Epitaxial 2D Nucleation of Metastable Polymorphs: A 2D Version of

J. Th. H. van Eupen , W. W. J. Elffrink , R. Keltjens and P. Bennema , R. de Gelder and J. M. M. Smits , E. R. H. van Eck and A. P. M. Kentgens , M. A...
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Epitaxial 2D Nucleation of Metastable Polymorphs: A 2D Version of Ostwald’s Rule of Stages C. Stoica, P. Tinnemans, H. Meekes,* and E. Vlieg IMM Department of Solid State Chemistry, Radboud University Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands

CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 2005 VOL. 5, NO. 3 975-981

P. J. C. M. van Hoof and F. M. Kaspersen NV Organon, P.O. Box 20, 5340 BH Oss, The Netherlands Received October 4, 2004;

Revised Manuscript Received November 15, 2004

ABSTRACT: We present in-situ observations of the epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph of a steroid on specific faces of the stable form in different solutions using optical microscopy. The polar morphology of the crystals allows for the determination of the specific face where the epitaxial nucleation takes place. The observations prove that there is a different barrier for 2D epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph on the opposite polar faces. In-situ Raman measurements are used to confirm the structure of the epitaxially growing crystals. The metastable zone width and the role of the solvent in this process are discussed. The relatively large lifetime of the metastable polymorph in ethanol solutions is exploited to determine the solubility curves of the bulk phases of both polymorphs. The relation between the solubility of the two polymorphs in different solvents and the polymorphic transformation rate is discussed. 1. Introduction If a molecule crystallizes in different crystalline structures it is said to exhibit polymorphism.1 Polymorphism is a frequently encountered phenomenon, in particular, for organic materials. The different properties that characterize the polymorphs of a substance when used as an ingredient in, for example, pharmaceuticals, have significant implications in the production of the desired ingredient.2 For a system that obeys Ostwald’s rule of stages,3 the metastable form is expected to be obtained first. Subsequently, the metastable polymorph tends to transform to the stable one. The finite lifetime of the metastable polymorph is a result of a kinetic barrier for this transformation. In case of a small kinetic barrier, the transition can take place in the solid state. Many examples of solid-solid transitions are known, but in the case of polymorphic systems involving reasonably large molecules the barrier is often so high that this transition is rather difficult and far from instantaneous. If the system is still in contact with the solution the transition is expected to be faster, for example, via a dissolution-recrystallization process, the role of which depends on the kinetics of the process.4 The dissolution and crystallization rates depend on parameters such as the solubility of both polymorphs, the actual concentrations, and the kinetics of the dissolution of the metastable polymorph and crystallization of the stable one. For a given polymorphic system to nucleate, however, a 3D nucleation barrier is to be overcome by any polymorph.5,6 If a metastable form appears, its nucleation barrier is expected to be lower than that of the stable polymorph. Related to the nucleation barrier is the metastable zone width, which is a measure for the supersaturation needed for crystals to be detected * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

within a practical time scale. The higher the nucleation barrier, the larger the metastable zone width of the polymorph is. Compared to the case of homogeneous nucleation, this width can be lowered if a polymorph nucleates heterogeneously on surfaces or interfaces that are in contact with the solution. Ordinary heterogeneous nucleation can also take place on surfaces that belong to another polymorph of the same substance already present in the solution; many examples are known.7,8 In the special case of epitaxial nucleation, however, there is a structural relationship between the two polymorphs leading to a well-defined orientation for the epitaxially nucleating form. Boistelle and Rinaudo9 were the first to report on epitaxial nucleation of polymorphs for the case of uric acid crystals. Epitaxial nucleation of the metastable form on the stable one was later also found for other compounds.10,11 In case of epitaxy, the nucleation process can be considered as 2D instead of 3D. The corresponding nucleation barrier is expected to be much lower. This was recently found for the steroid also studied in the present paper.10 There, the metastable polymorph nucleated epitaxially on specific faces of the stable form in acetone solutions, followed by a fast transformation to the stable form. This can be considered as a 2D version of Ostwald’s rule of stages. From these experiments. it was clear that the epitaxial nucleation took place on one specific {010} crystal face. It was, however, not possible to determine which of the polar faces, the (010) or the (01h 0) face, was involved and whether the epitaxial nucleation was limited to a single face. In the present paper, we study the 2D epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph on specific faces of the stable form of the same steroid in ethanol-water solutions. The crystals of the stable form grow in a polar morphology. The supersaturation threshold for the

10.1021/cg0496641 CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/08/2005


Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2005

Stoica et al.

