Exhaustive Generation and Analytical Expressions of Matching

Exhaustive Generation and Analytical Expressions of Matching Polynomials of Fullerenes C20-C50. K. Balasubramanian. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. , 1994,...
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J. Chem. I f . Comput. Sci. 1994, 34, 421-427

Exhaustive Generation and Analytical Expressions of Matching Polynomials of Fullerenes C ~ O - C ~ O K. Balasubramanian Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1604 Received May 18, 1993’ In this paper we consider exhaustive generation of matching polynomials of all fullerenes Cn (n = 20-50, for all even n except C22). Matching polynomials thus computed provide a basis for the derivation of an exact analytical formula for the first eight coefficients of the matching polynomials of fullerenes. It is shown that only the ninth coefficient of the matching polynomial can discriminate structural differences of two isomers of fullerenes. 1. INTRODUCTION

Graph polynomials have been the topic of numerous st~diesI-~3 for several decades. As is well-known, the adjacency matrix of a graph is not unique in that it depends on the labeling. An underlying structural invariant is the characteristic polynomial which is simply the secular determinant of the adjacency matrix. Unfortunately, the characteristic polynomial by itself is not a unique structural invariant in that two nonisomorphic graphs could have the same characteristic polynomials. Nevertheless for fullerenes which by definitioncontain twelve pentagons and hexagons (except CZO which is composed of twelve pentagons), two different structures with the same characteristic polynomials have not been found up to now. The matching polynomialof a graph8*9J6J7J8y23 enumerates the number of ways of placing disjoint dimers on the graph. It is also called the acyclic polynomial since the characteristic polynomialsof acyclicstructures are identical to their matching polynomials. Matching polynomials have several applications in chemical physics, in general. In particular they are useful in estimating the physicochemicalproperties. They enumerate the number of ways of placing a given number of dimers on a lattice (the Ising problem), the number of Kukul6structures (the constant term in the polynomial), and therefore the resonance energy. The exact computation of the grand canonical partition functions requires the knowledge of matching polynomial^.^^^^^^^ Matching polynomials also enumerate the number of ways diatomics can be “adsorbed” on a surface. Hosoya18formulated an index called the Hosoya index which requires the matching polynomial. The computation of matching polynomials is certainly a very challenging problem compared to other graph polynomials. While there are elegant algorithms for thecharacteristic polynomials, the computation of matching polynomials often have to resort to brute-force recursive methods. Often one has to settle for some sort of recursive pruning algorithm. Such algorithms lead to combinatorial explosions due to a larger number of fragments generated in the pruning process, especially for fullerene species. Fullerene chemistry is a topic of growing importance and has witnessed a significant increase in research contributions in recent years.2b29 The number of publications in this area has reached a few thousand, and thus an exhaustive literature survey of the topic is no longer possible. However, fortunately there are a few review articles, someof which are cited here.%2g ~~


Abstract published in Aduance ACS Abstracts, February 15, 1994. 0095-233819411634-0421$04.50/0

Fueled by the intense activity in fullerene chemistry and intrinsically interesting geometrical and topological features of fullerenes, several studies have focused on the fascinating mathematical properties of fullerenes. These studies included graph theoretical computations of the characteristic polynomials, enumeration of possible structures for a given fullerene formula,3s32 enumeration of isomers of polysubstituted f ~ l l e r e n e sspectral , ~ ~ moments of f~llerenes?~ group theoretical studies concerning the nuclear spin statistics and rovibronic levels,35combinational techniques for the characterization of the NMR and ESR spectral patterns,36and so on. In spite of significant mathematical studies on fullerenes, the computation of the matching polynomialsis restricted to the letter of the author23in which he considered the matching polynomials of some of the smaller fullerenes. In the present paper we have combined the results of the matching polynomials of some of the fullerenes obtained before23with the new results on fullerenes C32, C34, c38, c42, Q4,(T), (246, and C4g obtained here for the first time. The matching polynomials of all fullerenes Cn (n = 20-50) for even n with the exceptionof (222 are thus exhaustivelyobtained. The coefficientswere analyzed which resulted in a systematic exact formula fo the first several coefficients of the matching polynomials of ullerenes.




