expected to improve the conformational flexibility of the side groups with respect to the chain. Thus, the Williamson etherification reaction between 4-hexyloxy-2,5-diiodophenol (7)49 and 1-bromo-6-chlorohexane (8) using potassium carbonate as the base and a catalytic amount


Go´mez et al.

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 8, 2007 Scheme 1. Synthesis of PDI Monomer 12

Scheme 2. Synthesis of Polymer PFP-PDI

of potassium iodide afforded derivative 9. The low tendency of the chlorine atom in 8 to act as a leaving group allows the regioselective etherification between 7 and 8. The less reactive chlorine atom in 9 is then interchanged in a Finkelstein reaction by iodine, having a better leaving group character. A further Williamson etherification reaction between 10 and the complementarily functionalized N-(4-hydoxyphenyl)-N′-(10-nonadecyl)perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximide) (11)50 using potassium carbonate as the base in refluxing DMF afforded monomer 12

in a moderate 37% yield. The introduction of long swallowtail solubilizing chains in the PDI unit together with the two hexyloxy groups on the benzene ring provides monomer 12 enough solubility to be further polymerized. Synthesis of Donor-Acceptor Polymer PFP-PDI. The target polymer PFP-PDI was synthesized by a Suzuki polycondensation of an equimolecular mixture of the diiodofunctionalized monomer 12 and the 2,7-bis(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)-9,9-(3,7-dimethyloctyl)fluorene (13)51

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 8, 2007



Scheme 3. Synthesis of Reference Polymer PFP and Chemical Structure of Reference Dialkyl-PDI

Figure 3. Cyclic voltammogram of PFP-PDI copolymer in dichloromethane solution. Pt was used as working and counter electrode and TBAPF6 as supporting electrolyte, at a scan rate of 200 mV s-1.

in the presence of 5 mol % Pd(PPh3)4 in a mixture of dry degassed THF and aqueous potassium carbonate for 48 h under reflux (Scheme 2). Although boronic acids have been often directly used as reagents in poly-Suzuki couplings, boronic esters like 13 have proven to be more advantageous in this kind of reaction, since the presence of the 1,1,2,2-tetramethylethylene glycol units has a protective effect on the labile boronic acid precursor. Simultaneously to the polymerization, a hydroxylation deprotection process takes place, in which the removal of such protecting groups as ethylene glycol does not affect the couplings.52 The resulting well-defined alternating copolymer PFP-PDI was then precipitated out of the thick reaction mixture by addition of methanol, purified by reprecipitation from chloroform/methanol and thoroughly washed with additional methanol and diethyl ether to remove ionic species and unreacted materials. Thus, the PFP-PDI polymer, in which a poly(fluorene-alt-phenylene) polymeric chain is endowed with PDI units as pendant groups, could be obtained in nearly quantitative yield as a bright red solid. In order to be used as a reference material in the photophysical investigations, we have also synthesized copolymer PFP by an analogous Suzuki polycondensation between 1,4-dihexyloxy2,5-diiodobenzene (14)53 and bisborolane 1554 under the same conditions as previously described for PFP-PDI (Scheme 3). Following the same experimental procedure, PFP was precipitated out of the reaction mixture and further reprecipitated from methanol, to give PFP as a beige solid in 87% yield. The good solubility of PFP-PDI and PFP polymers in common organic solvents enabled their characterization by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), NMR, optical and electrochemical techniques, and further photophysical investigations. Of the two compounds, PFP-PDI shows an increased solubility, presumably due to the presence of the additional swallow tails on the PDI units. Taking into account their structural resemblance, the 1H NMR spectra of PFP-PDI and PFP display the signals corresponding to the alkyl chains at high fields and those of the alkoxy groups at around 4 ppm as common features. In contrast to monomer 12, in which the nonequivalent alkoxy protons appear as three overlapping triplets, in PFP-PDI and PFP a broad singlet is observed for those protons, as is often observed in other

