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Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

Entrainment Coal Gasification Modeling C. Y. Wen" and T. Z. Chaung Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morganto wn, West Virginia 26506

A mathematical model is developed to simulate the Texaco downflow entrainment pilot plant gasifier using coal

liquefaction residues and coal-water slurries as feedstocks. The entrainment gasifier was conceptually divided into three zones: the pyrolysis and volatile combustion zone, the gasification and combustion zone, and the gasification zone. Temperature and concentration profiles along the reactor were obtained by solving the material and energy balances and taking into consideration the gasification kinetics, the transport rates, and the hydrodynamics of the gasifier. The results of computation from the proposed model were compared with the experimental data. Sensitivity of the parameters used in the model was tested and optimum operating conditions were searched to provide a better understanding of the performance under various operating conditions utilizing the model.

Introduction Entrainment gasifiers are cocurrent flow reactors in which pulverized or atomized hydrocarbons react with oxygen and steam to produce gaseous fuels of heating value ranging from low to high values. The residence time in an entrainment system is of the order of five seconds and is generally much shorter than in a fluidized bed or a fixed bed system. To achieve high conversion, therefore, the reactor must either have a recycling of unreacted hydrocarbons or have a substantial amount of feed oxygen reacting with parts of the feed hydrocarbons to provide a high-temperature environment to promote gasification rates. Furthermore, most gasification reactions in the reactor are endothermic and require a large amount of heat which must be provided either from combustion reactions or from outside heat sources. The Texaco synthesis gas generation process (Robin, 1976) contains a downflow entrainment gasifier which was first designed to convert natural gas to synthesis gas (CO + H2). Further developments enable the use of light oils, asphalts, and coal-water slurries as feedstocks. Recently Texaco demonstrated that it is possible to gasify molten coal liquefaction residues into synthesis gas (CO + H,) by an entrainment gasifier. Most of the liquefaction processes currently being developed require hydrogen or synthesis gas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide) to solubilize the coal. This entrainment system is able to produce the needed hydrogen or synthesis gas for liquefaction processes primarily from the nonliquefied fraction of the coal with very high carbon conversion (91-99%). The entrainment gasifiers currently being developed have several advantages over other proposed and existing gasification processes: (1)ability to utilize any type of coal or coal residues irrespective of swelling and caking including fines; (2) high coal throughput capacity particularly a t high pressure; (3) product gas free of tars and phenols; (4) high carbon utilization due to high reaction rates. However, the required high temperature operating condition also means disadvantages such as: (1)difficulty in the selection of refractories and construction material in the combustion zone; (2) problem of sensible heat recovery in order to efficiently utilize the high-temperature outlet gas; (3) large amounts of oxygen needed to maintain such a high-temperature operating condition. This paper reports on the development of a steady-state model for the nonrecycling entrainment gasifiers. The results obtained in this study are compared with the pilot plant results of the Texaco synthesis gas generator which uses several kinds of coal liquefaction residues and cod-water slurries as feedstocks. This model also assesses 0019-7882/79/1118-0684$01.00/0

the importance of each input parameter and provides criteria for scale-up purpose. Texaco Entrainment Pilot Plant Gasifier The Texaco pilot plant gasifier shown schematically in Figure 1 is described in detail in a report by Texaco's Montebello Research Laboratory (Robin, 1976). The 5 f t diameter by 20 ft long steel vessel is divided internally into two sections. The top section is lined with a special refractory material specifically designed to withstand the severe operating environment expected. In this section, combustion and gasification reactions take place. The lower section is a quench vessel. A reservoir of water is maintained in the bottom of this vessel at all times by continuous injection of cooling water. Syngas leaving the top section of the gasifier passes through a water-cooled dip tube into the water reservoir in the quench vessel. Slag, most of the soot, and unreacted hydrocarbon carried with the syngas remain in the water and are then removed. The saturated syngas is removed from the gas space above the water. The pulverized coal liquefaction residue is made pumpable by melting and being kept at 400-500 O F and then blending with 2-770 aromatic solvent. The molten residue, oxygen, and steam are fed through a proprietary Texaco burner into the top of the pilot plant gasifier. All of the runs with coal liquefaction residues were conducted at a pressure of 24 atm. For coal-water slurry runs, the coal is mixed with water and preheated to a temperature below saturation point so that water in the slurry enters the reactor as a liquid. It has been reported that the slurry can be mixed and pumped at solid loading as high as 7070, i.e., at a water/coal ratio of 0.4 (Bissett, 1978). The operating pressure for coal-water slurry runs is about 21 atm. Table I shows the ultimate analysis of fuels used in the pilot plant runs. Reactions in an Entrainment Gasifier In an entrainment gasifier, oxygen (or air), steam, and hydrocarbons are introduced simultaneously either from the top or from the bottom of the reactor and travel in the same direction. Extremely high temperature is to be expected in the gas phase near the inlet of fuel because of high oxygen concentration and the subsequent combustion of volatiles produced by rapid pyrolysis which is enhanced by such a high-temperature environment. This phenomenon is very similar to that which occurs near the inlet of a coal combustor or a utility boiler. The heat produced by combustion will thereafter support the endothermic gasification reactions. 0 1979 American Chemical Society

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18,No. 4, 1979 685 Table I. Typical Ultimate Analysis for the Feedstock Used in Texaco's Pilot Plant Tests (Robin, 1 9 7 6 , 1977;Bissett 1 9 7 8 ) dry fuel analysis, wt % H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal for run 1-1 H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal for run 1-2 H-coal residue from Wyodak coal for run W - 1 SRC I1 vacuum flash d r u m bottoms Exxon DSP vacuum tower bottoms Western coal used in coal-water slurry runs Eastern coal used in coal-water slurry runs

























































feedstock source and r u n no.

For Badzioch and Hawksley (1970) and for Wen et al. (19741, the activation energy, E , is a constant. Following the idea of Pitt (1962), Anthony and Howard (1976) introduced Gaussian distribution of activation energy, E , with a mean value of Eo and a standard deviation of u. Russel et al. (1977) proposed an elaborate model describing the combined effect of chemical reaction and mass transfer occurring in a single coal particle during hydropyrolysis or pyrolysis. The activation energy reported by Badzioch and Hawksley (1970) for ten types of coal is 17.8 kcal/mol while Anthony and Howard (1976) reported a wide range of 2 to over 50 kcal/mol depending on the coal type and operating conditions. Differences in equipment and experimental procedures are also reasons for such a discrepancy of the data reported. In the model development, the activation energy, E , and the preexponential factor, ko, are chosen according to Badzioch and Hawksley. Equation 1 is rewritten as Figure 1. Texaco downflow entrainment pilot plant gasifier.

