Expanding the One-Dimensional CdS–CdSe Composition Landscape

Jun 2, 2011 - X-ray diffraction reveals that CdS1–xSex nanorods have a wurtzite crystal structure with a certain degree of alloying. High-resolution...
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Expanding the One-Dimensional CdSCdSe Composition Landscape: Axially Anisotropic CdS1xSex Nanorods T. Purnima A. Ruberu and Javier Vela* Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, and U.S. DOE Ames Laboratory, Ames, Iowa 50011, United States.


ne-dimensional (1D) colloidal semiconductors (nanorods, nanowires) have been the subject of much recent interest.17 For the particular case of cadmium chalcogenide nanorods, seminal papers have addressed their general synthesis,814 nucleation and growth,15 diameter and length control,13,16 and morphology variants such as arrow-, teardrop-, and branched (tetra- and multipod)-shaped nanocrystals.17,18 Significant attention has been paid to the microscopic mechanism of uncatalyzed anisotropic growth of cadmium chalcogenide nanorods via hot injection methods. At low precursor concentrations, surface area minimization via Ostwald ripening favors formation of spherically shaped (0D) colloidal nanocrystals (dots). However, typical nanorod preparations use cadmium oxide (CdO) and a bulky phosphonic acid such as octadecyl phosphonic acid (ODPA). The resulting cadmiumphosphonic acid complex is very stable and serves as a slow, controlled source of cadmium ions, which helps maintain a high precursor concentration.19 At high precursor concentrations, the relative growth rates of different crystallographic facets play a major role in determining the final shape of the nanocrystals.17,20 This is particularly important for wurtzitetype cadmium chalcogenides, which are intrinsically anisotropic materials with a unique c axis.15,21 Two possible facets perpendicular to the wurtzite c axis are 001 and 001 facets, which terminate respectively on positively charged Cd and negatively charged Se ions. Various studies have proven the 001 facet has the highest growth rate of all facets.17,21 These Se-rich 001 facets are relatively uncoated because ligands in solution are usually electron donating. In addition, the permanent dipole moment along the RUBERU AND VELA

ABSTRACT We report the synthesis and characterization of CdS1xSex nanorods with axial

anisotropy. These nanorods were synthesized via single injection of a mixture of trioctylphosphine sulfur and selenium precursors to a cadmiumphosphonate complex at high temperature. Transmission electron microscopy shows nanoparticle morphology changes with relative sulfur and selenium loading. When the synthetic selenium loading is between 5% and 10% of total chalcogenides, the nanorods exhibit pronounced axial anisotropy characterized by a thick “head” and a thin “tail”. The nanorods' band gap red shifts with increasing selenium loading. X-ray diffraction reveals that CdS1xSex nanorods have a wurtzite crystal structure with a certain degree of alloying. High-resolution and energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy and energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy confirm the head of the anisotropic nanorods is rich in selenium, whereas the tail is rich in sulfur. Time evolution and mechanistic studies confirm the nanorods form by quick growth of the CdSe-rich head, followed by slow growth of the CdS-rich tail. Metal photodeposition reactions with 575 nm irradiation, which is mostly absorbed by the CdSe-rich segment, show effective electronic communication between the nanorod head and tail segments. KEYWORDS: heterostructure . nanorod . axial anisotropy . graded alloy . cadmium chalcogenide

unique c axis enhances the chemical potential of the 001 facet.22,23 The unique structural features of the 001 facet favor unidirectional growth on this facet, that is, along the c axis.24 Continued research on synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals is quickly moving toward new preparative methods of increased power and complexity. Of particular interest is finding new ways to produce heterostructured and highly anisotropic nanocrystals; those made up by two or more distinct phases and containing very large aspect ratios and/or different shapes;that could be assembled into functional materials and devices. In the case of cadmium chalcogenide nanocrystals, different groups have reported syntheses for spherical (0D) alloyed CdS1xSex,2528 CdSexTe1x,29 and Cd1xHgxTe30 quantum dots, core/shell CdSe/CdS,3134 CdTe/ CdS,35,36 CdSe/ZnS,3740 and CdSe/ZnSe41 quantum dots, multishell CdS/Zn0.5Cd0.5S/ZnS VOL. 5