The matching polynomial M&) of a graph and the related ZG(X)are formally defined as

& m



(- 1)&P(C , k ) F Z k

where n is the number of vertices, the sum terminates with m = [n/2],and P(G,k) is the number of ways of choosing k non-adjacent edges from the graph G. Alternatively P(G,L) is the number of ways of placing k disjoint dimers (dumbbells) on the graph G. Note that P(G,I) is the same as P[21+ 11. For computational conveniencewe computed results in terms of P[21+ 11. The recurrence relation of Hosoya and co-workers18 was used. This is similar to the recurrence relation for the rook and king polynomials on a chess board, which can be derived Q 1994 American Chemical Society

422 J . Chem. Inf Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994


c34 (C3V)





Figure 1. Structures of fullerene cages CZO-CMexcept ‘234, C4,and c48.

using the principle of inclusion and exclusion. The recursive relation is as follows.

w&3 = wi.&4where G-e is the graph obtained by deleting an edge “e” from G while G e e is the graph obtained by deleting this edge, the verticescomposing e, and all the edges connected to the vertices that comprise e. This recursive relation facilitates reduction of the graph G to smaller or simpler graphs. The matching polynomial of a tree graph is the same as the characteristic polynomial which is readily computed by the code developed by the authorlIJ2 based on the LeverrierFrame method. The graph G is thus recursively reduced until all the fragments are trees. Then using the characteristic polynomials of the trees computed using the author’s code, the matching polynomials are computed. We used the code developed by Ramaraj and the authorg for recursive pruning of graphs to trees. This is combined with the author’s code1* for computing the characteristic polynomials to generate the matching polynomials. It was found that as the size of the cage increases, the number of pruning steps astronomically grows. %t&)


In this investigation new results for the matching polynomials were obtained for fullerenes C32 (D3 symmetry), C34 ( G Usymmetry), C38 ( G Usymmetry), c42 (03 symmetry), CU (Tsymmetry), c 4 6 (C3 symmetry), and c 4 8 (D3 symmetry). The Schlegal diagrams or full three-dimensional structures of all fullerenes C20-C50 are shown in Figures 1 and 2. For the sake of completeness and to provide a complete set of data for further analysis, we also include in tables our previously computed results for other fullerenes from ref 23. We note at the very outset that the computation of matching polynomials of fullerenes is a computationally very intensive problem requiring large amounts of CPU time running into several hours. This is in dramatic contrast with the char-


c38 ( b h )




C4e (b)

Figure 2. Schlegal diagrams for C34 (Ch),C3s (Dab), two forms of C4, C42(D3),two forms of CM,C4 (C3), and CM ( 0 3 ) .

acteristic polynomials which are readily obtained in a few seconds of CPU time for such cages using the author’s code based on the Leverrier-Frame method. Table 1 shows the matching polynomials of all fullerenes C2&40 (for C,, n = even number), while Table 2 shows the matching polynomials of C42, CU, CM,C48, and Cso fullerenes. In each case we considered the most attractive structures from the standpoint of strain energy and other considerations. Feyereisen et have considered ab initio studies of some of these fullerenes. The most favorable structures considered by these authors for the fullerenes are included in our study. The constant coefficientsin the matching polynomials yield the number of Kekul6 structures. Thus these numbers can be used as a primary measure of stability. Further we note that even if a fullerene cage by itself is not very stable, the introduction of a metal atom can significantly stabilize it. This is the case with the C28 fullerene cage which is stabilized by the introduction of a tetravalent metal atom.2g Figure 3 shows the plot of the constant coefficient (we call this K ) in the matching polynomial divided by n as a function of n for C2&50. As seen from Figure 3, we find a sudden jump in the constant coefficient in the matching polynomial in moving from c28 to C30 (coefficient doubles). The coefficients change very little in moving from 30 to 34, while it increases in moving from c34 to c36. Another jump is seen in going from 38 to 40. Again we see a sharp increase from C48 to C50 which is suggestive of the enhanced stability of C ~ O compared to other smaller fullerenes. This increase in Kln for n = 30 is consistent with the change The in the SCF energylcarbon in moving from c 2 8 to C30 cluster exhibits a local maximum in the SCF energy per carbon. From C30 to C32, we see a drop in the energy per carbon for the fullerene structure. There has to be a large rise in Kln for larger values of n since K is a nonlinear function of n. It is thus interesting that a simple plot of Kln as a function of n correlates reasonably with the ab initio predictions. Let us compare the matching polynomials of two isometric fullerenes. As a first example, consider two C38 fullerene


