the HITACHI HU-11 Electron Mi croscooe ...distinguished product of 22 years of research In May, 1939, Hitachi Ltd. began its electron optics research program, a program t h a t has re sulted in t h e formation of t h e largest electron op tics group in the world, part of the renowned Hitachi Central Research Laboratories.
Laboratories are an important section of the giant Hitachi complex, the largest manufacturing com pany in Japan, employing 70,000 people in 27 plant locations and three research laboratories.
Illustrated is the HU-11 Electron
which has a guaranteed 8-10 Angstrom Unit reso lution, allowing you to probe the very basic struc ture of matter, making full use of its direct magnifi cation range of 600 X to 250,000 X .
The basic
Hitachi HU-11, without accessories, serves as a highly efficient electron diffraction instrument for use with opaque or transparent specimens. With such accessories as a low temperature stage, a high temperature stage, a specimen tilting stage, a universal diffraction stage, charge neutralizer, a reflection microscopy attachment and an X-Ray shadow camera, the Hitachi HU-11 allows investigations into every field of research.
Please write or telephone for further
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