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* Address correspondence to [email protected]. Received for review April 20, 2011 and accepted June 2, 2011. Published online June 02, 2011 10.1021/nn201466b C 2011 American Chemical Society



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ARTICLE Figure 1. TEM micrographs showing CdS1xSex morphology as a function of Se loading (actual EA composition in parentheses): (a) 0% Se loading (CdS), (b) 5% Se loading (CdS0.68Se0.32), (c) 10% Se loading (CdS0.42Se0.58), (d) 20% Se loading (CdS0.33Se0.67), (e) 100% Se loading (CdSe). Scale bars: 20 nm (a, e), 50 nm (b, c, d).

TABLE 1. Composition and Dimensions of Axially Anisotropic CdS1xSex Nanorods entry

rxn time/min

%Se loadinga

%Se composition: EAb (XRD)c

total length/nm (XRD)d

head diameter/nm

tail diameter/nm

aspect ratioe

1 2 3 4 5 6g 7h

85 85 85 85 85 20 85

0 5 10 20 100 5 h

0b (0)c 32b (45)c 58b (63)c 67b (81)c 100b (100)c n.d.f (n.d.)f n.d.f (n.d.)f

154.1 ( 30.4 (43.0)d 91.3 ( 6.4 (24.0)d 59.3 ( 8.0 (29.1)d 20.5 ( 2.9 (13.4)d 11.4 ( 2.1 (10.5)d 51.8 ( 5.4g (n.d.)f 37.5 ( 7.4 (n.d.)f

5.6 ( 0.8 12.8 ( 1.9 17.8 ( 2.4 11.8 ( 1.7 8.5 ( 1.0 14.0 ( 1.1g 10.2 ( 1.1

5.6 ( 0.8 3.7 ( 0.4 5.6 ( 0.8 11.8 ( 1.7 8.5 ( 1.0 14.0 ( 1.1g 3.7 ( 0.6

27 7.0 3.3 1.7 1.3 3.7 3.7


%Se used during synthesis. b Determined by elemental analysis. c Estimated from XRD. d Calculated from (002) peak. e Minimum aspect ratio = length/head diameter. f Not determined. g Also observed small dots with a diameter = 3.1 ( 0.8 (see Figure 8a). h Made in the presence of premade, pure CdSe nanorods, using a 0% Se loading.

quantum dots,42 and one-dimensional (1D) core/shell CdSe/CdS and CdSe/ZnS nanorods,4346 CdSeCdTe segmented nanorods,4749 alloyed CdHgTe nanorods,50 alloyed CdS1xSex nanowires,51 coaxial core/shell Si/ CdSSe nanowires,52 segmented CdSCdSe53 and CdSe ZnSe54 nanowires, seeded CdSeCdS,45 CdTeCdSe,55 and CdSexTe1x rods56 and tetrapods,57 CdSAg2S nanorod superlattices,9 and CdSSe nanoribbons.58,59 There is also increasing interest in cadmium chalcogenide metal hybrid nanomaterials,6063 including CdS, CdSe, and CdSe/CdS nanorods bound to PbSe,64 Fe2O3,65,66 Bi,54 FePt,67 Au,68,69 Pt,7073 Pd,74 and Co nanoparticles.75,76 In this paper, we report the synthesis of axially anisotropic, colloidal CdS1xSex nanorods that are characterized by having distinct thick and thin ends. These nanocrystals form spontaneously over relatively long reaction periods (∼1.4 h) when a mixture of trioctyl phosphine sulfide and selenide (TOPS and TOPSe) is used as chalcogenide source, specifically with TOPS to TOPSe ratios between 95:5 and 9:1. Using a combination of optical and structural characterization methods, we show the amount of Se in these nanorods is much higher (up to 6) than what could be expected from TOPSe loading used during their synthesis. We also show axially anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorods are single crystalline, with an axial composition gradient between a CdSe-rich thick end and a CdS-rich thin end. Using different control experiments, we explore the mechanism of formation of these axially anisotropic nanorods and establish that they form in a sequential manner, where quick growth of a CdSe-rich head (e20 min) precedes slow growth of a CdS-rich tail RUBERU AND VELA