J. Chem. Inf Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No.2, 1994 423

Table 1. Matching Polynomials of Fullerene Clusters C A M 1 -30 375 -2 540

1 -36 558 4884 26 613

Matching Polynomial of the Dodecahedral 40Fullerene p[91 10 155 PI1 11 -24 414 m31 34 805 ~ 5 1 -27 300 Fullerene Cluster C24 with D u symmetry Matching Polynomial m11 -93 876 ~ ~ 3 1 216 026 p[151 -3 18 960 ~ 7 1 2 89 458

1 -39 663 -6 461 39 936

Fullerene Cluster c 2 6 with 0 3 1 Symmetry Matching Polynomial m11 -163 632 m31 451 187 PWI -8 32 773 m71 10 03 968 p[191 -7 53 490

1 -42 771 -8 344 57 708

Fullerene Cluster c 2 8 with Td symmetry Matching Polynomial P[111 -269 628 p[131 868 440 ~ ~ 5 1 -1 932 444 2 932 008 ~ 7 1 p[191 -2 944 108

1 -45 900 -10 560 80 820 -424 392

1 -48 1032 -13 136 110 244 -643 044

1 -5 1

1173 -16 099 147 033 -943 539

10 260 -1 400 36

-1 49 020 37 704 -3 552 54

3 24 012 -69 078 5 477 -63

1 859 652 -678 312 123 387 -8 274 75

Fullerene C3o with DSh Symmetry Matching Polynomial ~ ~ 3 1 1 566 065 m51 -4091 265 m71 7 524 770 ~ 9 1 -9 568 000 PP 11 8 137 551 Fullerene c32 with D3 symmetry Coefficients in the Matching Polynomial pv31 2 677 550 ~1 -8 048 208 m71 17 458 041 p [ 191 -27 041 484 m11 29 269 326 Fullerene Cluster Cjq with 9,,Symmetry Coefficients in the Matching Polynomial p [ 131 4 379 124 p [ 151 -14 906 664 ~ ~ 7 1 37 348 041 p[191 -68 510 278 m11 90 732 108 m31 -84 691 494

1 377 420 -217 960 13 265 -151

~ ~ 3 ~1251 m71 pi291 p[3 11 PI331

m51 m71 m91 ~1311 PP31 PP51


-21 366 846 9 954 461 -2711 652 371 775 18 904 140

53 685 020 -21 843 978 5 224 707 -632 716 28 623 -19

c 3 6 Fullerene

1 -54 1323 -19 476 192 321 -1 346 910 6 898 019

1 -57 1482 -23 294 247 323 -1 877 51 1 10 521 461

W51 p [ 171 p[191 PPI1 PP31 ~ 5

with D6h Symmetry Matching Polynomial -26 255 052 74 743 467 -1 58 920 874 250 185 213 -286 861 644 1 233 449 135

-4 388 255

Fullerene C38 with C3,, Symmetry Coefficients in the Matching Polynomial ~ ~ 5 1 -44 311 485 p [ 171 141 457 329 m91 -342789924 m11 627 517 788 m31 -858202755 ~ ~ 5 1 860 997 544 m71 -616 692 840