polymeric materials. The remaining signals corresponding to the benzene and fluorene backbone are also displayed at low fields (7.0-7.8 ppm) with certain similarity. In the case of PFPPDI, the presence of the PDI units gives rise to additional signals with respect to reference polymer PFP. Thus, the distinctive expected signals at low fields (8.7-8.2 ppm) for the aromatic PDI protons are clearly visible. The 1H NMR spectrum of PFPPDI is completed by the signal at 5.2 ppm for the proton directly linked to the imide nitrogen as a broad singlet. The FTIR spectrum of PFP-PDI further proves its structure and contains the typical strong bands at 1699 and 1653 cm-1 for imide groups and also the characteristic absorption pattern of the perylene skeleton with bands around 1580 and 1590 cm-1.55 Finally, evidence concerning the purity of PFP, PFP-PDI, and all the intermediates used in their synthesis is given by elemental analysis, which is in accordance with the expected values. The molecular weights of PFP-PDI and PFP were determined by SEC analysis in o-dichlorobenzene (o-DCB) at 80 °C using polystyrene standards and show Mw and Mn values of 101 000 and 16 400 g/mol (pd ) 6.2) for PFP-PDI and 38 000 and 13 100 g/mol (pd ) 2.9) for reference compound PFP. A bimodal behavior is observed in the time trace of PFP-PDI, with peak molecular weights of Mp ) 20 170 and 82 500 g/mol. Probably this is due to aggregation phenomena at the concentration used in the SEC experiment (1-0.5 mg mL-1). Electrochemistry. The redox properties of the novel electroactive donor-acceptor copolymer PFP-PDI were determined by cyclic voltammetry measurements at room temperature in dichloromethane solution, using a platinum disk and wire as working and counter electrodes, respectively, Ag/AgCl as reference electrode, and tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6, 0.1 M) as supporting electrolyte. The ferrocene/ ferrocenium (Fc/Fc+) couple was used as internal reference and showed a peak at +0.35 eV vs Ag/AgCl. The cyclic voltammogram of PFP-PDI (Figure 3) shows the amphoteric behavior of the material. At negative values, two distinct one-electron reversible (-1.05 and -1.25 eV vs Fc/ Fc+) reduction waves corresponding to the PDI moiety are clearly visible. For comparison, the reference compound N,N′(1-hexylheptyl)perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximide),56 dialkylPDI (Scheme 3), gives peaks at -1.11 and -1.31 eV vs Fc/ Fc+, which is similar to the values reported earlier for PDI compounds.57,58 It is worth mentioning that the presence of the electron-rich benzylic rings in the PDI unit causes a small change (0.06 eV)57 on the electronic properties of the PDI because of the presence of nodes of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals at the imide nitrogen.19a Thus, the PDI units can be


Go´mez et al.

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 8, 2007 Table 1. Peak-to-Peak Ratios for the First and the Second Absorption and Fluorescence Peaks of PFP-PDI in the Three Investigated Solvents Compared to the Reference Dialkyl-PDI

toluene chlorobenzene dichloromethane dialkyl-PDI (toluene, o-DCB)

ratio absa

ratio PLb

0.98 1.06 1.11 1.62

8.0 6.0 3.5 0.1

a Peak-to-peak ratio of the absorbance at 530 and 495 nm, (0,0)/(0,1). Peak-to-peak ratio of the fluorescence at 630 and 535 nm, aggregate/ (0,0).


Figure 4. Absorption spectra of PFP-PDI along with references PFP and dialkyl-PDI.

regarded as independent chromophoric systems whose electronic properties remain unaltered by the imide substituent.59 At positive potentials a broad quasi-irreversible oxidation wave can be detected, with an onset at +0.56 eV vs Fc/Fc+, which was also found for the reference polymer PFP (+0.55 eV vs Fc/ Fc+) and can, therefore, be assigned to the oxidation of the polymer chain. The similar values observed for the oxidation and reduction processes of the two electroactive moieties in PFP-PDI compared to the reference compounds suggest that there is no significant ground state interaction between the electrondonating polymer backbone and the electron-accepting PDI moieties. UV-Vis Absorption Spectra. The UV-vis absorption spectra of the donor-acceptor copolymer PFP-PDI together with that of references PFP and dialkyl-PDI in diluted (ca. 5 × 10-6 M) toluene and chlorobenzene solutions are depicted in Figure 4. The absorption spectrum of PFP-PDI consists of the approximate superposition of the absorption features of its constitutive units, confirming the minimal interaction between the chromophores in the ground state, in agreement with the electrochemical behavior. The spectrum displays an intense absorption band at around 370 nm corresponding to the π-π* transition in the fluorene-benzene polymeric backbone as inferred from comparison with the reference compound PFP. Additionally, the absorption spectrum of PFP-PDI shows characteristic bands arising from the presence of the PDI side groups, with maxima in toluene at 528, 492, and 462 nm. However, the comparison of the absorption spectrum of PFPPDI with that of the dialkyl-PDI reference shows some differences. Thus, the dialkyl-PDI reference shows a maximum of the (0,0) vibronic transition at 527 and a maximum of the (0,1) vibronic at 490 nm, which is 1.62 times lower in intensity (in both toluene and chlorobenzene). This corresponds well to the values found for free perylene units (0,0)/(0,1) ≈ 1.6.60 In these diluted solutions, dialkyl-PDI can be regarded as completely dissolved (i.e., nonaggregated), as the measured solubility of this compound exceeds 100 g L-1 in common organic solvents.56 Further evidence is given by the absence of any sign of aggregate emission upon photoexcitation. For PFP-PDI, however, the absorption spectrum is bathochromically shifted compared to the dialkyl-PDI. The (0,1) vibronic band shows an increase relative to the (0,0) transition. This is typical for stacking of PDI chromophores in H-aggregates, where the chromophores are cofacially arranged. Strong vibronic coupling in the H-aggregates results in an enhanced (0,1) vibronic band compared to nonaggregated PDI molecules.17c,e,f,46a Thus, upon