(∼85 min). Finally, we probe the degree of electronic communication between the two segments of the nanorods by carrying out palladium photodeposition experiments. We show palladium photodeposition occurs along the whole length of the nanorods using a lamp whose light is absorbed by the smaller band gap CdSe-rich segment, but not by the larger band gap CdS-rich segment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As part of a study directed at harvesting sunlight with one-dimensional semiconductor colloids, we became interested in CdSe based on its relatively small band gap (1.7 eV bulk). However, we faced difficulties in making CdSe nanorods and frequently obtained instead mixtures of CdSe dots, rods, and multipods. While we amply recognize these complications arise from variable amounts of impurities present in different batches of chemicals, removing such impurities by purification added unwanted and lengthy extra steps to our synthesis. In contrast, we noted that a procedure recently reported for making CdS nanorods is highly reproducible, even without prior purification of precursors or ligands.9 This procedure involves reaction between trioctylphosphine sulfide and an in situ-generated cadmiumoctadecyl phosphonate complex in trioctylphosphine oxide at 315 °C for 85 min and results in long (154.1 ( 30.4 nm) and thin (5.6 ( 0.8 nm diameter) CdS nanorods with a high aspect ratio (length/diameter) of 27 and a small size dispersion (Figure 1a and entry 1 in Table 1). Unfortunately, CdS is a bluer, larger band gap (2.4 eV bulk) material compared to CdSe and is less attractive for harvesting VOL. 5

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Figure 2. Effect of %Se loading on CdS1xSex length (a), diameter (b), and aspect ratio (c).

tropic nanorods having two distinct fat (head) and thin (tail) ends (Figure 2b). For example, at 5% Se loading the nanorods have head and tail diameters of 12.8 ( 1.9 and 3.7 ( 0.4 nm, respectively, whereas at 10% Se loading the nanorods have head and tail diameters of 59.3 ( 8.0 and 17.8 ( 2.4 nm, respectively. We casually referred to these nanocrystals as having “tadpole” (5% Se) or “drumstick” (10% Se) morphology (Figure 1b,c and entries 2 and 3 in Table 1). Qualitatively, these tadpole and drumstick CdS1xSex nanocrystals appear to have similar morphology to “paddle” CdS and “teardrop” CdSe nanocrystals previously reported in the literature.13,17 Increasing Se loading above 10% Se leads to progressively shorter nanorods that once again retain a consistent diameter along their length (Figure 2b). For example, at 20% Se loading nanorods have a consistent diameter of 11.8 ( 1.7 nm (Figure 1d, e and entries 4 and 5 in Table 1). Across the CdS1xSex series, the nanorods' length dramatically decreases from 154.1 ( 30.4 nm to 11.4 ( 2.1 nm for 0% and 100% Se loading, respectively (Figure 2a). Optical Properties of CdS1xSex Nanorods. As initially expected, the absorption spectrum of CdS1xSex nanorods is red shifted compared to pure CdS nanorods. Figure 3a shows that the absorption edge of CdS1xSex nanorods shifts to longer wavelengths as Se loading increases, and Figure 3b shows the corresponding change in apparent band gap (estimated from first absorption peak). As shown in Figure 3b, even a modest increase in Se loading, from 0% to 5% Se, causes a dramatic drop in apparent band gap. This strongly indicates the concentration of Se in these nanocrystals is much higher than calculated based on synthetic Se loading alone (see further discussion below). The photoluminescence properties of CdS1xSex nanorods also change depending on the amount of Se present, and the observed changes are compounded by the nanorods' complex composition and structure (presented below). Qualitatively, Figure 3c and d show preparations where using Se loadings between 10% and 100% result in weakly luminescent nanorods, with


