es&t letters - American Chemical Society

Society in conjunction with Zimpro,. Inc., a subsidiary of Sterling Drug,. Inc., is seeking nominations for the. F. J. Zimmerman Award in Environ ment...
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ES&T LETTERS PCB replacements Dear Sir: The feature by R. F. Addi­ son, "PCB replacements in dielectric fluids" (ES&T, October 1983, p. 486A), contains many useful and in­ formative comparisons between vari­ ous candidate materials. However, Dr. Addison's attribution of the degradative action of soils on silicones to pre­ sumed microbial activity requires correction. The authors of his cited reference (Buch, R. R.; Ingebrigtson, D. N. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1979, 13, 676-79) conclusively established that it was the clay content of the soils that was responsible for the observed ca­ talysis. Microbiological degradation of methylsiloxane polymers has yet to be

demonstrated despite attempts to do so. C. L. Frye Health & Environmental Sciences Dow Corning Corporation Midland, Mich. 48640 The Zimmerman Award Dear Sir: The Central Wisconsin Section of the American Chemical Society in conjunction with Zimpro, Inc., a subsidiary of Sterling Drug, Inc., is seeking nominations for the F. J. Zimmerman Award in Environ­ mental Science. The award, consisting of $1000 and a plaque, is given annu­ ally to an individual whose research has had a significant impact on envi­ ronmental protection.

Openings in Saudi Arabia NUS Corporation, Environmental Services Division, Is staffing a field team for environmental activities in Saudi Arabia. Consultants will work within a Saudi organization to provide technical expertise, management assistance and Saudi staff training. Five openings are:

Air Quality Monitoring Instrumentation Engineer BS or MS in related field, 5-10 years experience. Oversee air quality monitoring instrumentation network - supervise technicians, develop written procedures, coordinate operations and maintenance and review quality of data received.

Oil Spill Operations Team Coordinator BS or MS in related field, 10 years experience. Provide consultation and coordination of oil spill administration, surveillance, and clean up activities. Related oil spill and seamanship experience desired.

The award announcement and pres­ entation will be made at the joint Great Lakes and Central Regional Meeting to be held May 23-25,1984, in Kalamazoo, Mich. The award re­ cipient will be invited to present an overview of the scientific contributions upon which the award is based. Any scientist residing in the U.S. is eligible for the award. Nomination forms are available from L. A. Ochrymowcyz, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wis. 54701. Nomination forms and supporting documents must be received no later than Feb. 1, 1984. Clarence A. Hoffman Zimpro, Inc. Rothschild, Wis. 54474 Correction With reference to "Freshwater acidi­ fication from atmospheric deposition of sulfuric acid: A conceptual model" (ES&T, November 1983, p. 541A), there is an error in Figure 1. The leg­ ends for the Alk and SOl - lines on the figure were reversed. From top to bottom, the legend should read BCs, SOI", and Alk. The correct figure is shown below. FIGIJRF 1

The temporal variation of the concentrations faeqIL) of SO4 , BCs and alkalinity (alk) during the seven stages of acidification

Oil Spill Engineer

Preacid deposition

BS in Engineering, 5-10 years experience. Advise on and coordinate - spill response activities, contingency plans, equip­ ment specifications, equipment procurement, spill surveillance, and staff training.

Postacid deposition



BCs SO} Alk

Marine Ecologist BS or MS in Marine Ecology, 5-10 years experience Coordinate and load - marine environmental assessment of the oil spill Impacted Saudi waters. Field experience and ability to train staff required.

Liquid Effluent Pollution Engineer BS or MS in related engineering field, 5-10 years experience. Review and process license and variance requests; recommend water pollution abate­ ment measures; develop and update standard for water pollution and hazardous wastes. Extended bachelor status can be anticipated. Compensation commensurate with skill and Saudi Arabian competitive levels. Please send your resume, in confidence to:


NUS Corporation Box06RH, Personnel Dept. 910 Clopper Road Gaithersburg, MD 20878




Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 18, No. 1, 1984

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Stage 1

A Halliburton Company


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