Figure 5. Photoluminescence spectra of PFP, dialkyl-PDI, and PFPPDI in toluene (top) and chlorobenzene (bottom). Note that the vertical axis gives the logarithm of the PL intensity.

aggregation of PDI, the ratio of the intensities of the (0,0) and the (0,1) transitions decreases, which is often used as an indication of aggregation47,61 with π-type stacking behavior that can be rationalized by the molecular exciton model.17c,e,f Therefore, the observed change in absorption of the PDI units in PFP-PDI with respect to dialkyl-PDI indicates that the PDI units in the polymer are π-stacked. In toluene the intensity of the (0,1) transition is higher than that of the (0,0) one, with a ratio (0,0)/(0,1) of 0.98, indicating more aggregation than in chlorobenzene. For dichloromethane, the observed aggregation seems less than in chlorobenzene (Table 1). We assume that aggregation takes place predominantly within the polymer chain itself and that intermolecular aggregates do not form at the concentrations of PDI chromophores that we have investigated (ca. 5 × 10-6 M), as it is known that PDI chromophores bearing long alkyl tails do not tend to aggregate up to 10-3 M in the solvents investigated.56 Therefore, in PFPPDI, the intramolecular aggregation must be induced by the short distance between two consecutive PDI moieties and, hence, the high local concentrations. Photoluminescence Spectra. The photoluminescence properties of the PFP-PDI donor-acceptor polymer were measured in three solvents with different relative permittivity, i.e., toluene ( ) 2.43), chlorobenzene ( ) 5.47), and dichloromethane ( ) 9.02), which is an indication of the polarity of the solvent. The photoluminescence spectra of PFP-PDI and the two reference materials (PFP and dialkyl-PDI) were recorded (Figure 5) with selective excitation of the PFP backbone (λexc ) 370 nm) or the PDI side groups (λexc ) 480 nm). The singlet excited-state energies of PFP, dialkyl-PDI, and PFP-PDI were determined from the photoluminescence maxima in toluene (Table 2). The energy of the lowest singlet excited state (S1,D) of the PFP backbone in polymer PFP-PDI is 0.73

Macromolecules, Vol. 40, No. 8, 2007


Table 2. Oxidation and Reduction Onset Potentials and Energies of the Lowest Singlet Excited States of PFP-PDI and the Reference Compounds PFP and Dialkyl-PDI

Eox,o (eV) Ered,o (eV) S1,D (eV)c S1,A (eV)c



0.56a -0.98a 3.05 2.32


dialkyl-PDI -1.03a

3.00 2.31

Onset in dichloromethane vs Fc/Fc+. b Onset in o-DCB:acetonitrile (4: 1) vs Fc/Fc+. c Photoluminescence maxima in toluene. a

