Excess Thermodynamic Functions for Ternary Systems. II. Chloroform

Monoxide and Helium-Nitrous Oxide Systems. W. R. ... 1155 16th St., Ν.W. Phone 202-872-4600. Tele- ... payment to: Office of the Controller, 1155 16t...
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CONTENTS (continued)

Excess Thermodynamic Functions for Ternary Systems. II. Chloroform-Ethanol-n-Heptane at 50°C. J. P. Shatas, Jr., M. M. Abbott, and H. C. Van Ness Conductances, Viscosities, and Densities of Solutions of Tetra-n-pentylammonium Thiocyanate in Nitrobenzene at 52°C. P. H. Mogul, P. H. Daum, Nehemiah Margalit, Jerome Levkov, W. G. Rau, and F. R. Longo

Vol. 20, No. 4, October 1975 JCEAAX 20 (4) 3 4 9 - 4 6 8 (1975) ISSN 0021-9568


Associate Editor RANDOLPH C. W I L H O I T Texas A&M University


Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Data for Helium-Carbon Monoxide and Helium-Nitrous Oxide Systems. W. R. Parrish and W. G. Steward


Densities and Molar Volumes of Binary Solutions of Nitrobenzene in Electron Donating Solvents. L. P. Miller, H. N. Wachter, and Vojtech Fried


Enthalpies of Reaction of Phosphoric Acid Solutions and Urea at 25°C and Some Physical Properties of Solutions in System CO(NH 2 )2-H 3 P04-H 2 0. Β. Β. Luff and R. B. Reed


Methanesulfonic and Trichloroacetic Acids: Densities of Aqueous Solutions at 2 0 ° , 2 5 ° , and 35°C. T. T. Teng and F. Lenzi

Editor, BRUNO J . Z W O L I N S K I


Editorial Headquarters, Washington, DC 20036, 1155 16th St., Ν.W. Phone 202-872-4600. Teletype 710-8220151. Cable JIECHEM Managing Editor, Katherine I. Biggs; As sistant Editor, David Hanson; Associate Production Manager, Charlotte C. Sayre; Assistant Editor, Nancy Oddenino ADVISORY BOARD Stanley B. Adler, M. W. Kellogg Co.,· Joseph A. Dixon, Pennsylvania State University; Joseph J . Martin, University of Michigan; J. P. McCullough, Mobil Chemical Co.; Poly Hendrick C. Van Ness, Rensselaer technic Institute Published by the A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D C , 20036 BOOKS A N D J O U R N A L S D I V I S I O N

Thermal Conductivity of Polystyrene in Toluene Solutions—Effect of Structure. R. J. Brunson


D. H. Michael Bowen, Director

Solubility in System ΝΗ 3 -Η 3 Ρθ4-Η4Ρ 2 θ7-Η 5 Ρ3θ 1 0 -Η 2 Ο at 25°C. J. W. Williard and E. F. Dillard


Apparent and Partial Molal Heat Capacities of Some Aqueous Rare Earth Chloride Solutions at 25°C. F. H. Spedding, J. P. Walters, and J. L. Baker

Charles R. Bertsch, Head, Editorial Processing Department; Bacil Gulley, Head, Graphics and Production Department; Seldon W. Terrant, Head, Research and Development Department


NEW COMPOUND SECTION Tetrachlorobenzenethiols. C. T. Goralski and G. A. Burk


Spectral Data for Aliphatic Epoxides. D. A. George


Synthesis of a Triazaphosphahomoadamantane. D. J. Daigle and A. B. Pepperman, Jr


Synthesis and Infrared Studies of Some Anils. R. C. Saxena, C. L. Jain, S. C. Rastogi, and J. N. Rastogi


Preparation of Some Phosphinylguanidine Derivatives. C. E. Morris and L. H. Chance


Author Index


Keyword Index'


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1975 by the American Chemical

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