Exposition Admission to the exposition is complimentary for all national meeting registrants. While planning your schedule in Orlando, reserve some time to visit the ACS national exposition. In addition to functioning as a showcase for the most upto-date scientific products and services, the exposition serves as a valuable source of continuing education for meeting attendees. Located in Halls B3 & 4 of the Orange County Convention Center, the exposition will be open Monday, Aug. 26, 9 AM to 5 PM; Tuesday, Aug. 27, 9 AM to 5 PM; and Wednesday, Aug. 28, 9 AM to 4 PM. The exposition will consist of about 400 booths, representing almost 250 companies and organizations displaying everything from instruments and books to computer hardware and scientific software, from lab and safety equipment to furniture. Each exhibiting organization will have technical personnel present to give demonstrations, answer questions, and discuss your needs and interests. Play "Pick 6." Be sure to play the "Pick 6" game in the exhibit hall. Attendees will have the chance to win up to $2,000 in merchandise from the participating exhibitor of their choice. Complete details and game cards will be available on-site in the registration and badge pick-up areas of the convention center, as well as in certain convention hotels. Free Internet Access—Internet Corral. ACS will provide free Internet access to meeting attendees in the rear of the exhibit hall in the convention center during regularly scheduled exposition hours. A total of 30 terminals will be available for attendees inside the exposition. Prize and Souvenir Booths. In addition to the comprehensive display of products and services of interest to the scientific community, there will be several drawings for prizes and a free ACS souvenir for all visitors to the exposition. Prize tickets can be dropped off at booths 866, 868, and the souvenir may be picked up at booths 154,156. Admission Requirements. Although admission to the exposition is complimentary for all meeting registrants, a badge is required to enter the exhibit hall. Badges will be mailed to all preregistrants; on-site registrants can obtain a badge in the main registration area of the convention center. Expo-Only Registration. Those not registering for the meeting,
but interested in visiting the exhibits, can obtain an exhibits-only badge for $25. Students with school identification will be charged $5. There will be no preregistration for exhibits-only attendees; exhibitsonly badges can be purchased in the main registration area of the convention center. Exposition Workshops. A series of free exposition workshops will be conducted in Orlando and will cover a variety of topics. Workshops will be held Monday through Wednesday, Aug. 26 through 28, in the convention center. See pages 136 and 137 for a complete workshop schedule and registration information.
EXHIBITORS The following list of exhibitors is the property of the American Chemical Society. Any unauthorized use of this list, or any part thereof, either directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited. Bold numbers at the end of lines are booth numbers.
ACS California Section & Santa Clara Section, 2140 Shattuck Ave., Room 1101, Berkeley, Calif. 94704, (510) 848-0512, fax (510) 848-0582. Start planning now to attend the spring 1997 ACS national meeting in San Francisco next April. Information will be available on what to see and do in the Bay Area. Members of the host sections will be available to answer questions. Register to win a 10-lb chocolate bar; one will be given away each day of the exposition. If you are on a diet, stop by anyway, and let us answer questions about everything San Francisco has to offer. 816 ACS Education, 1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4600, e-mail: j_boese@acs. org. Education services for all levels, pre-high school, high school, college, and continuing education. Teaching resources, as well as career education materials (textbooks, videotapes, supplementary materials, posters, and more) are featured for faculty and students. Activities include short courses, audio and video programs, and satellite TV seminars. 441 ACS Industry Relations, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-6075, fax (202) 872-6098, e-mail:
[email protected]. The Industry Pavilion will feature a series of workshops and presentations addressing users' practical needs. Provides information for locating sources of money, finding a job, understanding the future, managing finances, or meeting a famous scientist. The pavilion also provides company annual reports and other important literature for the industrial chemist. Refreshments will be served and prizes awarded. 366
Academia Book Exhibits, 3925 Rust Hill PL, Fairfax, Va. 22030, (703) 716-5537 fax (703) 691-2442. Organizes and arranges book and journal displays ACS Information & Services, 1155—16th St., at scientific congresses and symposia in the U.S. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4453, fax and Europe. A catalog listing full addresses of pub-(202) 872-4435, Web: http://www.acs.org. ACS features information on the benefits of membership: calishing houses and bibliographic information on the titles sent for display is available. 720 reer guidance, employment services, insurance programs, educational materials, short courses and audio and visual programs from continuing education, Academic Press, 525 B St., Suite 1900, San Diego, and safety information. Pick up our handy Internet Calif. 92101, (619) 699-6580. With over 50 years of experience, Academic Press continues its quest foraddress guide that will give you electronic access to excellence in scientific, technical publishing. Our all our activities, products, and services via our home page on the World Wide Web. 340, 342 1996 titles include: "Neural Networks in Bioprocessing and Chemical Engineering," by Baughman and Liu; "Guidebook on Molecular Modeling in Drug De- ACS National Chemistry Week, 1155— 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-6097, fax sign, " by Cohen; "Advanced Techniques in Catalyst Synthesis," by Moser; "Pollution Science," by Pep- (202) 833-7722, e-mail:
[email protected]. This booth foper et al.; and "Thermal Characterization of Poly- cuses on the annual National Chemistry Week Celemeric Materials," 2nd ed., by Turi. 758 bration, ACS's Kids & Chemistry program, and the 1999 International Chemistry Celebration. These proAce Glass, 1430 N.W. Blvd., Vineland, N.J. 08360, grams are designed, through fun-filled educational ac(609) 692-3333, fax (609) 692-8919. Exhibiting pilottivities and promotional outreach materials, to heightplant reaction equipment, sonochemical reaction ap-en public awareness of chemistry and the work that paratus, hydrogenation equipment with threaded chemists do to enhance the quality of life. Items availvessels, and chromatography columns. Sign up forable for purchase include chemistry activity kits, peria 1996 catalog. 312, 314, 316 odic table sheets, T-shirts, caps, and heat-sensitive pens. 441 ACS Publications, 1155—16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4600, (800) 227-5558, fax (202) 833-7736, e-mail:
[email protected]. Featured will be the display of two interactive publications on Internet—the Journal of Physical Chemistry and Environmental Science & Technology. Complementing these will be demonstration of the recently introduced Journal of Organic Chemistry on CDROM. Sharing the spotlight will be the newest members of the ACS family of peer-reviewed publications—the Journal of Natural Products and new versions of Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Science & Technology, respectively: News & Features and News & Research Notes. Other leading publications displayed will include Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemical Health & Safety, CHEMTECH, Biochemistry, Chemistry of Materials, Today's Chemist at Work, and the leading chemical weekly, Chemical & Engineering News. International journals—Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Chemistry Letters, and Chemistry & Industry—will be available for review. Books covering a variety of disciplines and those of general chemical interest, as well as the board game ElementO will be on hand. 441
JULY 22, 1996 C&EN 133
o E
s a.
