Enzymic Synthesis of Octadecameric Saccharides of Multiply

Distal al,3-Galactose or /31,3-GlcNAc Residues, by Ant- ti Seppo, Leena Penttilá, Ritva Niemela, Hannu Maaheimo,. Ossi Renkonen,* and Anita Keane, Vo...
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Corrections Enzymatic Synthesis of Octadecameric Saccharides of Multiply Branched Blood Group I-Type, Carrying Four Distal a1,3-Galactose or P1,3-GlcNAc Residues, by Antti Seppo, Leena Penttila, Ritva Niemela, Hannu Maaheimo, Ossi Renkonen," and Anita Keane, Volume 34, Number 14, April 11, 1995, pages 4655-4661. Page 4658. In column 1, line 26, the parenthetical expression should read 4.442 and 4.457 ppm, respectively. BI955006T