Figure 1. The (7R,17R)-17-hydroxy-7-methyl-19-nor-17-pregn5(10)-en-20-yn-3-one (7RMNa) steroid.

epitaxial nucleation differs for the opposite {010} faces that determine this polar morphology. The polar morphology is caused by different surface-solvent interactions for the opposite {010} faces as was reported recently.12 Here we use the results of that paper to determine at which face the epitaxial nucleation takes place and discuss the kinetical barrier for this process. The lifetime of the metastable polymorph in ethanolwater solutions turns out to be much longer as compared to acetone solutions, resulting in an epitaxial layer that can be considered as a bulk metastable form. This allows a reliable determination of the solubility curve of this polymorph. The steroid (abbreviated as 7RMNa; Figure 1) crystallizes in two known crystalline structures: a monoclinic P21 structure13 (reference code ciyril00 in the Cambridge Structural Database) and a triclinic P1 structure14 (reference code ciyril01). The P21 structure has four molecules in the unit cell arranged in a XYXY succession and the P1 structure contains one X molecule in the unit cell as can be seen in Figure 2. The two polymorphs have been reported to be enantiotropically related with a transition temperature far below room temperature.10 At room temperature, the P21 structure is the stable one, and we will call it the stable form from now on, while the triclinic one will be identified as the metastable form. The metastable polymorph is always obtained first in all solvents studied so far. In polar solvents, such as acetone and acetonitrile, it transforms on a time scale of minutes to the stable form, resulting in a habit that exhibits large {010} faces (Figure 3a). In ethanol and methanol solutions, this transformation takes hours. For apolar solvents such as benzene and hexane the transformation was not observed, resulting in a needle habit of the metastable polymorph15 but also in a chunky habit from toluene (Figure 3b). 2. Experimental Section The starting material had the stable polymorph structure. We used as solvents ethanol, ethanol-water, and acetone of p.a. purity. The solutions were filtrated with Rezist 30/0.2 PTFE syringe filters of 0.2 µm pore size to minimize other heterogeneous nucleation sources. The experiments were performed using an in-situ setup composed of a 7 mL closed cell, which is temperature controlled by a water bath. The cell was silenized using dimethyldichlorosilane to reduce the interaction of the crystal faces with the glass cell; in this way, a number of crystals nucleate in an orientation that allows monitoring of both polar {010} faces.12 The pressure inside the cell was kept sufficiently constant by including a small air bubble in the cell. For in-situ observation

Figure 2. The polymorphic forms of 7RMNa: (a) the monoclinic structure, (b) the triclinic structure; four unit cells are shown. of the growth as well as the polymorphic behavior of the crystals, a Zeiss Axioplan 2 Polarization microscope was used. The Raman setup (Renishaw System 1000) consisted of a micro-Raman spectroscope using an Ar-ion laser (514.5 nm) with an output power of 50 mW, a focused laser beam diameter of a few micrometers, and alternatively an excitation wavelength of 785 nm. It was used in conjunction with a microscope and therefore is very convenient when looking at a particular crystal surface. The Renishaw RM Series Raman microscopes are inherently confocal, allowing for the collection of a signal from a small volume of the sample, even when that volume lies deep within the sample. The in-situ Raman setup consisted of an open cell with double walls connected to a temperaturecontrolled water bath. An immersion objective was used to record the Raman spectra. Three regions are relevant for the distinction between the polymorphs of 7RMNa: 1600 to 1800, 2100, and 2900 cm-1. For clarity, we only present the first one in this paper, but the other regions were measured as well.

3. Results In the following, we present the experiments done in pure ethanol solutions. The supersaturation is defined as σ ) (c - ceq)/ceq, where c is the actual solute concentration and ceq is the equilibrium solute concentration at the given solution temperature. It was determined from the solubility data presented in the following section. We will use the notation σ(P21) and

Epitaxial 2D Nucleation of Metastable Polymorphs

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Figure 4. Solubility data of 7RMNa in ethanol solution for the stable monoclinic polymorph and the metastable triclinic one. The concentration is given as the mol fraction x7RMNa. The inset shows schematically the metastable zone widths (σ*) for the 2D and 3D nucleation of the metastable polymorph.