ACS Public Outreach, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4600. Serves to increase public's understanding of chemistry by providing positive messages about chemical sciences and sharing various materials and outreach programs. Receive more specific information and learn more about the Kids & Chemistry program that brings scientists and children together to observe through hands-on activities how science affects our lives. Sign up to be a VIP (Volunteer in Public Outreach). 441 Advanced Chemistry Development, 141 Adelaide St. West, Suite 1501, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3L5, Canada, (416) 368-3435, fax (416) 368-5596, e-mail:
[email protected], Web: http:// www.acdlabs.com. Chemistry software for structure drawing and reliable property prediction. Programs include CNMR, HNMR, LogP, BoilingPoint, Name (IUPAC name generator), and ChemSketch with tautomers and dictionary. 125, 127 Advanced ChemTech, 5609 Fern Valley Rd., Louisville, Ky. 40228, (502) 969-0000, fax (502) 9681000. Provides products and services for drug discovery and development and life science research. Offering advanced commercial options in automation, desktop informatics, and reagents for combinatorial and high-throughput organic synthesis, as well as expertise in contract production of chiral compounds and pharmaceutical intermediates, uncommon amino acids and derivatives, and custom combinatorial libraries, antibodies, and assays. 867 Alfa/Aesar, a Johnson Matthey company, 30 Bond St., Ward Hill, Mass. 01835, (800) 343-0660, fax (508) 521-6300, Web: http://www.alfa.com. The Alfa/Aesar catalog features more than 12,000 highpurity inorganics and pure elements, and 7,000 organics are offered in the Avocado catalog. The combination is redefining the concept of full service with extensive product selection, quality, technical service, and same-day shipments. Custom synthesis and bulk quantities are available. 518, 520 Alltech Associates, 2051 Waukegan Rd., Deerfield, III. 60015-1899, (847) 948-8600. fax (847) 9481078, e-mail:
[email protected]. Complete line of chromatography products, instruments, and accessories for HPLC. GC, IC, SPE, and TLC. Modular ion chromatography systems including the ERIS autosuppressor, complete HPLC systems including Model 500 evaporative detector, even GC instrumentation systems. New, highly reproducible platinum HPLC columns, and At-Steel GC tubing. Filtration and sample preparation products, standards, chromatographic fittings, vials, and novel column accessories. 333 Altus Biologies, 40 Allston St., Cambridge, Mass. 02139-4211, (617) 499-0500, fax (617) 499-2480, e-mail:
[email protected]. Featuring a family of catalysts called CLEC products that are pure, insoluble crystalline catalysts that conduct clean chemistry. CLEC catalysts can be reused and recycled in most reaction environments. Products for chemical manufacturing and pharmaceutical, fine chemical, environmental, agricultural, and biomedical applications. Current product lines: ChiroCLEC catalysts and PeptiCLEC. 813,815 American Laboratory, 30 Controls Dr., Shelton, Conn. 06484, (203) 926-9300, fax (203) 926-9310, e-mail:
[email protected]. Displaying the following publications: American Laboratory, American Laboratory News Edition, American Environmental Laboratory, American Biotechnology Laboratory, Managing the Modern Laboratory, Journal of Capillary Electrophoresis, and Buyers' Guide as well as postcard decks. 262 Analytical Research Systems (ARS), P.O. Box 140218, Gainesville, Fla. 32614-0218, (352) 4660051, fax (352) 466-0055, e-mail: 74747.3151 @compuserve.com. Specializes in custom chemical instrumentation and glassware used in the aerospace, biomedical, chemical, environmental, electronic, and pharmaceutical industries. Offers complete systems and product design and fabrication services for any research or process application. Specialties include digital/computer chemical process control systems, custom chemical reactors, volatile collection chambers, bioreactors, as well as environmental systems. 120 Antek Instruments, 300 Bammel Westfield Rd., Houston, Texas 77090, (713) 580-0339, fax (713) 580-0719. Exhibiting patented lab and process/on134
JULY 22, 1996 C&EN
line elemental analyzers including total nitrogen, total sulfur, trace total sulfur (as low as 10 ppb), total carbon, total fluoride, and nitric oxide analyzers for gas, liquid, and solid samples: also includes simultaneous nitrogen/sulfur, nitrogen/trace sulfur, and sulfur/trace sulfur analyzers. An HP Channel Partner, Antek will be exhibiting its sulfur-selective and nitrogen-specific GC detectors and nitrogen-specific HPLC detector. 651 Apple Computer, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, Calif. 95014, (408) 996-1010, Web: http://www.apple.com. Brings the power of the workstation to the desktop with RISC technology and floating-point performance. Apple is a leader in education and a recognized pioneer in the information industry. Creates powerful solutions based on easy-to-use personal computers, servers, peripherals, software, and personal digital assistants for the education, scientific and engineering, business, consumer, and government markets. 466 Argonaut Technologies, 887 Industrial Rd., Suite G, San Carlos, Calif. 94070, (415) 598-1350, fax (415) 598-1359, e-mail:
[email protected]. Designer of instruments for automating chemical synthesis in drug discovery labs. Products include proprietary instruments, reagents, consumables, and software for use in automating the many repetitive, labor-intensive tasks involved in organic synthesis. These products were designed in conjunction with a consortium of pharmaceutical companies to ensure they meet the specific needs of medicinal chemists.
358, 360 Atkins Technical, 3401 S.W. 40th Blvd., Gainesville, Fla. 32608, (352) 378-5555, fax (352) 3356736. Manufacturer of handheld digital thermometers, recorders, and temperature probes. Record-onDemand thermometer allows for temperatures to be recorded throughout a facility with all measurements being fully documented by location. 354 J. T. Baker, a division of Mallinckrodt Baker, 222 Red School La., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865, (800) 582-2537, fax (908) 859-9318, e-mail:
[email protected]. Lab reagents and chromatography products for environmental, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and general analytical applications. New products include a highpurity solvent delivery system, a new generation of solid-phase extraction disks for environmental analysis, and a program to enhance users' chemical management capabilities. 418,420 Barnstead/Thermolyne, 2555 Kerper Blvd., Dubuque, Iowa 52001, (319) 556-2241, fax (319) 5560695, e-mail:
[email protected]. Manufacturer of lab, liquid handling, and water purification equipment such as hot plates; stirrers; mixers; incubators; sterilizers; furnaces; cryogenic equipment; dry baths; heating tapes; deionization, distillation, and reverse osmosis systems; and bottle-top dispensers and pipetters. Also chart recorders, spectrophotometers, and fluorometers. 214
ganic, inorganic, and organometallic materials will be available. DigiSim cyclic voltammetric digital simulation software will be demonstrated with quantitative analysis software. 334, 336 Bio-Rad, Digilab Division, 237 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02139, (617) 868-4330, fax (617) 2347043. Featuring FTIR instrumentation and technologies that demonstrate advances in systems integration and modulation experimentation. Featuring instrumentation for oil analysis, microscopy, and routine analysis. Introducing the FTS 6000 series of research-grade spectrometers and advanced software for FTIR- WinIR Pro. 717 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Sadtler Division, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, (215) 382-7800, fax (215) 662-0585, e-mail:
[email protected]. Featuring more than 50IR spectral databases for use with most IR search software programs; IR software: IR Mentor and IR SearchMaster; NMR databases: 38,000 fully assigned structures and peak tables; NMR software: Structure Search, Molecular Editor; and peak search and assignment tools. 427 Bioscape, 607 Hansen Way, Bldg. 1, P.O. Box 51110, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303-1110, (415) 846-3570, fax (415) 846-3595, e-mail:
[email protected] or
[email protected]. Presenting Bioscape, a revolutionary tool allowing users to access and manage protein sequences, structure, literature, and data simultaneously. Applications help scientists use this information to design experiments and interpret their results, saving valuable research time. Bioscape's intuitive, user-friendly interface makes the full power of these features readily accessible to any user, making it a valuable partner to lab work. 254 Biosis, 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, (800) 523-4806, fax (215) 587-4806, e-mail:
[email protected]. org. Publisher of life science reference tools, produces a large life science research database, Biosis Previews/ RN, the on-line equivalent of "Biological Abstracts" and "Biological Abstracts/RRM," with the added enhancement of CAS Registry Numbers. By using Registry numbers in a query, there's no need to search every known synonym of a chemical name. 255 Biotage, a division of Dyax, 1500 Avon St. Extended, Charlottesville, Va. 22902, (804) 979-2319, fax (804) 979-4743. Provides products for lab-scale to production-scale chromatography, including flash chromatography systems available with 40-g to 5.0kg prepacked cartridges. Parallex Parallel Purification Systems use prepacked flash cartridges to run multiple separations in parallel. The Parallex 640 system allows chemists to isolate individual compounds, in forms appropriate for screening, at the same rate at which they are produced. For preparative HPLC, Kiloprep benchtop to production-scale systems are available in fully automated, gradient, or manual configurations. Kiloprep Radial Compression Modules use 3- to 8-inch prepacked cartridges for high-resolution purification. 407, 409
Beilstein Information Systems, Varrentrapp Strasse 40-42, D-60486, Frankfurt, Germany, (49) 69 7917-633, fax (49) 69 7917-636, e-mail:
[email protected]. Presenting CrossFire Gmelin, a complete collection of structures, properties, and references in organometallic and inorganic chemistry. The CrossFire chemical information system combines a high-performance search engine with databases containing more than 5 million reactions, 7 million compounds, and extensive property data fields. Searchable by structure or data from a client PC or Macintosh. Also exhibiting AutoNom 2.0 and "Beilstein Handbook for Organic Chemistry." 706, 708
Bohdan Automation, 1500 McCormick Blvd., Mundelein, III. 60060, (847) 680-3939, fax (847) 6801199. Functionally dedicated workstations to automate everyday laboratory sample handling tasks. Workstations for automated weighing, pipetting, organic synthesis, solid-phase extraction, bar-code labeling, microplate handling, centrifugation, and many other sample preparation procedures. 668
Benjamin/Cummings, 2725 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, Calif. 94025, (415) 854-0300, fax (415) 6142933. Exhibiting "Chemistry," 5th ed., by Timberlake; "Chemical Kinetics," by Logan; and "Dynamic Chemistry," an interactive CD-ROM where active learning is the focus. 840
Bridgewater Chemical, 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219, (412) 562-8300, fax (412) 562-2233. Presenting a new line of reagent and specialty chemicals, solvents, solutions, and acids. All products are described in a 35-page catalog. 702
Bioanalytical Systems, 2701 Kent Ave., West Lafayette, Ind. 47906, (800) 845-4246, fax (317) 497-1102, e-mail:
[email protected]. Displaying the latest "Electrochemistry for the Chemist" instrumentation and accessories. Model CV-50W Windows voltammetric analyzer, microelectrodes, controlled-growth mercury electrode, cells, and electrodes. Information on the determination of trace metals and electrochemical characterization of or-
