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Errata Second Law

Asymmetric Metal Compounds

The folloving changes should he made in "Our Freshmen Like the Second Law" by N. C. Craig 147,342 (1970)l.

An error appeam in the article "Resolution and Stereochemistry of Asymmetric Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead Compounds" by Robert C. Bellali [46,640 (1969)l.

p. 342 Second line of eqn. (4): Si (cycle), not Sn (cycle). p. 344 Figure 4: Q' 1.35, not 1.35 Qf = 1.4, not 1.4 k In (Q'/Q'), not k In (Qfn') p. 345 Figure 5: The zero energy for B ( s ) (the bottom rung on the ladder) should be r, not 46.

Graphical Methods far Acidity Consfants in the ~h~~~is confusion in the signs in the last twoequations ~~t~~~ta the ~ d i u ~~ ~~ ~, ~~ p ~h it for ~ h~ l~~ diconstlLnkrv d~ i ~ ~ hv Ludwie Heck 146.535 (1969)l. The correct eouetions should

p. 641 Line 8: "inversion" should read "retention!'

Chemiluminescence The mechanism for the chemiluminescence of vioanthrone proposed in the note "A ChemiluminescenceReaction" by W. H. Slshaugh 147, 522 (1970)l has recently been updated. The mechanism is apparently a two-step excitation involving the lower triplet state of violanthrone and not the peroxide bridge intermediata. The interested reader is referred to the following

E. A,, AND PEARSON, A. E., J. Phys. Chm., 72, (1) ORGRYZM, AND

HERCULES,J. A m r . Chm. Soc., 92,

Volume 47, Number 12, December 1970
