Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing - American Chemical Society

available in bulk quantities making industrial applications economically feasible. This paper describes the use of a phenol oxidizing enzyme for bondi...
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Chapter 8

Laccase Catalyzed Bonding of Wood Fibers 1,3



Claus Felby , Per Ole Olesen , and Tomas Tage Hansen 1

Plant Fiber Laboratory, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Taastrup, Denmark Novo Nordisk A/S, Novo Alle, 2880 Bagsvaerd, Denmark

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The phenoloxidases laccase and peroxidase can be used for bonding of wood fibers. Binderless fiberboards are made by an oxidative pretreatment of fibers with laccase. Strength enhancement of paper handsheets is accomplished by mixing fibers with laccase and a phenolic polysaccharide. The bonding mechanism is linked to the formation of stable radicals in the fiber lignin matrix. The extent of laccase catalyzed oxidation of fibers, and thereby the performance of the fiberboards, is dependant on the amount of phenolic extractives in the wood species used and the lignin colloids generated by the defibration process. For implementation of the techniques in present-day production of fiberboards and paper and packaging materials, new methods for enzyme treatment under semi-dry conditions need to be developed and low-cost sources of phenolic polysaccharides must be available. The increasing demand for wood-based products with low emission of VOC's has generated a need for new, environmentally friendly adhesives. In conventional production of wood-based materials, synthetic adhesives such as urea- and phenol formaldehyde, are used in combination with hot pressing in order to obtain boards with good mechanical properties. Besides the environmental and health aspects, synthetic adhesives contribute significantly to the manufacturing costs of boards and panels. There is thus a need for new adhesive systems. An attractive possibility which may provide both environmental and economic advantages is to use the catalytic effect of oxidative enzymes for bonding of woodfibers.Recently these enzymes have become commercially available in bulk quantities making industrial applications economically feasible. This paper describes the use of a phenol oxidizing enzyme for bonding offibersin boards and for strength enhancement of paper.

'Current address: Plant Fiber Laboratory, Agrovej 10, 2630, Taastrup, Denmark.


©1998 American Chemical Society

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Enzymatic Bonding Bonding of wood fibers and particles by adhesives is accomplished by forming an adhesive matrix in which the particles or fibers are crosslinked by e.g. mechanical entanglement or covalent bonding. However, the bonding is caused not only by the added adhesive but also by the auto-adhesive properties of the wood components. Under properly selected conditions of heat, pressure and moisture, wood fibers or particles will bond through auto adhesion (7). Important factors related to auto-adhesion are a flow of lignin and hemicellulose which increases the bonding area (2), a breakdown of hemicelluloses to crosslinkers such as furfural (5) and condensation reactions of lignin (4). These factors are all contribute to the adhesion in wood-based products prepared from wood particles or wood fibers which are hot pressed. However, the binding achieved by auto-adhesion is insufficient to eliminate the use of synthetic adhesives. Oxidative enzymes such as the phenoloxidases laccase and peroxidase may be used for polymerization or crosslinking of wood components in order to bond these. Furthermore the auto-adhesive properties of wood fibers may be enhanced, thereby eliminating the need for synthetic adhesives. The enzymes peroxidase (EC and laccase (EC, will catalyze a one-electron oxidation of phenolic hydroxyl groups while reducing H2O2 and O2, respectively, yielding phenoxy radicals and water. Both enzymes have low specificity with respect to the reduced substrate and have been found to catalyze oxidation of a number of organic compounds including o- and /?-diphenols, polyphenols, lignin, aminophenols, polyamines, aryl diamines and certain inorganic ions (5). The enzyme catalyzed reactions of lignin compounds can be written as follows: Peroxidase Phe-OH + H 0 - 2Phe-0 +2H 0 Laccase 4Phe-OH + 0 - 4Phe-0 + 2H 0 2





(1) (2)

The enzymes occur in both plants and insects. Their physiological role in higher plants is associated with bio-synthesis and bio-degradation of lignin through radical reactions. The concept of using lignin-oxidizing enzymes for bonding applications is based on the reactivity of radicals in the plant cell wall ((5). In vivo, phenoloxidases participate in polymerization of lignin through crosslinking of radicals, and it might thus be possible to utilize the same type of reaction for bonding in lignocellulosic materials in vitro. The concept of enzyme catalyzed bonding of wood has been applied as a onecomponent system for activation of lignin on woodfibersby phenoloxidases, or as a twocomponent system where wood particles or fibers are mixed with a co-substrate e.g. technical lignin followed by phenoloxidase catalyzed polymerization (curing), which is similar to a conventional process using adhesives (7).