~ 7 m91 p[3 11 PP31



-129 746 178 46 494 021 -9 821 428 1 050 468 -42 288 272

m91 PPI1 W31 PWI PP71 W91

303 147 594 -96 498 792 18 186 867 -1 745 700 63 675 -378

424 J. Chem. In5 Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994


Table 1 (Continued)

PI11 pi31 p[51 pi71 p[91 PP11 m31

1 -57 1482 -23 294 247 323 -1 877 511 10 521 461

P[11 p[31

1 -60 1650 -27 580 313 335 -2 563 260 15 606 390

PPI p[71 p[91 m11 P[131

m1 mi p[31

p[71 p[91 m11 m31

1 -60 1650 -27 580 313 335 -2 563 260 15 606 390

Fullerene c 3 8 with D~J, Symmetry Matching Polynomial m51 -44 311 485 ~ 7 1 141 457 335 m91 -342 790 103 P P 1I 627 520 038 m31 -858 218 370 m51 861 063 321 -616 866 771 m71 Fullerene ca with Dsd Symmetry Matching Polynomial ~1151 -72 094 680 m71 255 308 425 -695 619 640 p[191 1455391002 m11 -2 321 337 100 m31 2 786 373 750 m51 m71 -2 468 180 640 Fullerene ca with T d Symmetry Matching Polynomial ~ ~ 5 1 -72 094 680 ~ 7 1 255 308 427 p [191 -695 619 704 1 455 391 878 m11 m31 -2321343852 2 786 406 318 ~ 5 1 -2 468 284 212 ~ 7 1

isomers, one with C3u symmetry and the other with D3h symmetry (see Figures 1 and 2). The structure with CjU symmetry has a slightly smaller constant coefficient (378) compared to the D3h cage which has 456 resonance structures. It is also seen that the Hosoya Z index as defined below

Z = CP(G,k) k

is larger for the D3h cage compared to the C3ucage. Thus on the basis of the number of Kekuld structures and the Z index alone, one may be tempted to conclude that the D3h cage will be more stable than C3u. However two factors come in. The KekulC count has to be substantially larger other things being the same. The more important feature governing the instability is the existence of several fused pentagons. The larger the number of fused pentagons, the less stable a structure would be. The D3h structure has 18 eight-membered circuits arising from 2 fused pentagons. On the other hand the CjUstructure has only 12 eight-membered circuits arising from 2 fused pentagons. Consequently based on this the C3u fullerene is more stable than D3h for C38. Note that theconstant coefficient is only 20% larger for D3h compared to GU. The other striking feature we note, in comparing the matching polynomials of two isomeric fullerenes, is that the first eight coefficients in the matching polynomials are identical. [Compare the matching polynomial of c 3 8 (C3,) with C38 (D3h).] This trend is noted for C40 (Dsd) and c 4 0 ( T d ) as well as C44 (7') and C44 (D3h). This is a consequence of the fact that the first eight coefficients of the matching polynomials depend only on n, the number of vertices in the fullerene. It is the ninth coefficient in the polynomial which introduces structural dependence. The characteristic polynomial of a graph is defined in terms of the adjacency matrix A of the graph shown below: 1 Ag= 0

if the vertices i and j are connected otherwise

~ 9 p[311


303 435 693 -96 787 471 18 348 216 -1 788 042 67 274 -456


1 568 572 975 -686 949 378 195 473 975 -33 022 120 2 849 295 -94 470 562

PWI PP51 PI371


~ 9 p[311 PP31 PP51 PP71

PWI p[411

m91 p[311

1 568 795 676 -687 273 224 195 781 161 -33 195 276 2 897 204 -98 592 576

PWI PWI PWI W91 ~1411

The characteristic polynomial PG of the graph G is defined as Pc = IA - x A = C#"