sunlight. Nonetheless, we reasoned that introducing small amounts of Se during synthesis might lead to CdS1xSex nanorods with a smaller band gap compared to pure CdS. CdS1xSex Nanorod Morphology. To test this idea, we replaced TOPS in the injection solution with a mixture of TOPS and TOPSe while keeping the total chalcogenide concentration constant. To our surprise, not only does replacing a fraction of TOPS with TOPSe lead to CdS1xSex nanorods, but such CdS1xSex nanorods can display a high degree of anisotropy along their main axis when the total amount of chalcogenides contains 10% or less Se loading. Figure 1 shows the morphology of CdS1xSex nanocrystals that result from changing Se loading in each preparation. Figure 2 shows the corresponding changes in CdS1xSex nanorod length, diameter, and aspect ratio as a function of Se loading. These trends are quantitatively summarized in Table 1. At 0% Se loading, long nanorods form with a consistent diameter of 5.6 ( 0.8 nm along their whole length (Figure 1a and entry 1 in Table 1). Increasing Se loading between 1% and 10% leads to axially aniso-

Figure 3. CdS1xSex optical properties: Change in absorption (a), band gap (b), and PL intensity (c, d) with increasing Se loading. (Low solubility of CdS nanorods results in scattering above 500 nm.) RUBERU AND VELA

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ARTICLE Figure 4. (a) CdS1xSex XRD patterns for different %Se loadings. XRD patterns of a pure CdS/pure CdSe mixture. The 0% þ 100% Se loading and bulk wurtzite (hexagonal) CdSe and CdS are shown for comparison. (b) Change in CdS1xSex interplanar d-spacings as a function of %Se loading.

maximum relative luminescence (QY ≈ 0.2%) corresponding to nanorods obtained with a 20% Se loading. CdS1xSex Nanorod Structure and Overall Composition. Figure 4a shows powder X-ray diffraction patterns of several CdS1xSex nanorod samples with different Se loadings. Each XRD pattern consists of a single set of peaks most consistent with a hexagonal, wurtzite crystal structure. We can rule out the presence of two separate pure CdS and CdSe phases in these samples on the basis of the fact that each CdS1xSex XRD pattern consists of a single set of peaks (Figure 4a). A control sample made by mixing pure CdS and CdSe nanorods (0% Se and 100% Se) has an XRD pattern that consists of two distinct sets of peaks, with two peaks showing for each set of lattice planes (Figure 4a). In contrast, all CdS1xSex nanorod samples with 1 > x > 0 show a single peak for each set of lattice planes, and individual 2 3 theta (2θ) values fall in between the values for pure wurtzite CdS and CdSe phases reported in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD 20102/2010 from Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe (FIZ) and NIST FindIt Version 1.7.1.). Individual diffraction peaks progressively shift to smaller 2θ values (wider dspacings) with increasing Se loading, in agreement with lattice expansion to accommodate the incorporation of increasing amounts of larger Se ions. This indicates some type of alloying between CdS and CdSe phases in these nanostructures. To investigate this further, we plotted the experimentally measured dspacings for each set of lattice planes as a function of Se loading. Figure 4b shows such plot is nonlinear but highly curved, which is typical of non-Vegard behavior.77 This observation strongly indicates that the nanocrystals may not be completely alloyed, but instead contain some degree of heterostructuring, perhaps in the form of a graded alloy. Note: A homogeneous alloy or solid solution could have formed based on relative S2 (1.7 Å) and Se2 (1.84 Å) ionic sizes (8.2% difference) and CdSe (7.010 Å) and CdS RUBERU AND VELA

Figure 5. CdS1xSex composition obtained experimentally from elemental analysis and X-ray diffraction plotted against synthetic Se loading.