Fuel traveling along the reactor is essentially devolatilized, burned, and gasified. The gasifier can be conceptually divided into three zones: (1) pyrolysis and volatile combustion zone, ( 2 ) combustion and gasification zone, and (3) gasification zone. Pyrolysis a n d Volatile Combustion Zone Both coal and coal liquefaction residues that have been used in an entrainment system are polymeric compounds consisting of C, H, 0, N, S, and ash. The input fuel, when heated to high temperatures, decomposes and produces volatiles which consist of a mixture of combustible gases, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and tar. The degree of coal devolatilization depends not only on the fuel properties but also on the operating conditions such as heating rate, temperature, and pressure. Rates of coal pyrolysis in an inert atmosphere have been investigated by many researchers. Wen and Tone (1978) reviewed the state of art of pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis and developed equations for mass and heat balance of a single particle. Equations due to Badzioch and Hawksley (1970), Anthony and Howard (1976), and Wen et al. (1974) are based essentially on the concept that the rate of pyrolysis is proportional to the amount of volatile content remaining in the coal

where k = ko exp(-E/RT)

dV dt


1.14 X lo5 exp(-8900/TS).(V*




Equation 2 gives a higher rate of pyrolysis than most of the existing data summarized by Anthony and Howard (1976). However, due to the fact that all of the volatiles produced in the entrained bed gasifier are burned immediately, the accuracy of the rate expression of pyrolysis reaction does not affect the outcome of the model significantly. Thus, eq 2 is used in this study. Experimental studies (Anthony et al., 1976) show that the volatile yield increases significantly with decreasing pressure, increasing hydrogen partial pressure, and increasing final temperature attained but only slightly with increasing rate of heating. Anthony and Howard (1976) were able to explain the pressure effect on the volatile yield by a mathematical model considering the competition between diffusional escape and secondary reaction of reactive volatile species during a pyrolysis process. Their expression is shown as V* = V,,,

+ V,**/(l + 0.56PJ


where V, is the potential ultimate yield of volatiles at very high pressure (greater than 100 atm), and VI,, is the portion of volatile yield that exceeds V,,, at very low pressure (less than 0.001 atm). Since V,,, and V,,, are different for different types of coal and since not enough experimental data are available, this expression cannot be applied directly in a general gasification model. Most experimental data on volatile yield are taken at 1 atm. In


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

lowing reactions are considered in this second zone. char-oxygen reaction C,H,O,N,S,A


(i -




char-steam reaction C,H,O,N$,A



Figure 2. Product yields of coal pyrolysis, summarized from data of Loison and Chauvin (1964) at lo3 OC/s to 1050 O C .

the model development, a linear interpolation of their data is used to account for the pressure effect; namely = (at 1 a t m ) * ( l - a In P3 (4)

v* v*

where a is calculated to be approximately 0.066 for bituminous coal. This expression can be used to estimate the total yield of volatiles if the total pressure in the gasifier is between 0.1 and 50 atm. However, the estimation of volatile product composition is difficult because it depends significantly on fuel properties, operating conditions, and solid residence time. Experiments have been conducted by Loison and Chauvin (1964) and Suuberg et al. (1978) to measure the product composition of pyrolysis for several types of coal. Suuberg et al. correlated their experimental results by using a complex model with the distribution of activation energies. The data of Loison and Chauvin can be summarized graphically in Figure 2. The yield of hydrogen is seen to be independent of coal rank, whereas those of all other volatile constituents increase with increasing proximate volatile matter. Based on information relating to the amount of hydrogen, and the ratio of C/COz and H20/COZfrom Figure 2, together with material balances for elements (C, H, 0, N, S), one can estimate the product distribution for a pyrolysis process. The volatile release rate calculated from eq 2 is then matched against the product distribution assuming that the composition of the volatile product is independent of the release rate. The char composition can also be determined by this method. The pyrolysis reaction can be represented as C,,H,,O,,N,,S,,A -if, C,H,O,N,S,A + volatiles (raw fuel) (char) (CO + H2 + COz + CH4 + H2S + Nz+ tar) (5) Since oxygen is rich in the pyrolysis zone, the burning of combustible volatiles (CO, H2,CH4,tar, and hydrocarbons etc.) can be assumed complete. A large amount of heat is thus produced in the gas phase which heats the solid fuel rapidly to the pyrolysis temperature. Combustion a n d Gasification Zone In the combustion and gasification zone, the devolatilized char reacts with the remaining oxygen to produce CO/COz and with steam and COz to produce CO and H2. The combustible gases, CO and H2, in turn react in the gas phase with oxygen to produce more heat. The fol-





+ ( a - 7)HzO 6 H2 + tHZS+ - N2 + ash 2

char-COZ reaction C,HBO,NBS,A 2aCO

Y + -H20 2 +



+ cH2S + -Nz 6 + ash

E -


+ aC02 6 y)H2 + tHzS + -N2 2 + ash

1 -02 2

1 co + -02 2



- coz HzO



The rates of gas phase combustions are generally much faster than those of solid-gas reactions. During the model development, the CO combustion rate has been tested based on the correlation of Hottel et al. (1965). The conditions in the combustion zone of the Texaco pilot plant gasifier are such that both the temperature and concentrations of oxygen and steam are high. Therefore, the calculated rate of CO combustion is found to be so high that it can be considered instantaneous. Equations 9 and 10 are thus assumed complete as long as the oxygen exists in this zone. Gasification Zone The combustion gas flows into the gasification zone where further heterogeneous reactions occw along with the water-gas shift reaction. Methane is produced by hydrogasification of char but is reduced by the methanesteam reforming reaction. Therefore, in the gasification zone, three more reactions take place in addition to the char-steam reaction and char-C02 reaction (eq 7 and 8). char-H2 reaction

aCH4 + r H 2 0 + cHzS

6 + -Nz + ash 2

+ HzO + CO + Hz CH4 + H20 + CO + 3H2 CO


(12) (13)

The final product leaving the gasifier will mainly be CO, H2,and C02. Since volatiles are burned in the oxygen-rich zones, no tar appears in the product. HzS and N2, which originate from the sulfur and nitrogen in the raw fuel, respectively, together with CH4, constitute the minor species of the gas product. Char-Gas Reactions In an entrainment gasifier, most char-gas reactions can be considered surface reactions because of high operating

