Excess Enthalpies and Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Phase Compositions

Kyung-Hee Lim, Wallace B. Whiting, and Duane H. Smith ... Scott P. Christensen, Felipe A. Donate, Timothy C. Frank, Randy J. LaTulip, and Loren C. Wil...
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J. Chem. Eng. Data 1994,39, 399-403


Excess Enthalpies and Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Phase Compositions of the Nonionic Amphiphile 2-Butoxyethanol and Water Kyung-Hee LimJ Wallace B. Whiting,’*+and Duane H. Smith4

Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6101, and Morgantown Energy Technology Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, West Virginia 26507-0880

The excess enthalpies, ZP, for mixtures of the nonionic amphiphile C ~ H Q O C ~ H ~+Owater H were measured by isothermal flow calorimetry a t atmospheric pressure and 10 temperatures over the temperature range T - Tiat = -0.1 to +32 K. (TIat is the lower critical solution temperature.) The ZP data are reported and compared to literature values. The phase boundaries between the single- and two-phase regions, determined from the ZP data, are also reported and compared to data from the phase volume method and from the literature.

Introduction Heats of mixing or excess enthalpies (I) of the nonionic amphiphile 2-butoxyethanol, C ~ H Q O C ~ H ~ O and H , water around and above the lower critical solution temperature, TIat, are reported in this paper. Thermodynamicfunctionssuch as excess free energy, excess enthalpy, and excess volume provide a better understanding of nonideal behavior of mixtures. The nonideality is primarily caused by size effects and interactions of the molecules which comprise the mixture (2). While density measurements of the mixture may provide molecular size information, excess enthalpies yield information about the molecularinteractions and the extent to which real mixtures deviate from ideality. Various uses of excess enthalpy are found in, for example, calculation of other excess quantities (3), determination of equilibrium phase compositions(31,temperature dependence of activity coefficients (3), and also determination of critical micelle concentrations (4). Our excess enthalpy measurements were aimed a t improving the method (5-7) by which equilibrium phase compositions or phase boundaries for liquid-liquid equilibria are determined. There is a unique distinction between the previous studies (5-7) and our method (8,9). In the past the semiempirical Pad6 polynomial (5)or an enthalpy-basedlocal-composition (EBLC)thermodynamic model (6) was used for the composition dependence of the excess enthalpy in the single-phase region. Although the EBLC model worked better than other models such as the UNIQUAC, NRTL, modified NRTL, and Wang-Chao models, its predictions were quite different from the measured data for certain concentration ranges (6). The Pad6 polynomial also could not yield the correct phase compositions for the 2-butoxyethanol+ water system (9). Hence, critical scaling equations of EIE for binary systems were derived and used for the phase boundary determination (8). The results were in good agreement with literature data and those by the phase volume method (8) and are reported in this paper. Excess enthalpies for the 2-butoxyethanol + water have been reported in the literature (IG14).Most were measured a t temperatures below Tlat, Le., in the single-phase region. Only several scattered measurements a t 60,80, and 100 OC ( I O ) and at 65 and 85 OC (11) have been reported at temperatures above 2’1-t. The reported values were inappropriate for determination of the phase boundaries, because they did not cover the whole composition range. Hence, we t


West Virginia University. U.S. Department of Energy.

measured excess enthalpies at more than 40 compositionsfor each of 10 temperatures around and above TIat. The compositions ranged from 0.1 to 93.2 mol 5% amphiphile. For comparisons of the phase boundaries determined from the HE data and the critical scaling equation, liquid-liquid phase compositions for 2-butoxyethanol+ water were measured independently by the phase volume method. Recently this method was used for the phase compositions of water and the nonionic amphiphile 2- [2-(hexyloxy)ethoxylethanol, C B H ~ ~ ( O C ~ H(16). ~)~O InHthis method samples of different compositions along a tie line are prepared gravimetrically and put in a thermostatically controlled bath. After equilibrium and complete phase separation are attained, the volume of each phase is measured. According to the lever rule (I), the phase volume fraction is proportional to the component concentration. Hence, phase compositions are obtained through a linear regression of the phase volume fraction to the componentconcentration. Sincein this method multiple samples are prepared along a tie line, the accuracy and the precision of the results can be greatly improved by preparation of more samples inside the two-phase region and particularly samples near the phase boundary points. Experimental Section