Bomem/Hartmann & Braun, 450 Ave. St. Jean Baptiste, Quebec, Quebec G2E 5S5, Canada, (418) 877-2944, fax (418) 877-2334, e-mail: cmercier @bomem.qc.ca. MB series of FTIR spectrometers for lab and industrial applications. 233
Brinkmann Instruments, One Cantiague Rd., P.O. Box 1019, Westbury, N.Y. 11590-0207, (516) 3347500, fax (516) 334-7506, e-mail: info@brinkmann. com. Exhibiting Metrohm titrators, titration software, pH meters, and accessories; new Eppendorf pipettes with separate tip ejector, electronic and repetitive pipettes; Lauda chillers; Buchi safety VAP rotary evaporators and vacuum accessories; Heidolph/Brinkmann stirrers; Retsch/Brinkmann grinding mills and sievers; Eco Chemie potentiostats, and software. 317, 319, 321
Brookhaven Instruments, 750 Blue Point Rd., Holtsville, N.Y. 11742, (516) 758-3200, fax (516) 758-3255, e-mail:
[email protected]. Offers highquality instrumentation for particle-size measurement from 1 nm to 3,600 urn utilizing laser light scattering, disc centrifugation, a laser scanner, and dynamic image analysis; for zeta potential analysis by particle electrophoresis and streaming potential; and for polymer solution characterization using light scattering. Trained support staff will be on hand to assist customers. Brookhaven now distributes Galai products. 307 Brooks/Cole Publishing/ITP, 511 Forest Lodge Rd., Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950, (408) 373-0728, fax (408) 375-6414, e-mail: kathleen/sharp@brookscole. com. Featuring "Organic Chemistry," by McMurry; "Biochemistry," by Ritter; "Perspectives on Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry," by Carroll; "Foundations of College Chemistry," 9th ed., by Hein and Arena; "Alternate and Lab Manual," by Brief; "College Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry," by Hein, Best, Pattison, and Arena; and "General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry," by Lygre. See the latest in educational materials, multimedia, and software. 850 William C. Brown Publishers, 2460 Kerper Blvd., Dubuque, Iowa 52001, (319) 589-2927, fax (319) 589-1819. Committed to providing educators with quality and innovative tools. See our latest products for chemistry instructors. 755
nucleotides. Cal-Pac's organic synthesis division provides fine chemicals and custom manufacturing capabilities. 556
optimization, information management, and molecular modeling available on a range of UNIX, PC, and Macintosh platforms. 600
Camag Scientific, 515 Cornelius Harnett Dr., Wilmington, N.C. 28401, (800) 334-3909, fax (910) 343-1834. Complete TLC system features the automatic TLC sampler for sample application, the automatic developing chamber for plate development, and the TLC scanning densitometer for a versatile densitometric evaluation including variable spectra recording and multiwavelength scanning. Video image acquisition storage and analysis systems will be demonstrated. 357
Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19143, (215) 925-2222, fax (215) 925-1954, e-mail:
[email protected]. The Chemical Heritage Foundation seeks to strengthen public understanding of the chemical sciences and technologies, increase the flow of the ablest students into the chemical sciences and chemical process industries, and instill in chemical scientists and engineers a greater pride in their heritage and their contributions to society. 454
CambridgeSoft (formerly Cambridge Scientific Computing), 875 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02139, (800) 315-7300, fax (617) 491-0555, e-mail:
[email protected]. Developer of chemistry software for the desktop. ChemOffice Pro, a suite of chemistry software products, includes C hem Draw Pro (structure drawing), Chem3D Pro (3-D visualization and modeling, including CS MOPAC), and ChemFinder Pro (a chemically intelligent database). Products for MS Windows (3.1, 95, and NT), Macintosh, Power Macintosh, and UNIX (Sun and SGI).
Chemical Process Specialists, RR 3 Box 90A, Gorham, Maine 04038, (207) 929-4290, fax (207) 929-4291, e-mail:
[email protected]. Produces high-resolution centrifugal particle-size analysis systems for particles between 0.02 and 20 urn. The method for analysis of low-density particles (patent pending) allows rapid, high-resolution analysis of particles of any density, including water suspensions of particles with densities near or equal to 1.0 g/mL. Also offers particle-size analysis services. 359
Chemir/Polytech Laboratories, 2672 Metro Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63043, (314) 291-6620, fax (314) 291-6630, e-mail:
[email protected]. Provides highquality problem solving by utilizing the analytical skills of Ph.D. chemists in conjunction with state-ofthe-art scientific instrumentation. Specializing in materials identification, deformulations, polymer analysis, failure analysis, and "good versus bad" product comparison. Materials analyzed include plastics, polymers, oils, inks, rubbers, coatings, paints, adhesives, surfactants, and pharmaceuticals. 558
Captair LabX, 1980 Turnpike St., North Andover, Mass. 01845, (508) 975-3336, fax (508) 975-2730, e-mail:
[email protected]. Features ductless filtering fume enclosures (toxic gases are eliminated by filtration) and LabX technical furniture (modular and expandable). 819,821
Bruker Instruments, 19 Fortune Dr., Manning Park, Billerica, Mass. 01821, (508) 667-9580, fax (508) 667Carbolite, P.O. Box 7, 110 South Second St., Wa3954. Exhibiting analytical instruments representing tertown, Wis. 53094, (414) 262-0240, fax (414) 262advanced technological products, EPR spectrome0255, e-mail:
[email protected]. Offers an extenters, FTIR spectrophotometers (including Raman), sive line of heat processing furnace and oven prodmass spectrometers, NMR spectrometers, and data stations including UNIX- and PC-based systems. The ucts for the lab research, testing, and pilot plant environment. Provide furnaces for operation to instrumentation fulfills demanding requirements for 1,800 °C, oven products to 600 °C, and incubators stability, precision, and flexibility. 216 to 80 °C. Product range includes box, tube, and bottom- and top-loading furnaces, ovens, incubaBTR Labs, 1470 Treeland Blvd., S.E., Palm Bay, Fla. tors, and sterilizers. Also provides specialized fur32909, (407) 632-1111 ext. 22011, fax (407) 634nace and oven products and custom-engineered 3730, e-mail:
[email protected]. Offers high-quality silica-based media for analytical, pre- equipment to meet specific customer process re355 parative, and process LC markets. Spherical Kromasil quirements. (manufactured by Eka Nobel), ZORBAX, and ZORChapman & Hall, 115—5th Ave., 4th Floor, New BAX LP, as well as angular IMPAQ products are ofYork, N.Y. 10003, (212) 260-1354, fax (212) 260fered in particle sizes between 5 and 150 urn in bulk and prepacked columns. Surface-interactive bonding 1730, e-mail:
[email protected]. Publisher of textbooks, monographs, journals, reference works, and is available for reversed-phase and other specialty CD-ROM products. See the new, sixth edition of the applications. 831 "Dictionary of Organic Compounds" and preview the new CD-ROM products, such as Minsource, BiotransBurgess Publishing Co., 7110 Ohms La.. Minneformations, the Merck Index, and the Dictionary of Inapolis, Minn. 55416, (612) 831-1344. fax (612) 831organic Organometallic Compounds. 746-749 3167, e-mail:
[email protected]. Publishes lab materials, workbooks, and textbooks for proChemGlass, 3861 North Mill Rd., Vineland, N.J. fessors who write them for their students. A 08360, (800) 843-1794, fax (609) 696-9102. Exhibcollection of lab exercises designed for introductory iting lab glassware and equipment featured in the chemistry is available. Professors can use a mixture new 50th anniversary catalog. Includes Airfree manof these exercises with their own to publish a cusifolds, Teflon pumps, vacuum systems, Schlenk tomized manual easily and quickly. 861 components, Minum-Ware for microscale work, 47and 90-mm filtration glassware, pilot plant reactors, Cabot Performance Materials, P.O. Box 239, 377 vacuum stirrer bearing, plastic-coated glassware, Beaver Run Rd., Revere, Pa. 18953. (610) 847heavy wall flasks, LPLC columns, custom-fabricated 5121, (800) 445-8521, fax (610) 847-8086. Producproducts, and the Diversomer 8-PIN synthesizer. er of high-quality cesium and rubidium. Cesium chemicals are used as catalysts, in the production 500, 502 and modification of alcohol, and in biomedical reChemical Abstracts Service, 2540 Olentangy Rivsearch. Rubidium is also used in catalysts, special er Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43210, (614) 447-3600, fax glasses, and biological research. 237 (614) 447-3709, e-mail:
[email protected]. CAS is a complete source of chemical and related scientific CAChe Scientific, See Oxford Molecular Group. 646 information. SciFinder, an easy-to-use on-line Caframo Ltd., RR No. 2, Wiarton, Ontario NOH search tool, supplies users with the complete range 2TO, Canada, (800) 567-3556, fax (519) 534-1088. of chemical information—right at their desktops. Displaying rotary evaporators, overhead stirrers, Build and search chemical structures, and view magnetic stirrers, shakers, mixers, and homogenizpatent text and images, all with STN Express softes. The 20-L rotary evaporator Labo-Rota 20 SRC ware. CAS provides access to STN International will be featured. Years of quality manufacturing exand its more than 190 databases, including CA and perience have resulted in the worldwide recognition Registry. CASurveyor is a collection of CD-ROM tiof Caframo-Heidolph products. Heidolph products, tles vital to today's research. Printed CA is the 20th manufactured with ISO 9000 standards, all come century's most prized source of chemical informawith a two-year warranty. 116, 118 tion. And now CA is available on CD-ROM. Demonstrations of CAS products are available. 346 California-Pacific Lab & Consulting, 2206 Cecilia Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94116, (888) -3-CALPAC Chemical Design, 200 Rte. 17 South, Suite 120, (toll-free), fax (415) 664-9222, e-mail: calpac@ Mahwah, N.J. 07430, (201) 529-3323, fax (201) sirius.com. Featuring ECOFunnel, patented funnel 529-2443, e-mail:
[email protected]. screws that screw tightly on the top of typical Offers combinatorial chemistry design and biological waste bottles in labs and prevent the emission of data-handling software. Now including HTS datasolvents into the lab environment. ECOFunnel is base, storage of reaction sequences, and integration with inventory management, Chem-X provides also used as a solvent-catch container in the sink. technology to take users into the next century. See Cal-Pac's analytical division provides LC-MS, GCthe complete suite of products for combinatorial MS, MALDI, and other spectrometry services for chemistry, receptor screening, lead generation and mixtures of organic molecules, proteins, and oligo-
Chlorine Chemistry Council, 1300 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22209, (703) 741-5000, fax (703) 7416898, Web: http://c3.org. The Chlorine Chemistry Council of the Chemical Manufacturers Association is made up of producers and users of chlorine and chlorine-related products, and other organizations with an interest in chlorine chemistry. 661 Classic Modular Systems, 1911 Columbus St., Two Rivers, Wis. 54241, (414) 793-2269, fax (414) 793-2896, e-mail:
[email protected]. Attractive, moveable lab cabinetry with interlocking marbleized epoxy resin countertops. Cabinets and countertops have a molded polyurethane edge that provides seamless protection from moisture and chemical penetration. Flexible edging protects workers, lab equipment, and cabinetry. Variable air volume, height-adjustable fume hood with self-closing sash and alarm and an ergonomic lab chair will also be on display. 146, 148, 150 Conviron, 167 Weaverville Hwy., Asheville, N.C. 28804-1241, (800) 368-9132, fax (704) 658-3445, e-mail:
