Executive Committee Report, October 2003 - Journal of Chemical

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Chemical Education Today

Association Report: ACS Division of Chemical Education

Executive Committee Report, October 2003 by Jerry L. Sarquis, Mary Nakhleh, and Thomas A. Holme

Secretary’s Report At the Executive Committee Meeting John Gelder and Barbara Sawrey were appointed to the Board of Publication of JCE and Stacey Lowrey Bretz and Laura Slocum were appointed to the Examinations Institute Board of Trustees. Each will serve a three-year term beginning in 2004.

Spring 2004 National Meeting All Division of Chemical Education members are invited to attend the Division’s governance meetings that will be held in conjunction with the Anaheim ACS meeting. The Executive Committee will meet on Saturday morning, March 27, 2004. The Business Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Sunday evening DivCHED Poster Session/Social Hour. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend both meetings. Other committee meetings will also be held; the time and location of open meetings will be posted on the Division’s Web page, http://www.divched.org/ nearer to the time of the meeting. This is your opportunity to contribute to the operation and business of the Division. CHED Abstracts Abstracts for CHED technical sessions will be available on the ACS Web site (http://www.acs.org) as well as the Division’s Web site (http:www.divched.org). The Spring and Fall Newsletters will no longer include printed abstracts. Di-

Results, ACS Division of Chemical Education 2003 Election of Officers

Chair-Elect (Chair in 2005) • Morton Z. Hoffman, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215; [email protected]

Councilor (2004–2006) • Arlyne (Mickey) Sarquis, Miami University at Middletown, Middletown, OH 45042; [email protected]

Alternate Councilors (2003–2005) • Mark Freilich, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152; [email protected] • Doris Kimbrough, University of Colorado at Denver, CO 80217; [email protected]

Information about membership in the Division may be obtained from the Secretary, whose address is listed in the Information Page on page 30.


Journal of Chemical Education

The recipients of the CHED Service Award for 2003: Glenn Crosby (left) and J. J. Lagowski (right).

vision members (who are also members of ACS) can access either site; Division affiliates (who are not members of ACS) can access the CHED site. On ACS site: Go to the ACS site (http://www.acs.org or http:// www.chemistry.org). When you log in with your name and password, a page will appear indicating you are a member of the Chemical Education Division. Click on Chemical Education, which will take you to a page with a link to Abstract Separates; this will lead you to the download page. Abstracts on CHED site: http://www.divched.org/ chedMembers/meetings/ACSSpring2004.pdf User name: DivCHED member (exactly like this) Password: 2004

Address Changes Each time a Division Newsletter or ballot is mailed, some are sent to out-of-date addresses. Please keep your address current. If you need to change your mailing information, notify ACS—we get our mailing labels from them. But note that ACS needs address changes at least six weeks before a mailing. There are two ways to change your address: First option: ACS members or Division affiliates can contact ACS and ask that their file be updated. The email address is [email protected]; telephone is 800/333-9511 (U.S. only). Second Option: ACS members can go to the ACS Web site (http://www.acs.org or http://www.chemistry.org) to check their address information and make any changes. Log in with your name and password, then choose the Edit My Profile link and follow the directions on that page.

Email Addresses Needed! The DivCHED Executive Committee plans to send out a limited number of communications by email. To receive these infrequent messages, it is important that your email ad-

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Chemical Education Today

dress be part of the data in the ACS roster. Check and update your email address (as well as your other mailing information) using one of the options described above. Report from the ACS Council Five DivCHED members were elected to ACS committees: Ron Archer and Milagros Delgado were elected to the Committee on Committees; Jeannette Brown, Thomas Gilbert, and Barbara Sawrey were elected to the Committee on Nominations and Elections. In her oral remarks, President Elsa Reichmanis discussed the impact of outsourcing of chemistry-related jobs and public perceptions of chemistry. She emphasized the theme of communication of the benefits of chemistry to society that has been a focus in her presidency. She also urged that the ACS coordinate activities with other professional societies. She expressed her pride in the fact that ACS was holding its fall meeting in New York City and on the anniversary of September 11. President-elect Casey noted that the theme of his upcoming presidential year will be the challenges that chemists and chemistry face. At the Anaheim meeting in the spring of 2004, he will highlight nanoscience as a theme. Casey also announced that he would use presidential funds to “match divisional support of outstanding symposia at regional meetings”. Nina McClelland, Chair of the Board of Directors, reported on the activities of the Board, particularly the search for a new Executive Director and the new Strategic Plan. The search for the new Executive Director was briefly described; a new Director is expected to be selected by mid-November. There is a dedicated email address ([email protected]) for members to provide input on the search. It was noted that the new Strategic Plan should be ready for Board action in December, but as the Plan was still in draft form, no draft would be released to Council. This issue was debated on the floor of the Council, with several councilors expressing a desire to have input into the Plan. The response was that the Board had received no responses from an earlier request for input and that the Chairs of the Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC) and Committee on Local Section Activities (LSAC) were on the Strategic Plan subcommittee. However, the point was made from the floor that it was very difficult to provide input in the absence of a draft document. McClelland then offered to send the draft Plan to anyone on Council who requested the document via email. Various items of interest to CHED members emerged from committee reports that followed. The Committee on Meetings & Expositions (M&E) announced that meeting attendance was 14,030 and that the registration fee for 2004 would be $285, an increase of $10. M&E also recommended that a check of credentials be waived for public presidential events in the future. M&E noted that outbooking from conference hotels is a problem that affects meeting space. The Council Policy Committee (CPC) reported that www.JCE.DivCHED.org

