Enjay now foremost butyl rubber supplier - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Enjay now foremost butyl rubber supplier 90,000 tons yearly production of Enjay Butyl, now available from its originators, will go into varied industrial products Enjay Company, Inc., a pioneer and leading supplier of petroleum chemicals, will market Butyl and supply advisory service in its applications. The low price and high-level performance of Enjay Butyl allow it t© replace natural and other rubbers now used in industry. Enjay Butyl is the rubber that combines high resistance to aging . . . abrasion .. . tear . . . chipping or cracking . . . ozone or corona .. . chemicals and gases . .. heat. . . cold . , . sunlight . . . and moisture. The new Enjay Laboratories, located at Linden, New Jersey, are equipped to provide expert technical assistance in compounding and adapting Enjay Butyl to individual uses and requirements.

Distinctive properties and low price give Enjay Butyl wide industrial application

High voltage electrical.cables are made with BUTYL because BUTYL offers superior corona and ozone resistance, combined with excellent heat, cold, and abrasion resistance. 1346

Inner tubes are made of BUTYL because BUTYL holds air ten times better than natural rubber. Its impermeability to gases promises many uses.

1 9 5 5 cars u s e Butyl for dozens of rubber parts, because BUTYL has super-durable resistance to aging or deterioration on exposure to heat, cold, sun, weather, and chemicals.

Tractor tires are made with BUTYL because BUTYL gives low tread wear and high resistance t o weather, cracking, cutting, and chipping.

P r o t e c t i v e elothingr, tank linings, belt covers, hoses, and other equipment in contact with chemicals use BUTYL because of its exceptional resistance to chemicals.





GIANT TOWERS a t a plant producing Enjay But>rl reflect the massive achievement «of manufacturing rubber from petroleum.

FOR F U L L I N F O R M A T I O N and technical assistance on applications or supply of ENJAY BUTYL, write «or phone ENJAY COMPANY, INC. MAIN OFFICE: 15 West 51st St.,

New York 19, N . YTeL PLaza 7-12O0.


DSSTRICT OFFICE: 11 South Portage Path

Akron 3, Ohio.


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