[email protected]. Displaying information on a complete line of environmental test chambers and rooms for the precise control of temperature, relative humidity, light intensity, and C02. A line of biological incubators in 9-, 26-, and 46-cuft sizes is being introduced. Other products include humidity and stability incubators, germinators, tissue culture chambers, plant growth chambers, and dew formation rooms. 830 Coulter, P.O. Box 169015, M/C 195-10, Miami, Fla. 33116-9015, (305) 885-0131, fax (305) 883-6877. Features particle-characterization instrumentation and services. Displaying the LS 230 enhanced laser diffraction particle-size analyzer with dry-powder module and the SA 3100 BET surface-area analyzer. Also provides particle-characterization analytical services as well as comprehensive training courses located within our facilities. 257, 259 Cray Research, See Oxford Molecular Group. 646 CRC Press/Lewis Publishers, 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W., Boca Raton, Fla. 33431, (407) 9940555, fax (407) 997-7249, e-mail: orders@crcpress. Presenting "Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia," (print and CD-ROM editions), "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics," 77th ed., and more winners in both print and electronic format. 860, 862 Current Biology Ltd., 251 Hugo St., San Francisco, Calif. 94122, (415) 566-4880, fax (415) 5664594, e-mail:
[email protected]. Publisher of the journal Chemistry & Biology. Introducing two new review journals, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science and Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science. Each review journal provides
JULY 22,1996 C&EN 135
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Aug. 26-28
Workshop(s) desired No.
Name. Address.
E-mail. Telephone.
Advance registration will be passed along to sponsoring companies and will ensure a space for you in the workshop(s) of your choice. Return the form to ACS Expositions, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; phone (202) 872-6047, fax (202) 8724410, e-mail:
[email protected]. Deadline for advance registration is Aug. 16. If complete information is received, confirmation of workshop(s) will be sent within 2 weeks of receipt of registration. L both a concise overview and critical appraisal of the latest developments in the past year. Journal samples available. 730 Daylight Chemical Information Systems, 27401 Los Altos, Suite 370, Mission Viejo, Calif. 92691, (714 367-9990, fax (714) 367-0990, Web: http:// www.daylight.com. Chemical information modules (Daylight ToolKit) provide the infrastructure for integration and development of a variety of chemical software tools and custom applications; new products include DCGI—Internet and intranet interface to software and databases. Featuring Monomer ToolKit, a complete set of tools for building combinatorial chemistry systems, storage, registration, searching, and retrival; Smirks Reactions, an essential tool for design and building of combinatorial libraries; Thor/Merlin, a turnkey application for corporate, global, and individual structure database and other chemical information systems needs. Databases also available: ACD, MedChem '96, SPRESI '95 (3.2 million-substance database), World Drug Index (WDI '96), TSCA, and AQUIRE. 459, 461 Delta Technical Products, 1777 Busse Hwy., Des Plaines, III. 60016, (847) 803-6070, fax (847) 8036686, e-mail:
[email protected]. A hybrid systems maintenance organization specializing in HPLC and GC maintenance repairs, qualifications, and validations. All qualifications and validations performed with NIST traceable standards. A number of service plans are available, including the newest "ASAP" plan. ASAP is a program developed through an alliance with Hewlett-Packard, which offers comprehensive service including asset management, multivendor repairs, and an extensive validation program. 632 Denver Instrument, 6542 Fig St., Arvada, Colo. 80004, (303) 431-7255, fax (303) 423-4831. Displaying a broad range of lab instruments, including analytical and top-loading balances, moisture analyzers, pH meters, titrators, and centrifuges. 142 Digital Instruments, 520 East Montento St., Santa Barbara, Calif. 93103, (805) 899-3380, fax (805) 899-3392, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting a complete line of NanoScope scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), including MultiMode atomic force microscope (AFM), a best selling and highresolution SPM, and new Dimension 3000 SPM offering the complete range of AFM techniques for small or large samples—for example, nanotopography, magnetic force, lateral force, and electrochemistry. Also featured will be the NanoScope E, a new low-cost SPM system for electrochemistry, contact AFM, and lateral force applications. 337
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Dionex, 1228 Titan Way, Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086, (408) 737-0700, fax (408) 730-9403. Specializing in ion analysis and HPLC. Exhibiting systems for the analysis of high-purity and drinking water; wastewater; chemical processes; pharmaceuticals, foods, and beverages. Two new systems will be displayed—the DX-120 ion chromatograph and the ASE 200 accelerated solvent extractor. 707, 709 Diversomer Technologies, 2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105, (313) 996-7264, fax (313) 998-2782, e-mail:
[email protected]. Provides equipment for high-throughput chemical synthesis and combinatorial chemistry. Products include the Diversomer synthesizer in 8-PIN and 40-PIN arrays, together with modules for liquid handling, temperature control, agitation, and data management. Demonstrations available. 715 EG&G Instruments, Princeton Applied Research, P.O. Box 2565, Princeton, N.J. 08543, (609) 5301000, fax (609) 883-7259. Manufacturer of electrochemical measurement instrumentation. Exhibiting a selection from their full line of potentiostats and polarographic analyzers, as well as the applications software that will perform the techniques used in redox studies, chemical analysis, and corrosion measurements. Also on display will be some of the accessories that are used in these studies. 430 Elsevier Science, 655—6th Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010, (212) 633-3766, (212) 633-3764. Chemistry and chemical engineering program for science publishing. Browse among a selection of journals and books, or search the on-line catalog to identify material of relevance to work. Ask for a demonstation of the Tetrahedron Information System and other online services. 432-437 Enraf-Nonius, 390 Central Ave., Bohemia, N.Y. 11716, (516) 589-2885 fax (516) 589-2068, e-mail:
[email protected]. Offers equipment for X-ray diffraction. The new KCCD area detector system will be displayed. Coupled with the MACH3 goniometer and the FR590 high-frequency generator, this detector system with its accompanying software yields an instrument of great power. 424, 426 Exaxol, 14325—60th St. North, Clearwater, Fla. 34620, (813) 524-7732. Featuring inorganic standard/solutions for ICP/MS, AA, GFAA, and IC; custom elemental standards, CLP blends, matrix modifiers, multiionic standards; and volumetric solutions, pH buffers, indicators, sterile buffers, titrants. Serving environmental, municipal, electronics, dairy, citrus, mining, and industrial QC, also has a new FDA-GMP/GLP facility. 619
Because of space limitations, workshop attendance will be by registration only, even though workshops are being offered without charge by the sponsoring companies. Please use the registration form at left to ensure space in the workshop(s) of your choice. The advance registration deadline is Friday, Aug. 16. Should you register on-site, please check in with the sponsoring company at its booth to inquire about the availability of your chosen workshop. Booth numbers are indicated after each exhibitor listing. Because of the timely and interesting topics of these workshops, they will fill up quickly. Therefore, early registration is encouraged. All workshops will be held in the Orange County Convention Center. MONDAY, AUG. 26 1. Analysis of Nonderivatized Organic Acids and Amines. Sponsor: Dionex, booths 707, 709. Instructor: Walter Ausserer. 10 to 11 AM. Room 221C. Ion chromatography provides a rapid, straightforward alternative to complex derivatization methods for HPLC or GC analysis of organic acids and amines. Analytes are directly detected with suppressedconductivity detection, which eliminates the need for derivatization. This workshop will focus on the fundamentals of ion chromatography and the analysis of organic acids and amines in complex matrices. 2. Accelerated Solvent Extraction for Fast and Easy Sample Preparation. Sponsor: Dionex, booths 707, 709. Instructor: Bruce Richter. Session 1, 1:30 to 2:30 PM; Session 2, 3 to 4 PM. (Please denote which session you plan to attend on the registration form.) Room 221C. Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) is a new extraction technology that uses small amounts of common solvents with high efficiency. Typical extractions require 10 to 15 mL of solvent and are completed in a few minutes. The ASE 200 instrument will be explained and demonstrated. 3. Hands-On Training in Combinatorial Chemistry. Sponsor: Diversomer Technologies, booth 715. Instructors: Sheila DeWitt, and Alasdair MacDonald. 9 AM to noon. Room 221E. An interactive workshop designed to provide chemists an opportunity to evaluate and implement alternative methods in combinatorial and automated synthesis. The workshop will focus on hands-on experiments, explanations of enabling technologies, and comparisons of commercial systems. 4. Solving Research Problems with the Beilstein CrossFire System. Sponsor: Beilstein Information Systems, booths 706, 708. Instructor: Susan
Cariflo. Session 1, 9 to 10:30 AM; Session 2, 3 to 4:30 PM. (Please denote which session you plan to attend on the registration form.) Room 221D. You are starting a new project, need an overview of the field, and don't have the time to spend days in the library. You need to keep current on the latest developments in your area. You enjoy engaging in creative browsing and need a system that can keep up with the flow of your ideas. If any of these statements reflect your professional needs, then you are cordially invited to one of our sessions. The workshop will emphasize the ease with which you can search for properties, structures, and reactions, from 1779 to present. Retrieve instantly via a MAC or PC, the chemical, physical, and biological properties and literature references related to compounds of interest. 5. CrossFire-Gmelin, Uses and Applications of the Gmelin Database. Sponsor: Beilstein Information Systems, booths 706, 708. Instructor: Manfred Kunz. Noon to 1:30 PM. Room 221D CrossFire Gmelin—a complete collection of structures, properties, and references in organometallic and inorganic chemistry—will be put to work on the solution of research problems, and not just in the inorganic chemistry lab. The Gmelin database delivers chemical, physical properties, preparation, purification, and literature references for more than 1 million compounds including alloys, glasses and ceramics, minerals, and coordination compounds. You will learn how to put the wealth of information found in the Gmelin database to work solving problems in inorganic synthesis and process development, and also in the metalloorganic laboratory. 6. General MSDS Management and How Chemmate Relates. Sponsor: Micromedex, booth 800. Instructor: Jim Howerton. 1:30 to 4:30 PM. Room 221B. Chemmate from Micromedex, a Windowsbased software product, analyzes chemical products and mixtures then writes material safety data sheets (MSDS), health and safety data sheets, warning labels, and signs—in compliance with the national/ international safety regulations. It automatically creates customizable multilingual documents in a variety of international formats.
