Ever see a gum that gels when it's heated? - C&EN ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: April 12, 1954. Copyright © 1954 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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J£ver see a gum that gels 10"]

when i t s heated? Methocel does . . . a n d in doing so, i t provides the answer to some interesting industrial problems



You d o n ' t have t o process leather o r make ceramics to enjoy t h e benefits of Methocel® (Dow methylcellulose). I n addition to its binding applications, this synthetic g u m is successfully serving many i n d u s tries as a valuable thickener, suspending a g e n t , emulsion stabilizer and film former. If y o u need a n economical thickener, a two- to t h r e e per cent solution of high-viscosity M e t h o c e l will thicken water so it will hardly flow*. As an emulsion stabilizer τ Methocel acts as a protective colloid. As a suspending agent, it minimizes settling a n d caking of dispersed solids i n a q u e o u s systems. T h e t o u g h , colorless coatings formed by low-viscosity Methocel make it a n ideal material for boxboard sizing o r greaseproof packaging. Gels w h e n heated, soluble in water, i n e r t , odorless and tasteless—Methocel is indeed a unique g u m . For m o r e information and a free sample write t o THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland,


SEND FOR YOUR EXPERIMENTAL SAMPLE THE D O W CHEMICAL COMPANY Dept. ME Î192A, Midland, Michigan Wide viscosity range of Methocel is available — please indicate use field Name, Title __ Company_ Address. City-




Ceramic glazes for fine dinnerware and tile are hardened and held for firing by using Methocel as a basic ingredient . . . it acts as a "fugitive" binder which fires away cleanly.

you can depend


In t h e leather industry, pastes made with Methocel gain maximum bonding strength with heat t o save time, money, and t o improve tJhe quality of hides being processed,