Enzymes in analytical chemistry - American Chemical Society

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Enzymes in Analytical Chemistry Myer M. Fishman Department of Chemistry, The City College of the City University of New York, New York, New York 1003 1

Enzymes continue to enjoy widespread use and importance as analytical tools in the industrial, medical, food, and clinical fields. T h e importance of these applications and their acceptability was accentuated by the symposium which was held in J u n e of 1977 ( 1 ) . Much needed information has also appeared in the form of reviews, from time to time. Three such reviews were published from our laboratory (2-4). This. the most recent, covers the period January 1976 through December 1977. In recent years, the phenomenal development in the science and technology of immobilized enzymes has contributed to the rapid expansion of their use in the analytical field. Their most desirable features continue to be increased stability, reusability, and, of course, the greatly reduced cost for routine use. Along with these features, they have retained the specificity and sensitivity of the soluble enzymes. A great deal of information on the subject has appeared recently in the form of reviews and monographs (5, 6, 7, 9). Developments in this field ha\e also led to intensive efforts to produce electrochemical sensors, namely, enzyme electrodes. These have included gas-permeable electrodes, single and double membrane electrodes, air-gap electrodes which separate the electrode from the sample solution. and enzyme reactor electrodes. These have also been reviewed (8, I O ) . Along with the electrodes, there has also been the remarkable growth in the development of high-speed automated equipment which allows for the analysis of, literally, hundreds of samples within short periods of time. Saunders and Burns 0003-2700/7810350-261R$01.00/0

Myer M. Fishman is Professor of Chemistry and Chairman of the Biochemistry Division of the Chemistry Department at the City College of the City University of New York. He received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from the City College and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota. His research interests have included the use of dextran as a plasma expander, intravenous infusion of fat emulsions, carcinogenesis of plastics, and the interaction of macromolecules with antibiotics and dyes. He is a member of the ACS, Sigma Xi. the American Association for Cancer Research, and the American Society of Biological Chemists.

1 1 2 ) have surveyed the use of Reaction Rate Analyzers, especially those in use in the United Kingdom. Most of the papers which are included in this review have introduced very little t h a t is new in the nature of the chemistry. Most of the efforts have been directed toward the use of a particular type of electrode or the application in some automated process. This review has not included any references to the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique (ELISA) and the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay (EMIT) which are in wide use in clinical laboratories. In the ELISA method, an enzyme is covalently linked to some antigen or antibody. After C

1978 American Chemical Socletv




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