TUESDAY, AUG. 2 7 7. New Technologies and Applications in Chemical Data Modeling on the Personal Computer. Sponsor: Tripos, booths 200-203. Instructors: Jerry Baronofky and Kevin Koboldt. 10 AM to noon. Room 221B. This workshop will present new PC-based technologies for integrated chemical data modeling—including molecular property calculations, molecular visualization and interactions, database searching and management, and specialized applications. Advanced applications for polymer, protein, and smallmolecule discovery will be highlighted in the Microsoft Windows environment.
8. Electrochemistry for Chemists. Sponsor: Bioanalytical Systems (BAS), booths 334, 336. Instructors: Adrian Rott and Jonathon Howell. 9 AM to noon. Room 221C. This workshop will provide an introduction to electrochemistry for chemists through lecture and demonstration. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), bulk electrolysis, and other controlledpotential techniques will be discussed and illustrated using BAS instrumentation and accessories including the CV-50W voltammetric analyzer and DigiSim, a powerful digital simulation program for cyclic voltammetry. 9. Absolute Macromolecular Characterization. Sponsor: Wyatt Technology, booth 537. Instructor: Philip Wyatt. 9 AM to 5 PM. Room 221D. This workshop reviews the fundamentals of absolute macromolecular characterization by multiangle laser light scattering (MALLS). The program includes a demonstration of the MALLS detector connected to a sizeexclusion chromatograph. Topics covered will include molecular weights and sizes and their distributions as well as details of molecular conformation, all derived directly from the light-scattering measurement. 10. New Advances in Flash Chromatography, Preparative HPLC, and the Use of Parallel Purification Systems as a Combinatorial Chemistry Complement. Sponsor: Biotage, booths 407, 409. Instructor: Michael T. Lally. 9 AM to noon. Room 221E. This program will review advances in flash chromatography and preparative HPLC techniques as well as discuss the use of parallel purification for combinatorial chemistry. The presentation will include optimization guidelines for fast purification of organic compounds, natural products, peptides, and oligonucleotides with high purity and product yield. 11. Interfacing to HyperChem. Sponsor: Hypercube, booth 306. Instructors: Mirek Sopek, Dragan Vuckovic, and Diane Richardson. 1:30 to 4:30 PM. Room 221B. An introduction to HyperChem and the new CDK (Chemist's Developer Kit) will be given, as well as many working examples of interfacing HyperChem with other molecular modeling/quantum chemistry programs or other applications. Although HyperChem itself has proven to be an extremely popular molecular modeling product, one of its great strengths in the long term is revolving around its "open architecture." This architecture makes it possible to easily integrate thirdparty applications, adding to the general success of HyperChem and its companion thirdparty products.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2 8 12. ACD/Labs Predictive Software Introduction. Sponsor: Advanced Chemistry Development, booths 125, 127. Instructor: Alanas Petrauska. Session 1, 9 AM; Session 2,
10:30 AM. (Please denote which session you plan to attend on the registration form.) Room 221D. Presenting the latest versions of the chemical property prediction software ACD/Labs. Topics covered include: ACD/CNMR and ACD/HNMR carbon and proton NMR spectra prediction; ACD/LogP, logP value prediction; ACD/BP, boiling-point prediction; and ACS/Name, IUPAC name generator. The workshop will include a discussion of the theoretical basis of the ACS/Labs programs, the structure drawing interface ACD/ ChemSketch 2.0, the self-training and chemical database capabilities of the programs, and an introduction to ACD chemical information services provided through the Internet, http://www.acdlabs.com. Participants are encouraged to bring chemical structures of interest. 13. Particle-Size Separation and Analysis with Vibratory Sievers. Sponsor: Brinkmann Instruments, booths 317, 319, 321. Instructor: Paul E. Ditrano and Helmut Pitsch. 9 AM to noon. Room 221C. Mechanical sieving is an important analytical technique for reproducibly separating most powerful materials. New vibratory sieving instruments offer a quiet and accurate alternative to conventional mechanical sievers. Attendees at this seminar will be introduced to the basics of sieve analysis and particle separation utilizing the Retsch/ Brinkmann vibratory siever. 14. Programming and Using Molecular Inventor. Sponsor: Silicon Graphics, booths 300, 302. Instructor: Mark Benzel. 9 AM to noon. Room 221E. Molecular Inventor is a set of extensions to Open Inventor, which simplifies the development of molecular graphics applications. In addition, it specifies extensions to the Open Inventor file format, which allow the transfer of chemical data between applications and the display of the data even in applications that have no knowledge of chemical systems. The features of Molecular Inventor include optimized rendering of molecular structures, advanced selection and highlighting mechanisms, and generation of isosurfaces and 3-D contours. This session will discuss the basic architecture of Molecular Inventor and how to use it to create applications. Use of Molecular Inventor with Silicon Graphics collaborative applications will also be presented. 15. Introducing Computation into the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Curriculum. Sponsor: Wavefunction, booth 624. Instructor: Warren Hehre. 1:30 to 4:30 PM. Room 221E. This workshop will illustrate how to perform and explain organic chemistry using computation. Coverage includes an introduction to commonly used computational methods, what can be calculated and how well it can be calculated, and examples of lecture presentations and of computational labs. Each participant will receive a copy of the lecture notes and examples of lecture and lab materials.