(6.749 Å) wurtzite lattice paramaters (3.9% lattice mismatch). Another feature observed from powder diffraction data is that the length of the nanorods calculated from the (002) X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak is almost always shorter than that measured from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Table 1). This behavior has been previously observed and attributed to the presence of stacking faults along the nanorods' length, which effectively decreases the apparent nanocrystal size.17 Figure 4b also shows that individual XRD peaks occur at smaller 2θ values and correspond to larger d-spacings than could be expected from Se loadings used in the synthesis. Figure 5 shows the actual composition of CdS1xSex nanorods obtained from experimental XRD data as well as from chemical elemental analysis (EA). Both XRD and EA data confirm that the nanorods' actual Se content is always higher than the Se loading used during their synthesis, which strongly indicates Se has a higher tendency than S to incorporate into these nanostructures. By comparing experimental XRD and EA data with the corresponding Se loadings (Table 1), we estimate there is a 3- to 9-fold (39) preference for Se over S to go into these nanostructures. VOL. 5

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S and Se Atom Distribution in CdS1xSex Nanorods. The unusual anisotropic morphology observed by TEM suggests CdS1xSex nanorods possess an inhomogeneous composition along their length.25 To answer this question, we resorted to high-resolution (HR)-TEM, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and energy-filtered (EF)-TEM. Figure 6 shows representative EDS and HR-TEM data of drumstick-like CdS0.42Se0.58 nanorods that result from 10% Se loading. EDS line scans along the nanorods' main axis show that Se content dramatically increases on going from tail to head regions (Figure 6a,b). HR-TEM confirms nanorods are single crystalline, as judged by the continuity in lattice fringes along their structure (Figure 6b). We also used HR-TEM to measure interplanar d-spacings at different points along the length of several of these nanorods and found the d-spacings get consistently larger on going from the tail to head regions. This can be attributed to a higher fraction of larger Se atoms at the head and a higher fraction of smaller S atoms at the tail of the nanorods. The net result of this composition gradient is lattice expansion toward the head of the nanorods. Figure 7 shows three registered TEM and EF-TEM images of tadpole-like CdS0.68Se0.32 nanorods that result from 5% Se loading. In agreement with what is observed by EDS and HR-TEM on the shorter nanorods, Se-channel EF-TEM indicates Se is preferentially located at the thicker head region of the nanorods (Figure 7a vs b), whereas the S-channel EF-TEM image indicates S distributes along the whole length of the nanorods (Figure 7c vs b). Taken together, these EDS, HR-TEM, and EF-TEM results unambiguously confirm Se incorporates preferentially at the head region of the nanorods, whereas mostly S is present at the tail region of the nanorods. The structural and single-crystalline continuity of the nanorods along their axis, along with progressively increasing Se concentration toward their head, is consistent with these structures being graded alloys. Formation Mechanism of Anisotropic CdS1xSex Nanorods. Having established the heterostructured, graded-alloy composition of anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorods, we turned our attention to their growth mechanism. Our most immediate question was whether CdSe-rich (head) and CdS-rich (tail) segments formed (a) concomitantly RUBERU AND VELA

Figure 7. Registered EF-TEM images of tadpole-like CdS0.68Se0.32nanorods: (a) Se-channel, (b) regular TEM, and (c) S-channel.


Figure 6. Individual CdS0.42Se0.58 nanorod sample analyses: (a) Direction and length (x) and (b) composition plot of an EDS line scan (arrow length = 50 nm; square area was used for drift correction). (c) HR-TEM micrograph showing interplanar (002) d-spacings (perpendicular to c axis) become progressively larger from the tail to the head of the nanorods.

