epoxy ketones. Synthesis of spiro .beta.-diketones

Nov 15, 1973 - Azzaro, C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. C, 275, 1244 (1971). The ,3C spectra clearly give more information and seem much more definitive. (15) C...
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J. Org. Chem., Vol. 39, No. 8,1974

Williams, et al.

w. c. Jankowski, re'f Wiley, New 'fork, N. Y . , 1972. (b) Rather different conclusions have been reached about the nature and/or configurations of menthone, isomenthone, and camphor oximes on the basis of their proton spectra than those given here on the assis of 13C spectra; see 2 . W. Wolkowski, J. Cassan, L. Elegant, and M . Azzaro, C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. C, 275, 1244 (1971). The 13C spectra clearly and

give more informatlon and seem much more definitive.

Shoppee, G. Kruger, and R. N. Mirrington, J. Chern. SOC., 1050 (1962). (16) B. L. Hawkins and J. D. Roberts, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S.,70, 1027 (1973). (17) (a) F. J. Weigert, M . Jautelat, and J. D. Roberts, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S., 60, 1152 (1968); (b) H . J. Reich, M . Jautelat, M . T. Messe, F. J. Weigert, and J-. D. Roberts, J. Amer. Cheh. SOC.,91,7445 (1969). (15) C. W.

Photochemical, Thermal, and Acid-Catalyzed Rearrangements of a$-Epoxy Ketones. Synthesis of Spiro 0-Diketonesl John R. Williams,* George M. Sarkisian, James Quigley, Aaron Hasiuk, and Ruth VanderVennen Department of Chemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Received November 15, 1973 2-Cyclopentylidenecyclopentan-1-oneoxide (6) and 2-cyclohexylidenecyclohexan-1-oneoxide (8) have been isomerized thermally and photochemically via a 1,2-alkyl shift to spiro[4.5]decane-1,6-dione (7) and spiro[5.6]dodecane-1,7-dione (12), respectively. Acid-catalyzed isomerization of 6 proceeds via a 1,2-acyl shift to yield spiro[4.5]decane-6,1O-dione(26). Thermolysis of 8 also formed 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octahydradibenzofuran (17) in low yield. The mechanisms of these reactions are discussed. Photolysis and thermolysis of the epoxy ketones 6 and 8 in the presence of tri-n-butylstannane yielded the enones, 2-cyclopentylidenecyclopentan-1-one(21) and 2-cyclohexylidenecyclohexan-1-one(22), respectively.

Recent work has indicated that isomerization of approResults and Discussion priately substituted a,P-epoxy ketones can serve as a useRecent ~tudiesl'-~gon the photolysis of the a,p-epoxy ful preparative method for the synthesis of mono- ( I ) and ketone 6 led to the convenient preparation of the spiro pdisubstituted (2) P-dicarbonyl compounds.2 This isomerdiketone 7. However, the yield of 7 via this path was low ization has been effected t h e r m a l l ~photo~hemically,5-~~ ,~ (3O%).l7J9 To improve the yield of this reaction, 6 was and by using acidic catalyst^.^.^ ~ 5 , ~ ~ heated for 15 min a t 225" and 7 was obtained as the only Owing to the number of isomerization products possiproduct in 89% yield. ble, it was of interest to learn the regiospecificity of the 0 rearrangement for each of the various reaction conditions involved, and which was the preferred method to use synthetically. v3









This result is in sharp contrast to the results of House and Wasson,2 who reported that thermolysis of the six membered ring homolog of 6, i.e., 8, afforded the spiro Pdiketone 9.

I R/" 2

The isomerization of the a,P-epoxy ketones 3 can proceed via two major pathways. Isomerization via a 1,2-acyl migration yields the P-diketone 4, whereas a 1,2-alkyl migration of Rp affords the different p-diketone 5. A 1,2alkyl migration of R, affords an a-diketone. In this paper we report the results of the photochemical, thermal, and acid-catalyzed isomerizations of a series of spiro a$-epoxy ketones via 1,2-acyl and 1,2-alkyl shifts to yield spiro Pdiketones. 0


