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ENI - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 30, 2012 - ENI. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (2), pp 56A–56A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00002a711. Publication Date: January 1991. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In l...
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The New NMR RF Power Source

ENI introduces the NMR-300L/50M — t w o solid state power amplifiers in one compact package. Specially designed for low and high band, high-resolution spectroscopy systems with magnet strengths between 4.7 and 14.1 Tesla, the NMR-300L/50M features: • • • • • • •

300W Output from 5 to 220MHz 50W Output from 200-600MHZ Less than 1/zs Gated RF Rise Time Less than 500ns Gated Fall Time Less than 150ns RF Rise & Fall Time 20ms Pulse W i d t h at Full Power Full Average Power For Long Pulses

For maximum flexibility, the NMR-300L and NMR-50M are also available as separate amplifiers. W i t h solid state reliability, unconditional stability, and absolute protection from overloads and transients, the new NMR300L/50M offers the frequency coverage, power, and response time required for modern spectroscopy applications.


U.S. Headquarters ENI, 100 HigHpower Road. Rochester, NY 14623-3498 USA. Tel: |7I6) 427-8300, Fax: (716) 427-7839 Santa Clara, C A Tel: (408) 727-0993, Fax: (408) 727-1352 Tokyo, J a p a n Tel: 0425 229011, Fax: 0425 222636 O s a k a , J a p a n Tel: 06367-0823, Fax: 06367-0827 W e l w y n G a r d e n City, U K Tel (0707) 371558, Fax: (0707) 339286

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