Materials. The amphiphile 2-butoxyethanol,C ~ H O O C ~ H ~ OH, was from Aldrich. It is usually denoted as C4E1, where C4 and El indicate the number of carbons in the hydrophobic chain and of ethoxylate groups (OC2H4) in the hydrophilic part, respectively. The amphiphile had a stated purity of 9996, which was confirmed by gas chromatography. The amphiphile was used as received; the water was distilled and deionized Excess Enthalpy Measurements. Excess enthalpies were measured at atmospheric pressure with a Hart Scientific isothermal flow calorimeter (Model 503, Hart Scientific, Provo, UT). The reaction vessel consisted of an equilibration coil with a “mixingwire”. The wire promoted thorough mixing of the fluids as they flowed through the coil, and an equilibration coil without the wire inside gave mixing that was inadequate. The excess enthalpy during the mixing of the fluids was measured within f0.005 J by counting the number of heat pulses of a controlled heater through the isothermal control unit. The controlled heater compensated the energyliberated or absorbedby the mixing and maintained the reaction vessel temperature constant to k0.05 mK. We estimate the accuracy of the compositions as *O.l mass 5% and the accuracy of the excess enthalpies as f 2 5%. A desktop


0021-9568/94/1739-0399$04.50/00 1994 American Chemical Society

400 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 39, No.2, 1994

4 '

















Figure 1. Upper phase volume fraction plotted against the mass fraction of the amphiphile at 53.99 "C. Extrapolation of the linear regression to the volume fractions of 0 and 1 yields the phase boundary points w- and w+,respectively. Table 1. Mass fractions, w-and w+,of %-Butoxyethano1 at the Phase boundaries, Determined by the Phase Volume Method T/"C






50.03 51.04 51.77 52.97 53.99 54.92 56.02 56.98

0.182 61 0.166 69 0.152 88 0.146 91 0.140 00 0.136 04 0.133 97 0.123 56

0.421 13 0.448 44 0.469 43 0.475 18 0.497 65 0.514 01 0.515 54 0.545 15

57.99 59.95 62.02 63.86 65.84 67.85 69.79

0.117 58 0.118 83 0.115 17 0.108 55 0.109 35 0.104 83 0.107 09

0.552 53 0.553 33 0.562 97 0.583 39 0.589 64 0.595 83 0.612 07

computer controlled the pumps (LC-5000 Precision Pump, ISCO Inc., Lincoln, NE) and the isothermal control unit through programmers. Details about the design and hardware of the calorimeter may be found elsewhere (17-19). Phase Volume Measurements. Samples of a range of known compositions were put in a microprocessor-controlled thermostat with viewing windows (Tamson Model 45, Neslab Instruments Inc., Newington, NH) for at least one day to ensure complete phase separation. Then, the volume of each phase was recorded. Since in the two-phase region the volume fraction of either phase is proportional to the amount of the amphiphile by the lever rule, linear regression of the phase volume data to the amphiphile concentration yields the phase boundary points as the compositions at which the phase volume fractions are 0 and 1,respectively (16) (see Figure 1). The estimated accuracy of the compositions is f0.1 mass 9%.





1 .a



Figure 2. Excess enthalpy in joules per mole plotted against the mole fraction of 2-butoxyethanol ( x ) at temperatures of 48.47 (a), 48.98 (b), 50.98 (c), 52.99 (d), 54.97 (e), 57.51 (f), 60.19(g),62.51(h),65.00(i),and70.01(i)"C.Romannumerals indicate the number of phases, and the filled diamond denotes the lower critical point. 200















I .o


Results and Discussion

Figure 3. Same as in Figure 2, except that the units of the enthalpy and the concentration are joules per 100 g of the mixture, and it is plotted against the mass fraction of 2-butoxyethanol,

Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase compositions for the binary nonionic amphiphile 2-butoxyethanol (CdE1)and water were determined by the phase volume method at 15 temperatures around the lower critical solution temperature, Tlat. The critical temperature Tlat = 48 f 1"C has been determined by various methods (20-27). For our data of Tables 1 and 3, Tlat= 48.6 f 0.4 "C and the critical mass fraction w, = 0.294 f 0.002 were determined with critical scaling equations aswasdone for 2-[2-(hexyloxy)ethoxy]ethanol+ water system (16). A t each temperature volume fractions of the upper phase were measured at several amphiphile concentrations. Figure 1shows a typical example of the upper phase volume fraction versus amphiphile mass fraction. The measured volume fraction correlates excellently with the amphiphile mass fraction. (The correlation coefficient is 0.9993.) The amphiphile mass fractions, w- and w+,of the two equilibrium phases are determined from the extrapolation of the linear regression to the phase volume fractions of 0 and 1. The

quantities w- and w+ denote, respectively, the amphiphile concentrations at the aqueous side (where the phase contains mainly water) and amphiphilic side (where the phase contains greater concentration of amphiphile). The values of w- and w + at different temperatures are listed in Table 1. Excess enthalpies, HE, were measured a t 10 different temperatures from 48.5 to 70 "C. They are shown in Figures 2 and 3 and listed in Table 2. At lower temperatures HE is negative and large over the whole concentration range. These large negative values of HE indicate that there are considerable water + amphiphile interactions. This behavior of 2-butoxyethanol + water is similar to that of alcohol + water (28, 291, glycol + water (30,31), and glycerol+ water (32)mixtures. HE increases with increasing temperature and becomes positive at higher temperatures. In Figures 2 and 3, region I1 is the two-phase region, which is surrounded on each side by the single-phase region, I. The

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 39, No.2, 1994 401 Table 2. Measured Dependence of Excess Enthalpies, BE, of x 2-Butoxyethanol+ (1 - x) Water T = 48.47 "C T = 48.98"C T = 50.98"C T 52.99 "C T = 48.47 "C T = 48.98"C T = 50.98 "C PI HE/ PI P I PI PI PI (J mol-')


0.002 80 0.004 24 0.00570 0.007 19 0.00871 0.010 25 0.011 83 0.013 43 0.01673 0.020 15 0.02371 0.02742 0.031 27 0.03529 0.04613 0.05823 0.07186 0.08729 0.104 94 0.11273 0.120 98 0.12976 0.139 10


-30.83 0.002 80 -43.70 0.004 24 -57.31 0.005 71 -68.83 0.007 20 -79.52 0.00871 -89.11 0.01026 -98.38 0.011 83 -104.11 0.013 44 -113.99 0.01674 -120.93 0.020 16 -126.92 0.02373 -131.99 0.02744 -137.23 0.031 30 -141.96 0.035 32 -154.44 0.04168 -167.12 0.04847 -181.02 0.055 74 -194.22 0.06353 -209.13 0.071 90 -215.31 0.08093 -220.62 0.09069 -226.53 0.10500 -231.27 0.11279


-26.44 -40.98 -54.07 -66.85 -78.40 -87.79 -96.10 -102.52 -111.35 -118.25 -123.70 -128.25 -133.20 -137.46 -144.20 -151.14 -158.30 -165.62 -174.24 -182.96 -190.96 -203.59 -209.68


(Jmol-1) x (J mol-') 0.00139 -14.58 0.00139 -12.88 0.00280 -26.32 0.002 80 -25.12 0.004 24 -39.66 0.004 24 -36.95 0.00571 -51.26 0.00571 -48.57 0.007 20 -62.49 0.007 20 -58.71 0.00871 -72.47 0.00871 -68.92 0.010 26 -81.67 0.010 26 -77.24 0.01183 -90.08 0.01183 -84.87 0.01344 -95.81 0.013 44 -89.57 0.01674 -104.53 0.016 74 -97.23 0.020 16 -110.64 0.020 16 -102.54 0.023 73 -115.42 0.023 73 -106.66 0.02744 -119.36 0.02744 -109.88 0.03130 -123.51 0.031 30 -113.40 0.03532 -127.20 0.035 32 -116.77 0.046 16 -136.86 0.046 16 -125.58 0.058 27 -147.77 0.05827 -135.54 0.071'90 -160.08 0.07190 -146.60 0.08735 -172.35 0.08735 -157.77 0.10500 -188.36 0.105 00 -171.60 0.11279 -195.28 0.11279 -177.98 0.121 05 -200.72 0.121 05 -184.04 0.12983 -206.38 0.12983 -190.37 0.139 18 -210.87 0.139 18 -194.42

