Enter the ageless age - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Biogen is latest with a gene-therapy buy. Biogen says it will acquire UK-based Nightstar Therapeutics for $800 million, a 68% premium over the... POLI...
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Enter the ageless age With Benzyl Alcohol your products stay younger and keep your customers happier. Her nylon dress will look newer longer because the colors will stay crisp and bright. T h e same is true of her carpet. That's one beauty of Benzyl Alcohol . . . in dyeing nylon, other synthetics and wool. For nylon, Benzyl Alcohol is a highly efficient swelling, leveling and stripping agent. But that's just the start. T h e Benzyl Alcohol in her cosmetics keep her looking younger. Prettier. More attractive. And in processing those sparkling photos you take of her, Benzyl Alcohol is a key chemical. UOP's Benzyl A l c o h o l , available in many functional grades, plays an important role in many industries. From p h o t o g raphy to pesticides. Textiles to toiletries. Solvents to chemical syntheses. For more data on this versatile chemical and UOP's other organic intermediates, b i o chemicals and polymer additives for outstanding anti-aging performance, write: UOP Chemicals, East Rutherford, N. J. 07073, U.S.A. Or phone 201/438-7800. UOP Chemical is a division of Universal Oil Products Company, a half-billion dollar company busy making life better through research and product innovation across the world.