Figure 3. (a) Typical habit of the stable polymorph obtained in acetone solutions showing large {010} faces; (b) habit of the metastable polymorph obtained in toluene solutions.

σ(P1) to indicate the supersaturation with respect to the stable and metastable equilibrium concentrations, respectively. Similar results from ethanol-water solutions (80/20%) and acetone solutions are also presented for comparison. 3.1 Determination of the Solubility Curves for Ethanol Solutions. The equilibrium temperature of the stable polymorph was determined by preparing solutions of various concentrations, with just one crystal present. This crystal was carefully dissolved partially until a small seed was left and then the temperatures at which this seed would neither grow nor dissolve was determined. For the determination of the metastable polymorph equilibrium temperature, we allowed only one crystal of the stable polymorph to grow slowly (σ(P21) ) 0.1 ÷ 0.3) until it had a reasonable size that would allow us to discriminate between the specific faces. According to the method previously described, the supersaturation was then increased to have rapid epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph. When the metastable polymorph nucleated on the (010) side of the polar crystal, it was partially dissolved down to a small epitaxial seed and then monitored for a few hours. The average temperature at which the metastable polymorph crystal did not grow or dissolve was again taken as the equilibrium temperature. Figure 4

shows the results. Because of the long lifetime of the metastable polymorph in ethanol solutions15 and its finite thickness, it is safe to assume that the determined metastable polymorph equilibrium temperature is the same as that of a bulk metastable polymorph present in solution. The difference between the solubility temperatures of the polymorphs is found to be approximately 6.5 ( 0.5 °C for the entire temperature range investigated. Using the van’t Hoff relation ln x ) -(∆Hdiss/RT) + (∆Sdiss/R) for the solubility curves of Figure 4, we determined the dissolution enthalpies and dissolution entropies of both polymorphs: diss diss ∆HP21 ) 24.1 ( 1.5 kJ/mol, ∆SP21 ) 42.5 ( 0.5 J/Kmol diss ∆Hdiss P1 ) 23.9 ( 1.6 kJ/mol, ∆SP1 ) 43.8 ( 0.6 J/Kmol

3.2 Growth of the Stable Form. In the solvents used here the metastable polymorph always nucleates first. The morphology of the crystals exhibits twinning, but the details concerning this will be presented elsewhere.15 Once the metastable form crystals are present in solution, on decreasing the supersaturation, the stable polymorph nucleates epitaxially on one of the two individuals of the twinned metastable form crystals. Above the equilibrium temperature of the metastable polymorph, the twins dissolve while the crystals of the stable form grow. The remaining single crystals of the stable form structure are the starting point for the present study. These crystals have a polar morphology that is very pronounced for pure ethanol solutions (see Figure 5a,b). For ethanol-water (80/20%) solutions, the difference in growth rate of the {010} faces is somewhat smaller (Figure 5c,d). The polar morphology results from a stronger interaction between the ethanol molecules and the hydroxyl groups of the steroid molecule pointing out of the (01h 0) face as compared to the interaction with


Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2005

Figure 5. (a) Typical habit of the stable polymorph crystals grown in ethanol solutions; the metastable polymorph is already dissolved; (b) Indexed crystal of (a) using an optical goniometer; (c) The crystals of the stable polymorph in ethanol/ water (80/20%) solutions show a larger (010) face as compared to the ones grown in ethanol solutions; (d) Indexed crystal of (c) using an optical goniometer.

the carbonyl groups which determine the fast growing (010) face.12 3.3 Epitaxial 2D Nucleation of the Metastable Form on the Stable One. The polar crystals of the stable polymorph obtained in pure ethanol solutions according to the method of the previous section were used as templates for heterogeneous polymorphic nucleation. To minimize the changes in the solution supersaturation as a result of the growth, we first dissolved all crystals but one, which was subsequently regrown using a supersaturation of σ(P21) ) 0.15 to get a convenient size. Epitaxial nucleation was induced by raising the supersaturation in time by cooling the system at a rate of approximately 5 °C/min (Figure 6). The nucleation started first on the fast growing carbonyl (010) face at σ(P1) ) 0.4 corresponding to σ(P21) ) 1.1. For very high supersaturation (σ(P1) ) 0.8; σ(P21) ) 2), the nucleation started also on the hydroxyl (01 h 0) face. To be able to probe which polymorph nucleated, we used Raman spectroscopy. The crystals of the stable

Stoica et al.