(that is, both segments form in parallel simultaneously), (b) sequentially (one segment forms first, the other forms from it), or (c) independently of each other. To probe this question, we studied time evolution of particles by stopping the reaction and characterizing products at different times. Figure 8ac shows key results from such experiments using CdS0.68Se0.32 nanorods obtained with a 5% Se loading as a model system. At relatively short reaction times, for example after 20 min, we observed formation of thick nanorods (51.8 ( 5.4 nm in length, 14.0 ( 1.1 nm in diameter) along with a few small dots (3.1 ( 0.8 nm) (Figure 8a and entry 6 in Table 1). However, after 85 min thick nanorods appeared to grow a thin tail and produced tadpole-like, final anisotropic nanorods (91.3 ( 6.4 nm in length), small dots disappeared (Figure 8b and entry 2 in Table 1). Interestingly, the diameter of the 20 min nanorods (14.0 ( 1.1 nm) and head diameter of the 85 min nanorods (12.8 ( 1.9 nm) are the same within experimental error, strongly suggesting both share the CdSerich composition described above. Formation of a few small dots and their eventual disappearance along with formation of long nanorod tails is consistent with initial formation of CdS homonuclei, which dissolve over time in favor of heterogeneous nucleation on one side of the thick CdSe nanorods along the c axis, perpendicular to the (002) set of planes. To confirm these results, we repeated the procedure used to make pure CdS nanorods (using only TOPS or with a 0% Se loading) in the presence of pure CdSe nanorods (premade using only TOPSe or with a 100% Se loading) (Figure 8df). In the absence of CdSe nanorods, pure and long CdS nanorods are formed, as shown previously (see above).9 However, in the presence of CdSe nanorods, these acted like seeds for formation of highly anisotropic, drumstick-like CdS1xSex nanorods (Figure 8e), in agreement with the time-dependent mechanistic experiment above. We then attempted to form anisotropic nanorods from preformed CdS nanorods by reacting pure CdS nanorods with TOPSe (Figure 8gi). This experiment was unsuccessful, in that the length (188.3 ( 53.4 nm), diameter (9.1 ( 4.6 nm), and overall aspect of the initial CdS nanorods remained constant within experimental error. Some etching of the CdS nanorod surface occurred, however, as judged by formation of a few medium-size dots consistent with formation of CdSe VOL. 5

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ARTICLE Figure 8. Mechanistic investigations of anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorod formation. (ac) Time evolution of CdS0.68Se0.32 nanorods: At short reaction times (20 min), the nanorod's head has already formed, along with very small CdS nuclei (circled) (a). Over time (85 min total reaction time), small CdS nuclei dissolved and only final CdS0.68Se0.32 nanorods were observed. (di) Independent formation of CdS1xSex nanorods from preassembled elements. (df) Reaction of CdSe nanorods (d) with Cd and S precursors results in CdS1xSex nanorod formation (e), (gi) whereas reaction of CdS nanorods (g) with Se does not (a few CdSe nuclei, circled, formed instead) (h).

(10.8 ( 2.6 nm) (Figure 8h). Additional experiments where we treated CdS nanorods with both TOPSe and Cdphosphonate precursors were similarly unsuccessful, leading to rectangular block-shaped nanocrystals with dimensions (65.2 ( 8.8 nm)  (18.7 ( 3.8 nm) instead of axially anisotropic nanorods (not shown). Together, these results demonstrate that while thin CdS tails can form starting from fat CdSe nanorod seeds, the opposite cannot happen; namely, fat CdSe heads cannot form from thin CdS tail seeds. In other words, formation of heterostructured, graded-alloy anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorods is a sequential process that starts by quick growth of a CdSe-rich nanorod head, followed by slow growth of a CdS-rich tail. Perhaps an even more intriguing question is the reason behind sequential formation of axially anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorods. It is clear from our observations that under the experimental conditions used in this study the rate of CdSe nanorod (head) growth (e20 min) is much faster than the rate of CdS nanorod (tail) growth (∼85 min). The relative ease of formation of these nanorods cannot be a consequence of relative thermodynamics of crystalline energies, since CdS is a much more stable crystalline system compared to CdSe. On the basis of literature thermochemical data,78 we calculate the lattice energy of CdS, 834 kcal/mol, is significantly higher than that for CdSe, 798 kcal/mol. RUBERU AND VELA