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FAQS, 7786 Skylineview, Concord, Ohio 44060, (813)639-0895. 215 Farchan Laboratories, 2603 N.W. 74th PL, Gainesville, Fla. 32653-1207, (352) 378-5864, fax (352) 371-7571, order desk (800) 241-1845, e-mail:
[email protected]; Web: http://www.farchan. com. Manufacturer specializing in acetylene and silicon compounds. Trimethylsilyl acetylene and alkynols are two key products. Produces intermediates for various industry segments in quantities from grams to tons. Organic compounds of various complexity are routinely developed in research lab. Most name reactions are run as well as routinely run reactions in liquid ammonia. A catalog of research chemicals is published and is maintained on-line with STN. 361 First Ten Angstroms, 465 Dinwiddie St., Portsmouth, Va. 23704, (804) 393-3708. Demonstrating the FTA200 dynamic contact-angle analyzer. This video system uses drop shape analysis to measure contact angle and surface tension, and to compute surface energy. FT A also offers a robotics dilution model, specialized for dilution sequences and surface tension measurements, and a robotics mapping system for contact-angle measurements over a 2-D surface. Samples welcome. 117 Fisher Scientific, 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219, (412) 562-8300, fax (412) 562-2233. Presenting organic reagents, optical products, chromatography, monomer and polymer research products, stains and dyes, organic building blocks, and the complete catalog on diskette and Fisher Internet. 807, 809 Fluid Metering, 29 Orchard St., P.O. Box 179, Oyster Bay, N.Y. 11771, (516) 922-6050, fax (516) 6248261. Exhibiting metering pumps, dispensers, and accessories—including those that are valveless, variable flow, positive displacement, viscosity independent, self-priming, and have chemically inert fluid path. Accuracy better than 1%, pressures to 100 psi, flows from 0.002 mL per disp to 2,500 mL per minute. Drives include ac, dc, pneumatic, variable, X-Proof, stepper, and motorless for chemical processes, liquid chromatography, agrichemical injection, water and waste treatment, environmental sampling, R&D lab use, pharmaceuticals, medical diagnostics, adhesives, food additives, foundry catalyst, and glass coatings. 221 FMC Lithium Division, Hwy. 161, P.O. Box 795, Bessemer City, N.C. 28021, (704) 868-0888, fax (704) 868-5496, e-mail:
[email protected]. Offers lithium and magnesium organometallics, including lithium diisopropylamide; various alkyllithiums, dibutylmagnesium, and magnesium alkoxides in hydrocarbon solution; and silane blocking-group precursors, \er\-butyl dimethylchlorosilane, and tertbutyl diphenylchlorosilane. Custom synthesis of fine organic compounds requiring pyrophoric chemicals for their sythesis. 100, 102 W. H. Freeman, 41 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010, (212) 576-9400, fax (212) 481-1891. Information on these new titles: "Chemistry," 3rd ed., by Atkins and Jones; "Elements of Physical Chemistry, " 2nd ed., by Atkins; "Exploring Chemical Analysis, " by Harris; and "General Chemistry in the Laboratory," 4th ed.. by Roberts, Hollenberg, and Postma. Also displaying "Biochemistry," by Stryer; "Quantitative Chemical Analysis," by Harris; 'Physical Chemistry and Concepts of Physical Chemistry," by Atkins; "Environmental Chemistry," by Baird; "Organic Chemistry," 2nd ed., by Vollhardt and Schore; "Inorganic Chemistry," 2nd ed., by Sh river, Atkins, and Lang ford. 742 Freund Publishing House Ltd., P.O. Box 35010, Tel Aviv, Israel. 849 FTS Systems, P.O. Box 158, Stone Ridge, N.Y., 12484, (914) 687-0071, fax (914) 687-7481, e-mail:
[email protected]. Mechanically refrigerated cold baths, cold probes, cold traps, and recirculating coolers from 120 to 125 °C for reaction cooling, GC, and MS applications. 636 Fujitsu Ltd., 1-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan, (+81) 43-299-3236, fax (+81) 43-2993019, e-mail:
[email protected]. Featuring the Fujitsu Chemical Server, which consists of the Fujitsu VX Series Server and major computational chemistry software packaged together for a total industry solution. Also featured are RS3 Discovery, the relational structure-search system from PSI International, and CS ChemOffice and CS MOPAC from CambridgeSoft Corp. CS MOPAC is a licensed version
JULY 22, 1996 C&EN
of Fujitsu MOPAC 93, jointly developed by Fujitsu and CambridgeSoft and marketed by CambridgeSoft. 714,716 Galactic Industries, 395 Main St., Salem, N.H. 03079, (603) 898-7600, fax (603) 898-6228, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting GRAMS/32, an integrated suite of spectroscopy software tools that combines data importing, processing, viewing, organizing, and accessing capabilities into one simple and intuitive software package. GRAMS/32 features Spectral Notebase, the new data management capability, and the Macro Wizard, an easy-to-use visual programming interface. 217,219 Galai Instruments, See Brookhaven Instruments. 307 Gauthier-Villars North America, 875-81 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02139, (617) 3567875, fax (617) 356-6875. Publisher of Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences. Recent developments have positioned Gauthier-Villars in the field of chemistry. Now publishing the majority of articles in English with the help of associate editors from Europe and North America. Journals to be exhibited: New Journal of Chemistry, European Journal of Solid State & Inorganic Chemistry, and Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences. 761 GBC Scientific Equipment, 3930 Ventura Dr., Suite 350, Arlington Heights, III. 60004, (847) 5061900, fax (847) 506-1901. Displaying a comprehensive A AS line, featuring the Avanta and Avanta Sigma; precision ICP spectrometers, including the Integra XL and a fast-scanning research-grade UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The Avanta AAS series is reliable in terms of analysis and automation. The new modular Integra XL ICP increases performance in the lab. And Windows software enables ease of use. 832 Gelest, 612 William Leigh Dr., Tullytown, Pa. 19007-6308, (215) 547-1015, fax (215) 547-2484. Manufacturer of metalloorganics including silanes; silicones; germanium, tin, and lead compounds; and a broad range of metal alkoxides and metal diketonates. Products are used in microelectronics and optical coatings, sol-gel ceramics, composites, and organic synthesis. 634 General Valve Division, Parker Hannifin, 19 Gloria La., Fairfield, N.J. 07004, (201) 575-4844, fax (201) 575-4011, email:
[email protected]. Introducing the Series 99 Gen-Lock gasket seal valve, which seals to 1 x 10~n cc per second. He/ATM. Featuring eightchannel driver and software; OEM driver board; Iota One molecular beam source for pulsed laser spectroscopy; pulsed valves (165 microsecond); Teflon solenoid control valves for binary, ternary, and quaternary solvent selection; Iso-latch (Isothermal Latching); Series 2 "Fast Wash-Out" (low dead volume) and Series 3 (low cost) highly inert valves; Series 20 SS fittings for LC and GC; and programmable valve controllers and interfaces; highlighting "The Valve Driver," low-cost controller with modular power supply operating from Ttl or contact closure. 463 GFS Chemicals, P.O. Box 245, Powell, Ohio 43065, (614) 881-5501, fax (614) 881-5989, e-mail:
[email protected]. Manufacturer of lab, research, and process chemicals since 1928 specializes in ACS reagents, pyridine-free Karl Fischer reagents, trace-metal-grade acids, and AA and ICP standards. Also produces silver, cerium, and rareearth salts, buffers, HPLC sovlents, and analytical solutions. The 1996/1997 catalog is free. 335 Gilson, P.O. Box 620027, Middleton, Wis. 535620027, (800) 445-7661, fax (608) 831-4451. Exhibiting a line of analytical and preparative HPLC systems for biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications. New products on display include programmable fluorescence detector and sample changer. Also on display will be robotic liquid handlers for automation of sample preparation techniques. 235 Glas-Col, P.O. Box 2128, 711 Hulman St., Terre Haute, Ind. 47802, (812) 235-6167, fax (812) 2346975, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting standard and custom heating mantles, StirMantles, and manual and automatic temperature controls. Also shakers, rotators, vortexers, and stirrers. 607, 609 Gordon & Breach/Harwood Academic, P.O. Box 200029, Riverfront Plaza Station, Newark, N.J. 07102-0301, (215) 750-2642, fax (215) 750-6343, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting technical and
reference books, journals, and magazines covering all areas of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, environmental, polymer, physical, medicinal, and analytical. Meeting discounts and a free sample journal are available. 732 GOW-MAC Instrument, 277 Brodhead Rd., Bethlehem, Pa. 18107, (610) 954-9000, fax (610) 9540599, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting new Series 600 temperature-programmable GC-TCD, FID, DID, ECD, PID, and NPD capabilities; GCs for school through industrial use; gas analyzers and gas-leak detectors; total hydrocarbon analyzers; and replacement TCDs and filaments. Also offering special gas-handling equipment and design through installation services for panels, labs, filling systems, and manifolds. 232, 234 Graseby Specac, 500 Technology Ct., Smyrna, Ga. 30082, (800) 447-2558, fax (770) 319-2488, e-mail:
[email protected]. Celebrating 25 years of IR sampling, offering an extensive range of FTIR accessories: transmission cells, ATR, diffuse and specular reflectance accessories, extreme-condition analysis, fiber-optic remote sampling, process control, and sample preparation. Dedicated to the development of innovative products for effective IR sampling of solids, liquids, and gases. 137 The Green Chemistry Challenge Program, OPPT/ EETD (7406), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460, (202) 260-3960. 835 Groton Technology, GTI/SpectroVision, 45 Winthrop St., Concord, Mass. 01742, (800) 4864786, fax (508) 371-2045. New software features for the SoloNet UV and UV-Vis diode-array detectors, as well as a new electrochemical detector. Offers fluorescence detectors and modular capillary electrophoresis systems. The FD Series fluorescence detectors can be used for HPLC and DE, or as a free-standing fluorometer. 318 Hanna Instruments, 584 Park East Dr., Woonsocket, R.I. 02895, (800) HANNA-US, fax (401) 7657575, e-mail:
[email protected]. ISO 9001-registered manufacturer of high-tech instrumentation tailored to the environmental industry, including process controllers, pumps, and a new line of ionspecific colorimeters. Exhibited products include pocket and handheld meters that test forpH, TDS, chlorine, bromine, cyanide, iodine, and ORP. 649 Hauser Laboratories, 5555 Airport Blvd., Boulder, Colo. 80301, (800) 241-2322, fax (303) 441-5803, e-mail:
[email protected]. Full-service research, development, and testing lab specializing in chemistry, engineering, material science, and consumer products. 818 Health Designs, See Oxford Molecular Group. 646 Hemco, 111 North Powell, Independence, Mo. 64056, (816) 796-2900, fax (816) 796-3333, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting Unilab, a modular, isolated clean lab that features temperature and humidity control and ceiling HEPA filtration and is equipped with lab furniture. The lab furniture on display will include fume hoods, casework, workstations, ventilation systems, and new ductless hoods. 660, 662 High Pressure Diamond Optics, 235 West Giaconda Way, Suite 223, Tucson, Ariz. 85704-4341, (520) 544-9338, fax (520) 544-9339, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting diamond anvil cells for analytical and high-pressure investigation. These sample holders have a variety of applications and are designed to work with IR microscopes as well as spectrophotometers. 356 Houghton Mifflin, 222 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. 02116, (617) 351-5843, Web: http://www.hmco.com. Publisher of general chemistry texts welcomes DC Heath's titles to its list. For 1996 and 1997, offering college chemistry instructors new editions of the leading texts in the field: "General Chemistry," 5th ed., by Ebbing and "General Chemistry," 4th ed., by Zumdahl. Both texts are accompanied by new interactive CD-ROM programs. 842 Huthig Publishing, 29 Macintosh Dr., Oxford, Conn. 06478, (203) 881-2647, fax (203) 881-2795, e-mail:
[email protected]. Publisher of books in the areas of chemistry, chromatography, medicine, mathematics, macromolecular chemistry, physics, plastics, and polymer sciences. 856
for visualizing, analyzing, and simulating molecules; it includes ball-and-stick renderings of molecules and flat CPK renderings along with 3-D renderings of molecular orbitals and charge densities. 306 Inmark, 220 Fiske Dr., S.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30336, (404) 349-4432, fax (404) 349-5249. Manufacturer of packaging for infectious substances and diagnostic samples. Offers a variety of packaging for other hazardous materials. Produces and sells thermal protection packaging and high-quality supplies for clinical laboratories. 320
Orange County Convention Center Halls B3 & 4
Innovative Technology, 2 New Pasture Rd., Newburyport, Mass. 01950, (508) 462-4415, fax (508) 462-3338, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting the System One-M glove box and gas purification system along with various options. Custom configurations available upon request. 507, 509
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202, 103
800 701
500 401
400 301
300 201
200 101
Entrance Hypercube, 419 Phillip St., Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3X2, Canada, (519) 725-4040, fax (519) 725-5193, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting HyperChem, ChemPlus, and HyperNMR molecular modeling software for MS Windows for visualizing, analyzing, and simulating molecules. HyperChem includes building, visualization, and manipulation of 3-D molecular structures; and computational chemistry. Available on Windows and SGI platforms.
ChemPlus extends HyperChem with more renderings (including 3-D orbitals); conformational searches; builders for peptides, saccharides, and crystals; and predictions of surface area volume, LogP, and refractivity. HyperNMR calculates chemical shifts and coupling constants using quantum mechanics and simulates the resulting NMR spectrum. HyperChem Lite is a more affordable integrated and flexible molecular modeling product with capabilities
Institute for Scientific Information, 3501 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, (215) 386-0100, fax (215) 243-2206, e-mail:
[email protected], Web: http://www.isinet.com. Database publisher that has been involved in building and maintaining a bibliographic database of research information. In addition to a table-of-contents service, customized information products, retrospective citation index, and document delivery, ISI has a line of chemical information products. They include the new Index Chemicus for Windows, Index Chemicus on CDROM for Chemlncite, Reaction Citation Index database, the Current Chemical Reactions database, and much more. 731, 733 Instruments for Research & Industry, 108 Franklin Ave., Cheltenham, Pa. 19012, (215) 379-3333, fax (215) 663-8847. Exhibiting a line of microprocessorbased Therm-O-Watch temperature controller and monitor and the Mano-Watch vacuum/pressure controllers. Also exhibiting an inflatable glove chamber, lab benchtop safety shields, and monitors for water flow and liquid level, as well as stabilizers for glass and plastic ware. 206, 208 Intelligenetics, See Oxford Molecular Group.
Interactive Simulations, 5330 Carroll Canyon Rd., Suite 203, San Diego, Calif. 92121, (619) 658-9462, fax (619) 658-9463, e-mail:
[email protected]. Offers Sculpt for chemists on PCs and Macs, and for modelers on SGI workstations. Sculpt lets a chemist directly bend and twist a molecule on the computer to discover allowable conformations in a manner similar to brass or CPK models. Sculpt is applicable to small molecules, ligand docking, and protein modeling, and it provides cut-and-paste interface with ChemDraw, visual feedback, and insights into chemical diversity. 803 Isco, 4700 Superior St., Lincoln, Neb. 68504, (800) 228-4250, fax (402) 464-0318, e-mail: info.uk.sid@ isco.com. Exhibiting automated flash chromatography systems uniquely designed for fast, automated purification of synthetic organic compounds. Complete line of HPLC instruments, LC instruments, and spherilose bioseparations media will also be displayed. Also featuring the precision syringe pump line used for fluid addition and reactant feed in chemical process development, catalyst evaluation, and chromatography applications. Also on display are SFX extraction systems for fast, efficient extraction of analytes from foods, soils, polymers, pharmaceuticals, and a variety of other matrices. 460,462 Isolation Technologies, 4 Business Way, Hopedale, Mass. 01747, (508) 478-0111, fax (508) 478-1770. Showing a line of HPLC system plumbing and protection accessories including EZ-Tite fittings, bioSafe PEEK capillary tubing, Isobore stainless-steel capillary tubing, EZ-Solve in-line solvent andprecolumn filters, frits in 316 stainless steel and 100% PEEK, and column hardware for self-pack applications. 218 ISS, 2604 North Mattis Ave., Champaign, III. 61821, (217) 359-8681, fax (217) 359-7879, e-mail:
[email protected]. PCI photon-counting spectrofluorometer for high-sensitivity fluorescence measurements. The PCI is upgradable to the K2 multifrequency phase fluorometer for time-resolved measurements with picosecond resolution. Also available is a high-pressure cell for spectroscopic studies (Raman, absorption, and fluorescence). 820 JAI Press, 55 Old Post Rd. No. 2, P.O. Box 1678, Greenwich, Conn. 06836-1678, (203) 661-7602, fax (203) 661-0792. Publishers of professional research works in pure, applied, and social sciences. 754
JULY 22, 1996 C&EN 139
J-KEM Scientific, 6970 Olive Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63130, (314) 863-5536, fax (314) 863-6070, e-mail:
[email protected]. Digital temperature controllers regulate volumes from 1 mL to 100 L or any piece of equipment to 0.1 °C. Digital vacuum controller regulates equipment from 0.1 to 760 mm Hg (±0.5 mm Hg). Data-collection system logs temperature, pressure, pH, or any laboratory data to computer (96 channels) and installs as easily as plugging in a mouse. Custom robotics start at $10,000. Custom instruments manufactured to your specification. Products for combinatorial synthesis. 606, 608 Jenway Ltd., Gransmore Green, Felsted, Dunmow, Essex CM63LB, U.K., 01371-820122, fax 01371821083. Showing a full range of instruments including a new low-cost spectrophotometer and a full range of new laboratory pH meters. Also, conductivity and DOZ as well as ceramic-topped, low-cost hot plate/stirrers. 566,568 JEOL USA, 1 Dearborn Rd., Peabody, Mass. 01960, (508) 535-5900, fax (508) 536-2205, e-mail:
[email protected]. Exhibiting data system and software from its Eclipse-h NMR spectrometer. The Eclipse+ is based on the Eclipse spectrometer line, but it has more features and improved performance. The Eclipse+ is available at 300-. 400-, and a suprisingly affordable 500-MHz field strength. As with the Eclipse, the enhanced spectrometer is controlled by Delta software. 647
thickness testers and handheld friction testers. New for 1996 is a full line of surface-property testers for most applications of tribology and a line of lab mixers and stirrers. 212 Kimble Kontes, 1022 Spruce St., Vineland, N.J. 08360, (800) 223-7150. Recent products for chemistry and biochemistry include microscale and macroscale kits and accessories (Williamson & Mayo styles); distillation systems and solvent repurification equipment; chromatography columns; HPLC solvent-handling systems; Airlessware vacuum apparatus; reaction apparatus; microscale sample preparation and sample handling and storage products; NMR tubes; and environmental apparatus. 246, 248, 250 Knight-Ridder Information, 2440 El Camino Real, Mountain View, Calif. 94040, (415) 254-7000, fax (415) 254-7070. Provider of the Dialog and DataStar services. Ask for a demonstration of easy-to-use Windows-based applications for information professionals, scientists, and business professionals: KR ProBase, KR ScienceBase, and KR BusinessBase. Be sure to see the latest KR OnDisc CD-ROM products, KR SourceOne document delivery, Custom Dialog for end-user searching, and current awareness options. 301,303 Kodak, See Oxford Molecular Group.