eV higher than the S1 of the PDI dangling groups (S1,A). Thus, after excitation of the polymer backbone, energy transfer from the PFP to the PDI moieties can be anticipated. The emission spectra show the same features in the three solvents. The PFP reference polymer shows a broad emission with a maximum at around 415 nm. The dialkyl-PDI reference compound shows the characteristic fluorescence spectrum of nonaggregated PDI with maxima at 536, 579, and 628 nm. Upon excitation of the PFP backbone (λexc ) 370 nm) the emission spectrum of PFP-PDI shows maxima at 415 nm from the PFP backbone and at 535 nm from the nonaggregated PDI and a broad band around 630 nm. The maximum at 535 nm indicates that energy transfer takes place from the PFP chain to the PDI moieties when the PFP is photoexcited, as the PDI part hardly absorbs at 370 nm. Selective excitation of the PDI units of PFPPDI (λexc ) 480 nm) leads to nonaggregated PDI emission (at 535 nm) and again a broad emission with a maximum at 630 nm. This broad emission at 630 nm is characteristic for PDIbased H-aggregates reported so far.17b,60b,61c,62 The ratio between the emission at 630 nm (coming from (PDI)n) and the emission at 535 nm (from nonaggregated PDI) is an indication of the degree of stacking. In Table 1 it is shown how this ratio decreases in the order toluene > chlorobenzene > dichloromethane. In this way, photoluminescence measurements provide further evidence that the aggregation of the PDI moieties in PFP-PDI is the least in dichloromethane and the most in toluene, as was also the trend observed in the absorption spectra. The fluorescence quantum yields of the PFP-PDI polymer were measured in the three different solvents (toluene, chlorobenzene, and dichloromethane) relative to PFP (λexc ) 370 nm, λem ) 415 nm) and dialkyl-PDI (λexc ) 480 nm, λem ) 535 nm), showing a decrease of almost 2 orders of magnitude in all the investigated solvents (Table 3). The strong quenching of the PFP emission in PFP-PDI can be explained in terms of energy transfer from the PFP backbone to the PDI moieties or by electron transfer from the PFP backbone to the PDI accepting units. Similarly, the strong quenching of the PDI emission compared to the reference compound can be explained in two ways: as a result of intramolecular aggregation or as a consequence of electron transfer considering that PDI is a good electron acceptor (vide supra). It should be noted that the extremely small residual emission of nonaggregated PDI units at 530 nm can also be due to an ∼1% impurity of another PDI derivative in the polymer. This would imply that the actual quenching from bound PDI units is even more effective. Steady-State Excitation Spectra. The study of excitation spectra can give evidence about the energy transfer processes taking place in PFP-PDI. The excitation spectra of PFP-PDI in toluene and chlorobenzene were measured at 530 nm (wavelength at which only nonaggregated PDI emits) and 630 nm (at which aggregated PDI emits). The excitation spectra are shown in Figure 6 in comparison to the absorbance spectra of the same solutions. A clear difference between the spectra at 530 and 630 nm can be observed. For the emission at 530 nm


the PDI spectral features (>400 nm) are identical to those of a nonaggregated PDI absorbance spectrum, with a ratio of (0,0)/ (0,1) ) 1.6, similar to dialkyl-PDI in Figure 4. When the emission at 630 nm is probed, it matches the absorbance spectrum of an H-aggregated PDI stack, with a ratio of (0,0)/ (0,1) ) 0.80. The comparison of the excitation spectra with the absorbance spectrum clarifies that the absorption spectrum contains for the largest part aggregated species with a small contribution of nonaggregated PDI molecules: in the absorbance spectrum there is a higher contribution at 530 nm and a lower contribution at 465 nm compared to the excitation spectrum at 630 nm. Besides the absorption of PDI, an absorption band of PFP (with maxima around 370 nm) is also present in the excitation spectra. This feature suggests that, upon photoexcitation, energy transfer takes place in the PFP-PDI: once the PFP backbone is excited, it transfers its energy to the PDI moiety. We note that if the 530 nm emission was only due to unbound PDI impurities, the excitation spectrum would not show that feature at 370 nm. Additionally, from the excitation spectra we infer that energy transfer to aggregated PDI cannot be the only process that leads to quenching of the nonaggregated PDI emission because the excitation spectrum at 630 nm is not the same as the absorbance spectrum: the peak at 530 nm is 15% (in toluene) and 18% (in chlorobenzene) lower in the excitation spectrum than in the absorbance spectrum of PFP-PDI. This means that a part of the nonaggregated PDI that is excited decays via another process than energy transfer to PDI aggregates. Thus, although part of the excited nonaggregated PDI decays via luminescence (with a maximum at 530 nm), the fact that the PL at 530 nm is very weak (only 1% compared to the dialkyl-PDI, Table 3) suggests that a substantial part of the excited PDI decays via electron transfer by accepting an electron from the PFP backbone. The efficiency of the energy transfer cannot be quantified by correlating the UV/vis absorption with fluorescence excitation spectra because energy transfer from PFP to PDI moieties is not the only process that quenches the PFP emission. In addition, the PDI fluorescence itself will be quenched by aggregation and possibly electron transfer. Photoluminescence Lifetimes. By investigating the photoluminescence lifetimes at different wavelengths, we can determine whether the lifetime is reduced (i.e., if energy or electron transfer takes place from that nonaggregated state) or increased (i.e., if aggregated species are present). Time-resolved photoluminescence was measured in the same solvents as the steadystate photoluminescence (toluene, chlorobenzene, and dichloromethane) using an excitation wavelength of 400 nm. At this wavelength the PFP backbone is excited primarily. The results of these measurements are shown in Figure 7. The photoluminescence lifetime of PFP at 415 nm is 0.49 ns in all the three solvents. In PFP-PDI the lifetime of the polymer emission is effectively quenched to shorter (