July, 1962
studied by determining the ratio of intensity of the infrared bands of the liquid a t 577 cm.-l (GI) and 628 om.-’ (c,) as a function of temperature. The low temperature cell alga WBW used in these atudiee of the temperature dependence of the liquid state spectrum. Determinations were made a t the temperaturee obtained with solid carbon dioxide and with nearly boiling water as well as a t room temperature. Values found for the ratio of the integrated intensities of the 577 and 628 cm.-’bands are 3.6 at about 195OK., 2.6 a t about 29S°K., and 2.9 a t about 368’K. The variation with temperature is scarcely more than the experimental uncertainty
and indioatea that the rotational isomers have nearly the
aame energy. The value taken for the energy difference waa 0.25 + 0.25 kcal. mole-’ with the C1 isomer more stable. This value was determined for the liquid state but, as the rotational isomers must have small and nearly equal dipole moments, the energy difference is nearly the same in the gaseous state.
Acknowledgments.-The assistance of F. R, From and C. A. Frenzel in some of these experiments is gratefully acknowledged.
EQUIVALEKT CONDUCTAKCE AND IONIC ASSOCIATION I N AQUEOUS TE-IALEOlUS HYDROXIDE SOLUTIONS AT 26’ BY W. T. LINDSAY, JR. Chemistry Department, Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Pittsburgh 36,Pennsylvania Receiaed February 8 , 1968
Previous measurements on thallous hydroxide solutions by Ostwald ( 1887) and Hlasko and Salitowna ( 1935) appear to be in error, probably because of carbon dioxide difficulties. By exclusion of COZ, it has been possible to determine the to equivalent conductance a t 25” with reasonable precision from M. The phoreogram is catabatic in this range. Application of the Fuoss-Onsager equation, with an assumed value of 3.0 A. for the ion size arameter, gives 273.0 f 0.3 for A. and 3.0 f 0.3 for K , (95% confidence limits). The A0 value is in good agreement wit[ that obtained from limiting ionic conductance data. The association constant is close to that obtained by Bell and Prue from reaction kinetic measurements, but is about one-half that derived by Bell and George from solubility equilibria and by Bell and Panckhurst from other kinetic measurements.
Introduction Ionic association in thallous hydroxide so1ution.s is of some interest because of the unreasonably small values obtained for the “distance of closest app:roach” when experimental values of the association constant a,reused in the standard Hjerrum treatment.l The discrepancy originally was ascribed to covalent bonding, but n.m.r.2 and R a i ~ n a nspectra ~ . ~ studies seem to indicate that only electrosta. Lic interactions occur. There also are discrepancies among values of the association constan t obtained by various experimental methods. The reaction-kinetic measurements of B’ell and Prue5 gave 2.63, solubility equilibria results of Bell and George6 gave 6.7, and other reactionkinetic experiments by Bell and Panckhurst’ gavo 7.1, all at 25”. Conductivity data can be used to determine the association constant,, but previous measurements on thallous hydroxide by Ostwalds and Hlasko and Salitownag appear to be in error. As shown in Fig. 1, the trend of t,he Ostwald data is symptomatic of carbon dioxide interference. Although (1) C. W. Davies, Discum-ion? Faraday Soc., 24, 83 (1957): C. W. Davies in “The Structure of Electrolytic Solutions,” W. J. Hamer, Ed., John Wiley and Sons. New York, N. Y.,1959, p. 81; R. P.Bell and hl. H. Panckhurst, Rec. trav. chim., 76, 725 (1956). (2) R. Freeman, R . P. H. Gasser, R. E. Richards. and D. H. ’Xheeler, Mol. Phys.. 2 , 7 5 (lQ59); R. E’. H.Gasser and R. E . Richards, ibid., 2, 357 (1959); R.Freeman, R. P. H. Gasser, and R. E. Richards, ibid., 2, 301 (1959). (3) J. H. E. George, J. A. Rolfe, and L. A. Woodward, Trans. Faraday Soc., 49, 375 (1953). (4) P. L. Goggins and L. A. Woodward, ibid., 66, 1591 (1960). ( 5 ) R. P. Bell and J. E. Prue, J . Chem. SOC.,362 (1949). ( 6 ) R. P. Bell and J. H. B. George, Trans. Faraday Soc., 49, 619 (1953). (7) R. P. Bell and M. H. Panekhurst. J . ‘Chem.SOC.,2836 (1956). (8) W. Ostwald, “Lehrbuch der Allseme.inen Chernie,” .Engelman, Leipzig, 1891. (9) M. Hlasko and A. Salitowna, Rocznilci Chem., 14, 1038 (1934); 16, 273 (1935).