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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90 The possibility of curing a lignosulphonate-based adhesive by the use of horseradish peroxidase was initially investigated in (8), but no polymerization of the lignosulphonate was observed. A two-component adhesive system using laccase treated lignosulphonates for bonding of solid wood was described in a patent application (9), and the system was further used for wood laminates and particleboards (10). The adhesive formulation employed for bonding of particleboards contained one part of laccase in solution and two parts of technical lignin (spent sulphite liquor), with a total dry matter content of approximately 50%. An adhesive system based on brown rotted lignin and laccase or peroxidase was described for bonding of wood laminates (77). Peroxidase and laccase in combination with DHP (dehydrogenative polymer), synthetic "lignin" madefromvanillic acid, was applied to improve the plybond strength of paper boards (72). The DHP was precipitated on the surface of fibers made by thermomechanical pulping, and paperboards with improved strength properties were prepared from the treatedfibers.The application of a similar technique to precipitate DHP made by polymerization of vanillic acid, catechol and different tannins onto a TMP pulp was investigated in (75); for comparison the TMP pulp was either untreated or was pretreated with laccase for 72 hours. A positive effect on paperboard plybond strength was found for the TMP with precipitation of DHP as well as for the TMP pulp subjected to a laccase treatment only (one-component system). The idea of a one-component system for bonding of wood fibers via phenoloxidase catalyzed activation of the middle lamella wasfirstput forward in (14), and a one component system for bonding of woodfibershas been described in the patent application (75). Laccase treated wood fibers with no adhesive added were used for making MDF-boards. Thefiberswere submerged in an aqueous laccase solution for 2-7 days. Following the laccase treatment thefiberswere either used directly for making wetprocessfiberboardsor they were dried for makingfiberboardsby a dry-process. Control boards were made in the same way, but replacing the enzyme solution with tap water. Boards madefromthe enzyme treatedfibershad superior physico-mechanical properties compared to the control. Bonding of woodfibersby a laccase treatment was investigated in further details (16). Wet- and dry-processfiberboardswere madefromlaccase oxidized beech wood TMPfibers.Thefiberswere suspended in water at room temperature, laccase was added and the enzyme treatment was performed for 1 hour. For dry-process boards, the fibers were dried for 18 hours, air-laidfibermats were formed, and 3 mmfiberboardswere pressed at 200°C. Wet-process boards pressed at 180°C were made directlyfromthe enzyme treatedfibers.The enzyme treatedfiberboardshad significantly higher modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity than the control as well as better dimensional stability. A control series of boards using heat inactivated enzyme showed no sign of any effect attributable to the protein and carbohydrate content of the enzyme solution on the mechanical properties and the dimensional stability. The bonding effect is thus caused by the catalytic effect of the enzyme only. Note that the laccase treatment is only 1 hr compared to 2-7 days reported in the above mentioned patent application (75).