R, O



II /-\ RC-C,-C,-R, I





R, R,, R,


1,2-acyl migration 1,2-alkyl migration


H, alkyl, or aryl 3

RC -C,




R, 5


uu u 8


U 10,R = H 11,R CHB

Reexamination of their structure proof for 9 showed that their structure was wrong. Alkaline hydrolysis of the proposed spiro P-diketone 9 afforded a keto acid to which the structure 10 was assigned.2 The keto acid was characterized as its semicarbazone, mp 270-271°.2 However, the literature melting point of the semicarbazone of 10 was ~ ~ E J " thereby ,~O indicating that 10 was not the correct structure for the hydrolysis product. Furthermore, authentic keto acid 10 was prepared according to the method of ReeseZ0and shown to be different from the keto acid obtained as a hydrolysis product. Since the keto acids had melting points near room temperature and were difficult to recrystallize, their methyl esters were prepared. Again the authentic methyl ester 11 showed different spectral properties from those of the ester obtained from the hydrolysis product. Therefore, what is the structure of the hydrolysis product and that of the 8-diketone from which it is derived?

J.Org. Chem., Vol. 39,No. 8, 1974 1029

Synthesis of Spiro 0-Diketones By analogy with the thermal isomerization of 6 to 7 and of pulegone oxide 23,4 thermolysis of 8 should proceed via a 1,2-alkyl shift to yield the spiro P-diketone 12. Alkaline hydrolysis of 12 would then be expected to yield the keto acids 13 and 14, which should be converted to the methyl esters 15 and 16,respectively.

require that the rate of rearrangement is greater than the rate of rotation around the C,-Cp bond in 19, and that the rate difference is greater in singlet generated 19 than in the triplet analog.ls Another possible explanation is that the C,-Cp bond is cleaved followed by rotation which leads to racemization of 6. In the formation of optically active 7 it is the Rp which is cis to the acyl group which migrates fastest in both the singlet and triplet reactions. O n 0 .n

1I /"\







I 1 R,






0 0



13,R-H 15,R = CH3







14, R = H 16,R = CHB

Thermolysis of 8 yielded 12 (44%) together with 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octahydrodibenzofuran(17) as a minor product (12%). The formation of 17 will be discussed later in this paper as part of the acid-catalyzed rearrangement products. Mass spectroscopy offered a very convenient method for distinguishing between the methyl esters 15 and 16. McLafferty rearrangement of each of the keto esters should result in the transfer of a hydrogen and cleavage of the side chain attached to the cycloalkanone.21The mass spectrum of the keto ester hydrolysis product showed a base peak at m l e 112, due to the ion 18. This indicates that the cycloheptanone 16 was the correct structure for the hydrolysis product. The structure of 16 was confirmed by synthesis from cycloheptanone and methyl 5-bromopentanoate.


R, 5

In an effort to trap the intermediate oxy radical 19, 6 and 8 were photolyzed in the presence of tri-n-butylstannane. However, none of the hydroxy ketone 20 was isolated; instead of starting enones 21 and 22 were obtained in very good yield. The above solutions were also heated at 50"for 2 hr and 30% of 21 and 20% of 22 were obtained. n

6,n=1 8:n = 2

2l,n=1 22,n=2


m/e 226 16

m/e 112 18

Therefore, it can be seen that thermolysis of the a$epoxy ketones 6 and 8 proceeds via 1,2-alkyl shifts to yield the spiro P-diketones 7 and 12, respectively. These observations confirm the results of other a$-epoxy ketone thermolyses which may also be explained by 1,2-alkyl shift^.^ Since the photolysis of 6 proceeded uia a 1,2-alkyl shift to yield 7, the photolysis of the epoxy cyclohexanone 8 was also investigated. Irradiation of 8 in acetone gave che expected 1,2-alkyl shift product 12 in 14% yield as the only product. A literature survey on the photolysis of epoxy ketones to yield P-diketones showed that all photoisomerizations may be explained by 1,2-alkyl shifts (X sometimes equals H) of the P sub~tituent.5-~4,17-~9 The most rational mechanism for the thermolysis and photolysis reaction is that they proceed uia a reversible homolysis of the C,-0 bond. The carbonyl can then stabilize the radical charge at C, as shown in the structure 19. Concurrently or at a later stage Rg migrates to C,, forming a carbonyl at C,. However, recent quantum-yield data on the photollysis of optically active exclude one common diradical intermediate of type 19 for the three reaction paths involved (photoisomerization and photorearrangement to each isomer of the new product) in both the singlet and tlhe triplet reactions. The quantum-yield data