+ C1xn-' + C2x*' + ... + C,

The celebrated Sach theorem provides a structural interpretation for the coefficients ck in the characteristic polynomial and hence their relation to the coefficients in the matching polynomial. According to Sach's theorem

ck = C(-1)h2' Hk

where Hk is a union of distinct subgraphs containing k vertices in G such that the components of Hk are composed only of edges or cycles (circuits) and c is the number of such circuits in Hk (an edge is not counted as a circuit). Consequently the coefficients ck in the characteristic polynomials include the net contribution from disjoint edges and circuits in the graph that span k vertices, while the coefficients in the matching polynomials contain only the contributions from the edges. The P [ 3 ] coefficient in the matching polynomials is readily seen to be -3n/2. The P [ 5 ] coefficient in the matching polynomial is the number of ways of choosing two disjoint dimers from the carbon cage. Since fullerene cages have no four-membered rings, the only surviving contribution in C4 is due to two disjoint edges. Since the number of edges for a fullerene cage is 3n/2, it is readily seen that the number of ways of choosing two disjoint edges from the fullerene cage is P [ 5 ] = 3n(3n - 10)/8 Note that the P [ 7 ] coefficient of the matching polynomial is related to the Cath coefficient of the characteristic polynomial, which is composed of three disjointedges (partition 23 of 6 ) and hexagons ( 6 ) as there are no four-membered rings for a fullerene cage. Hence


P [ 7 ] = C, - n 20 Since P [ 7 ] is the number of ways of choosing three disjoint edges from the fullerene cage, thus it has to be less than the

MATCHINGPOLYNOMIALS OF FULLERENES c2&50 Table 2. Matching Polynomials of


1 -63 1827 -32 361 391 734 -3 435 882 22 589 909 -1 13 623 299

1 -66 2 013 -37 664 483 978 - 4 5 3 1 152 32 000 462 -174145908

1 -66 2 013 -37 664 483 978 -4 531 152 32 000 462 -174 145 908

1 -69 2 208 - 4 3 516 591 606 -5 889 138 44 469 741 -260 403 741

1 -72 2 412 -49 944 716 238 -7 554 444 60 745 322 -380 928 456 1 890 083 478

1 -7 5 2 625 -56 975 859 575 -9 576 453 81 704 030 -546 377 070 2 907 494 480

Fullerene Cages Fullerene C42 with D3 Symmetry Matching Polynomial 442 349 103 p[171 -1340120611 p [ 191 3 160264869 m11 -5775791133 ~1231 8 107 383 539 ~ ~ 5 1 -8 616 572 229 m71 6792255882 m91

-3857 643 550 1515 265 230 -387943698 59 144 903 -4 623 135 138 936 -680

Fullerene CU with T Symmetry Coefficients in the Matching Polynomial 739 662 345 p[171 -2468 621666 p[191 6 487 126 077 PWI -13 393 722 960 m31 21594114326 m51 -26 905 576 992 ~ ~ 7 1 25 514 074 656 m91 -18024278416 ~1311 Fullerene CMwith D3h Symmetry Matching Polynomial 739 662 342 m71 -2 468 621 548 m91 6 487 124 046 PPI1 -13393702806 m31 21 593 986 461 ~ ~ 5 1 -26905033434 m71 25 512 497 241 m91 ~1311 -18 021 154 632 Fullerene Cluster CMwith C3 Symmetry Coefficients in the Matching Polynomial 1 198 817 862 m71 -4 373 291 348 PI191 12 685 070 817 PI211 -29244168333 m31 53376352572 m51 -76 553 899 758 m71 85295234247 m91 -72 646 698 403 p[3 11 Fullerene C48 with D3 Symmetry Coefficients in the Matching Polynomial ~ 9 1 -7 486 059 786 23775 564096 m11 -60611 132058 m31 123 759 759 689 m51 -201338447622 a271 m91 258 752 431 728 -259 492 544 072 ~1311 199691703636 PWI

9 210 020 709 -3 266 975 370 758 493 495 -105 468 900 7 588 950 -212 136 864

9 205 872 024 -3263413 578 756 639 056 -104943960 7 523 484 -2 10 480 960

46 264 981 725 -2 1 377 190 444 6 873 356 805 -1448 331729 182 577 150 -11 819 157 288 978 -1 032