Hlasko and Salitowna attempted to eliminate this interference by precipitation of BaCOs, their results evidently contain a systematic error, as indicated by the anomalous slope and curvature of the phoreogram and by comparison with the sum of ionic conductances a t infinite dilution. There is a corresponding systematic error in the Hlasko and Salitowna data on sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and lithium hydroxide, where comparison can be made with the more accurate results of Darken and Meierlo and Siverta, Reitmeier, and Tartar.” The purpose of the present work mas to obtain more accurate values for the equivalent conductance of dilute thallous hydroxide solutions a t 25’ by attempting to exclude carbon dioxide, and to determine the association constant from the results. Experimental Two series of experiments were undertaken. For eac!i series, fresh thallous hydroxide stock solutions, approximately 0.075 M , were prepared by bubbling carbon dioxidefree oxygen through de-ionized water in a closed system containing subdivided thallium metal which previously had been washed repeatedly with boiling de-ionized water. Spectrographic analyses of the subdivided metal showed the absence of any substantial concentrations of impurities. After dissolution of a major part of the metal, the resulting solution was decanted by gas pressure into a purged polyethylene storage bottle, where it wm kept in the dark under carbon dioxide-free nitrogen pressure. Provision was made for withdrawal of bolution from the storage bottle by hypodermic syringe. The stock solutions were analyzed a t several intervals during their use by weight potentiometric titrationb of triplicate samples against potassium acid phthalate primary standard. The TlOH solution was added from a hypodermic syringe which could be weighed rapidly and repeatedly by a projection-type analytical balance, while a stream of nitrogen was used to keep carbon dioxide (10) L. S. Darken and H. F. Meier, J . Am. Cham. Soc., 64, 621 (1942). (11) V. Sivertz, R. E. Reitrneier, and H. V . Tartar, ibid., 6 2 , 1379 (1940).
Vol, 66
280 Limiting -
c c
260 4
Hlasko 8 Salitowna *This Work, First Series A
Fig. 1.-Equivalent
conductance of TlOH a t 25'. I
.2c h
E 10770 c 0
purging of the cell with carbon dioxide-free nitrogen, (2) pressurization of the sealed solution bottle by injection of nitrogen, and (3) transfer of solution from the ressurized bottle to the cell with overflow of about two ceE volumes. The cell then was isolated in the usual manner and immersed in an oil bath held a t 25.00' to a constancy of a few thousandths of a degree. Temperatures were determined by a platinum resistance thermometer which had been calibrated against the laboratory standard. The conductivity cell Ras of the Jones typeI2 with a, cell constant nominally 1.O. A Jones-type conductivity bridge18J4(Leeds and Northrup Model 4666) was used for all measurements, in connection with a variable frequency oscillator, a General Radio Model 1231-BRF amplifier and tuned filter, and an oscilloscope detector. The conductivity cell waB calibrated with KCl solutions in the Mame conductance range as the thallous hydroxide solutions, using identical procedures. The equation of Lind, Zwolenick, and Fuoss16 for the conductance of dilute KC1 solutions was used as the basis of the calibration. Preliminary experiments with platinized electrodes gave an excessive rate of rise of cell resistance, presumably due in part to adsorption on the electrodes. All subsequent measurements were made with bright platinum electrodes, resulting in a considerable reduction of this effect, but not in its elimination. However, the use of bright electrodes introduced a frequency effect. consequently, the experimental sequence illustrated in Fig. 2 was adopted for these measurements. The equilibration of the cell a t the thermostat temperature was followed by n series of initial measurements a t 1000 C.P.S. When equilibration was complete, as indicated by a continuing linear rise of resistance a t a rate expected for the concentration range, measurements were made a t equally spaced time intervals in a planned sequence among frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 c.p.s. Since previous experience had shown that the resistance rise continued linearly for a period of time very much longer than required for the measurement sequence, the results were averaged, as indicated in Fig. 2 , to give interpolated resistance values for each frequency a t each of three reference times. These values were extrapolated to infinite frequency, as described below, and then extrapolated back to the time of filling of the cell. The error indithe infinite frequenry, zero-time cated in Fig. 2 for BOm, resistance, is an estimate of the uncertainty introduced by the double extrapolation procedure and is not otherwise related to the accuracy or precision of the results. The frequency dependence of cell resistance ranged from a linear function of j-1 a t the higher concentrations to a linear function of f-l/t a t the lower concentrations. Consequently, neither function was used for extrapolation. Instead, an equation of the form