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

temperature (above 1000 "C). Since the solid loading in an entrainment gasifier is very small, the particle collisions are likely to be infrequent and the ash layer formed can be assumed to remain on the fuel particle during reactions. The unreacted-core shrinking model (Wen, 1968) can be reasonably applied to estimate the heterogeneous solid-gas reaction rates. This solid-gas reaction model considers both ash layer diffusion and gas film diffusion effects in addition to chemical reaction effects. The overall rate, according to this model, can be expressed as rate = kover.Peff (14) where 1 (15) kover = 1 Y-l 1









with Y = r c / R , r, is the radius of the unreacted core, and R is the radius of the whole particle including the ash layer. The ash film diffusion rate constant, k&h, depends on both the gas diffusivity and the voidage of the ash layer. Generally, khh can be roughly estimated by the correlation kdash




where t is the voidage of the ash layer. A summary of the rate expressions used in the model development is given in the Appendix. Model Development A successful development of an entrainment gasification model will require a good understanding of both chemical kinetics and hydrodynamics. One of the reasons why the modeling of an entrainment gasifier is difficult is that the degree of mixing of solid and gas flow varies along the bed and differs for different geometries of the bed. Techniques for analyzing the hydrodynamics in an entrained gasifier are not well established. Complexity of the modeling is further compounded by the lack of experimental data on the complex structural changes of coal/char particles and on rates of gasification for various types of coal. Hydrodynamics In some of the gasifiers, the mixing depends on axial jets from injection nozzles whereas others develop a vortex field induced by tangential firing. In practice, turbulence and gas recirculation are produced by the introduction of fuel and oxidant into the combustion zone through high-velocity jets. The combustion zone immediately following the inlet of an entrainment gasifier is similar to a utility boiler equipped with burners which produce a highly turbulent flow. Residence time data indicate that the combustion zone behaves much like a stirred tank reactor, while directly adjacent to the burner zone the vortex pattern dissipates rapidly so that plug flow (with dispersion) can be assumed (Field et al., 1967). Kane and McCallister (1978) recently analyzed the flow field of an entrained flow gasifier and determined the dimensionless groups which govern the scaling laws of the gasifier. Among the important dimensionless groups they identified are the swirl number, geometric scale ratio, Froude number, and particle loading ratio. Existing models are not adequate to predict solid concentrations and gas velocity for such a complex flow system. Because of the lack of data to estimate the degree of mixing in the entrainment gasifier, the concept that assumes the gas phase completely mixed at the entrance region followed by a region approximating plug flow and the solid phase plug flow throughout the reactor is adopted in this model development. Similar assumptions have been

Figure 3. Heat and mass balances in nth compartment.

employed by Ubhayakar et al. (1977) in their simulation of coal pyrolysis and gasification by MHD exhaust gas in an entrainment reactor. The compartment-in-series approach is employed to represent the hydrodynamics in the entrained gasifier. A large compartment size (about of the effective reactor size) is selected to represent the mixing zone at the gasifier entrance. Smaller compartment sizes (each about l/loo of the effective reactor size) are selected to represent the plug flow with dispersion (Wen and Fan, 1975) for the remaining region of gas phase along the gasifier. The purpose of this model is to obtain temperature and concentration profiles for both the solid phase and gas phase along the reactor. Heat and Mass Balances The basic assumptions used in the model development are summarized below. (1)The phase is completely mixed in the pyrolysis and volatile combustion zone followed by a region approximating plug flow in the later section. This is accomplished by the compartment-in-series approach which employs a large first compartment and smaller size for each of the following compartments. Each compartment is treated as a stirred-tank reactor. (2) The solid phase is plug-flow throughout the reactor. (3) The gasifier is conceptually divided into three reaction zones: pyrolysis and volatile combustion zone, combustion and gasification zone, and the gasification zone. (4) This is a steady-state process. Based on the above assumptions, heat and mass balance equations can be set up for each compartment as shown below by referring to Figure 3. gas phase C(Wg2Cpg2Tg)z+A2 - C(WgICPg,Tg), = -(At.a.Az) X [eFcJ(T: - T:) + h,(Tg - T,)]+ C ( - u k ) * r k * A t * A Zk

Hloss,g-w'AZ (17)

solid phase

dw s dz

__ =


aAtCrj J


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

Table 11. Definition of Reaction Species, j and k, in each zone

(I) Reactions in t h e Solid Phase

i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

reaction pyrolysis, eq 5 char-oxygen reaction, eq 6 char-steam reaction, eq 7 char-carbon dioxide, eq 8 char-hydrogen reaction, eq 11 water-gas shift reaction (catalyzed by the mineral materials in char), eq 1 2 methane-steam reforming reaction (catalyzed by the mineral materials in char), eq 1 3

(11) Reactions in the Gas Phase k 1 2 3 4 5 6

react ion

+ '/,O, H,O co + co, CH, + 2 0 , CO, + 2H,O C6H6 + "/,O, 6 C 0 , + 3H,O (assuming that tar is C,H,) CO + H , O Z CO, + H, CH, + H,O: CO + 3H, H,






(111) Specific Rections in the Three Conceptual Zones name of the reaction zone



pyrolysis and volatile combustion zone 1 172,394 combustion and gasification zone 2,3,4 1,2,3 3,4,5,6,7 5,6 gasification zone

is the contact area between the gas and the solid per unit volume of reactor (cm2/cm3),Az is the compartment size (cm), and h, is the convection and conduction heat transfer coefficient which can be obtained approximately by h, = 2Kg/dp. j and k are the reactions in the solid and gas phases, respectively, and are defined in Table I1 for each reaction zone. By substituting a = ( W8/Atu,)(6/p,dp) and dz = u,dt, eq 19 is replaced by

dT8_-_ dt

to about 7-10% of the heating value of the raw fuel. (2) In the zones following the combustion zones where oxygen is exhausted, the rate of heat exchange per unit area of reactor wall between the gas and the wall is calculated by Uo(T - Tw), where Uois selected to be about 25-30 Btu/h O F ftt This is within the reported range of the overall heat transfer coefficient for a gas heat exchanger (McAdams, 1954; Ludwig, 1965). Since no measurement of the reactor wall temperature has been reported, a linear correlation of wall temperature is assumed for the simulation. For example, in all of the runs with coal liquefaction residues, the reactor wall temperature is assumed to be T , = 2100 - 600(Z/L,) in K, where Z is the distance from the top of the reactor and L, is the total effective reactor length. Since solid loading in the entrained gasifier is generally less than 1% of the reactor volume, the fuel particles can be assumed to be completely surrounded by the gas. Therefore, the viewing factor, F, for radiation heat transfer between gas and fuel particles is assumed to be 1.0. However, the determination of emissivity, e , of the gas mixture is difficult. It is a function of the partial pressure of each gaseous component, temperature, and reactor geometry. McAdams (1954) presented a method for a rough estimation of gas emissivity. The emissivity of the gas mass in the reactor can be estimated as a function of the product P,L (atm-ft),where PI is the partial pressure of the radiating constituent, and L is the mean beam length. If more than one radiating constituent is present, the emissivities are added although a small correction must be made for the interference of radiation between different types of molecules. At an operating pressure of 24 atm, the summation of the product, x l P I L ,is in the order of 100 atm-ft for the Texaco pilot plant gasifier. This is beyond the range of the experimental data of Lobo and Evans (Evans, 1971) and McAdams (1954). By extrapolating their data, an emissivity of 0.9 for the gas mixture is selected in this study. The solid residence time, At, in each component can be obtained by momentum balance. Since the solid particle size employed in an entrained bed system is generally very small it is assumed that Stokes' law applies for solid flow in this system. The solid entraining velocity can be calculated by the following formulas downflow us = u,,e-bAt + ( u p + u J ( 1 - e-bAt) (24) upflow

us = u,ie-bAt

+ (up






where b = - 18P Psdp2 Ut

The above equation can also be obtained from a total heat balance on both solid phase and gas phase in each compartment total enthalpy output - total enthalpy input = total heat generated by reactions heat loss through the reactor wall (23) Experimental data on the heat exchange between the gas and the reactor wall are difficult to obtain. In this study, the following assumptions are made in order to account for the heat loss. (1)In the combustion zones near the top of the gasifier, 30% of the total heat generated by reactions is transferred from the gas phase to the reactor wall and to the top part of the gasifier. This is equivalent