form present narrow {021} faces but large {100} faces (Figure 5b). As a result, they are generally lying either on the {100} faces in the experimental cell or they point with the (010) carbonyl face to the glass cell. Therefore, we designed a special experiment to measure in-situ Raman scattering from the (010) face. We grew crystals of the stable polymorph at low supersaturation having a polar shape (σ(P21) ) 0.26). We separated the crystals from the solution by adding fluorohexane, which is denser than ethanol and does not dissolve the steroid. Thus, we avoided a shut-off effect, which often results in an uncontrolled nucleation on the crystal facets, due to the fast evaporation of the remaining solvent on the crystals when removed from the solution. After checking ex-situ with Raman that the only signal that we obtained on the (010) surface was from the stable form, we fixed the crystal on a small plate holder with the (010) face pointing up and placed it in a temperaturecontrolled open cell. The cell was filled with a slightly undersaturated ethanol solution. The laser light was continuously focused on the (010) surface and the temperature was decreased slowly (1 °C/min). Although the surface topology changed as the supersaturation increased, for a large range of temperatures only the stable polymorph was detected. After the solution reached a high enough supersaturation, we recorded a Raman signal that showed that in addition to the stable form also the metastable polymorph was present. Figure 7 shows the nucleation and growth of the metastable polymorph on the carbonyl (010) surface. The time scales of Figures 6 and 7 cannot be compared as the cooling rates differ and the solvent evaporated from the open cell. Experiments in ethanol/water (80/20%) solution show that the nucleation and growth of the metastable form also starts on the fast growing carbonyl (010) surface, but no growth of the metastable form on the (01h 0) face takes place. Figure 8 shows crystals of the metastable polymorph that are clearly not epitaxially oriented, nucleated on the (010) face of the stable form crystal. We found that for acetone solutions the metastable polymorph, as in ethanol, nucleates and grows first on the (010) face that now lies on the glass cell (Figure 9). It can be seen that these metastable epitaxial crystals are rather big, while on the (01 h 0) face a much smaller crystal of the metastable polymorph, that nucleated later, is visible. 4. Discussion The threshold value of the supersaturation needed to observe 2D epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph on the {010} faces of the stable form of the ster/ oid, σEtOH (P1) > 0.4, is considerably smaller than the supersaturation needed for 3D nucleation of the meta/3D stable form in ethanol solutions which is σEtOH (P1) > 2.5 in an experimental time of 24-48 h. This shows that, indeed, the metastable zone width of the metastable form is considerably lowered by the 2D epitaxial nucleation mechanism (Table 1; see also the inset to Figure 4). The 2D epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph on the {010} surfaces of the stable one was previously observed in acetone solution.10 As initially those crystals were grown in nonsilenized glass cells,

Epitaxial 2D Nucleation of Metastable Polymorphs

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Figure 6. In-situ time lapse images in polarized light of the nucleation and growth of the metastable polymorph on the {010} faces of polar crystals of the stable form in ethanol solutions. The supersaturation increases in time. Nucleation takes place first (σP1 ) 0.4, σP21 ) 1.1; 0 min) on the sharp carbonyl (010) face and begins on the large hydroxyl (01 h 0) face when the solution reaches a high supersaturation (σP1 ) 0.8, σP21 ) 2; 8 min).


Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2005

Stoica et al. Table 1. Comparison of the Supersaturations Needed to Obtain 2D Epitaxial Nucleation of the Metastable Polymorph on the {010} Faces of the P21 Form Crystals in Ethanol and Acetone and 3D Nucleation of the Metastable Polymorpha ethanol nucleation type





2D/(010) 2D/(01 h 0) 3D

0.4 0.8 >2.5

1.1 2




Figure 7. Time-lapse in-situ Raman analysis of the carbonyl (010) surface during epitaxial nucleation and growth of the metastable polymorph on the stable one in pure ethanol solution. The first trace was recorded approximately 30 min after the temperature was decreased. The two lower traces are in-situ reference spectra.

Figure 8. In situ observation of the nucleation of randomly oriented crystals of the metastable polymorph on the carbonyl (010) fast growing face of the stable form in ethanol-water (80/20%) solutions; the stable polymorph crystal is extinct under the polarization microscope.