A similar stereospecificity has also been observed in the thermolyses of pulegone oxide.4 The thermolysis of optically active pulegone oxide 23a and 23b in oxygen-contaking solvents leads to the formation of 24a and 24b in relatively constant ratio. Here again the postulate of the thermolytic C,-0 epoxide cleavage to the intermediate 25

0::: P



go 0


2000 liquid phase

v +


$Lo 0 24b




J. Org. Chem., Vol. 39, No. 8, 1974

Williams, et al.

for the rearrangement requires that the rate of rearrangement is greater than the rate of rotation around the C,-Cb bond in 25. This result has been explained on the basis of a solvation complex.4 Since House and Wasson2 had originally been interested in the acid-catalyzed rearrangement of 8, we investigated the acid-catalyzed rearrangement of the previously uninvestigated epoxy ketone 6. Treatment of 6 with boron trifluoride etherate afforded the spiro 6-diketone 26, which was different from that prepared by photolysis and thermolysis. Basic hydrolysis of the 6-diketone 26 afforded the keto acid 27. The spiro 0-diketone 26 had previously been prepared by peroxytrifluoroacetic acid-boron trifluoride etherate oxidation of the enone 21.22



formed.16 Thus it appears that the Lewis acid sites of the Pyrex glass surface in the thermolysis of 8 have resulted in the formation of a small amount of the dibenzofuran 17. To confirm this hypothesis the glass surface was thoroughly washed with ammonia to remove these Lewis acid sites, and this resulted in a large decrease in the amount of 17 formed upon thermolysis. Similar 1,2-acyl shifts caused by Lewis acid sites in the Pyrex glass surface were also observed for the thermolysis of pulegone oxide 23 in the gas phase, resulting in the formation of the 0-diketone 30.4


n 30





More recently 8 has been isomerized to 9 in 93% yield using antimony pentachloride in liquid sulfur dioxide as the acidic catalyst.l6 n n


uu 8


In both of the above cases the reaction can best be explained by a 1,2-acyl shift. Protonation of the epoxide 8 should cause the Ca-0 bond to cleave, forming the hydroxy ketone 28. If acyl migration now occurs, then the spiro 0-diketone is formed. However, if a proton is lost from 28 to yield 29, followed by loss of water, then 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octahydrodibenzofuran (17) will be





Thus it appears that 1,2-alkyl migrations of R, in a,Pepoxy ketones to yield @-diketonesare best carried out thermally making sure all acidic catalysts have been removed. Acid-catalyzed rearrangements of a,@-epoxy ketones lead to a different P-diketone via a 1,2-acylshift. As with all generalizations, there is an exception. Recently, the photolysis of phenalenone oxide 31 to yield acenaphthen-1-one-2-carboxaldehyde (33) provided the first unambiguous example of a photochemical 1,2-acyl migration.23 However this may be explained in that the Cb-0 oxide bond in 31 would be expected to cleave first, leading to the stable intermediate biradical32.

00 31





[bo] 0

1 1-H'

oLJc3 17




0 0



Experimental Section Melting points were determined with a Thomas-Hoover melting point apparatus and are uncorrected. Ir spectra were recorded with a Perkin-Elmer Infracord Model 137 spectrometer fitted with sodium chloride prisms. Ultraviolet spectra were determined in methanol with a Cary 14 recording spectrometer. Nmr spectra were obtained with Varian A-60A and XLlOO spectrometers. The mass spectra were measured on an AE1 MS-9 mass spectrometer at an ionizing energy of 70 eV. Microanalyses were performed by Micro-Analysis Inc., Wilmington, Del. Vapor phase chromatography was done using an Aerograph, 90 P-3, on a 4 ft X 0.25 in. column which was packed with 20% Carbowax 20M on 60-80 mesh Chromosorb W AW-DMCS (column A) and on a 6 f t X 0.25 in. column which was packed with 15% SE-30 on 60-80 mesh Chromosorb W AW-DMCS (column B). Photolysis of 2-Cyclopentylidenecyclopentan-1-one Oxide (6). A solution of 6 (132 mg) in acetone was photolyzed to yield 7 (40 mg) as previously reported.17 Extensive attempts to isolate and characterize a by-product were unsuccessful. Thermolysis of 2-Cyclopentylidenecyclopentan-1-oneOxide (6). 6 (42 mg) was sealed in a 7-mm test tube and heated for 15 min at 225". After cooling, the product was isolated from the amber oil by preparative vpc on column A. A total of 37 mg (89%) of spiro[4.5]decane-1,6-dione(7) was obtained as a clear oil: bp 238-241" (lit.l7 bp 238-241"); ir (CHC1.q) 1732 (cyclopentanone C=O) and 1698 cm-1 (cyclohexanone C=O); mass spectrum (70 eV) m / e (re1 intensity) 166 (38, M f ) , 148 (14), 138 (35), 137 (ZO), 111 (loo), 110 (go), 95 (34), 91 (27), 67 (52), 55 (74), 44 (95), 41 (67), identical with that of authentic 7.