(P, - Pg)dp%

1811 us, = initial solid velocity (cm/s), and At = solid residence time in this compartment (s). The solid residence time, At, is related to the compartment size, z , as shown below Az =


The above three equations can be solved simultaneously by applying the Newton-Raphson method in order to obtain the solid residence time, A t , in each compartment. One of the simplest ways to solve the above equations for each compartment is as follows: (1) Assume a value of T gfor the compartment which is assumed to be completely mixed for the gas phase. (2) Obtain the solid temperature profile from eq 21 by the Runge-Kutta-Gill

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18,


No. 4, 1979 889

the Input data and predict the char composition


1 / \ /C&

y S T w

Figure 7. a, Calculated temperature and carbon conversion profiles in Texaco's pilot plant gasifier using Western coal as feedstock in coal-water slurry runs; b, calculated product gas composition profiles in Texaco's pilot plant gasifier using Western coal as feedstock in coal-water slurry runs.

Figure 4. Computer flow diagram for the model.

100 b












70 0 5

Figure 5. a, Calculated temperature profiles and carbon conversion profile in Texaco pilot plant gasifier for run 1-1; b, calculated product gas composition profiles (wet basis) in Texaco pilot plant gasifier for run 1-1.


-&-~,---zc --;-,-----1 91 a . ~l5-2:CC


CRW 3P,.

" 2



06 07 08 09 CXYEh / WEL / GM )


Figure 8. Effect of oxygen fuel ratio on the carbon conversion a t various steam/fuel ratios feeding the H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal in the Texaco pilot plant gasifier.

a .5~-z,w.~

Figure 6. a, Calculated temperature profiles and carbon conversion profile in Texaco pilot plant gasifier using Exxon DSP vacuum tower bottoms as feedstock; b, calculated product gas composition profiles (wet basis) in Texaco pilot plant gasifier using Exxon DSP vacuum tower bottoms as feedstock.

method. (3) Do material balances. (4) Check the total heat balance by eq 23. If the total heat balance meets the required error criteria, start the calculations of the next compartment. If the total heat balance does not meet, use root-search methods such as the Regula-Falsi or Wegstein methods to help search for a better value of T and repeat the procedure. Figure 4 shows the computer dow diagram of the calculation procedures. Results and Discussion In order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed entrainment gasifier model, the performance of the Texaco gasifier has been simulated. A comparison of the tom-

O1 02 0 3 04 05 06 07 08 S T E N FJEL (GM/GM)

Figure 9. Effect of steam/fuel ratio on the carbon conversion at various oxygen/fuel ratios feeding the H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal in the Texaco pilot plant gasifier.

puted results based on the model with the experimental data of the Texaco downflow entrainment pilot plant has been made for 27 runs using coal liquefaction residues and two runs using coal-water slurries as feedstocks. This is shown in Table 111. Good agreement of the result on the major product gas (CO, H2, and COz) distribution between the computed and the experimental data is seen. In view of the fact that carbon conversions for coal-oil residues range from 91.0 to 99.7%, it is significant to note the agreement for the coal-water slurry run a t a conversion level of 85%. Temperature and concentration profiles


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979




02 03 04 05 06 STEAM/ FUEL(GM/GM)

Figure 10. Effects of steam/fuel ratio on the carbon conversion and the major product gas composition at oxygen/fuel = 0.866 g/g (1-1 run)feeding H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal in the Texaco pilot plant gasifier.

+ 70‘05





TOTAL PRESSURE j a) 50 A T M - - - - 65 r ATMb) 4 0



d ) 2 4 ATM6 0 1 ” ” ’ 02 0 3 0 4 0 5 06 07 STEAMIFbEL(GY/GM) ‘


Figure 13. Effect of total pressure on carbon conversion at various feeding ratios using H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal in the Texaco pilot plant gasifier.

2k C

O * E h / FUE- (OV’iSV)

Figure 11. Effects of oxygen/fuel ratio on the carbon conversion and the major product gas composition at steam/fuel = 0.241 g/g (1-1 run) feeding H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal in the Texaco pilot plant gasifier.

05 07 00 ?9 OXYGEN! FUE-(GMiGM,


Figure 14. Effect of total pressure on carbon conversion and major product gas composition at various oxygen/fuel ratios with steam/fuel = 0.5 g/g feeding H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal in the Texaco pilot plant gasifier.

Figure 12. Effect of water/coal ratio on carbon conversion at various oxygen/coal ratios feeding Western coal. Texaco’s pilot plant gasifier in coal-water slurry runs.

obtained by the proposed model for three typical runs are shown in the Appendix and Figures 5-7. Parameter studies are made to provide a better understanding of the reactor performance for various operating conditions utilizing the model. These are shown in Figures 8 through 15. Figure 8 shows the effect of oxygen/fuel ratio on carbon conversion a t various steam/fuel ratios feeding the H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal into the Texaco pilot plant gasifier. Figure 9 shows the effect of steam/fuel ratio on carbon conversion at various oxygen/fuel ratios using coal

Figure 15. Effect of fuel particle size on the fuel residence time and the carbon conversion at various initial solid velocities feeding Illinois No. 6 coal liquefaction residue in Texaco’s pilot plant entrainment gasifier.

liquefaction residue as feedstock. In coal liquefaction residue runs, it is found that the oxygen/fuel ratio affects carbon conversion more significantly than the steam/fuel ratio. In a short residence time device like an entrainment gasifier, the oxygen/fuel ratio is critical to the conversion