T = 60.19 "C

T = 62.51 "C

T = 54.97 "C

T = 57.51 "C

PI (J mol-') 0,00139 -12.72 0.002 80 -23.61 0.00424 -36.10 0.005 71 -46.69 0.00720 -56.42 0.008 71 -65.11 0.01026 -72.55 0.011 83 -79.49 0.01344 -84.27 0.01674 -90.74 0.020 16 -95.07 0.023 73 -98.50 0.02744 -101.23 0.031 30 -104.28 0.03532 -107.13 0.046 16 -114.90 0.058 27 -123.59 0.071 90 -133.28 0.087 35 -143.02 0.10500 -155.31 0.11279 -161.00

PI (J mol-') 0.001 39 -10.42 0.002 80 -20.88 0.004 24 -31.65 0.005 71 -42.11 0.00720 -50.50 0.008 72 -58.36 0.010 27 -65.56 0.011 84 -71.91 0.01345 -76.54 0.01675 -82.55 0.020 18 -86.33 0.023 74 -89.04 0.027 45 -91.23 0.031 32 -93.80 0.035 34 -96.24 0.046 19 -102.88 0.058 31 -110.24 0.07195 -118.56 0.087 40 -126.97 0.105 07 -137.40 0.11286 -142.32

T = 65.00"C

T = 70.01 "C

T = 65.00"C

T = 70.01 "C

PI (Jmol-1) 0.001 39 -6.22 0.00280 -12.55 0.004 24 -18.76 0.005 70 -24.11 0.007 19 -28.96 0.00871 -32.94 0.01025 -36.06 0.011 83 -38.42 0.01343 -40.14 0.016 73 -41.55 0.020 15 -42.12 0.02371 -42.41

PI (J mol-') 0.027 42 -60.85 0.031 27 -62.02 0.035 29 -63.06 0.046 13 -66.06 0.05823 -69.05 0.071 86 -72.48 0.087 29 -75.77 0.104 94 -80.17 0.11273 -82.19 0.120 98 -84.12 0.12976 -86.35 0.139 10 -88.51

PI (J mol-') 0.02742 -42.58 0.031 27 -42.81 0.03529 -42.95 0.046 13 -43.54 0.058 23 -44.03 0.071 86 -44.48 0.08729 -44.78 0.10494 -45.39 0.11273 -45.66 0.120 98 -45.82 0.129 76 -46.22 0.139 10 -46.37



PI (Jmol-1)

0.002 80 0.004 24 0.005 70 0.007 19 0.00871 0.01025 0.011 83 0.01343 0.01673 0.020 15 0.02371

-17.01 -24.92 -31.87 -37.85 -43.69 -47.93 -51.52 -53.95 -56.93 -58.67 -59.90




(Jmol-l) 0.149 06 -236.68 0.159 71 -240.62 0.171 12 -246.69 0.183 38 -250.12 0.196 58 -252.81 0.210 84 -254.25 0.226 29 -254.13 0.243 08 -253.33 0.26140 -250.93 0.281 47 -246.38 0.303 54 -239.54 0.355 06 -218.44 0.419 47 -189.58 0.47946 -159.43 0.553 31 -122.16 0.683 17 -46.68 0.816 52 -14.01 0.931 63 -0.65