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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91 In (16) it was also found that the laccase action could be correlated to the amount of stable radicals in the fiber lignin matrix, and a theory was put forward that the bonding mechanism is associated with crosslinking of laccase generated radicals situated in the lignin matrix. The bonding mechanism of enzyme treated DHP and thermomechanical pulp in paperboards was described in (17) as crosslinking of fibers due to an increased bonding area, and an enzyme generated depolymerization/loosening of the three-dimensional lignin structure, thus improving the accessibility and reactivity of the lignin. A similar theory, which include degradation of lignin followed by precipitation of lignin fragments on the fiber surfaces as a part of the bonding mechanism in laccase bonded fiberboards, was put forward in (18). A loosening or degradation of the lignin structure does not appear likely, as no depolymerization of lignin is known to take place solely by the action of laccase. However, precipitation of colloidal lignin and phenolic extractives on the fiber surfaces was shown to enhance the surface compatibility and thereby the potential bonding area of laccase treated fibers (19). In this paper we describe the concept of laccase catalyzed bonding using either a one-component system for bonding of fiberboards or a two-component system for bonding of paper and packaging materials. Fiberboards bonded by laccase will be made at lower pressing times than previously applied. Strength enhanced paper handsheets will be made by mixing a mechanical pulp with a phenolic polysaccharide and laccase. The extent of the laccase catalyzed oxidation will be measured by electron spin resonance-spectrometry (ESR), and the fiberboard and handsheet properties will be evaluated by mechanical testing. Experimental Materials. Fibers for Fiberboards. Beech (Fagus sylvatica) wood fibers produced by a thermomechanical (TMP) pulping process were obtainedfromthe MDF-board plant of Junckers Industries, Koege, Denmark. The fibers used for the experiments were freshly pulped with a dry matter content of approximately 40 %. Fibers for Paper Handsheets. Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) fibers produced by thermomechanical pulping were supplied by The Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand. The fibers were dried for shipment and stored at 4 C. Enzyme. A Trametes villosa laccase, SP504 (EC, was supplied by Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsvaerd, Denmark. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 55 kDa. Activity was measured in laccase units (LACU). 1 LACU was defined as the amount of enzyme which under standard conditions (30°C; pH 5.5 in 0.05 M potassium buffer) oxidize 1 umole syringaldazine per minute. The enzyme product had a carbohydrate content of 21 g/1 and a protein content of 2.0 g/1. Specific activity was 100 LACU/mg protein.

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Ferulated Arabinoxylan. Ferulated arabinoxylan extractedfromcorn bran was obtained under the name a-SupergelfromGB Gels Ltd, Swansea, Wales, UK. Methods. Enzyme Treatment for Fiberboards. Woodfiberswere treated in the form of an aqueous suspension containing 5% w/w of fibers. Temperature and pH of the suspension were 20 C and 4.5, respectively. No pH adjustment was made. To ensure a sufficient supply of oxygen for the enzyme reaction, the water must be saturated with atmospheric air at the start of each experiment. Laccase was added at a dosage of 3 LACU/gfiberdry substance, and the suspension was stirred for a few minutes in order to obtain a homogeneous pulp suspension. Residence time for the enzyme treatment was 1 hour. After enzyme treatment, the water was drainedfromthefibers,and the fibers were dried at 40°C for approximately 18 hours. A series of control experiments was carried out in an identical manner except that thefiberswere suspended in demineralized water only. The extent of the enzyme catalyzed oxidation was evaluated by the radical activity in thefibersas measured by ESR-spectrometry. For ESR-analysis of the radical activity following the enzyme treatment, thefiberswere drained and mildly dried by forced air at 30°C for 20 min, whereupon samples were transferred to 710-SQ quartz tubes from Wilmad, Buena, NJ andfrozenin liquid nitrogen in order to stop further reactions of residual laccase. An ECS 106 X-band ESR spectrometer (Bruker, Karlsruhe, Germany) equipped with an X-band ER 4103TM cavity was used for the measurements. The radical activity onfrozenfiberswere quantified by the amplitude of the first derivative ESR signal corrected for the sample density. No determination of the exact number of unpaired spins were made. Strength Enhancement of Paper Handsheets. Handsheets of radiata pine TMP pulp (160 g/m^) were made in a sheet mould. The sheets were dewatered by pressing in a sheet press for 5 minutes at a pressure of 400 kPa. After pressing, the wet handsheets were placed on a net and immersed in different solutions of laccase and ferulated arabinoxylan. The pH and temperature of the solutions were 4.5 and 20°C. Adjustment of pH was done by sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide. For all treatments the sheets were immersed for 90 seconds, and the temperature of the solutions was 20°C. The applied treatments were as follows: -Control. Immersed in 200 ml water only. -Laccase. Immersed in 200 ml solution of laccase (0.1 LACU/ml). -Ferulated arabinoxylan. Immersed in 200 ml 0.6% solution of ferulated arabinoxylan. -Ferulated arabinoxylan + laccase. Immersed in 200 ml freshly made solution of ferulated arabinoxylan (0.6% w/w) and laccase (0.1 LACU/ml). After immersion, the sheets were left at room temperature for 5 minutes and then pressed in the sheet press for 5 minutes at a pressure of 400 kPa. After pressing, the sheets were dried in a sheet dryer. The drying lasted 5 minutes.