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

since the heat produced from combustion reactions supports the endothermic gasification reactions. However, it is also seen that for the Texaco pilot plant gasifier, there is no need to exceed the oxygen/fuel ratio beyond 0.9. To obtain 98-99% conversion, an oxygen/fuel ratio between 0.8 and 0.9 is required for this gasifier. Texaco operated at an oxygen/fuel ratio between 0.768 and 0.94 and obtained 91-99.7 % carbon conversions for their experimental runs (Robin, 1976, 1977). Interestingly, the model shows an optimal steam/fuel ratio to exist at a fixed oxygen/fuel ratio when coal liquefaction residues are used at the feedstock. Although increasing the steam/fuel ratio promotes the charsteam reaction, an optimal steam/fuel ratio on carbon conversion exists because of the following two reasons: (1) the char-steam reaction is highly endothermic and would lower the reaction temperature which in turn will lower the gasification rate; (2) a large amount of steam can carry a large quantity of sensible heat from the reaction system and reduce the reaction temperature. Depending on the oxygen/fuel ratio this optimal steam/fuel ratio ranges about 0.3 to 0.6 for the Texaco pilot plant gasifier using coal liquefaction residues as the feedstock. Texaco operated a t a steam/fuel ratio between 0.241 and 0.429 for the first two sets of pilot plant tests using H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal and from Wyodak coal (Robin, 1976). However, they obtained high carbon conversions (99%) for later tests (Robin, 1977) using a smaller oxygen/fuel ratio (0.77-0.79) and a higher steam/fuel ratio (0.3-0.5). Figure 1 2 shows the effect of water/coal ratio on the carbon conversion a t various oxygen/coal ratios for coal-water slurry runs. It is seen that the water/coal ratio in coal-water slurry runs has more significant effects on carbon conversion than does the steam/fuel ratio in coal liquefaction residue runs. Within the testing range of water/coal ratio from 0.4 to 0.8 (coal on dry basis), no optimum feeding ratio of water/coal has been found operating at fixed oxygen/coal ratios. As can be seen from the figure, the carbon conversion increases when the water/coal ratio is decreased. This is due to the latent heat of the evaporation of water which absorbs a large amount of heat in the reactor and lowers the reaction temperature. The heat required to support the endothermic gasification reaction therefore becomes the most important factor in the determination of carbon conversion in the coal-water slurry runs. On the other hand, in coal liquefaction residue runs, both the reaction temperature and steam concentration affect the carbon conversion resulting in an optimum steam/fuel ratio at fixed oxygenlfuel ratios. The steam/fuel ratio in coal liquefaction residue runs affects the gas product distribution significantly as shown in Figure 10. The oxygen/fuel ratio, on the other hand, does not significantly affect the gas product distribution as shown in Figure 11. As the steam/fuel ratio increases, the fraction of CO in the product gas decreases while those of H2 and C 0 2 increase. However, increases in the oxygen/fuel ratio will eventually reach a point from which a reduction in the fraction of hydrogen in the product gases can result. (See Figure 11.) The concentration variations are due to the competition between char-oxygen, charCOz, char-steam, and water-gas shift reactions. The water-gas shift reaction is found to be very close to the equilibrium state at the outlet of the reactor in almost all cases. Figures 13 and 14 show the effect of pressure on the carbon conversion and product gas distribution. All runs performed by the Texaco gasifier are at a pressure of 24


atm. Increasing the pressure will increase the carbon conversion especially a t high steam/fuel ratios and for oxygen/fuel ratios smaller than 0.8. The pressure effect becomes insignificant for oxygen/fuel ratios larger than 0.8. The effect of pressure on the product gas distribution is small, as shown in Figure 14. Increasing the pressure will slightly increase CO and H2 concentrations but will decrease the COz concentration in the product gas a t oxygen/fuel ratios less than 0.8. The fuel particle size or droplet size has a significant effect on the carbon conversion as shown in Figure 15. This effect is easily understood since fuel residence time and the specific contact area for solid-gas reactions are closely related to the particle size. Large particles have greater terminal velocities and thus travel at higher particle velocities resulting in a shorter residence time than small particles as shown in Figure 15. On the other hand, the specific contact area between reacting gases and the fuel particle is inversely proportional to the particle size. These two effects combine to give lower conversion for large particles compared to small particles. In Texaco’s pilot plant operation, the fuel is sprayed from a nozzle into the gasifier. Therefore the particle size and the initial particle velocity in the reactor are not known. In this study, the initial particle velocity was selected to be 300 cm/s for the simulation. The fuel particle size was selected to be around 350 ym for most of the cases except when Wyodak coal liquefaction residue was used. In this case the fuel particle size was selected to be about 400 ym. It was reported (Robin, 1976) that Wyodak coal liquefaction residue is much more viscous than the Illinois No. 6 coal liquefaction residue. Under these assumptions, the fuel residence time in the pilot plant reactor can be calculated to be between 5 and 8 s.

Conclusion The Texaco downflow entrainment gasifier has demonstrated the ability to gasify coal liquefaction residues, light oil, and coal-water slurries into synthesis gas. This process can provide the required hydrogen or synthesis gas for coal liquefaction processes or for fuels and chemical feedstocks. This study provides an insight into the importance of the operating parameters on the reactor performance and furnishes a procedure for gasifier scale-up. In this study a mathematical model was developed to simulate the performance of entrainment gasifiers. A major effect has been focused on simulating the experimental results from the Texaco downflow entrainment pilot plant gasifier using coal liquefaction residues and coal-water slurries as feedstock. Good agreement has been obtained between the computational results from the model and the experimental data from Texaco’s pilot plant tests. This model provides the temperature and concentration profiles for both solid and gas within the reactor. In order to better understand the operation of an entrained gasifier, the model is used to simulate the performance under various operating conditions. The following conclusions are obtained. (1)An increase in the oxygen/fuel ratio significantly increases the carbon conversion. In order to obtain 99% carbon conversion in Texaco’s pilot plant gasifier, an oxygen/fuel ratio of a t least 0.8 but no more than 0.9 is required when using H-coal residue from Illinois No. 6 coal. (2) For a given oxygen/fuel ratio, there is an optimal ratio of steam/fuel which maximizes the carbon conversion for systems utilizing steam rather than water. Such an optimum condition is more pronounced when the oxygen/fuel ratio is low.


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

Table 111. Comparison of Computational Results from the Model with Experimental Results from Texaco Entrainment Pilot Plant Gasifier. (All Runs Are at 24 atm. Pressure) ( A ) Using H-Coal Residues from Illinois No. 6 Coal as Feedstock: ( 1 ) ~~

input condition fuel rate, g/s run no. I-1 76.66


steam/ fuel source



exptl model

I- 2




exptl model





exptl model





exptl model





exptl model

I- 5A




exptl model

I- 5B




exptl model





exptl model





exptl model



0.77 57


exptl model





exptl model





exptl model





exptl model





exptl model





exptl model





exptl model





exptl model

dry product gas: flow rate, g/s (vol %) CO 123.77 (57.57) 123.94 (56.60) 112.52 (53.06) 119.78 (54.11) 121.5 (54.66) 126.4 (55.89) 116.0 (55.70) 119.96 (55.18) 119.54 (54.90) 125.09 (55.71) 103.32 (54.02) 106.37 (54.89) 92.3 (52.48) (95.45 (53.56) 81.853 (51.39) 81.186 (52.75) 125.2 (55.03) 129.34 (55.85) 130.3 ( 5 5.33) 133.58 (55.63) 139.75 (55.87) 141.11 (56.223) 140.7 (57.38) 140.09 (57.39) 145.8 (57.67) 143.8 (57.56) 141.073 (57.02) 141.709 (57.46) 125.4 (57.49) 131.20 (56.70) 201.16 (55.18) 195.918 (55.42) 204.16 (54.79) 199.72 (54.95)