(Jmol-l) 0.121 05 -215.53 0.12983 -221.38 0.13918 -226.53 0.149 15 -231.90 0.159 80 -235.90 0.171 22 -241.33 0.183 48 -244.67 0.19669 -247.18 0.210 95 -248.76 0.226 41 -248.83 0.243 21 -248.94 0.261 53 -246.49 0.281 61 -241.84 0.30369 -235.38 0.35522 -215.08 0.419 64 -184.52 0.50249 -143.42 0.553 48 -120.64 0.61298 -96.76 0.68332 -71.52 0.81662 -25.46 0.93167 -0.71

(Jmol-') 0.149 15 -215.90 0.159 80 -219.60 0.171 22 -223.92 0.183 48 -226.62 0.196 69 -228.77 0.21095 -230.06 0.22641 -229.89 0.24321 -228.63 0.261 53 -225.88 0.28161 -221.05 0.303 69 -213.98 0.35522 -194.53 0.41964 -164.45 0.47963 -134.88 0.553 48 -102.97 0.683 32 -59.26 0.81662 -29.51 0.93167 -11.27

PI (Jmol-l) 0.149 15 -198.74 0.159 80 -202.04 0.171 22 -206.54 0.183 48 -208.95 0.19669 -210.63 0.210 95 -211.37 0.22641 -210.66 0.243 21 -209.05 0.26153 -205.52 0.28161 -200.29 0.30369 -192.98 0.35522 -172.52 0.419 64 -143.07 0.479 63 -114.24 0.553 48 -84.07 0.68332 -44.43 0.81662 -19.81 0.931 67 -6.34

T = 54.97"C

T = 57.51 "C

T = 60.19 "C

T = 62.51 "C

PI (Jmol-1) 0.12098 -122.15 0.129 76 -126.21 0.139 10 -130.20 0.14906 -134.90 0.15971 -138.19 0.171 12 -140.35 0.18338 -140.88 0.196 58 -140.52 0.210 84 -139.65 0.226 29 -136.79 0.243 08 -133.33 0.261 40 -128.47 0.28147 -121.86 0.303 54 -113.24 0.355 06 -91.28 0.419 47 -62.96 0.502 32 -29.26 0.61282 0.84 0.76762 15.84

PI (Jmol-1) 0.121 03 -106.26 0.12981 -109.73 0.139 15 -113.05 0.14912 -116.74 0.15977 -119.48 0.171 19 -121.99 0.183 45 -121.85 0.19666 -121.01 0.210 92 -119.33 0.226 37 -116.26 0.243 17 -112.24 0.261 49 -106.92 0.281 56 -100.03 0.303 64 -91.48 0.355 17 -71.11 0.419 59 -40.43 0.47958 -15.66 0.553 43 7.46 0.68327 26.99 0.816 59 25.17 0.931 66 11.70

T = 70.01 "C

T = 65.00"C

T = 70.01 "C

P I (Jmol-1) 0.149 06 -46.80 0.159 71 -47.01 0.171 12 -47.52 0.183 38 -46.66 0.19658 -43.36 0.210 84 -39.24 0.226 29 -33.92 0.243 08 -27.61 0.26140 -20.01 0.281 47 -11.06 0.30354 -0.92 0.355 06 24.23

P I (Jmol-1) 0.419 47 -6.94 0.479 46 16.99 0.502 32 23.04 0.55331 37.74 0.612 82 42.84 0.683 17 52.33 0.767 62 46.29 0.81652 43.18 0.87087 30.99 0.93163 22.13

