(27) National Agency of Environmental Protection, “Effects on Pollution of a Reduction or Removal of Lead Addition to Engine Fuel”, Publication No. Milj#-Projekter 15, Copenhagen, 1978. (28) Nielsen, T., J . Ckromatogr., 170,147-56 (1979). (29) Errington, G., Air BP, 55, 2-7 (1972). (30) Sanger, R., Aston, G. H. R., Hauschildt, H., Meyer, J. P., Camarsa, M., “Evaluation of Methods of Measuring Emissions of Polycyclic Aromatics (PCA)”,Publication No. CORCAWE 14/77, Den Haag, 1977. (31) Lane, D. A,, Katz. M.. Adu. Enuiron. Sci. Technol.. 8. 137-54 (1977). (32) Pitts, J. N., Jr., in “BiologicalStudies of Environmental Pollutants”, Lee, S. D., Ed., Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich., in press. (33) Dewar, M. J. S., Mole, T., Warford, E. W. T., J. Chem. Soc., 3581-6 (1956). (34) Kotin, P., Falk, H. L., Cancer, 12,147-63 (1959). (35) Korfmacher, W. A., Natusch, D. F. S., Taylor, D. R., Mamantov, G., Wehry, E. L., paper presented at the ACS/CSJ Chemical Congress 1979, American Chemical Society and Chemical Society of Japan, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1-6, 1979, submitted for publication. (36) Nielsen, T., Nielsen, 0.J., “The Reactivity of 25 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and the Formation of Nitro Derivatives”, Ris6 Report, manuscript in preparation.
(37) DeMaio, L., Corn, M., J . Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 16,67-71 (1966). (38) Wiest, F. De, Atmos. Enuiron., 12,1705-11 (1978). (39) Vaeck, L. van, Cauwenberghe, K. van, Atmos. Enuiron., 12, 2229-39 (1978). (40) Grimmer, G., Hildebrandt, A., Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkde. Infektionskr. Hyg., Abt. 1. Abt. Orig., Reihe, B., 314, 1-19 (1975) (in German). (41) Commins, B. T., Atmos. Enuiron., 3,565-72 (1969). (42) Grandjean, P., Nielsen, T., “Organic Lead Compounds-Pollution and Toxicology”, Publication No. SNV PM 879, Product Control Board. EPA. Stockholm. 1977 (in Danish). (43) Potter, H. R., Jarvie, A. W. P., Markall, R. N., Water Pollut. Control, 76, 123-8 (1977). (44) Leinster, P., Perry, R., Young, R. J., Atmos. Enuiron., 12,2383-7 (1978). ~ - - -,. .
(45) Richardson, W. L., Barusch, M. R., Kautsky, G. J., Steinke, R. E., J . Chem. Eng. Data, 6,305-9 (1961). (46) Salooja, K. C.,J. Inst. Pet., 53,186-93 (1967). Received for review May 21, 1979. Accepted October 9, 1979. This work was sponsored jointly by the Danish National Agency of Environmental Protection and the European Economic Community under Contract No. 131-75-10 ENV.DK.