H2 6.01 (39.13) 6.23 (39.84) 6 . 2 11 (41.00) 6.54 (41.39) 6.24 (39.31) 6.36 (39.39) 5.78 ( 38.90) 6.16 (39.69) 6.107 (39.26) 6.36 (39.68) 5.30 (38.78) 5.39 (38.98) 5.007 (39.85) 5.08 ( 39.9 2) 4.53 (39.83) 4.38 (39.84) 6.41 (39.43) 6.54 (39.52) 6.67 (39.62) 6.85 (39.96) 6.975 (39.03) 7.08 (39.50) 6.732 ( 38.43) 6.735 (38.63) 6.913 (38.28) 7.853 (38.37) 6.785 (38.39) 6.43 (38.58) 5.966 ( 3 8.29) 6.43 (38.885) 10.22 (39.24) 9.99 (39.56) 10.57 (39.72) 10.30 (39.69)

C02 9.985 (2.95) 10.04 (2.92) 17.2 (5.15) 13.54 (3.89) 19.26 (5.51) 14.56 (4.10) 16.74 (5.11) 15.73 (4.60) 18.14 (5.30) 14.37 (4.07) 19.972 (6.64) 16.824 (5.525) 19.987 (7.22) 16.58 (5.92) 20.61 (8.23) 16.461 (6.81) 17.93 (5.01) 14.35 (3.94) 17.1 (4.62) 14.20 (3.764) 17.3 (4.40) 14.29 (3.622) 14.27 (3.70) 12.77 (3.54) 14.4 (3.62) 13.43 (3.42) 15.28 (3.93) 12.81 (3.31) 12.89 (3.76) 13.88 (3.82) 26.92 (4.69) 24.76 (4.46) 29.96 (5.11) 27.50 (4.82)

CH, 0.15 (0.12) 0.20 (0.16) 0.56 (0.46) 0.242 (0.193) 0.114 (0.08) 0.17 (0.131) 0.15 (0.12) 0.148 (0.12) 0.185 (0.14) 0.170 (0.132) 0.0852 (0.07) 0.112 (0.101) 0.086 (0.08) 0.100 (0.098) 0.0434 (0.04) 0.074 (0.084) 0.27 (0.20) 0.187 (0.142) 0.27 (0.20) 0.202 (0.147) 0.197 (0.13) 0.22 (0.153) 0.13 (0.09) 0.213 (0.15) 0.058 (0.03) 0.22 (0.152) 0.071 (0.04) 0.213 (0.15) 0.096 (0.07) 0.189 (0.143) 0.15 (0.26) 0.284 (0.140) 0.193 (0.09) 0.278 (0.134)

H*S 0.133 (0.06) 0.726 (0.27) 0.59 (0.21) 0.57 (0.212) 0.67 (0.26) 0.77 (0.28) 0.32 (0.11) 0.526 (0.20) 0.70 (0.23) 0.538 (0.197) 0.57 (0.21) 0.68 (0.29) 0.73 (0.31) 0.62 (0.29) 0.803 5 (0.41) 0.546 (0.29) 0.3 (0.10) 0.89 (0.32) 0.292 (0.08) 0.798 (0.274) 0.866 (0.26) 0.829 (0.272) 0.91 (0.30) 0.797 (0.27) 0.80 (0.25) 0.82 (0.27) 1.18 (0.37) 0.81 (0.27) 0.80 (0.26) 0.65 (0.23) 0.58 (0.10) 0.94 (0.22) 0.68 (0.12) 0.977 (0.22)

N, 0.53 (0.12) 0.454 (0.208) 0.1513 (0.07) 0.451 (0.204) 0.133 (0.11) 0.496 (0.22) 0.0124 (0.00) 0.437 (0.201) 0.24 (0.11) 0.449 (0.20) 0.428 (0.22) 0.421 (0.217) 0.0034 (0.00) 0.386 (0.217) 0.0734 (0.04) 0.335 (0.218) 0.391 (0.17) 0.53 (0.23) 0.213 (0.09) 0.555 (0.231) 0.640 (0.25) 0.583 (0.232) 0.10 2 (0.04) 0.562 (0.230) 0.204 (0.08) 0.576 (0.23) 0.46 (0.18) 0.57 (0.23) 0.148 (0.06) 0.529 (0.23) 1.73 (0.47) 0.672 (0.190) 0.42 (0.11) 0.697 (0.19)

C conv, 7'% 98.64 98.88 90.66 93.29 98.28 99.75 97.24 99.76 97.34 99.75 98.875 99.77

98.868 99.75 98.885 99.76 97.122 97.898 96.826 97.735 96.992 96.735 98.641 97.744 98.663 97.233 98.605 98.229 97.45 97.60 99.158 96.01 99.187 96.57

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979 693 Table I11 (Continued) (B) Using H-Coal Residues from Wyodak Coal as Feedstock: (1) input condition fuel rate, r u n no. g/s w-1 86.0

dry product gas: flow rate, g/s (vol % )

steam/ fuel 0.318

O,/fuel 0.90

source exptl model











exptl model





exptl model











exptl model











exptl model

CO 143.2 (56.96) 144.1 (56.85) 146.25 (57.67) 148.44 (58.65) 212.71 (57.80) 212.77 (59.20) 208.2 (56.02) 214.8 (58.97) 211.44 (57.61) 210.58 (58.46) 215.34 (57.00) 214.78 (57.95) 215.07 (54.91) 217.46 (56.17) 220.02 (54.24) 228.74 (57.23)

H2 6.8325 (38.04) 6.88 (38.00) 6.865 (37.90) 6.741 (37.30) 9.85 (37.47) 9.45 (36.81) 10.05 (37.02) 10.85 (36.86) 10.06 (37.77) 9.56 (37.16) 10.343 (38.32) 10.08 (37.56) 10.97 (39.20) 10.60 (38.34) 11.00 (37.98) 10.56 (37.01)



19.15 (4.84) 17.98 (4.51) 17.1 (4.29) 13.40 (3.37) 25.66 (4.43) 19.51 (3.454) 34.016 (5.82) 21.38 (3.75) 23.77 (4.12) 20.22 (3.57) 25.45 (4.28) 21.09 (3.62) 33.84 (5.49) 27.65 (4.55) 48.576 (7.62) 34.12 (5.43)

CH, 0.0517 (0.03) 0.58 (0.401) 0.0898 (0.06) 0.656 (0.453) 0.22 (0.10) 0.558 (0.272) 0.129 (0.06) 0.303 (0.146) 0.28 (0.13) 4.215 (0.59) 0.34 (0.15) 1.32 (0.625) 0.41 (0.18) 1.60 (0.762) 0.00 (0.00) 0.234 (0.105)

H2S 0.00 (0.00) 0.032 (0.010) 0.0325 (0.00) 0.028 (0.009) 0.00 (0.00) 0.088 (0.020) 0.103 (0.01) 0.089 (0.020) 0.00 (0.00) 0.0066 (0.002) 0.03 2 (0.00) 0.0615 (0.014) 0.00 (0.00) 0.042 (0.009) 0.00 (0.00) 0.007 2 (0.001)