PI (Jmol-1) 0.41947 52.44 0.47946 73.00



PI PI PI PI (Jmol-1) x (Jmol-I) x (Jmol-1) x (Jmol-1) 0.001 39 -10.56 0.001 39 -9.84 0.121 05 -166.55 0.121 13 -146.85 0.00280 -19.77 0.002 80 -18.43 0.129 83 -172.78 0.12991 -152.45 0.00424 -29.50 0.00424 -26.88 0.139 18 -178.27 0.13926 -157.48 0.00570 -38.67 0.005 70 -35.37 0.149 15 -182.51 0.14923 -161.60 0.007 19 -46.22 0.00720 -42.64 0.159 80 -185.17 0.159 89 -164.11 0.008 71 -53.44 0.00871 -49.34 0.171 22 -189.01 0.171 32 -166.97 0.01025 -59.64 0.01026 -54.89 0.183 48 -191.00 0.18359 -168.32 0.01183 -64.59 0.011 83 -59.12 0.19669 -192.27 0.196 80 -168.86 0.01343 -68.21 0.01344 -61.42 0.21095 -192.56 0.211 07 -168.53 0.016 73 -72.89 0.01673 -66.08 0.22641 -191.43 0.226 53 -166.79 0.02015 -75.79 0.020 16 -68.14 0.243 21 -189.32 0.24333 -164.15 0.023 71 -77.95 0.02372 -69.74 0.26153 -185.78 0.261 67 -160.03 0.027 42 -79.83 0.02743 -71.01 0.281 61 -180.42 0.281 75 -154.07 0.03127 -81.87 0.031 29 -72.71 0.30369 -173.01 0.30383 -145.91 0.035 29 -83.81 0.035 31 -74.23 0.35522 -151.59 0.355 37 -123.99 0.046 13 -88.39 0.04615 -78.56 0.41964 -122.59 0.419 81 -95.32 0.058 23 -94.08 0.058 26 -83.25 0.47963 -94.94 0.479 80 -68.99 0.07186 -100.48 0.071 89 -88.26 0.55348 -65.63 0.55365 -40.99 0.087 29 -106.91 0.087 33 -93.58 0.68332 -29.80 0.68347 -10.74 0.10494 -114.83 0.10498 -100.33 0.81662 -10.79 0.81672 1.71 0.112 73 -118.62 0.112 77 -103.47 0.931 67 -2.68 0.931 71 2.79 x



T 52.99"C

T = 65.00"C x

0.14906 0.15971 0.171 12 0.18338 0.19658 0.21084 0.226 29 0.24308 0.261 40 0.281 47 0.30354 0.35506

PI (Jmol-1) -90.93 -93.17 -95.92 -95.82 -93.90 -91.47 -87.40 -82.75 -76.65 -69.12 -59.92 -35.90








0.553 31 89.09 0.683 17 91.92 0.816 52 66.88 0.931 63 28.91

Data are raw measurements without truncation for uncertainties de scribed in the text.

broken lines represent the phase boundariesbetween regions I and 11. In the two-phase region EIE depends linearly on the component concentration due to the lever rule (I), and this linearity is seen in these figures. For a clearer display of the linear behavior of Figure 2, Figure 3 shows the data with different units for IIE and concentration. At the aqueous side, the curved behavior of the single-phase region is also seen more clearly in Figure 3 than in Figure 2. The filled diamonds in the figures denote the lower critical point. The

data a and b were measured at temperatures slightly below and slightly above T1-t. Hence, the data (a) are for the singlephase region and the data (b) are for the two-phase region there the tie lines are very short. Therefore, at these temperatures the linear dependence of HE on the concentration in the two-phase region is hardly seen. The plots in Figure 3 are more symmetric than those in Figure 2. This greater symmetry is useful in determinations of phase boundaries from excess enthalpies with the critical

402 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1994








2 '




' 1





































Figure 6. An example of linear dependence of IP on amphiphile concentration. The linear regression of the data yields the intercept, how, and the slope, hl,.





Figure 4. Comparison of excess enthalpies: our data (circles) at 60.19 (g) and 65.00 (i) "C;literature values a t 60 (diamonds, ref 9) and 65 "C (triangles, ref 10).

