Enrichment and Determination of Traces of ... - ACS Publications

Enrichment and Determination of Traces of Strontium in Milk and Other Calcareous Media. P. J. Brandt and Bart. Van't Riet. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (12)...
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no such problems because this bis ether has no polar hydroxy groups. The ratios of the peak heights of the alkaloid bissilyl ethers to cholesterol are given in Table 111. The differences between the ratios of 0.445 i 0.015 indicating that the ratio of the peak height of the morphine bisether to cholesterol is a linear function of the concentration of the morphine ether. Therefore, this ratio or I< value, once established for any known concentrations of morphine and cholesterol, can be used for the quantitation of any morphine unknown. The K value for 1 mg./ml. (1.76) was used in the quantitative analysis of the opium samples. For a 1-111. injection of an opium extract prepared as described in the experimental section the relation

Peak ht. of morphine . (50ml. X 1 mg./ml) Peak ht. of cholesterol I