These values are consistent with the melting points of CdS, 1748 °C, and CdSe, 1512 °C. Instead, we believe the relative ease of formation of nanorods is a consequence of relative reactivity of TOPS and TOPSe in solution. For tertiary alkyl phosphines such as TOP, the strength of a terminal PSe bond is 75 kcal/mol, whereas the strength of a terminal PS bond is 96 kcal/mol.79 Because of the significantly weaker Pchalcogen bond strength in TOPSe compared to TOPS, by 21 kcal/mol, one can expect TOPSe to be much more reactive toward the Cdphosphonate precursor than TOPS, leading to faster formation of CdSe compared to CdS. This suggests it may be possible to control relative degrees of Se and S in these and other nanostructures by judicious control of molecular precursors,25 but further work is needed to confirm this idea. Electronic Communication among CdSe- and CdS-Rich Segments. A key feature sought for many potential applications of heterostructured nanomaterials is good optical and electronic communication between the heterostructure's different components. To probe this aspect, we carried out photodeposition of palladium nanoparticles on axially anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorods (Figure 9). Others6076 and we (to be communicated) have independently observed that photodeposition of metals on the surface of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals can be selectively carried out using lasers or VOL. 5

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fluorescent lamps. Light absorption by the semiconductor results in formation of electronhole pairs that can be subsequently quenched by surface defect or “trap” states. The resulting surface-localized electrons can serve as reduction and seeding points for formation of metal nanoparticles from soluble organometallic precursors. Here, we used a 575 nm lamp (∼75 nm fwhm) and (TMEDA)PdMe2 to deposit Pd on CdS0.42Se0.58 nanorods obtained with a 10% Se loading (Figure 9). After 1 h irradiation, Pd nanoparticles formed having a size of 5.0 ( 1.5 nm, with an average of 1.3 Pd particles per nanorod and a maximum of 3 Pd particles per nanorod. After 3 h irradiation, Pd nanoparticles formed having a size of 5.1 ( 1.4 nm, with an average of 8.0 Pd particles per nanorod and a maximum of 15 Pd particles per nanorod (Figure 9). Clearly, irradiation time does not impact Pd nanoparticle size; however Pd loading greatly increases with longer irradiation times, as evidenced by the nonlinear, large increase (6) in the number of Pd particles per rod on going from 1 to 3 h irradiation (1.3 Pd particles to 8.0 Pd particles, respectively). On the basis of the band edge position of the two different CdS- or CdSe-rich domains, light emitted by the 575 nm lamp is strongly absorbed by the CdSe-rich head (∼650 nm absorption edge), but not by the CdS-rich tail (∼500 nm absorption edge). Because Pd nanoparticles form not only on the head but also on the tail of the nanorods (Figure 9c), we infer excitons can travel unimpeded across whole CdS1xSex graded-alloy nanocrystals. In other words, exciton quenching by surface defects appears to occur at any point on the surface of these nanorods, leading to photoreduction of the Pd molecular precursor and