< 0 0'1

Table 3. Mass Fractions, w-and w+,of 2-Butoxyethanolat the Phase Boundaries, Determined by Nonlinear Regression of Ht to w TI"C WW+ T/"C WW+ 50.98 52.99 54.97 57.51

0.138 0.131 0.128 0.122

0.464 0.475 0.487 0.500

60.19 62.51 65.00 70.02

0.115 0.114 0.115 0.105

0.519 0.520 0.523 0.542





I -800 7 50






t /"C

Figure 7. Temperature dependence of how.




t /"C

Figure 5. Temperature plotted against amphiphile mass fraction, wm,, at which excess enthalpy has the maximum. scaling equations (8). The skewness of Figure 2 arises from the large disparity of the components' molecular weights. The molecular weight (118.18)of the amphiphile is 6.5 times that (18.02) of water. The measured excess enthalpies are compared in Figure 4 to literature values calculated with thermodynamic models for 60 (10) and 65 (11) "C. At 60 "C these predicted values are larger than our data. A t 65 "C they are larger at amphiphile mole fractions below 0.5 and smaller at mole fractions above 0.5. The difference between our data and the predicted values is as large as 20%. When the excess enthalpies are estimated with models, this large discrepancy is usually expected (3). At temperatures lower than 57 O C , HE in the single-phase region decreases and then increases with the amphiphile

concentration. The HE values are negative over the concentration range, indicating that mixing is exothermic. Above this temperature, however, HE values are positive and have maxima at high concentrations of the amphiphile. Figure 5 shows a plot of temperature vs amphiphile concentration, w,,, at which the maximum of HE takes place. The concentration w- decreases linearly with increasing temperature, and the correlation is excellent (correlation coefficient 0.9997). A typical example (at 54.97 "C)of the linearity of the twophase data is depicted in Figure 6. The correlation of HE with the amphiphile mass fraction is excellent (correlation coefficient 0.9983). From a linear regression to the data the slope, hlw,and the y-intercept, how, are determined and put into the critical scaling equation of enthalpy for binary mixtures to obtain phase compositions of liquid-liquid equilibria as demonstrated in ref 8. The y-intercept, how, depends on the temperature and fits the equation (Figure 7) h,,,J(J/100



+ 36.09 (T-Tl,.st)l-ol9-26 (T- Tics$

The parameter how changes linearly with temperature except a t temperatures close to the lower critical solution temperature, At the latter temperatures the main contribution comes from the energy term, (2' - !flat)1*and , therefore how shows nonlinear behavior. Here a is a universal exponent from scaling theory; the value of a is 0.11 (33). The slope hl, decreases linearly with temperature according to the following equation (Figure 8)

hl,/(J g-') = -4.16282

- 1.51424(T/"C)

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 39, No. 2, 1994 403 Further details on the derivation of the equation and the fitting procedure can be found elsewhere (8). The phase compositions, w k , thus obtained are listed in Table 3 and plotted along with literature data and the data of Table 1 (obtained by the phase volume method) in Figure 9. The figure shows that the data are in good agreement with one another on the aqueous side, although substantive differences among the various methods exist on the amphiphilic side.

250 150 50 1


0 0




b v


L3 -150

2 -250

We thank Professor J. B. Ott and Dr. G. C. Allred for their helpful suggestions.


Literature Cited

-450 45




t /"C

Figure 8. Temperature dependence of hl,.


A 0




0 0

8 9


0 8

00 I

eo" 0 eo





% .















Figure 9. Comparison of phase boundary points from different sources: A, ref 21; 0,Table 1; 0 , Table 3.

The correlation of hl, with temperature is excellent (correlation coefficient 0.9934). The parameter hl, is related to the chemical potential of the system along the critical isopleth, Le., along the fixed composition of the lower critical point (34). The parameter is predicted to depend smoothly on the temperature (34))and the results of Figure 8 show that for the CdE1+ water system the dependence of hl, on temperature is, in fact, linear. The phase compositions of the liquid-liquid equilibria for the CdE1+ water system were determined from the enthalpy data with the following critical scaling equation of HE for binary mixtures:

Ht - h, - hlww 1

+ cf-


I = 'I2



fw- fwa 1 + cf- 1)w 1 + cf- l)w*


Here Hfis the measured enthalpy in joules per gram of the mixture, f [the ratio of the activity coefficients of the two components (8)]and hz are fitting parameters, w is the amphiphile mass fraction, and w- and w + are the values of w for the two equilibrium phases. From a nonlinear regression of Ht to w ,wt are obtained along with the fitting parameters.

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Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, March 15, 1994.