-1 15 286 996 736 48 432 339 830 -14 196 268 002 2734176903 -315 951 696 18 833 124 -429 648 1575

Fullerene CSOwith D5h Symmetry Matching Polynomial -12 430 405 330 p[191 42930477279 m11 -120 030 323 355 m31 271474997635 mi -494945 313 135 m71 722820579630 m91 -837675911840 p[311 760 448 826 260 PI331 -531 467 488 160

total number of ways of choosing three edges which is n3 in order. The author23 found that a cubic fit for the P [ 7 ] coefficient using the computed values for C20, c24, c26, and C28 yielded P [ 7 ] = -(9n3 - 90n2

J. Chem. Inf: Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994 425

+ 232n)/16

These formulas for P [ 5 ] and P [ 7 ] can be derived from the work of Dias19*20 on the characteristic polynomial coefficients a4 and a6 by eliminating the ring term and substituting for q = 3n/2 and e(3,3) = q.19,20

279 429 116 630 -107 155 471 120 28 728 154 280 -5 070 966 660 538 792 490 -29 762 020 642 645 -2 343

The CScoefficient in the characteristic polynomial for fullerene cages consists of octagonal circuits generated by two fused pentagons, hexagon a disjoint edge and the terms arising from four disjoint dimers. By eliminating the cyclic terms from Cg we find that


P [ 9 ] = C, - (3n - 24)(n - 2 0 ) / 4

+ 2n,(*)

where n ~ (is~the ) number of ways of choosing two fused pentagons. Hence if the exact formula can be computed for

426 J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sei., Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994

BALASUBRAMANIAN Table 3. Exact Formulas for the Coefficients P [ 11-P[ 111 of the Matching Polynomials of Fullerene Caaea


1 -3n/2 3n(3n - 10)/8 -(9n3 - 90n2 232n)/16 ‘/128[27d - 540n3 3684n2- 8688nI -L/luo[81n5- 2700d 34380n3- 1999209 + 453504n - 153601 I/5l&lnb - 4050d 82260d - 853560n3 4562464n2- 10254080n 11776001 -I/7168o[243n7 - 17010n6 502740n58066520d 74548992n3- 38015040n2 865336320n - 206438400]

40.00 -


30.00 E \




+ +





matching polynomial. The P[131 coefficient of the matching polynomial is given by

0.00 20



24 26 28 30 3 2 34 36 3 8 4 0 42 44 4 6 48 50

P[131 = C,, - cyclic contributions


Figure 3. Plot of K / n versus n.

cg and n5(,) for fullerenes, one can obtain P[9]. The computation of cg can be achieved through the method of moments. For example, it can be seen that there are 30 ways to choose 2 fused pentagons for C20. The cg coefficient of the characteristic polynomial of C2o is computed as 10 095 and thus P[9] for the C20 cage is 10 155. This is exactly what we compute independently using the recursive formula for the matching polynomials. For the C24 cage, n5(2)= 18. The cg coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is computed as 26 661. Hence P[9] is computed for cg as 26 613. The exact analytical expressions for the moments of fullerene cages have been recently obtained.38 The exact formulas for P[9] and cg are given below:

+ 3684n2 - 8688n) cg = 1/128(27n4- 540n3 + 3876n2 - 14 064n) + 240

Hence P[131 is a sixth-order polynomial in n. A numerical fit to P[131 was sought with a common denominator of 5 120. The result is shown as follows: 1 P[131 = =[81n6

The P[151 coefficient of the matching polynomial is related to the C14 coefficient of the characteristic polynomial. Using the method of moments, Zhang and the author showed that the Cl2 coefficient of the characteristic polynomials of fullerenes is given by 1 C,,= - =[81n6

P[9] = 1/128(27n4 - 540n3

The Cl0 coefficient of the characteristic polynomial is composed of 10-membered rings arising from two fused hexagons and two disjoint pentagons, 8-membered rings arising from two fused pentagons plus a disjoint edge, and finally five disjoint edges. The following formulas for P[111 and CIOare thus derived:

