Ever Made._

from the top of its transparent, distortion-free dome to the bot- tom of its blue-green base. That's why you'll be proud to own a new. Nalgene® Vacuu...
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The finest $150. Flowmeter Ever Made. New thermal technique gives Matheson Flo-Tronic Flowmeter accuracy without a big price tag.


desiccator that's unbreakable and beautiful...

Flo-Tronic Flowmeter offers many distinct advantages over rotameters, yet costs little more. As with mass flowmeters, changes in pressure and temperature have little effect on accuracy of reading. FEATURES: Adapted for Recorder Use · Remote Monitoring Use • Fast Response—2 sec. (0 to full scale) · Accuracy ± 3 % of full scale · Reproductibility ± 2 % of full scale · Four Flow Ranges — 0-300 to 0-10,000 std. cc./min.

M A T H E S O N GAS P R O D U C T S Write for Engineering Report to Matheson, P.O. Box 85, East Rutherford, Ν. J. 07073. Circle No. 4 on Readers' Service Card

BETHLEHEM INSTRUMENT MERCURY BEST IN PURITY To qualify as Instrument Mercury, the total residue after complete evaporation of a 200 gram sample may not exceed one part im­ purity per ten million. All BETHLEHEM Instrument Mercury fully meets this rigid standard—and proves it with the analysis certification included in each shipment-

from the top of its transparent, distortion-free dome to the bot­ tom of its blue-green base. That's w h y you'll be proud to o w n a new Nalgene® Vacuum Desiccator. In­ side this spacious desiccator you can use our new ceramic-metal desiccator plate of Nucerite® or any other one you'd like. When you specify Nalgene Labw a r e , 20 years' l e a d e r s h i p says you're right. Ask your Laboratory Supply Dealer for our new Cata­ log, or write Dept. 6803, Nalgene Labware Division, Rochester, N.Y. 14602. NALGENE LABWARE DIVISION


Circle No. 55 on Readers' Service Card

CONTINUOUS VACUUM, TRIPLE DISTILLATION ALL BETHLEHEM INSTRUMENT MER­ CURY IS PURIFIED IN THESE STILLS which operate in three continuous stages under vacuum and controlled low tempera­ ture.

BEST IN PACKAGING BETHLEHEM Instrument Mercury is avail­ able in five different polyethylene bottles, with plain cap on the 16-lb. and 65-lb. bottles, and the unique dispensing tip on the 9-oz., 1-lb., and 6-Ib. sizes. (Five and 10-lb. glass bottles are also available.)

BEST IN SERVICE BETHLEHEM exchanges dirty or scrap mer­ cury for Instrument Mercury. We supply empty flasks free for safe storage and in­ expensive shipment to us.

Over one million pounds shipped to manufacturers, laboratories

process and control

research industries.


VOL. 4 1 , NO. 3, MARCH 1969


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