EON CORPORATION - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 22, 2012 - EON CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (12), pp 48A–48A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60256a745. Publication Date: October 1967. ACS Legacy ...
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YOU HAVE SEEN THE REST . . . HERE'S THE BEST! Β & L Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

penser for Rapid Automatic Analysis. S. Natelson, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center Some Approaches to More Rapid Analy­ sis. M. T. Kelley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory INTERFEROMETRY INFRARED J. K. Barr, Engineering Dept., E. I. du Pont Nemours, Inc., Presiding

Friday, Nov. 10 9:00 am ION SELECTIVE ELECTRODE METHODS J. W. Ross, Orion Research, Inc., Presiding

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Single Beam, Double Grating Spectrophotometer Unique Power Supply & Multiple Lamp Housing Remote Ignition System Choice of Readouts Designed for Easy and Convenient Operation

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Significance and Interpretation of Ion Selective Electrodes. M. Frant, Orion Research, Inc.; G. Rechnitz, State University of New York High Precision Automated Electrode Analysis. H. Dahms, International Business Machines Stability Constants Determination Using Ion Selective Electrodes. F. Nakayama, U. S. Department of Agriculture

Write or phone for Model AC-2-20 Brochure PULSED NMR

Ångstrom, Inc. P. O. Box 256, Belleville, Mich. 48111 Area Code 313-697-8058 Circle No. 110 on Readers' Service Card

For nuclear detection, too .. . it's what's up front that counts! Your nuclear d e t e c t i o n , monitoring and measurement systems deserve dependable detectors. There's no need to settle for stagnant, unprogressive or J o h n n y - c o m e - l a t e l y brands. Reliable and progressivelyi m p r o v e d h a l o g e n or o r g a n i c a l l y quenched Geiger-Mueller tubes (both A N T O N & EON types) are available f r o m stock or continuous production at EON.

Typical EON nuclear "work horses," used in most survey meters:


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Terms — Net 30 FOB our plant — Quantity discounts available 'With apologies to Winston cigarets, we are referring to (1) G-M tubes and (2) EON & ANTON BRANDS — front-runners in development and production of detectors for more than 20 years.

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48 A



Computer Applications to Infrared Spec­ troscopy. L. R. Cousins, Gulf Re­ search and Development Co. An Integrated Computer-Gas Chroma­ tographic System. H. Felton, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. Collection and Analysis of Analytical Data on an IBM 1800. R. A. Sparks, Syntex Corp. Use of a Real Time Monitoring Com­ puter for Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Analysis. Ε. Β. Harris, J. F. Hickerson, M. W. Mor­ gan, Humble Oil and Refining ELECTRON PROBE ANALYSIS OF BIOLOGICAL TISSUES

6201 Τ $55.00 e a .


Spin Echoes in Solids. J. S. Waugh, Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ ogy Application of Pulsed NMR to the Study of Molecular Motion in Polymers. D. C. Douglass and D. W. McCall, Bell Telephone Laboratories Study of Fast Chemical Reactions by Spin Echo Nuclear Magnetic Reso­ nance. R. L. Void, University of Il­ linois Diffusion Measurement by the Pulsed Field Gradient Spin Echo Method. E. Stejskal, Monsanto Co.

G. D. Dupre, Esso Research and Engineering Co., Presiding

Nicholas G. A n t o n , President and Director of Research, invites you to send for the EON Catalog and data sheets, w h i c h provide fundamental information about nuclear detectors and general " c o u n t i n g " problems.


A. Allerhand, Johns Hopkins University, Pre­ siding

A. J. Tousimis, Biodynamics Research Corp., Presiding

TOXICOLOGY K. W. Earle, Neuropathology Research, Walter Reed Hospital, Presiding