Synthesis of Spiro @Diketones Thermolysis of 2-Cyclohexylidenecyclohexan-1-one Oxide (8). 8 (500 mg), synthesized according to the method of Reese,20 was sealed in a 7-mm test tube and heated for 30 min at 250". The residue was separated by preparative vpc on column A to yield 80 mg of reactant 8, 51 mg (12%) of 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-octahydrodibenzofuran (17)lS as a clear oil, ir (CC1.i) 1600 and 1140 cm-l (furan ring), nmr (CC14) 6 2.70-2.06 (m, 8 H) and 2.06-1.48 (m, 8 H), mass spectrum (70 eV) m/e (re1 intensity) 176 (26, M+), 148 (loo), 120 (60), 105 (19), 92 (28), 91 (741, 79 (35), 77 (&), 65 (36), 51 (48), 41 (80), 39 (84), and 220 mg (44%) of spiro[5.6]dodecane-1,7-dione(12) as a colorless oil, bp 223-224" dec, ir (CC14) 1711 (cyclohexanone C=O) and 1696 cm- (cycloheptanone C=O), nmr (CDC13) 6 2.71-2.04 (m, 6 H) and 2.04-1.25 (m, 12 H), mass spectrum (70 eV) m/e (re1 intensity) 194 (12, M+), 176 (5), 166 (33), 148 (57), 125 (24), 124 (43), 123 (83), 119 (24), 111 (50), 109 (70), 98 (82), 97 (86), 95 (82), 91 (45), 81 (91), 79 (90),67 (93), 55 (loo), and 41 (98). The diketone formed a monosemicarbazone which crystallized from ethanol as white plates, mp 223-224" (lit.2 mp 224"). To remove the Lewis acid sites, the 7-mm test tubes were immersed in concentrated ammonia for 3 days and oven dried before use. Using these base-washed tubes and following the method cited above, analysis of the reaction products by vpc on column B afforded 12 and 17 in the ratio 7.4:1, whereas without base washing the ratio was 3.8:l. Hydrolysis af Spiro[5.6]dodecane-l,7-dione(12). A solution of 396 mg (2.04 mmol) of 12 and 2.0 ml (12 mmol) of 6 N aqueous sodium hydroxide in 14 ml of ethanol was refluxed for 30 min. After cooling, the reaction mixture was acidified with 10% aqueous hydrochloric acid and extracted three times with 30 ml of ether. The ether extracts were combined, washed with water until neutral, dried (Na2S04), and evaporated in uacuo. A total of 280 mg (65%) of 5-(2-~ycloheptanone)pentanoic acid (14) was obtained as a clear oil. The product would not crystallize: ir (neat) 3100 (broad, OH of a carboxyl group) and 1700 cm-1 (broad, C=O of a carboxyl group and a ketone); nmr (CDC13) 6 10.72 (s, 1 H, acid OH), 2.80-2.10 (m, 5 H), and 2.100.94 (m, 14 H). The keto acid 14 was converted to its semicarbazone, which crystallized from ethanol as colorless needles: mp 158-160"; ir (KBr) 3460 (unassociated NH), 3250 and 3180 (associated NH superimposed upon a broad OH peak), 1708 (C=O of a carboxyl group), and 1660 cm-l (C=O of an amide). Anal. Calcd for C13H23N303: C, 58.09; H, 8.61; N, 15.60. Found: C, 58.113; H, 8.83; N, 15.37. Preparation of Methyl 5-(2-~ycloheptanone)pentanoate ( 16). To a solution of 250 mg (1.18 mmol) of 14 in 15 ml of dry ether was added slowly an ether solution of diazomethane until the solution remained yellow. Excess diazomethane was destroyed with 1 drop of 5% aqueous acetic acid. The reaction mixture was washed with water until neutral, dried (NazS04), and evaporated in uacuo. The product was isolated by preparative vpc on column A, which gave 150 mg (56%) of methyl 5-(2-~ycloheptanone)pentanoate (15) as a clear oil: bp 275-276" dec; ir (CC14) 1740 (ester C=O) and 1702 cm-l (cycloheptanone C=O); nmr (cc14) 6 3.56 (s, 3, CHsO-); mass spectrum (70 eV) m/e (re1 intensity) 226 (8, Mf), 195 (6), 177 (ll),166 (lo), 159 (4), 149 (44), 137 (12), 123 (22), 112 (loo), 98 (48), 97 (50), 87 (38), 84 (45), 74 (42), 67 (46), 55 (62), and 41 (58). Anal. Calcd for C13H2203: C, 68.99; H, 9.80. Found: C, 69.04; H, 9.85. Preparation of Methyl 6-Cyclohexyl-bketohexanoate (11). To a solution of 27 mg (0.13 mmol) of 6-cyclohexyl-6-ketohexanoic acid ( in 5 ml of dry ether was added slowly an ether solution of diazomethane until the solution remained yellow. The reaction was worked up as in the previous case. The product was isolated by preparative vpc on column A, which gave 20 mg (69%) of methyl 6-cyclohexyl-6-ketohexanoate(11) as a clear oil: bp 280281"; ir (cc14)1740 (ester C=O) and 1710 cm-l (cyclohexanone c = o ) ; nmr (CDC13) 6 3.64 (s, 3, CH30-); mass spectrum (70 eV) m/e (re1 intensity) 226 (18, M+), 195 (6), 185 (4), 177 (17), 170 (13), 166 (71, 158 (9), 153 (6), 149 (361, 143 (50), 139 (13), 115 (55), 111 (901, 101 (12), 97 (31), 87 (51), 83 (loo), 81 (48), 73 (50), 67 (45), 59 (39), 55 (loo), and 41 (53). Anal. Calcd for C13H2203: C, 68.99; H, 9.80. Found: C, 69.09; H, 9.61. Preparation of Methyl 5-(2-Cycloheptanone)pentanoate (16). To a suspension of 0.066 g (3.64 mmol) of sodium hydride in 10 ml of freshly distilled DMF was added slowly 0.25 g (2.23 mmol) of cycloheptanone and 0.44 g (2.25 mmol) of methyl B-bromopentanoate. The yellow solution was stirred under nitrogen for 3 hr at

