Esterline Corporation - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 23, 2012 - Esterline Corporation. Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42 (11), pp 96A–96A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60293a794. Publication Date: September 1970. Copyright...
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frequency hum pickup may also be factors affecting precision. It pays to carefully read the manufacturers' spec­ ifications. Good-quality chart record­ ers, for example, usually have built-in hum-rejection filters tuned to the line frequency. To obtain the desired results from the modifier portion of your instru­ ment, you must consider the following: precision and temperature coefficient of circuit components, amplifier open-loop gain and frequency response, input cur­ rent, source impedance, common mode rejection, and noise. These factors are discussed below. At low frequencies (dc to 100 Hz), the open-loop gain of an op amp is normally high enough so that accuracy of a circuit is solely determined by how well you know the values of the components. The output of the cir­ cuit is given by the general equation Εa — —EiZf/Zi

The ΕΤΙ Helium Diffusion Cell Purifier is a com­ plete equipment, ready for continuous production of ultra-pure helium from commercial grades. Total impurity levels as low as 1/2 part per million are possible without the use of liquid nitrogen-cooled absorbents. Ultra pure helium is now being used extensively in gas chromatography, transistor processing, crystal growing atmos­ pheres and other services where high purity helium facilitates parts per bil­ lion accuracy in critical analyses. Write for additional in­ formation or engineering consultation. Electron Technology, subsidiary of Esterline Corporation, 626 Schuyler Ave., Kearny, N.J. 07032 · (201 ) 998-8100



- EiZf/Zi

= - iiZf



The circuit components Zf and Z t may be composed of resistors, zener diodes, capacitances, etc. Be sure to choose parts that are adequate for your ap­ plication. Resistors, for example, are commercially available in ±0.05% tol­ erance and with temperature coefficients as low as ±0.0002%/° C. Precision capacitors are more difficult to obtain. Polystyrene units are available with ± 0 . 1 % tolerance and temperature co­ efficient as low as - 0 . 0 0 8 % / ° C. Zener diodes are available with temperature coefficients of voltage down to 0.0005%/° C. When you are working at higher frequencies, the component values will not be what you have at dc. A good-quality resistor, for example, can be made with very low inductance. Still, there is some inductance, and it will change the impedance of the re­ sistor at high frequency. These points are mentioned here only to make you aware of them. In some applications, they may be important. In most chem­ ical instrumentation, low frequencies or essentially dc signals are encountered, and you need not worry about such items as stray inductance and capaci­ tance. Just remember to use the proper values for your components at the fre­ quency at which you are working, since they may be different from the dc values. The simple equations above are only usable if amplifier open-loop gain, A, is very high. Ideally, A is infinite. As signal frequency increases, however,

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When the positive input is not used— i.e., it is grounded—the output is given by Equation 3 : E0=


-fE+ (1 + Z,/Zt)



f i tie\A\ 3 2 / 0

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