1 0 1 6l . 0 Rvoa=l075.865*.O3ohms .81 I I I I I I 2:OO 20 40 3.00 20 40
Time. Fig. Z.-Cell
resistance as a function of time and frequency. Run no. 7-C-2
from the surface of the solution being titrated. The average deviatioii for a typical sct of triplicate samples was about 1 1)m-t in 5000. lmmedia,iely beforr u s r , di1utc.d solutions ranging from I O - 4 t o 10-2 M were prepared on a weight basis by injecting an appropriate amount of stock solution into a sealed, nitrogen-purged, polyethylene bottle, containing a known weight of de-ionized water. (All polyethylene ware was pretreated by steaming a t 80" in 1 N S a O H for several days, followed by repeated rinsing and extended storage while soaking in de-ionized water.) The diluted solutions were transferred to the conductivity cell by a sim le closed system using a three-way stopcock which alloa-et the following operations to be carried out in sequence qTith minimum delay: (1)
+ A/(1 + Bf')
~ : t u;.ed, s nhrre Ec is the crll resistance a t ~ o n i efrequency .f, R" IS the resistance a t infinite frequency, and A and R are constants for a given electrode condition and solution composition and concentration. Feates, Ives, and Pryori8 have discussed the application of this equation to electrolytic conductance rells.It is based on an electrode model proposed by Grahame,17 and, according to Grahame'b discussion, should be applicable t o TlOH in the concentration range covered in these measurements. All measurements a t about the same concentration were combined t o calculate an average BaYj2)for each run value of R . Plots of R against 1/(1 showed that the 5000, 2000, and 1000 c.p.s. points fell quite accurately on a straight line, but that the 500 c.p.s. points generally fell somem hat above t h e line determined by the other threr points. Accordingly, the value of R" was dctrrmind hv a least sqaares treatment of the data for thc 1h r w higher fraquencies only. Values of faradaic resistancr 2nd electrode capacitance estimated from the constants 11
(12) G . JonesandG. M. Bollinner, J . Am. Cham. Soc., 63,411 (1931). (13) G. Jones and R . C. Josephs, i W . , 50, 1049 (1928). (14) P. H. Dike, Rev. Sci. Instr., 2, 379 (1931). (13) J. E. Lind, Jr.. J. J. Znoleniok, and R. R I . Fuoss. J. Am. Chem.. Soc., 81, 1,567 (1969). (16) T;. S. Feates, D. J . G. Iver, and J. €I. Pryor, J . liLacLwcrfa!n. Suc., 103. AS0 flQ56). (17) D. C. Grahame, zbzd., 99, 370C (1952). ~
July, 1962
and B varied with concentration, but fell in the range ivdicated BS reaaonable by Feates, Ives, and Pryor. Blank runs were made by following exactly the same procedure used for the solution runs, with the exception that a11equivalent quantity of de-ionized water (rather than stock solution) was injected into the dilution bottles. The average conductance found for the blank runs was 0.27 Wmho. When compared with a reading of 0.065 Nmho obtained when the cell was filled directly from the source of de-ionized water, this result indicates that there W&B some pick-up of ionized oontamination in the purging, dilution, or transfer procedures. It was assumed that the blank run conductance was due primarily t o carbon dioxide, and correction was made according to the method of Jeffrey and Vogel.18 This correction amounted to 1 part in 500 at M and 1 part in 5000 a t 9 X M . All results a t less than 10-a M were eliminated from further consideration by the large correction a t lower concentrations.
Results The equivalent conductances were calculated in the usual way from the corrected, extrapolated resistance values, assuming that the density of the solutions could be estimated with sufficient accuracy by the approximate relation d = do Mzm/1000 (2) where d is the density of the solution, do is the density of pure water, &Iz is the molecular weight of TIOH, and m is the TlOH concentration in moles/kg. HzO. The results from a total of 30 runs a t concentrations from about to about 9 X M , 9 in the first series and 21 in the second series of measurements, are given in Table I. The phoreogram is plotted in Fig. 1. Although the experimentpalprecision is not as good as can be achieved for solutions of acids or neutral salts, the results are a considerable improvement over previous measurements on TlOH solutions. The curve approaches the correct limiting slope and extrapolates to infinite dilution a t a value very close to that indicated for the sum of limiting ionic conductances. The phoreogram is catabatic, as mould be expected for a slightly associating solute.
