Equilibrium constant calculations using a programmable calculator

Equilibrium Constant Calculations Using a Programmable Calculator. One of the most useful calculations an undergraduate may perform is the statistical...
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Equilibrium Constant Calculations Using a Programmable Calculator One of the most useful calculations a n undergraduate may perform is the statistical thermodynamic evaluation of an equilibrium constant for a simple reaction. We have found that a small nonscientific programmable calculator, such as the Sharp CS363P. is capable of doing this calculation. We have written programs that will evaluate the Boltzmann distribution, and the vibrational, rotational, and translational partition functions. The evaluation of the exponential is a software not a hardware item on the Sharp calculator. The student is given, or must obtain, the characteristic vibrational and rotational temperatures, the internuclear separations, and the dissociation energy for each of the reacting species. He then inserts the appropriate program, which is stored on a magnetic card, and enters the required data to calculate each partition function. The appropriate product of the partition functions and the distribution functions is made using the normal calculating made. Because the evaluation of each partition function is a separate program it allows the user to calculate an equilibrium constant for any reaction that data is available. The programs with instructions are available from the authors. F. Tim J a n i s Thomas Kozel Illinois Benedictine College Lisle, Illinois 60532

Volume 50, Number 4, April 1973