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Fiberboards. Air laid mats 30 x 30 cm were made from the fibers, and the initial absolute moisture content before hot pressing was 12%. Target density for the boards was 850 kg/m^, and 6 mm boards were made by hot-pressing to stops at 200°C for 2.5 and 5 min. Testing of Fiberboards and Handsheets. The fiberboards were tested according to ASTM D 1037 for modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), tensile strength perpendicular to the board surface (IB), as well as weight gain and thickness swell following a 24 hour cold water soak. The handsheets were tested for thickness and dry and wet tensile index according to the SCAN standards SCAN-P7 and SCAN-PI6. Wet tensile index was measured following a 24 hour cold water soak. Results and Discussion Laccase treatment of beech fibers in an aqueous suspension changes the color of the fiber suspension from brown to dark-brown/red within a few minutes after the enzyme addition. The color change is the only visual effect of the laccase treatment, and it correlates with the formation of radicals in the fiber lignin matrix, see Table I and Figure 1. The laccase generated radicals are very stable, and no decrease in the amount of radicals can be seen after more than two weeks. The relatively high amount of radicals present in untreated fibers, are probably caused by UV-radiation or mechanical stress during the fibration process. The mechanical and dimensional properties of the fiberboards bonded by laccase catalyzed oxidation are shown in Table I. Compared to the control boards the mechanical strength and the dimensional stability of laccase treated boards increase significantly. The bonding effect can be seen for both 2.5 minutes and 5 minutes pressing time. By increasing the pressing time from 2.5 to 5 minutes the mechanical properties of both laccase treated and control boards are increased. This effect may be caused by a higher flow and entanglement of the hemicellulose and lignin components in the fibers, but apparently a longer pressing time has no effect on the relative strength increase caused by a laccase treatment, see Table I. As the glass transition temperature of lignin is lowered by water, an important parameter for the bonding effect is the initial moisture content before the hot pressing of fibers to boards. If the moisture content of the fibers is lower than 10% (data not shown), very little or no effect of the laccase treatment can be seen. This effect indicates that lignin is the active component in the bonding mechanism for laccase treated fibers. Another important factor for the bonding effect is the interaction between the fiber lignin matrix and colloidal lignin or phenolic extractives.

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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r Control

Figure 1.

ESR-spectra of radical activity on laccase treated and untreated control beech wood fibers. No hyperflne structure can be recorded. Enzyme treatment is identical to the fibers used for fiberboards.

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

95 Table I.

Radical activity (arbitrary units) of laccase treated beech wood fibers and mechanical properties of fiberboards. Modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and tensile strength perpendicular to the surface (IB) are shown for 6 mm dry process fiberboards made from laccase treated and control (untreated) wood fibers. Thickness swell (T.S) and water absorption (W.A) are measured following a 24 hour cold water soak. (Figures in each column marked by different letters are different at a significance level of 0.05).


Density Radical MOR MOE (kg/m ) activity (MPa) (GPa) 7.1a 845 75a 32.1a

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Control 2.5 min pressing Control 5 min pressing Laccase 2.5 min pressing Laccase 5 min pressing

