Environmental science continues to be - ACS Publications

covering research, techniques, feasibility, products and services. Essential reading for environmental scientists both in the business and academic wo...
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WHEATON Rotary Evaporators and Accessories Microprocessor Controlled Rotary Evaporators with New and Unique Instruments for Temperature and Vacuum Control



ROTARY EVAPORATORS • Preprogram and display RPM, bath temp­ erature, vapor temperature, and operating time • Safety features provide'automatic shutdown in the event of instrument malfunction COOL A C E LOW T E M P E R A T U R E CIRCULATING BATHS • Compact, easy to operate bath for external circulation • Cooling temperature range 0° to 15°C with a circulating rate of 40 liters/min A 3 S ASPIRATOR • Conserve water. Create uniform vacuum to reduce vapor pressure without water tap hookups • Compact, safe, and easy to operate, the A3S can perform two independent aspirations simultaneously VACUMATE" • Nonelectric uxiilob'uii re&ibtcirit vacuum pump ideal for distilling volatile solvents •

Whisper quiet operation with no moving parts

The premiere research publication in the environmental field.

f o r more information call 609/825-1400 οι write.

Environmental science continues to be one of the fastest growing fields. And ES&T has grown right along with it! ES&T continues to give you the practical, hard facts you need on this science . .. covering research, techniques, feasibility, products and services. Essential reading for environmental scientists both in the business and academic world . . . ES&T has increased its emphasis on peerreviewed research dealing with water, air, and waste chemistry in addition to adding critical reviews of important environmental science issues—all relevant to understanding the management of our natural environment.

WHEATON I N S T R U M E N T S 1301 N. Tenth Street, Millville, NJ 08332 609/825-1400, Ext. 3089 Marking a Century of Service 1888-1988 CIRCLE 178 ON READER SERVICE CARD 92 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 2, JANUARY 15, 1987

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