J.Org. Chem., Vol. 39, No. 8, 1974


80". After cooling, 25 ml of water was added, and the reaction mixture was concentrated. The residue was extracted with ether (3 x 50 ml). The ether extract was washed with brine until neutral, dried (NazSOr), and evaporated in uacuo. The product was isolated by preparative vpc on column A, which gave 50 mg (10%) (16) as a clear oil: bp of methyl 5-(2-~ycloheptanone)pentanoate 275-276" dec; ir (cc14), 1740 (ester C=O) and 1702 cm-l (cycloheptanone C=O); nmr (CC14) 6 3.56 (s, 3, CH30-); mass spectrum (70 eV) m/e (re1 intensity) 226 (8, M+), 195 (6), 177 ( l l ) , 166 (lo), 159 (4), 149 (45), 137 (12), 123 (22), 112 (loo), 98 (48), 97 (50), 87 (38), 84 (45), 74 (42), 67 (47), 55 (62), 41 (58). Photolysis of 2-Cyclohexylidenecyclohexan-1-one Oxide (8). A solution of 2.500 g (2.5 mmol) of 8 in 110 ml of acetone was stirred with a stream of nitrogen and irradiated with a 450-W Hanovia lamp through a Vycor filter. The reaction was stopped after 2 hr. The acetone solution was concentrated and preparative vpc on column B was used to collect 270 mg (54%) of reactant, 8, and 68 mg (14%) of spiro[5.6]dodecane-l,7-dione(12) (spectra identical with the spectra of the product obtained by thermolysis of the epoxide, 8). Photolyses of 6 and 8 in Benzene with Tri-n-butylstannane. A solution of 10 mg of 6, 0.25 ml of benzene, and 85 mg of tri-nbutylstannane in a degassed 7-mm Pyrex test tube was irradiated with a 450-W Hanovia lamp for 2 hr. The vpc on column A indicated that over 95% of the reactant had been converted to 2-cyclopentylidenecyclopentan-1-one (21). The same procedure was used with compound 8, and, after 4-hr irradiation, over 90% of the reactant had been converted to 2-cyclohexylidenecyclohexan-1-one (22). Duplicates of the above solutions were heated in a water bath at 50". After 2 hr, 6 gave only 30% of 21, and, after 4 hr, 8 gave only 20% of 22. Acidic Rearrangement of 2-Cyclopentylidenecyclopentan-lone Oxide (6).A solution of 200 mg of 6 in 15 ml of benzene was treated with 0.2 ml of boron trifluoride etherate, and the resulting mixture was stirred at room temperature for 5 min. The reaction mixture was diluted with ether, washed with water, dried (NazS04), and concentrated under vacuum. The product was isolated by preparative vpc on column A. A total of 138 mg (69%) of spiro[4.5]decane-6,10-dione(26) was obtained as a clear oil: mp 10-11" (lit.22 mp 11.5-12.5"); ir (cc14) 1725 and 1696 cm-l (Pdiketone); nmr (CC14)6 2.57 (t, 4, methylene protons a to carbonyls) and 