Factors Affecting Phosphorus Release from Intact Lake Sediment Cores G. C. Holdren, Jr.*‘, and David E. Armstrong* Water Chemistry Laboratory, 660 North Park Street, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 53706
Intact sediment cores from epilimnetic areas in four Wisconsin lakes were incubated in the laboratory to determine the effects of various environmental parameters on sediment phosphorus release. Factors investigated included redox, mixing intensity, temperature, bioturbation, and sediment type. Bioturbation was found to have the greatest effect on P release rates. Raising the temperature or lowering oxygen concentrations in the overlying water also led to increased release rates, while sediment suspension and lowering the temperature removed P from t h e water column. Sediment type affected the relative importance of differing incubation conditions, with redox having more effect on noncalcareous sediments and temperature having greater effect on calcareous sediments. The results indicate that epilimnetic sediments could contribute significant amounts of inorganic P to the overlying water in some lakes. Depending upon limnological conditions, sediments may act as either a source or sink for phosphorus (1-3). Transfer of P to the sediments occurs mainly through deposition of particulates and, since deposition usually exceeds resuspension and release of dissolved P , the n i t transfer of P is to the sediments ( 3 ) . In some cases, however, P release from the sediments may provide a significant source of dissolved inorganic phosphate and tend t o perpetuate a eutrophic condition ( 4 ) . Several investigators have concluded t h a t sediments can act as a buffer and maintain a certain P level in the overlying water (5-8). Such release has been demonstrated both in the laboratory (9) and in t h e field (10). Several attempts have been made to quantify sediment P release. A mass balance approach was used t o measure P rePresent address, Water Resources Laboratory, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 40208. Also Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 0013-963X/80/0914-79$01.00/0
@ 1980 American Chemical Society
lease from Lake Erie sediments by Burns and Ross ( 1 1 ) and the accumulation of P in the hypolimnion of Lake Mendota by Sonzogni (12). The release of sediment P has also been measured in the laboratory (6-21) and in situ (21, 22). T h e results are summarized in Table I. The previous investigations indicated that sediment P release is a combination of chemical and biological processes. However, with the exception of redox, the effects of various environmental parameters on P release have not been well established. This investigation considered the effects of mixing, redox, temperature, bioturbation, and sediment type on P release. Since P release into anoxic hypolimnetic waters can be approximated by diffusion models (16-18,21, 23),only epilimnetic sediments were investigated.
Experimental Sampling and Analytical Procedures. Sediment cores were taken with a large diameter (8.9 cm i.d.) piston corer manually driven into the sediment by metal rods attached to the core head. This procedure created minimal disturbance at the sediment-water interface during sampling. Cores were taken from epilimnetic areas in Wisconsin lakes of varying sediment properties. The lakes investigated were Lakes Mendota and Wingra, both eutrophic lakes containing calcareous sediments and located in Madison, Dane County; Little John Lake, a eutrophic lake with noncalcareous sediments located in Vilas County; and Lake Minocqua, a mesotrophic lake with noncalcareous sediments located in Oneida County. Cores were taken from depths of 5 t o 6 m, except in Lake Wingra, where cores were taken a t depths of 3.5 m (maximum depth) and 2 m (littoral zone). Various sediment parameters for these lakes have been reported elsewhere (23-30). Dissolved reactive P (DRP) and interstitial reactive P (IRP) were analyzed by the colorimetric method of Murphy and Riley (31).Samples for total P (TP) and total dissolved P (TDP) were digested using a persulfate procedure (32),neuVolume 14, Number 1, January 1980 79
Table 1. Measurements of Sediment P Release sedlmenl
exptl system
Doboy Sound Baldeggersee
intact core in situ
Clear Lake I Clear Lake II San Joaquin Delta Lake Mendota Lake Norriviken Lake Trummen Lake of Tunis Lake Erie simulated benthal deposit Ursee Lake Ontario Furesp Lake Esrom St. Gribsp Grane Langs0 Lake Mendota Buzzards Bay Eel Pond Lake Sodra Bargundasjon Muddy River Lake Warner White Lake White Lake Lake Mendota Lake Wingra Lake Minocqua Little John Lake
laboratorya laboratory a laboratory a laboratory a laboratory a laboratory a laboratory a in situ laboratory laboratory intact core intact core intact core intact core intact core in situ in situ in situ intact core laboratory laboratory intact core in situ intact core intact core intact core intact core
a Columns containing dredged sediment and water. overlying water.
temp, O C
0.031 -9.3 27 27 27 27
11 22 10-15 4-10 7 7 7 7 7-13 1.5 20 8 20-30 20-30
2-23 4-2 1 3-18 4-16
Environmental Science & Technology
9.7 7.4 13 49 5
0.68 3 0.03-0.8 -2.0 -1.4 0.2 0.6
9-10 8.7 7.3 11 53 10 15 25-30 7.6 154 6-16 17.3 12.3 1.2 0.8 7-1 1
3.2 4.9-16.0 9.6 1.2
-1.9-83 -0.56-3.4