Errata - The Chemistry of Chromyl Compounds

Page 939: In the fifth line from the bottom of the page the material in paren- theses should read thus: V\z-CH2. H3C. CHCOOCHs. CCH;. R—N=N: . R—Ñ—N:...
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ERRATA Volume 58, Number 1, February, 1958 Page 56: Reference 17 should read as follows: BOON,W. R.: J. Chem. SOC.1949, Suppl. 1, 230.

Volume 68, Number 3, June, 1958 Page 458: The following reference, containing material pertinent to the oxidation of phenols (p. 440),should be added to those cited on p. 458. BARTON, D. H. R., AND COHEN,T.: Festschrift Arthur Stoll, Birkhauser A.-G., Basel, Switzerland (1957).

Volume 58, Number 5, October, 1958 Page 930: Structure XXIII should be

Page 939: In the fifth line from the bottom of the page the material in parentheses should read thus: @




Page 966: Structure CCLXXVIII should be

Page 970: Structure CCCXIV should be