In summary, we have prepared axially anisotropic CdS1xSex nanorods via a single injection of a mixture of TOPS and TOPSe precursors to a hot cadmiumphosphonate complex. The morphology of the resulting nanocrystals strongly depends on relative amounts of S and Se used. Axially anisotropic nanorods with a thick head segment and a thin tail segment are obtained when the Se loading is between 5% and 10% of total chalcogenides. The aspect ratio of the nanorods decreases as Se loading increases. The optical properties of the nanostructures are tunable with composition. The absorption band edge of these nanostructures red shifts with increasing Se loading. X-ray diffraction and elemental analyses show that the actual Se content in CdS1xSex nanorods is consistently higher than synthetic Se loading. X-ray diffraction data, Vegard's plots, and high-resolution TEM studies confirm that axially anisotropic nanorods possess a graded-alloy structure. Elemental mapping by energy-dispersive spectroscopy and energy-filtered TEM showed the head region of anisotropic nanorods is rich with Se and the tail region is rich with S. Time-dependent evolution studies show that the formation of these nanorods starts with homogeneous nucleation and quick growth of a thick CdSe-rich head, followed by heterogeneous nucleation and slow growth of a CdS-rich thin tail. This anisotropic growth can be attributed to the stability of chalcogenide precursors. TOPSe is less stable and more reactive compared to TOPS. As a result, TOPSe reacts with cadmiumphosphonate much faster, forming the head segment first. Over time, TOPS slowly reacts with cadmiumphosphonate, forming the thin tail segment along the c axis. Mechanistic experiments show the opposite synthetic sequence is not possible. Namely, formation of a CdSe-rich head does not occur starting from a CdS-rich tail. Metal deposition experiments conducted using 575 nm light irradiation show there is good electronic communication between the CdS-rich and CdSe-rich segments. We are currently exploring using axially anisotropic CdS1x Se x nanorods and CdS 1x Se x Pd heterostructures as building blocks for more complex nanostructures and devices.


oxide (TOPO) (99%), triethylamine (g99.5%), and anhydrous

Figure 9. Photodeposition of Pd nanoparticles on CdS0.42Se0.58 nanorods obtained with a 10% Se loading: (a, b) 575 nm lamp, 1 h irradiation; (c) 575 nm lamp, 3 h. (The arrows in b point to Pd particles on tail and head segments.) (d) Pd nanoparticle size histogram. (e) Pd nanoparticle count per nanorod histogram. (Size measurements and statistics were obtained for at least 50100 particles.)

Materials. Cadmium oxide (99.998%) and sulfur (99.999%) were purchased from AlfaAesar, octadecylphosphonic acid was from PCI Synthesis, selenium (99.999%), trioctylphosphine



surface seeding of Pd nanoparticles along the whole length of CdS0.42Se0.58 nanorods. A full detailed account on metal photodeposition behavior, characterization, and application of the resulting nanostructures will be the subject of a separate article.

toluene were from Sigma-Aldrich, and trioctylphosphine (TOP) (97%) and cis-dimethyl(N,N,N0 ,N0 -tetramethylethylenediamine)palladium(II) ((TMEDA)PdMe2) (99%) were from Strem. Materials

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injected. The temperature was allowed to equilibrate at 315 °C and kept constant for a total reaction time of 85 min. Products were isolated as described above. Synthesis of CdS0.42Se0.58Pd Heterostructures. CdS0.42Se0.58 nanorods obtained with a 10% Se loading were dissolved and diluted in toluene to give an optical density (absorbance) of 1.3 at 630 nm. A 2.0 mL volume of this solution was degassed, refilled with dry argon, and stored in the dark for 12 h in a resealable Schlenk tube. Under a dry atmosphere, (TMEDA)PdMe2 (30.0 mg, 0.118 mmol) was dissolved in anhydrous toluene (1 mL), and the solution was added to a CdS1xSex nanorod solution via syringe along with triethylamine (0.5 mL, used as terminal electron donor).71 Deposition was carried out for 13 h photochemically at room temperature in a Rayonet photoreactor containing 16 side-on fluorescent lamps (575 nm/75 nm fwhm). Products were purified twice by precipation with methanol (30 mL) and centrifugation (5000 rpm for 10 min). All products could be redispersed in toluene. Structural Characterization. X-ray Diffraction. Powder X-ray diffraction data were measured using Cu KR radiation on a Scintag XDS-2000 diffractometer equipped with a thetatheta goniometer, a sealed-tube solid-state generator, and an air-cooled Kevex Psi Peltier silicon detector. Transmission electron microscopy: Transmission electron microscopy of samples was conducted on carbon-coated copper grids using a FEI Technai G2 F20 field emission scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) at 200 kV (point-to-point resolution