IB (MPa) 0.29a

T.S (%) 107a

W.A (%) 147a






















Removal of low molecular weight lignin compounds by dialysis prior to the laccase treatment has been found to decrease the amount of laccase generated radicals and the tensile strength perpendicular to the surface of laccase treated fiberboards, whereas no effect on the tensile strength perpendicular to the surface is seen for control boards (20). Moreover it has been found that native phenolic extractives and colloidal lignin, similar to the interaction between e.g. veratryl alcohol and lignin (21; 22), function as radical mediators (23). This means that when beech wood fibers in an aqueous suspension are oxidized by laccase, a cyclic radical interchange mechanism between fiber lignin and lignin substances in solution extends the oxidation to domains not accessible to the large enzyme molecule (20;23). The role of low molecular weight lignin compounds on the bonding effect as found in the work cited above shows the importance of the chemical composition and physical structure of the fibers, i.e. the amount of phenolic extractives in the fibers and lignin colloids generated by the defibration process. Further investigations into the bonding mechanism are likely to improve the performance of fiberboards made from laccase treated fibers. The results on strength enhancement of paper handsheets madefromradiata pine fibers by mixing laccase and ferulated arabinoxylan are shown in Table II. The handsheets made with ferulated arabinoxylan and laccase show a significant increase in

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

96 tensile strength, and approximately 25 % of the strength is retained following a 24 hour cold water soak, whereas the handsheets made from the other treatments disintegrated.

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Table II.

Tensile strength of handsheets madefromunbleached TMP softwood fibers. The handsheets are either untreated, made with laccase only or immersed in a 0.6% solution of ferulated arabinoxylan with or without laccase present. The wet tensile index is measured following a 24 hour cold water soak. (Figures in each column marked by different letters are different at a significance level of 0.001).


Dry tensile index (Nm/g) 8.1a

Wet tensile index (Nm/g) Disintegrated

Thickness (um)









Arabinoxylan + Laccase






The amount of ferulated arabinoxylan adsorbed by the handsheets is approximately 0.8% (w/w), and compared to the bonding of particleboards by laccase and lignosulphonate co-substrate (9) only about 10 % of the co-substrate ferulated arabinoxylan is needed for bonding of the fibers. The bonding mechanism of laccase and ferulated arabinoxylan is believed to be both a formation of a lignin-ferulate-polysaccharide complex between the ferulic acid substituents on arabinoxylan and lignin on the fibers, and an embedding of the fibers in a matrix of polymerized ferulated arabinoxylan. These mechanisms are also supported by the high wet strength of handsheets bonded by laccase and ferulated arabinoxylan. Furthermore, the reduction in thickness upon treatment with laccase and ferulated arabinoxylan increases the density of the handsheets, causing a higher level of fiber to fiber contact and intramolecular interactions. Compared to bonding of fibers through a laccase catalyzed oxidation of fibers, the use of a co-substrate such as ferulated arabinoxylan only involves temperatures and pressures compatible with paper manufacturing. Polysaccharides with phenolic substituents may be well suited as co-substrate for enzyme catalyzed bonding, as the polysaccharide chain may serve as an effective gapfiller crosslinking the fibers. Ferulated arabinoxylan is almost colorless and will not result in any significant darkening or discoloration as it is seen with technical lignins. This makes it of interest for strength enhancement of paper and packaging materials. A major limitation for further use of the

In Enzyme Applications in Fiber Processing; Eriksson, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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97 technique is that ferulated arabinoxylan is presently not available in bulk quantities. However, other sources of phenolic polysaccharides e.g. modified technical starches may be an alternative. The presented results and the techniques described in this paper show that phenoloxidases can be used in various ways for bonding of wood fibers. However, for bonding offiberboardson a laboratory scale the enzyme treatment is done in an aqueous suspension of wood fibers at 2.5-5 % consistency. For industrial implementation of e.g. laccase catalyzed bonding in present-day production of dryprocessfiberboards,such high water contents would require additional drying which will raise the production costs, making the concept economically unattractive. For industrial applications under semi-dry conditions new methods for enzyme applications have to be developed. Conclusions Laccase can be used for bonding of woodfibersby an oxidative pretreatment of the fibers or by mixing woodfiberswith laccase and a phenolic polysaccharide. The extent of laccase catalyzed oxidation offibersand thereby the performance of thefiberboards,is dependant on the amount of phenolic extractives in the wood species used and the lignin colloids generated by the defibration process. For implementation of the described techniques in present day production of fiberboards and paper and packaging materials new methods for enzyme treatment at semi-dry conditions needs to be developed and low-cost sources of phenolic polysaccharides must be available. Acknowledgements This work was made possible by a grant from The Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3.


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