2.45-1.54 (m, 10); mass spectrum (70 eV) m / e (re1 intensity) 166 (40, M+), 138 (18), 137 (22), 125 (17), 111 (lo), 110 (63), 109 (29), 97 (21), 96 (70), 95 (44), 79 (15), 77 (18), 70 (20), 68 (551, 67 (70), 66 (25), 55 (loo), 43 (36), 42 (96), 41 (92), 40 (70), and 39 (94). A solution of 97 mg (0.58 mmol) of 26 and 0.6 ml (3.6 mmol) of 6 N sodium hydroxide in 5 ml of ethanol was refluxed for 30 min. The product, after acidification with dilute aqueous hydrochloric acid, was extracted with ether. After removing the solvent the residue was converted directly to its semicarbazone, mp 180-181" (lit.22mp 180-182"). TO Preparation of 6-Cyclohexyl-6-ketohexanoicAcid ( a solution of 0.50 g (2.73 mmol) of 2-cyclohexylcyclohexan-l-one20 in 0.6 ml of acetic acid was added slowly a solution of 0.9 g (11.1 mmol) of chromium trioxide, 1.25 ml of acetic acid, and 0.44 ml of water. This mixture turned dark green after a 5-min stirring over a steam bath. Then 1.75 ml of sulfuric acid in 25 ml of water was added, and the mixture was concentrated. The residue was extracted with ether (3 x 30 ml). The ether extract was washed with 50% sodium bicarbonate solution. The base wash was acidified with 10% hydrochloric acid and extracted with ether. The ether layers were dried (Na2SO4) and evaporated in uacuo The residue was crystallized with ether-petroleum ether (bp 30-60") to give 0.26 g (45%) of 6-cyclohexyl-6-ketohexanoicacid as colorless needles: mp 54-55" (lit.20 mp 58"); ir (KBr) 3200 (broad, OH of a carboxyl group) and 1700 cm-l (broad, C=O of a carboxyl group and a ketone). The keto acid was converted to its semicarbazone, which crystallized from methanol as colorless needles: mp 174-176" ( l i t . 2 O mp 175"); ir (KBr) 3460 (unassociated NH), 3240 (broad, OH of a carboxyl group), 1708 (C=O of a carboxyl group), and 1660 cm-l (C=O of an amide).

Acknowledgment. T h e authors wish t o t h a n k Mr. A. Arkles for experimental assistance, Mr. C. K u h l m a n of Wyeth Laboratories for mass spectra, and t h e donors of t h e Petroleum Research Fund, administered by t h e American Chemical Society, for support of this research.


J. Org. Chem., Vol. 39, No. 8, 1974

Van Duuren, Witz, and Agarwal

Registry No.-6, 36803-49-3;7, 36803-48-2;8, 26870,38-2;10, 20606-25-1;10, semicarbazone, 50803-78-6;11, 50803-79-7;12, 50803-80-0;14, 33371,95-8; 14 semicarbazone, 50803-81-1;16, 50803-82-2; 17, 1010-77-1; 26, 6684-66-8; cycloheptanone, 502-42-1; m e t h y l 5-bromopentanoate, 5454-83-1; 2-cyclohexylcyclohexan-lone, 90-42-6.

