engelhard industries. inc. - ACS Publications

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE. SPEED UP. YOUR RESEARCH. Just drop L/I Automatic RE-. PIPETS* and Automatic Dilu- tors into your reagent bottles. They'll d...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Labeled Compounds. A complete new t r i t i u m radioactive labeled com­ pound catalog, Brochure 700, lists 3 H labeled compounds with a new price schedule. Nuclear Supplies, Inc., P.O. Box 312, Encino, Calif. 626 S a m p l e Handling. Bulletin N o . 204, 8 pages, lists 31 cells, cell holders, a n d sampling accessories for the company's Models 11, 14, 15, and 16 spectropho­ tometers. C a r y I n s t r u m e n t s , 2724 S. Peck Ed., Monrovia, Calif! 627 S p e c t r o g r a p h s Supplies. A 20-page catalog covers in detail and gives prices for t h e company's line of spectrographic supplies. Jarrell-Ash Co., 590 Lincoln St., W a l t h a m , M a s s . 02154


SPEED UP YOUR RESEARCH Just drop L / I Automatic R E P I P E T S * a n d A u t o m a t i c Dilut o r s into y o u r r e a g e n t bottles. T h e y ' l l dispense, transfer, mix, a s p i r a t e a n d dilute w i t h a guar­ a n t e e d a c c u r a c y of 1 % a n d 0 . 1 % reproducibility. Because these t w o a u t o m a t i c L / I in­ s t r u m e n t s complete a n y opera­ tion in only a few seconds, y o u c u t y o u r analysis t i m e 5 0 - 9 5 % , speeding u p y o u r r e s e a r c h con­ siderably. L / I ' s verstaile i n s t r u m e n t s h a n ­ dle a n y liquid-acids, alkalies, solvents a n d volatiles included—· w i t h viscosities a s h i g h as 45 centipoises. Because t h e r e ' s n o drainage error, you'll g e t 1 % accuracy and 0 . 1 % reproduc­ ibility even w i t h viscous liquids. L / I i n s t r u m e n t s give y o u com­ plete freedom from c o n t a m i n a ­ tion, require no change in y o u r m e t h o d s , a n d never need clean­ ing. I n t e g r a l air niters keep r e a g e n t s p u r e . Volumes? F r o m microliters t o deciliters. D i l u t o r s $89.50, including com­ plete set of t i p s for highest pre­ cision in all ranges. R E P I P E T S $47.50. I m m e d i a t e delivery in 1, 10, 20, a n d 50 m l sizes. Please write for details. * Trademark (REPETITIVE PIPETS)

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Chromatography. A 12-page b r o ­ chure describes in detail the theoretical approach t o molecular exclusion chro­ m a t o g r a p h y of high molecular weight substances using Agarose in granular form, Sagarose. Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp., 584 Mineola Ave., Carle Place, Long Island, Ν . Υ . 11514

New Platinum lab ware from ENGELHARD Engelhard is constantly updating its platinum, iridium and rhodium lab ware to keep up with technological advances—offering you the most complete selection of lab ware, and also the most advanced. Take Engelhard Crucibles for example: Trilay® constructionis a new platinum metal composite material for crucibles. It inhibits formation of large crystalscrucibles last longer and are stiffer and easier to clean.

629 Polygon form—have

flat gripping surfaces for more secure handling...have built-in pouring spouts and flat bottoms.

Company Periodicals Requests for copies of the following publications, catalogs, etc., should be sent directly to the address shown. Business or professional letterheads are requested. MPI Application N o t e s , September, 1966. This magazine discusses integra­ tors which m a y be used in conjunction with operational amplifiers. Topics in­ clude sources of error and methods for balancing off-set current and voltage. McKee-Pedersen I n s t r u m e n t s , P . O. Box 322, Danville, Calif. 94526 Laboratory Reporter, Vol. 4, N o . 3. F e a t u r e d in this issue are briefs on t h e company's laboratory supplies and equipment, including K a r l Fischer t i ­ tration assembly, differential t h e r m a l analyzer, and t h e C o n t e m p r a line of laboratory furniture. Fisher Scientific Co., 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, P a , 15219 Solutions, Vol. 5, N o . 4. Topics dis­ cussed in this issue include problems in lipoprotein analysis, m e m b r a n e filter techniques for bacteriological examina­ tions, and an instant T L C method for amino acid separation. Gelman I n s t r u ­ ment Co., P . O. Box 1448, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106

Standard form crucibles—have an Engelhard exclusive... All are hand hammered minimizing fatigue and stress cracking.


Platinum 3Vz% Rhodiumrecommended for high temperature fusions and ignitions.

Pure Iridium and Pure Rhodium Crucibles

—suggested for melting and other high temperature applications where platinum or platinum alloys cannot be used. Other Engelhard platinum implements and equipment for the laboratory include: dishes, beakers, trays, tongs, and special apparatus to order. For complete information, including catalog and data sheets, write Baker Platinum Division.




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