N, 0.19 (0.07) 0.57 (0.224) 0.07 8 (0.03) 0.547 (0.216) 0.553 (0.15) 0.91 (0.251) 0.68 (0.18) 0.96 (0.262) 1.20 (0.32) 0.769 (0.213) 0.734 (0.19) 0.837 (0.227) 0.706 (0.18) 0.83 7 (0.236) 0.477 (0.11) 0.917 (0.229)

C conv, % 98.98 99.75 99.17 99.65 99.393 97.90 99.395 98.85 98.765 98.215 98.211 97.66 97.900 98.283 99.676 99.628

(C) Using SRC I1 Vaccum Flash Drum Bottoms as Feedstock: ( 2 ) input condition fuel rate, g/s 126.11

O,/ fuel 0.77

steam/ fuel 0.30

wet product gas: flow rate, g/s (vol % ) source exptl model




CO 167.584 (53.5) 171.48 (54.01)

H, 6.936 (31.0) 7.178 (31.65)

CO, 32.98 (6.7) 29.54 (5.9)

H,O 14.50 (7.2) 15.19 (7.44)

CH, 0.00 (0.00) 0.151 (0.083)

( D ) Using Exxon DSP Vaccum Tower Bottoms as Feedstock: exptl 176.98 9.37 45.87 29.69 0.00 (45.6) (33.8) ( 7 . 5 2 ) (11.9) (0.00) model 175.36 9.57 47.82 29.14 0.173 (44.87) (34.99) (7.74) (11.6) ( 0 . 0 7 7 )

H,S 4.1 (1.04) 2.016 (0.52)

C N, conv, % 1.566 99 (0.50) 1.146 99.77 (0.361)

(2) 3.81 (0.78) 1.857 (0.39)

1.475 (0.38) 1.089 (0.279)

99 99.00

( E ) Coal-Water Slurry Runs in DU t conditions coal type __ Western Eastern

coal rate,


a- h 186.78

coal 0.91

water/ coala 0.51




dry product gas: vol % source exptl model exptl model

CO 50.71 47.86 41.55 43.27

H, 35.79 37.30 36.15 36.91



13.14 14.45 20.64 18.91

CH 0.09 0.055 0.40 0.036

H,S 0.03 0.074 0.85 0.50

N, 0.24 0.26 0.38 0.373

C conv. % 92.7 94.87 85.8 84.66

Moisture free basis.

(3) An increase in the steam/fuel ratio increases the H2 and COz concentration but decreases the CO concentration in the product gas. (4) The product gas distribution is relatively insensitive to oxygen/fuel ratio. However, increasing the oxygen/fuel ratio slightly decreases the hydrogen concentration while it increases the CO concentration in the product gas. (5) An increase in the operating pressure in an entrainment gasifier can increase the degree of carbon conversion. This effect is particularly significant at high steam/fuel ratios and when oxygen/fuel ratios are below

0.8. (6) Fuel particle (or droplet) size has an important effect on the carbon conversion. Small particles give high carbon conversions for a given mass feed rate. Although the proposed model can provide some insight into the mixing of gas and solid, additional information is needed regarding the geometry of the feeding zone and the hydrodynamics associated with the zone. Experimental data on temperature and concentration profiles for different types of coals are also needed to verify and refine the entrained gasifier model developed.


Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des.

Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

Appendix Rate Expressions. (I) Surface Reaction Type. Unreacted-core shrinking model (11) rate = 1 (Pi- Pi*)g/cm2 atm s 1 1 kdiff

+ -ksr;!



where Y = r,/R = [ ( l - x ) / ( l f = conversion when pyrolysis is finished, based on original d.m.m.f. coal; x = conversion at any time after pyrolysis is completed, based on original d.m.m.f. coal; kw = gas film diffusion constant, g/cm2 atm s; ks = ash film diffusion constant, g/cm2 atm s; kdash = ash film diffusion constant, g/cm2 atm s; = k d i f f ( ~ ~t .=~voidage ); in the ash layer; Pi = partial pressure of i-component gas; Pi - Pi*= effective partial pressure of i-component taking account of the reverse reaction effect. (i) Char-02 Reaction.

[c + i o 2


2( 1 -


;)co +




ks = 8710 exp(-17967/Ts), T s in K

culation, the same expression as that of the unreacted-core shrinking model is used by changing k, into k, according to experimental conditions as follows

Taking the k, value from the data of Wen (1972), kS is calculated based on the above method

k s = 0.12 exp(-17921/Ts) g/cm2 atm s

( 2io

hdiff= 1.33 x 10-3 -~ ~ 7 5 h , p t )

k,, =

0.175 34 713

-exp[ 18 400/


(11) Catalytic Reactions. (i) Water-Gas Shift Reaction (Singh and Saraf, 1977) rate = FJ2.77 X lo5) X (xco - xco*) exp(-27 760/1.987T)P,(0.5-pt~250) X exp(-8.91 + (5553/T)) g-mol/[s.(g of ash)]

The adjustable parameter, F,, which represents the relative catalytic reactivity of ash to that of iron-base catalyst, is selected to be 0.2 in the model development.

6 = the mechanism factor based on the stoichiometric relation of CO and C02;6 can be roughly estimated by the following equations (Wen and Dutta, 1979) 6 = ( 2 2 + 2 ) / ( 2 + 2) for d, I 0.005 cm 6 = [(22 + 2)





for 0.005 cm Id, I0.1 cm 6 = 1.0 for d,

+ 2)

> 0.1 cm

where 2 = [CO]/[C02] = 2500 exp(-6249/n; d, in cm and T = (Ts + TJ/2 in K; and Pi - Pi*= Po2

(ii) Char-Steam Reaction (for temperature greater than 1100 O C ) (Dobner, 1976). k s = 247 exp(-21060/Ts)

k,, = exp[17.644


30260/(1.8.T~)] pH? - pCO

Pi - Pi* = P H20 (iii) CharX02Reaction (for temperature greater than 1100 "C) (Dobner, 1976). ks = 247 exp(-21060/Ts)

Pi - Pi*= Pco2 (iv) Char-Hydrogen Reaction. This reaction is still in the chemical reaction regime even in temperatures as high as 1600 K, because it has a low intrinsic reaction rate but high diffusion characteristics. For simplicity of cal-

xco = pco/p,

he, = exp(k3.6893 + 7234/(1.8T)] and P, is the total pressure. (ii) Methane-Steam Reforming Reaction (Zahradnik and Grace, 1974) rate = 312 exp[-30000/(1.98711] l / s Nomenclature a = the contact area between solid and gas per unit volume of reactor = (Ws/A,us)(6/p,d ), cm2/cm3 A , = the cross-sectional area ofthe reactor, cm2 C, , C, = specific heats of gas and solid, respectively, cal/g


d, = the particle size, cm h, = the convection heat transfer coefficient between gas and solid, cal/cm2 K g = gravitational acceleration, 980 cm/s* Hloss,g.w= the heat loss through reactor wall, cal/cm Kg = thermal conductivity of gas, cal/cm K rj = the reaction rate of jth solid phase reaction, g/cm2 s rk = the reaction rate of kth gas-involved reaction, g/cm3 s