Figure 9. 2D epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph on the {010} faces of a stable polymorph crystal grown from acetone solution in a nonsilenized glass cell; the metastable form appears first on the (010) face that lies on the glass cell. The metastable polymorph is dark under the polarization microscope. On the top (01h 0) side of the crystal the metastable polymorph is also nucleated but in a later stage.

they, as it turned out later,12 always lay on the (010) face. As a result, the nucleation and growth on this face were inhibited. As the growth of the (01h 0) face is


No data were obtained for the blank columns.

strongly obstructed by the solvent molecules, the end result is a platelike habit of the crystals of the stable polymorph. The nucleation and growth on the metastable polymorph were observed on the {010} faces, but a detailed description of the phenomenon could not be given because of the difficulty, in the early experiments, to distinguish between the two {010} faces. We showed in section 3.3 that the epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph in ethanol solution takes place on the (010) surface first. This is in accordance with earlier findings when explaining the polar morphology: Both for ethanol and acetone solutions the solvent hampers the 2D nucleation and growth for the {010} faces, the (010) face being hampered less strongly than the (01h 0) face.12 At higher supersaturations, the solute molecules will reach the surface with a higher frequency, which for high enough supersaturation will result in the 2D epitaxial nucleation and growth of the metastable polymorph on the (010) face and for even higher supersaturations also on the (01h 0) faces. In the case that water is involved too, as was the case for the 80/20% ethanol-water solutions, it seems that the epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph on the (010) surface is even more hampered, leading to randomly oriented metastable crystals, while on the (01h 0) face no nucleation was observed at all. This indicates that the water molecules (or at least the combination of water and ethanol) are even stronger inhibitors of the growth of both faces than pure ethanol or acetone. The experiments performed in acetone solutions showed that the metastable polymorph transforms rather quickly to the stable one after the epitaxial nucleation.10 The presence of the stable polymorph in contact with the acetone turned out to speed the transformation. In ethanol/water solutions, the metastable polymorph is persistent for a much longer time, even when in contact with the monoclinic polymorph.15 The solubility curves show that the steroid is more soluble in acetone than in ethanol/water solutions (ratio 2:1). This is another proof of a general rule: the more soluble a substance in a solvent, the faster the transformation from the metastable form to the stable one. An explanation is the larger exchange rate of molecules between the solution and solid phase for higher solubilities. The same relation was found for sulfamerazine.16 The solubility also affects the metastable zone width. Very recently, Sangwal and Mielniczek-Brzoska showed that the effect of decreasing the solubility by changing the solvent results in an increase of the interfacial energy/tension and consequently in an increase of the metastable zone width.17 This aspect was largely investigated for different inorganic systems,18 but to our knowledge just for a few organic systems.19,20 If we

Epitaxial 2D Nucleation of Metastable Polymorphs

generalize this relation between the metastable zone width and the solubility to the present case of 2D epitaxial nucleation, we can again compare the situation for ethanol and acetone. In acetone solution, the threshold value of the supersaturation needed to observe the 2D epitaxial nucleation and growth of the metastable polymorph on the (010) face of the stable form is σ/AC(P21) ≈ 0.13.10 This value was almost equal to the distance between the solubility curves of the two polymorphs, indicating a very small metastable zone width for the epitaxial 2D nucleation process. In ethanol / solutions, σEtOH (P21) ≈ 1 (Table 1), which is much larger than the distance between the solubility curves. Concerning the dissolution enthalpy and entropy determined from the solubility curves we can compare these with the same quantities as found for acetone solutions:10 diss diss ∆HP21 ) 17.3 ( 0.5 kJ/mol, ∆SP21 ) 28.0 ( 0.1 J/Kmol; diss ∆Hdiss P1 ) 18.3 ( 0.6 kJ/mol, ∆SP1 ) 32.7 ( 0.1 J/Kmol

Because, at a given temperature, the Gibbs free energy of any polymorph is the same when dissolved in a solvent, the difference in Gibbs free energy ∆∆G between the two polymorphs equals the difference in dissolution free energy, that is, ∆∆G ) ∆Gdiss(P21) ∆Gdiss(P1). So, at a given temperature, ∆∆G determined as such should be independent of the solvent used.5 Using the values determined for ethanol solutions at a typical experimental temperature of 300 K, we calculate ∆∆G(EtOH) ) 0.6 kJ/mol. For acetone solutions, the difference in dissolution free energies at 300 K is ∆∆G(AC) ) 0.4 kJ/mol. The difference between these values, though rather large, indeed lies within the experimental error. If we determine the transition temperature between the polymorphs from the solubility data by extrapolation, we find a negative temperature, which would imply that the P21 polymorph is the stable form for all temperatures. For acetone, a transition temperature of 121 K was found. The discrepancy is probably due to the rather severe restriction of the fit to the classical van’t Hoff relation when extrapolating to temperatures far below the experimental ones. 5. Conclusions We have studied a particular case of epitaxial heterogeneous nucleation of the metastable polymorph of a steroid on two specific opposite faces of the stable form. Because the solution molecules hamper the growth of these faces differently the crystals grow in a polar habit. As a result, the metastable polymorph nucleates preferentially on the less-hampered face that is the fast growing (010) face. In-situ observations and Raman measurements showed that this heterogeneous epitaxial nucleation of the metastable polymorph takes place before ordinary kinds of heterogeneous nucleation of the metastable polymorph on foreign entities in the