+ 82260n4 - 1853560n3+ 4562464n2 - 10254080n + 11776001

- 4050n’

- 4050n’ + 85140n4 - 1009080n3+

7680544n2 - 40830720nl

+ 25970 - lop - 2q

where p and q are structure-dependent factors. That is, p is the number of bonds connecting two pentagons, while q is the number of hexagons lying between two pentagons. However p and q factors contribute only as cyclic contributions to the Cl2 coefficient of the characteristic polynomial. The P[151 coefficient in the matching polynomial is given by

P[151 = C,, - cyclic contributions Zhang and the author showed that C14 is given by C14 = --


where n&2)is the number of fused hexagons, n5(,) is thenumber of fused pentagons, and n’s(2) is the number of disjoint pentagons. Consequently theP[ 111 coefficientis a polynomial in n of order 5. We fit the P[1 11 coefficients of the matching polynomials to the following exact expression.

(243n’- 17010n6 517860n’ 7 1680 9155160n4) + 146500032n3 - 875226240n2 5213230080n + 217630 + 15np + 3nq 63q 137r- 137s where p, q, r, and s are structure-dependent factors which contribute only to the characteristic polynomial (cyclic contributions). Hence P[151 is a seventh-order polynomial in n. A numerical fit with 71 680 as common denominator yielded

1 P[11] = - =[81n5

P[15] =--


C,, = -=[81n5

- 2700n4 + 35820n3 - 256560n2 + 1152384nl

+ 2556

- 2700n4 + 34380n3 - 199920n2 + 453504n - 153601

It is quite interesting that the first two leading coefficients in

P[1 11 are identical to the corresponding coefficients Clo in the characteristic polynomial. In fact, the denominator 1280 obtained for CIO is the key motivating factor to fit P[111 with the factor 1280 in the denominator. The P[131th coefficientis the matching polynomial is related to the Cl2 coefficient, and thus they should not appear in the




[243n7 - 17010n6 502740n’ 71680 8066520n4 + 74548992n3 - 38015040n2 865336320n 206438400] All the exact expressions thus obtained for P[11 - P[151 are shown in Table 3. Finally we would like to address the CPU time required to generate the matching polynomials of fullerene cages by the algorithms of removing an edge at a time. The computation of the matching polynomial of the C34 (C3,) fullerene took 4


J. Chem. Znf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994 427

MATCHING POLYNOMIALS OF FULLERENES c2&50 min and 34 s of CPU time on an IBM RS6000/560model. The C38 (C36)fullerene took 13 min and 55 s of CPU time on the same system. On the other hand the computation of the matching polynomial of C50 took 7 h and 22 min of CPU time on the same computer. It is clear that the factor of CPU time between c38 and C34 is roughly 3. The factor of CPU time between CSOand (238 is -32. Thus the CPU time increases as nl6l3 for smaller fullerenes (c3&50) where n is the number of vertices. For larger fullerenes the CPU time should increase by nm, where m 1 13. On the basis of this we obtain a very conservative estimate of the CPU time required for computing the matching polynomialof the Bucky ball as 113 h on IBM RS6000/560or roughly 5 days of CPU time using the algorithm of removing one edge at a time. However, the more practical problem that needs to be dealt with is attributed to-PascalCompiler's overflow problem which results in a core dump for such large fullerenes. Therefore we suggest that more elegant algorithms be developed for the computation of the matching polynomials of fullerenes larger than Cm. A possible algorithm could be to obtain more powerful recursive relations which remove one ring at a time instead of one edge at a time. Such powerful algorithms for obtaining the matching polynomials of large fullerene cages and the computation of their topological resonance energies which depend on the eigenvaluesof the matching polynomials could be the topics of further investigations. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation under Grant CHE9204999. I thank Dr. P. Venuvanalingam for bringing to my attention an error in the previous version of this manuscript.

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