T,, T , = temperatures of gas and solid, respectively, K T , = reactor wall temperature, K ug, us = velocities of gas and solid, respectively, cm/s uSi = initial particle velocity, cm/s W,, W,, = flow rate of solid and the ith component gas, respectively, g/s ps, pg = densities of solid and gas, respectively, g/cm3 j i = gas viscosity, P q k = the stoichiometric parameter for the ith component gas in the hth reaction dt = differential solid residence time, s dz = differential reactor length, dz = us dt, cm X, = carbon conversion, 70 R = outside radius of an unreacted-core-shrinking particle, cm rc = radius of the unreacted core of an unreacted-coreshrinking, cm

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979

Y = ratio of r , / R in an unreacted-core-shrinking particle Subscripts i = gaseous component j , k = reactions in solid and gas phase, respectively, see

definition in Appendix Literature Cited Anthony, D. B., Howard, J. E., AIChE J . , 22, 625 (1976). Anthony, D. B., Howard, J. B., Hottel, H. C., Meksner, H. P., Fuel, 55, 121 (1976). Eadzioch, S., Hawksley. P. B. W., Ind. Eng. Chem. Process L k s . Dev., 9, 521 (1970). Bissett, L. A., "An Engineering Assessment of Entrainment Gasitlcation", MERC/RI - 7812, Morgantown Energy Research Center, April 1978. Dobner, S., Modeling of Entrained Bed Gasification: The Issues", EPRI, Palo Alto, Calif.. Jan. 15, 1976. Evans, F. L., Jr., "Equipment Oesign Handbodc for Refineries and Chemical Phnts", Vol. 2, p 9, Gulf Publishing, Houston, Texas, 1971. Field, M. A., Gill, D. W., Morgan, B. E., Hawksley, P. B. W., "Combustion of Pulverized Coal", BCURA, Leatherhead, 1967. Hottel, H. C., Williams, G. C., Nerheim, N. M., Schneider, G. R., 10th International Symposium on Combustion, 111-121, 1965. Kane, R. S., McCailister, R. A,, AIChE J., 24, 55 (1978). Loison, R., Chauvin, R., Chem. Ind., 91, 269 (1964). Ludwig, E. E., "Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants", Vol. 111, 1965. McAdams, W. H., "Heat Transmission", 3rd ed, Chapter 4, p 95, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y., 1954. Pitt, G. J., Fuel, 41, 267 (1962).


Robin, A. M., "Hydrogen Production from Coal Liquefaction Residues", EPRI Rpt., EPRI-AF-233 (Dec. 1976). Robin, A. M., "Gasification of Residual Materials from Coal Liquefaction", D.O.E. Quarterly Report, FE-2274-11 (Oct. 1977). Russel, W. B., Saville, D. A., Greene, M. I., 70th AIChE Annual Meeting, New York, N.Y., No. 101, Nov. 1977. Singh. C. P. P., Saraf, D. N.. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 16, 313 (1977). Suuberg, E. M., Peters, W. A., Howard, J. B., Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 17. 37 (1978). Wen, C. Y., Bailie, R. C., Lin, C. Y., O'Brien, W. S., Adv. Chem. Ser., No. 131, 9 (1974). Wen, C. Y., Ind. Eng. Chem., 60, 32 (1968). Wen, C. Y., Fan, L. T., "Models for Flow Systems with Emphasis on Chemical Reactor Modeling", Chapter 7, Marcel Dekker, New York, N.Y., 1975. Wen, C. Y., "Optimization of Coal Gasification Processes", R D Report No. 66, Office of Coal Research, U S . Government, 1972. Wen, C. Y., Dutta, S., "Rate of Coal Pyrolysis and Gasification Reaction", chapter of the monograph "Coal Conversion Technology", Wen and Lee, Addison-Wesley, 1979. Wen, C. Y., Tone, S., ACS Symp. Ser., No. 72 (1978). Ubhayaker, S. K., Stickler, D. B., Gannon, R. E., Fuel. 56, 281 (1977). Zahradnik, R. L., Grace, R. J., Adv. Chem. Ser., No. 131, 126 (1974).


Received for review October 24, 1978 Accepted June 15, 1979 This work was supported by Contract E(49-18)2274 for the United States Department of Energy.

A High-Temperature Pneumatic Transport Line Test Facility Wen-ching Yang," Walter G. Vaux, Dale L. Keairns, and Ted Vojnovich Research and Development Center, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235

Under the sponsorship of the Electric Power Research Institute, we constructed a high-temperature pneumatic transport line facility to test refractories under simulated high-temperature dilute-phase (high particle velocity and low particle concentration)erosion conditions. Two ambient temperature tests lasting 52 h and four high-temperature runs (640 to 925 O C ) lasting 85 h were conducted in the test facility. This paper describes the equipment, construction, operation, and capability of the facility and discusses briefly the test results. A companion paper presents the detailed data analysis and the development of a predictive model for refractory erosion.


Because of the abundance of coal reserves in the United States, one of the alternatives for achieving energy selfsufficiency is to convert coal into a clean-burning fuel through coal gasification or by direct combustion with air in a fluidized bed for steam and power generation. The operating conditions in these processes of widely different design involve temperatures ranging from 500 to 1500 "C, pressures ranging from 0.1 to 10 MPa, reducing and oxidizing atmospheres, and a generally erosive and corrosive environment. Metal and refractory structurals and linings are used to construct the reaction vessels, transfer lines, valves, and cyclone separators. These materials must be able to withstand erosion and corrosion by particulateladen gas streams. An understanding of the erosion of these materials in the corrosive environment of coal conversion systems would be helpful in predicting expected life and in designing long-lived materials of construction for such systems. Westinghouse, funded by the Electric Power Research Institute, has concluded a two-year program to design refractory materials for use under erosion/corrosion 0019-7882/79/1118-0695$01.00/0

conditions at high temperature in coal-gasification and coal-combustion systems. Portions pertaining to the application of pneumatic transport principles are presented here. A vertical pneumatic transport line operating at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures up to 925" C was conceived as a test facility for erosion/corrosion studies of the refractories. A pneumatic transport line test facility possesses the following advantages: (1) A large number of test samples can be evaluated at each test. ( 2 ) The solid particle types, sizes, velocities, and concentrations can be easily controlled and changed. (3) The operating conditions are close to those in the transfer lines of commercial plants. (4)Reliability is high for long duration operation. ( 5 ) Actual components such as valves, cyclones, and elbows can be tested a t the same time. Pneumatic Transport L i n e Test Facility

A schematic of the test facility is presented in Figure 1;the test facility is also pictured in Figures 2 and 3 with labels identifying each major component. The detailed description for each major component follows. P n e u m a t i c T r a n s p o r t Tube. The main part of the test facility was the L-shaped pneumatic transport tube 0 1979 American

Chemical Society