1343 I
A,= 273.0
0 0
K,. a =
3.0 3.01
266L-J- .4
1 2.4
cyhf: . Fig. 3.-solution
of conductance equations by the method.
The Fuoss-Onsager coiiductance e q ~ a t i o n ’ ~ ~ ~ ~ was used to derive values of A, axid K a (the association constant) from the results. The experimental precision is not sufficient to allow the simultaneous determination of all three parameters, Ao, K,, and a (the ion-size parameter), appearing in these equations. Consequently, the Ak methodlg was used, with a value of 3.0 A. assumed for the ion-size parameter, a. The values of AO and K , determined by this method are relatively insensitive to the valve assumed for a. Yariatioii of a from 2.5 to 3.5 A. does not change the calculated results by an amount greater than the spread between 95% confideiice limits. According to the conductaiice equations, a plot TSBLE 1 of Ak us. CyA&z should be a straight line, with the EQUIVALEXT CONDUCTAXCES OF THALLOUS HYDROXIDEintercept on the ordinate equal to A, and the slope equal to -K,. The variable Ak is given by SOLUTIONS AT 25” 104~ (riiolea/l.)
!). 20R 18.766 18 974 37.052 37.217
9.651 9 898 ‘3.915 10 01 5 IO 173
10 1Y2
36,645 36.904 36.915 36.981 37.336
(mho-em. 2/eq.)
106 (moles/l.)
First series 287. 87 63 .402 265.72 63.974 266.18 87.190 87.377 262.94 263.11 Second series 267.71 37.344 268.89 37 345 268.47 37.442 2G8 50 63 ‘303 21%. 70 64 OR7 267.3 ti4 205 263.35 64 571 263.76 87.484 263.17 87.712 263.29 87.715 263.28
A (inho-cm.2/eq .)
239.29 259.39 286.38 256.24
263.22 263 26 262.92 259 57 259,5!)
259.20 259.23 256.41 256,85 256.89
(18) G. H. Jeffrey and A. I. Vogel, Phil. Mag., $6, 395 (1933); 16, 64 (1933); 17, !58P (1934).
h k = A $. X(Cy)l’z - ECy IOg Cy
(3) ii is equivalent cwitluctaticc at colicen tratiori c; S , E , and ,J are functions of’ A,, as defined by Y U O ~ Sy ~is ~the~ degree ~ ~ ; of dissociation, given by A/&,, where A, is the equivalent conductance of a completely ionized solute a t the same ionic concentration, given by A,
$- A
- hk
a i d ,f* is the mean nctivity roefficicnt ealculatcd from thc Debyc-I-luckel cquatioii, using iu i,be d e i ~ o r n i n ~ t oofr this equation a value of for the cli5titiice of cllosest appi‘oachh hctwwii “fre(\” ions.”J2 Figure ;isho\vs the final solutiou of 1,lw equations after a series of successive approximations. Least squares treatment gives 273.0 119) R. M. Fuoss, 2. Am. Ch’hem.Suc., 81,2659 (1958).
(20) R. M. Fuoss and F. Accascina, “ElectrolyORo Conductance,” Iiiterscience Publishers, Inc , Now York, N. Y.,196% (21) J. E Plue, Dzscusszons Faraday Soc., 24, 123 (19.57). (22) R. M. Fuoss and L. Onsager, Proe. Natl. Aca&. Scz., 47, 818 (1961).
ion distribution function
350 h
L v
50 I
4 - 5
r ( 8,. of hydroxyl ion dipole on ion distribution function.
i 0.3 for Bo and 3.0 i 0.3 for Ka, where the 95% confidence limits are indicated.
Discussion The result for homay be compared with values of 272.5 and 273.0 for the sum of limiting ionic conductances of T1+ and OH-, as tabulated by Harned and Owenz3and Robinson and StokesjZ4 repectively. The agreement is as good as can be expected, in view of the possible sources of error both in this work and in other conductance measurements on hydroxides. The result for I