Labconco, 8811 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo. JM Science, P.O. Box 250, 355 Lang Blvd., Grand Is64132, (816) 333-8811, fax (816) 363-0130, e-mail: land, N.Y. 14072-0250, (716) 774-8706, fax (716)
[email protected]. Debuting new products 8708. Exhibiting the full line of Shodex columns for including the Paramount Self Enclosure, which uses GPC, reversed-phase, ion-exchange, and affinity chro- charcoal filters to remove contaminants, and the Pumatography. New Shodex optical rotation detector plus rifier Class I Enclosure, which incorporates HEPA degassers and accessories for HPLC. Also new bench- filters to remove particulates. Neither product retop polarimeter and laser refractometer. 802 quires ducting to the outside. The only rotary evaporators manufactured in the U.S. will also be feaJohn Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, tured. The units come in both standard and micro N.Y. 10158, (800) 225-5945, fax (212) 850-6088, sizes, and include a unique drive with built-in cone-mail:
[email protected], Web: http://www. trols on the lift mechanism. 400 wiley.com. Publisher of quality chemistry educational materials, professional references, and jourLab Glass, Scientific Group, Rte. 40 & Oak Rd., nals. New products on display include "FundaBuena, N.J. 08310, (609) 697-3000 ext. 640, fax mentals of Organic Chemistry," 5th ed., by Sol(609) 697-0536. Displaying a comprehensive line of omons; "Physical Chemistry," 2nd ed., by Alberty general, special, and custom lab glassware for enviand Silbey; "Chemistry: The Study of Matter and ronmental, pharmaceutical, and organic chemical its Changes." 2nd ed.. by Brady and Holum; "Inapplications. Special features include an improved troduction to Molecular Dynamics and Kinetics," Chromware HPLC mobile-phase handling system, by Billing; "Electrochemistry for Chemists," 2nd along with a variety of enhanced glassware items. ed., by Sawyer; and "Environmental ChemodyAlso accepting requests for the 1996 Lab Glass catnamics: Movement of Air. Soil, and Water," 2nd alog, which now incorporates Lab Glass, Lurex, and ed., by Thibodeaux. 512-517 Doerr Glass product lines into one comprehensive catalog. 261, 263 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 40 Tall Pine Dr., Sudbury, Mass. 01776, (508) 443-5000, fax (508) 443Laboratory Devices, P.O. Box 6402, Holliston, 8000. e-mail:
[email protected]. Publisher of educaMass. 01746, (508) 429-1716, fax (508) 429-6583. tional books and software including "Organic ChemManufactures cost-effective instruments since 1959. istry," by Fox and Whitesell; "Chem-TV, Organic Current product line includes the Mel-Temp and Chemistry," CD-ROM, by Luceigh; as well as the Mel-Temp 3.0 capillary melting-point apparatus; the chemistry lab computer interface "LabWorks" by Chem-Dry microscale vacuum-drying oven; the SetSCI Technologies. 857, 859 Temp line of temperature controls; Digi-Bath digital water baths; and Digi-Block dry block heaters. 701 Journal of Chemical Education, Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Montana State University, Laboratory Equipment, 301 Gibraltar Dr., P.O. Box Bozeman, Mont. 59717, (406) 944-5393, fax (406) 650, Morris Plains, N.J. 07950-0650, (201) 292994-5407, e-mail:
[email protected]. 5100, fax (201) 539-3476. R&D product news publiJournal issues and current software will be on display, cation reaching a worldwide audience of 135,000 and subscription and order forms will be available. research laboratory professionals. Serving the $171 Publisher's representatives (the McNeill Group) will billion domestic R&D market with coverage of the also be on hand to talk to potential advertisers. 756 73,047 identified research, quality control, and testing laboratory locations. 763 Julabo USA, 660-D Noble St., Kutztown, Pa. 19530. (610) 683-6310, fax (610) 683-6316. ExhibLaboratory Operations Clearinghouse, 3980 iting a line of Top Tech and High Tech and Low Cost Thompson Mill Rd., Buford, Ga. 30519, (770) 932series circulators, which offer modern programming 0202. 256, 258 and features. The product line ranges from -90 to Lancaster Synthesis, P.O. Box 1000, Windham, +350 °C, and models are suitable for all constantN.H. 03087, (603) 889-3306, fax (603) 889-3326. temperature applications. 703 Specialty chemical manufacturer with more than Kaiser Optical Systems, P.O. Box 983, 371 Park12,000 fine organic, inorganic, and biochemicals land Plaza. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106-0983, (313) available from stock. The manufacturing capability 665-8083, fax (313) 665-8199. The HoloProbe proof this subsidiary of BTP Pic. ranges from a few cess Raman analyzer is a fiber-coupled, integrated, grams to a full commercialization. Full custom synturnkey system designed for process monitoring and thesis services are also available. 425 control applications. Single-channel or four-channel operation allows in situ. fast, real-time measureLancer USA, 705 West Hwy. 434, Suite J, Longments on transparent or opaque materials. 309 wood, Fla. 32750, (407) 332-1855, fax (407) 3320040, e-mail:
[email protected]. Manufactures inKett, 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107, Anaheim, dustrial washing machines for labs, research centers, and hospitals. On display will be the four-level Calif. 92667, (800) 438-5388, fax (714) 630-5105. 1600 UP, the three-level 1400 UP, and the two-level Manufactures analytical, lab, and process-testing 810 UP and 910 UP. Washers feature microprocesequipment. Produces a line of near-IR moisture sor control of 29 functions, with the capability to meters and the only handheld near-IR moisture store up to 40 programs in memory. The machines meter. Unveiling its new line of near-IR multicompofeature standard acid rinse and self-diagnostics. The nent meters. Also featuring wireless coating-
JULY 22, 1996 C&EN
1400 UP and 1600 UP are available in specifications to meet cGMP requirements for production facilities. 330,332 Line Quantum Analytics, 363 Vintage Park Dr., Foster City, Calif. 94404, (800) 992-4199, fax (415) 312-0313, Web: www.lqa.com. Rents, leases, and sells new and reconditioned analytical instruments. The multi-million-dollar inventory is ready for immediate delivery and contains instruments from many manufacturers. Instruments available include GC, GC/MS, LC, CE, sample preparation and handling, MALDI/TOF, ICP/MS, AA, FL, FTIR, ICP, UV/Vis, TOC, TOX, and XRF 243 Mallinckrodt, a division of Mallinckrodt Baker, 222 Red School La., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865, (800) 345-2050, fax (908) 859-9318, e-mail:
[email protected]. Mallinckrodt reagents and chemical management products provide quality for pharmaceutical, environmental, and general chemical analysis and are readily available from a comprehensive distribution network. Also offers the Laboratory Chemical Disposal Service to aid with chemical waste. 416 Man-Tech Associates, 600 Main St., Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150-3723, (800) 206-8116, fax (519) 7639995, e-mail:
[email protected]. PC-titrate, QC-titrate, and pKa-titrate PC-based automated training systems. Capabilities include multiple systems; x,y,z robotic autosampling pipetting systems; sample preparation; and multiple analyses. Applications include potoentiometric and colorimetric/photometric titrations, pH STAT, ion-selective electrode (ISE) measurements, ISE known/standard addition analyses, conductivity, and pKa-LogP-LogD analyses. 362 Marcel Dekker, 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016, (212) 696-9000, fax (212) 685-4540, e-mail:
[email protected]. Displaying professional books and journals of great interest to conference participants. Discount order forms can be picked up at the booth. 760, 762 H. S. Martin, 1149 South East Blvd., P.O. Box 611, Vineland, N.J. 08360, (609) 692-8700, fax (609) 692-3805. Manufacturer of distillation and reactor systems in both glass and stainless steel. Sizes from bench scale to pilot plant. Dewars available in glass, stainless steel, and quartz. Custom glassblowing and process can repair specialty glassware to 200 L. 467 Matec Applied Sciences, 75 South St., Hopkinton, Mass. 01748, (508) 435-9039, fax (508) 497-3446, e-mail:
[email protected]. Instruments for particlesize and zeta potential measurements. The new CHDF-2000 for high-resolution submicron particlesize distributions. The AcoustoSizer for measuring particle size and zeta potential in concentrated aqueous suspensions. The ESA-8000 for zeta potential measurements in aqueous and nonaqueous suspensions. 402 Mattson Instruments & Cahn Instruments, 1001 Fourier Dr., Madison, Wis. 53717, (800) 423-6641, fax (608) 831-2093, e-mail:
[email protected]. Mattson will exhibit the Genesis series FTIR spectrometers, including mid- and near-IR spectral ranges and the new, fully automated Infinity FTIR spectrometer. Cahn will exhibit the DC A systems tor measuring wettability of surfaces and TG/FTIR interface for high mass, temperature, and volume samples. 119,121 MBNA America, 800 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, (202) 833-5433, fax (202) 833-5433, fax (202) 833-5414. MBNA will be offering the ACS-endorsed MasterCard. Applicants will have an opportunity to complete an application and receive a gift for applying. 836 M. Braun, 2 Centennial Dr., Unit 4F, Peabody, Mass. 01960, (508) 531-6217, fax (508) 531-7245. Displaying systems from line of MB and Labmaster inert atmosphere glove-box systems. Featuring Siemens push-button PLC control, fail-safe integrated safety functions, continuous