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solution for not too high supersaturations. This, together with the transition to the stable form in time, is a 2D version of Ostwald’s rule of stages. The solution containing water turned out to be most effective in suppressing heterogeneous epitaxial nucleation. The determination of the specific faces of the stable polymorph on which the epitaxial nucleation of the metastable form takes place can be exploited for the selection of the desired polymorph. In this light, heterogeneous nucleation processes and specifically epitaxial ones are of fundamental importance in polymorphic systems with possible applications in industry. Comparing acetone and ethanol as solvents, we argued that the higher solubility of 7RMNa in acetone lowers the metastable zone width for the epitaxial polymorphic nucleation. Moreover, the transition from the metastable polymorph to the stable one turns out to be faster the higher the solubility. This might be a general rule, which needs further research. The reverse process for which the stable polymorph nucleates epitaxially on the metastable polymorph, which was only briefly discussed here, is the subject of a forthcoming publication.15 Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank Zjak van Eupen for stimulating discussions on the relation between solubility and transformation rates in different solvents. References (1) Verma, A. R.; Krishna, P. Polymorphism and Polytypism in Crystals; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1966. (2) Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids; Brittain, H. G., Ed.; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1999. (3) Ostwald, W. Z. Phys. Chem. 1897, 22, 289-330. (4) Davey, R. J.; Cardew, P. T. J. Cryst. Growth 1986, 79, 648653. (5) Threlfall, T. Org. Proc. Res. Dev. 2000, 4, 384-390. (6) Rodriguez-Spong, B.; Price, C. P.; Jayasankar, A.; Matzger, A. J.; Rodriquez-Hornedo, N. R. Adv. Drug Delivery. Rev. 2004, 56, 241-247. (7) Yu, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 6380-6381. (8) Ferrari, E. S.; Davey, R. Cryst. Growth Des. 2004, 4, 10611068. (9) Boistelle, R.; Rinaudo, C. J. Cryst. Growth 1981, 53, 1-9. (10) Boerrigter, S. X. M.; Van den Hoogenhof, C. J. M.; Meekes, H.; Bennema, P.; Vlieg, E.; Van Hoof, P. J. C. M. J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 4725-4731. (11) Courvoisier, L.; Mignot, L.; Petit, M. N.; Coquerel, G. Org. Proc. Res. Dev. 2003, 7, 1007-1016. (12) Stoica, C.; Verwer, P.; Meekes, H.; Vlieg, E.; Van Hoof, P. J. C. M.; Kaspersen, F. M. Cryst. Growth Des. 2004, 4, 765768. (13) Declercq, J.-P.; Meerssche, M.v. J. Royal Neth. Chem. Soc. 1984, 103/5, 145-147. (14) Schouten, A.; Kanters, J. A. Acta Crystallogr. 1990, C47, 1754-1756. (15) Stoica, C.; Verwer, P.; Meekes, H.; Vlieg, E.; Van Hoof, P. J. C. M.; Kaspersen, F. M., to be published. (16) Gu, C. H.; Young, V. J.; Grant, D. J. W. J. Pharm. Sci. 2001, 90, 1878-1890. (17) Sangwal, K.; Mielniczek-Brzo´ska, E. J. Cryst. Growth 2004, 267, 662-675. (18) Nyvlt, J.; Rychly, R.; Gottfried, J.; Wurzelova, J. J. Cryst. Growth 1970, 6, 151-162. (19) Hussain, K.; Thorsen, G.; Malthe-Sorenssen, D. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2001, 56, 2295-2304. (20) Lee, F.-M.; Stoops, C. E.; Lahti, L. E. J. Cryst. Growth 1976, 32, 363-370.