References and Notes For the previous paper in this series see J. R. Williams and G. M. Sarkisian, Chem. Commun., 1564 (1971). H. 0.House and R. L. Wasson, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 78, 4394 (1956). For a review of the chemistry of a-epoxy ketones see J. L. Pierre, Ann. Chim. (Paris), 159 (1966). W. Reusch, D. F. Anderson, and C. K. Johnson, J. Amer. Chem. SOC., 90,498% (1968). C. Lehmann, K. Schaffner, and 0. Jeger, Helv. Chim. Acta, 45, 1031 (1962). C. K. Johnson, B. Dominy, and W. Reusch, J. Amer. Chem. SOC., 85, 3894 (1963). H. E. Zirnmermann, B. R. Cowiey, C. Y. Tseng, and J. W. Wilson, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,86, 947 (1964). 0. Jeger, K. Schaffner, and H. Wehrii, Pure Appl. Chem., 9, 555 (1964).

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Synthesis and Photorearrangement of 4,5-Epoxy-4,5-dihydropyrene Benjamin L. Van Duuren,* Gisela Witz, and Satish C. Agarwal Laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Carcinogenesis, Institute of Environmental Medicine, N e w York University Medical Center, N e w York, New York 10016 Received April 2, 1973 The t i t l e compound, 4,5-epoxy-4,5-dihydropyrene, w h i c h is i m p o r t a n t in cancer research was synthesized f r o m pyrene via i t s ozonide a n d 4,5-~henanthrenedicarboxaldehyde. On u l t r a v i o l e t irradiation, t h i s epoxide rearranges t o 2,3:3,4:4,5-tribenzoxepin, a new oxepin, 4-hydroxypyrene, pyrene, a n d other n o t yet i d e n t i f i e d products.

The importance of epoxides as intermediates in the metabolic detoxification of aromatic hydrocarbons has been estab1ished.l Aromatic epoxides can react to form a variety of products, including phenols and oxepins.lY2 In recent years there has been considerable interest in synthesizing the K-region epoxides of carcinogenic hydrocarbons such as dibenz[u,h]anthracene,3 benzo[u]pyrene, and 7,12-dimethylbenz[u]anthracene,4since these have been suggested as the possible carcinogenic metabolic intermediates in carcinogenesis by aromatic hydrocarbon^.^ Pyrene, a related noncarcinogenic hydrocarbon, is useful for comparative metabolic studies in laboratory animals and in in vitro cell culture studies.6 Although important, the oxides of pyrene have not been successfully synthesized up to now. Boyland and Simsea reported that in the oxidation of pyrene with perbenzoic acid an intermediate is formed which they believed to be 4,5-epoxy-4,5-dihydropyrene. This epoxide has also been detected as a microsomal metabolite of pyreneeBC The present paper describes t h e first reported synthesis of pure 4,5-epoxy-4,5-dihydropyrene (4).This epoxide is photochemically unstable and rearranges to form several products. It was of added importance, therefore, to study its photochemical rearrangement, as the intermediates formed therein may be of significance in the carcinogenic or detoxification processes of aromatic hydrocarbons. Two general approaches have been used for the synthesis of K-region epoxides: (1) the conversion of dialdehydes7 obtained by chemical oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the epoxide by the use of Mark's reagent, tris(dimethy1amino)phosphine; ( 2 ) the cyclization of trans dihydrodiols with the dimethyl acetal of dimethylf~rmamide.~







Previous attempts8 to synthesize 4,5-phenanthrenedicarboxaldehyde by the catalytic hydrogenation of pyrene ozonide under various experimental conditions have resulted in the formation of 5-formyl-4-phenanthroic acid in the lactol form, 1.8 However, Sturrock and Duncanga reported the formation of unstable, uncrystallizable, and impure dialdehyde in poor yield from the iodide reduction of pyrene monozonide. Criegee,lo who prepared the dialdehyde by oxidation of truns-4,5-dihydroxy-4,5-dihydropyrene with lead tetraacetate, also reported similar findings. Both methods thus seemed unsuitable as preparative procedures. In the present work, ozonization of a dilute solution of pyrene in anhydrous methylene chloride at -70" using 1 mol of ozone afforded mainly a colorless compound, mp 159-161", in good yield. Based on its uv, ir, nmr, mass spectral, and C, H analysis, it was characterized as the monomeric monozonide of pyrene, 2.9a,b Catalytic hydrogenation of the ozonide 2 over Pd/C in ethyl acetate