Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention

Nippon Del Monte Corporation, 251. Nishikyushu ... Apple browning susceptibility, influencing factors, 144- ... Apple polyphenol oxidase, effect of cy...
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Downloaded by on August 24, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ix001

Author Index Amiot, Marie Josèphe, 144 Barbosa-Cânovas, Gustavo V., 240 Billaud, C., 295 Cary, Jeffrey W., 120 Chachin, Kazuo, 178 Cheynier, Véronique, 130 Choi, Sang-Won, 223 Cilliers, Johannes J. L., 23 Dawley, Ruthellen M., 81 Fayad, N., 295 Fleuriet, Α., 90 Flurkey, William H.,81 Fujita, Shuji, 188 Fulcrand, Hélène, 130 Goupy, Pascale, 144 Guyot, Sylvain, 130 Hwang, Eun S., 267 Imahori, Yoshihiro, 178 Kahn, Varda, 277 Kim, Kyung H., 267 Kuglin, Jill, 81 Lambrecht, H. S., 313 Lamikanra, Olusola, 166 Lax, AlanR., 103,120 Le Gardeur, Theaux, 103 Lee, Chang Y., 2,200

Lee-Kim, Mie S., 267 Lerch, Konrad, 64 Lopez, Luis, 81 Luo, Yaguang, 240 Macheix, J. J., 90 Marques, L., 90 Miller, Robert L., 223 Moutounet, Michel, 130 Nicolas, Jacques, 144,295 Ose, Kimiko, 178 Osuga, David T., 210 Oszmianski, Jan, 130 Ratcliff, Betty, 81 Regaudie, E., 295 Richard-Forget, Florence, 144,295 Robb, Donald Α., 159 Sapers, Gerald M., 223 Sherman, Timothy D., 103 Sik-Cheigh, Hong, 200 Singleton, Vernon L., 23 Tono, Tetsuzo, 188 Urn, Soo-Hyoun, 200 Vâmos-Vigyâzo, Lilly, 49 Wakayama, T., 251 Walker, John R. L., 8 Whitaker, John R., 2,210

Affiliation Index Agricultural Research Service, 103,120,223 Central Food Research Institute, Hungary, 49 Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, 144,295 Cornell University, 2,200 DukSung Women's University, 267 Florida A & M University, 166 Givaudan-Roure Research Ltd., 64

Indiana State University, 81 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 130,144,295 Nippon Del Monte Corporation, 251 Nishikyushu University, 188 Otani Women's Junior College, 178 Pfizer, Inc., 313 Pusan National University, 200 Saga University, 188 Seoul National University, 267

325 In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



U.S. Department of Agriculture, 103,120,223 University of California—Davis, 2,23,210 University of Canterbury, 8 University of Evansville, 81

University of Montpellier II, 90 University of Osaka Prefecture, 178 University of South Alabama, 103 University of Strathclyde, 159 Volcani Institute, 277 Washington State University, 240

Subject Index

Downloaded by on August 24, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0600.ix001

A Acetate, inhibitor of tyrosinase, 78 Acetone-soluble fractions, prevention of enzymatic browning, 57-58 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine, prevention of enzymatic browning, 52 Acid dips, practical control of enzymatic browning in food processing, 19 Acidifiers, inhibition of enzymatic browning, 314 Active site structure, tyrosinase, 64-79 Ag 0, interaction with kojic acid, 288,291-293 Agaricus bisporus, browning, 81 Amino acid sequences, tyrosinases, 66 o-Aminophenols, substrates of tyrosinase, 77-78 Antioxidant characteristics of melaninrelated products from enzymatic browning reaction of catechin in model system absorption of catechin-enzyme reaction products, 202,203/ antioxidant activity of catechin-enzyme reaction products free radical scavenger, 202,205/ lipoxygenase inhibitor, 206-207 catechin conversion vs. reaction time, 201,203/ catechin-enzyme reaction products as oxidation inhibitor of linoleic acid, 202,204-205/ experimental description, 200,201 future work, 207 previous studies, 200 2

Apple browning susceptibility, influencing factors, 144-145 Apple juices causes of browning, 251 forms available in Japan, 251 Apple polyphenol oxidase, effect of cyclodextrin on polyphenol oxidation, 295-311 Apple polyphenol oxidase polymorphism apple polyphenol oxidase extraction, 94,95/ characterization of polyphenol oxidase forms, 96-99 future work, 98 importance, 93-94 polyphenol oxidase purification based on resistance to sodium dodecyl sulfateproteinase Κ digestion, 94,96,97/ Apple slice browning inhibition effect of ascorbic acid concentration, 245 effect of dipping time, 247,249/ effect of 4-hexylresorcinol concentration, 247,249/ effect of packaging, 247,248/ effect on color ascorbic acid, 242,244/245 4-hexylresorcinol, 242,245 effect on texture ascorbic acid, 245,246/ calcium chloride, 245,246/ 4-hexylresorcinol, 245,246/ experimental description, 241-242 history, 240-241 Apricots, enzymatic browning, 17 Aqueous media, tyrosinase activity, 159-164

In Enzymatic Browning and Its Prevention; Lee, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.