they had voted to approve the fully escalated member dues rate of $120 for 2004, as recommended by the Committee on Budget and Finance. CPC also voted to concur with DAC’s and LSAC’s proposed funding distribution formula, contingent upon Council adoption of the Petition for Division and Local Section Funding. The Society Committee on Education (SOCED) reported that the invitational conference “Exploring the Molecular Vision” was held in Washington, DC in June, 2003. Fifty molecular scientists participated. SOCED discussed the issue of student fees for national meeting, but no action was taken. SOCED stressed the importance of education to the society and noted in their oral report that the word “education” was not included in the keywords of the proposed Strategic Plan—the three keywords are Society, Profession, Public. The Committee on Membership Affairs (MAC) reported a membership of 155,830 as of May 31, 2003, slight-ly ahead of the numbers for May 2002. MAC also reported on various strategies to increase membership and noted that reclassification of Federal employment categories has the potential to impact ACS membership. The Committee on Divisional Activities reported that in 2003 voluntary division memberships numbered just over 125,000, the same as 2002. Several committees reported that they are using electronic media for committee business; the Rubber Division will implement electronic voting in 2004. Finally, resolutions of thanks were made for President Elsa Reichmanis, the City of New York, the New York Local Section, and Executive Director (retiring) John Crum. From the Exams Institute The committee working on the 2004 Organic Exam completed its work at the Fall ACS Meeting in New York City. This committee accomplished the tremendous task of constructing a complete exam, with trial testing, in only 8 months. Production of this exam had to be moved forward by two years due to the posting of other Organic Exams on the Internet, so the efforts of the committee to restore the availability of two exams as assessment materials in Organic Chemistry are particularly noteworthy. Several exam committees are being formed at this time. If you are interested in volunteering to work on the creation of ACS Exams, you can go to the Exams Institute Web site at http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/chemexams and click on the Volunteering button (accessed Oct 2003). Here you will be able to access forms that will communicate your interest to the Institute. Outstanding Service Award The Division of Chemical Education Outstanding Service Award was instituted in 2002 in order to recognize the extraordinary efforts of one or two Division members whose contributions to the Division have been truly outstanding. The annual award is presented at the Division’s fall banquet. Dwaine and Lucy Eubanks were the first winners of the award. This year the 2003 award was presented to Glenn Crosby and Joe Lagowski.

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Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

Association Report: ACS Division of Chemical Education CHED and JCE Salute Outreach Ambassadors! We salute the 151 volunteers who participated in outreach efforts through the CHED Outreach Office during 2003. These efforts connect teachers and students with chemistry content and with the larger chemical education community. Tom Adams, Dawood Afzal, Amy Barklage, Judie Flint Baumwirt, Jerry Bell, Constance W. Blasie, Dharshi Bopegedera, Patricia Bordell, Kevin Brady, Stacey Lowery Bretz, Elizabeth Brister, Diane Bunce, Mary Caffrey, Gabriel Canon, Paul Charlesworth, Steve Cermak, Jackie Cheek, Elizabeth Chenery, Mike Condron, Kate Conover, Jim Cortez, Frank Creegan, Patrick Daubenmire, Jim Dechter, Paul DeLaLuz, Jean Delfiner, Marian DeWane, Alex Dickison, Agnes Douglas, Boyd Earl, Amina K. El-Ashmawy, Ethel Ellington, Arthur Ellis, Celia Fallon, George Farrant, Shirley Ford, Martin Fossett, John Gelder, Nancy Gettys, Rainer Glaser, Thomas Greenbowe, Hal Harris, David Harwell, Rosa Hemphill, Richard Hermens, Holly Hirst, Morton Hoffman, Tom Holme, Jon Holmes, Connie Hubbard, Erica K. Jacobsen, Allene Johnson, Keith Johnson, Kristen Jones, Loretta Jones, Nancy Jones, Pam Kerrigan, Susan Klein, Ivan Korendovych, Estelle Lebeau, Marv Lang, Mark Langella, Hung Lee, Mona


Journal of Chemical Education

Lee, Eileen Lewis, George Lisensky, Pam Littleton, Ellen Loehman, Ted Lyon, Joe March, Lee Marek, Diana Mason, Millie McDowell, Lisa McGaw, Sally McGrath, Clyde Metz, Scott Miller, Carl Minnier, Gholam A. Mirafzal, Jonathan Mitschele, Anne Moody, Richard Moog, J. W. Moore, Bill Morrison, Karen Nordell, Mary Virginia Orna, Becky Ostrov, Linda Padwa, Kimberly Opperman Pacheco, Josephine Parlagreco, Earl Peace, Larry Peck, Monica Plisch, Donivan Porterfield, Herb Retcofsky, Paul Rillema, Julia Roberts, Arlene Russell, Jerry Sarquis, Mickey Sarquis, Maureen Scharberg, Cheryl Schlesser, Tracy A. Schoolcraft, Jeffrey Schultz, Richard Seng, David Shaw, Marilynn Sikes, Bob Silberman, Janice Smith, Cheryl A. Snyder, Barbara Sitzman, Bradley Stone, Uni Susskind, Ruth Tanner, Gaile Thompson, Richard Trent, Richard Treptow, John Varine, James G. Vogel, Donna Wake, Kathleen Warner, Kathryn Watkins, Wayne Wesolowski, Carol White, Florie Wilcoxson, Margaret Williams, Kathleen (Kat) Wollyong, Faith Yarberry

It’s easy to become an Outreach Ambassador. To take part in this very successful outreach program of making JCE, CHED, and Exams Institute materials available at workshops, conferences, award nights, seminars, or education cources, just contact the CHED Outreach Office at [email protected].

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