European Market for Analytical Instruments - Analytical Chemistry

May 25, 2012 - European Market for Analytical Instruments. Anal. Chem. , 1981, 53 (6), pp 717A–717A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00229a763. Publication Date: May...
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News gases; Gary T. Rochelle, Enhancement of S 0 2 absorption in C a C 0 3 slurry by buffer and alkali additives.

European Market for Analytical Instruments The European market for analytical instrumentation will increase by more than 50% over the six-year period from 1979 to 1985, according to a re­

port by market researchers Frost & Sullivan, Inc. The report, "Scientific Instruments in Europe," surveys the market for analytical instrumentation in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. These countries account for about 83% of the total European market for analytical instruments, ac­ cording to the survey. The report analyzes the climate for capital investment in each of the six countries surveyed, and predicts the

size of the analytical instrument mar­ ket in each country for each type of in­ strument. Operational principles are described for each analytical tech­ nique, such as mass spectrometry, nu­ clear magnetic resonance spectrome­ try, and liquid chromatography, and technical developments likely to affect the market are detailed. Also included in the study is a breakdown of the an­ alytical instrument market by endusers, including the chemical industry, government-financed research institu­ tions, and medical and clinical labora­ tories. Frost & Sullivan researchers used a new approach to forecast in­ strumentation trends: They analyzed the number of published scientific pa­ pers dealing with specific instruments used in chemistry and medicine, and the resulting graphs have been includ­ ed in the study. "Scientific Instruments in Europe" (report No. E385) may be purchased for $1350 from Frost & Sullivan, Inc., Customer Service, 106 Fulton St., New York, N.Y. 10038; 212-233-1080.

Call for Papers 95th Annual Meeting of the Associ­ ation of Official Analytical Chem­ ists Washington, D.C. Oct. 19-22. Papers are invited on current developments in analytical methodology relating to agriculture, the environment, and public health. Abstracts must be sub­ mitted on AOAC forms by July 10 to Kathleen Fominaya, AOAC, 1111 N. 19th St., Arlington, Va. 22209. 703522-3032

Meetings The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL


The 1981 meetings listed earlier ap­ pear in the April issue. ah v.ell as research application», usinq capillary or packer! columns. Thermal Conductivity G C Second from the left is I lie standard 5 5 0 thermal conductivity GC. This isorheimal instrument meets your requirements for routine, day-to-day analyses. Flame Ionization Detector Next on the right you see our flame ioniza­ tion gas chromatograph, the 7 5 0 . This single column instrument \*ith on-column injection operates with proportional temperature control to 400°C. It covers a large linear dynamic range. You can use metal columns or glass columns. It's ideal for diverse routine applications. For Flame Ionization Detector,Circle 92

| ! ' '

The Fundamental G C l-ast in lino is the Scries 1 SO fundamental thermal conductivity gas chromatogiaph Perfect loi demonstrations in the educa licinai lab. it's tough enough for practical inrtlir--it-mn I M i n l i n e t n - i l l a h m » t ( \ i u , L



is capable of operation to 2 5 0 C. All of these instruments arc available from GOW-MAC Instrument Co., P.O. Box 3 2 , Bound Brook, N J 0 8 8 0 5 , CI.S.A. Telephone: ( 2 0 1 ) 5 6 0 - 0 6 0 0 .



For Fundamental GC. Circle 93

• Gordon Research Conferences For information on the following meetings contact: Alexander M. Cruickshank, Pastore Chemical Labo­ ratory, U of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02281. 401-783-4011 or -3372. From June 8 to Aug. 21 address corre­ spondence to: Alexander M. Cruick­ shank, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, Ν. Η. 03257. 603-526-2870 Chemical Characterization of Structural Polymers. June 8-12. Tilton School, Tilton, N.H. Magnetic Resonance. June 15-19. Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, N.H. Analytical Pyrolysis. July 13-17. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 53, NO. 6, MAY 1981 · 717 A