Fair Winds Blow for Oceanographic Decade Proposal - Environmental

Oct 23, 2015 - Fair Winds Blow for Oceanographic Decade Proposal. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1968, 2 (10), pp 738–741. DOI: 10.1021/es60173a012...
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Fair Winds Blow for Oceanographic Decade Proposal President's call for an intensive international marine sciences effort, rapidly gaining wide support, may herald stepup in U.S. oceanographic programs

Oce;u10graphy. a field that observer~ have been describing for the P•t~t decade as a sleeping giant. seems due for a reawakening. Of the many proposals ~et forth for invigorating the nation's marine sciences program, few have the potential impact of President Johnson's call earlier this year for ";m historic and unprecedented adventure -an International Decade of Ocean Exploration for the 1970's." According to some sources. tntal funding of U.S. p;lrticipation in the I 0year project will probably excec.l S.' billion. Such outlays would put the U.S. participation in o·..:can studie~ within striking Jisiam:c uf o:1e porular bench mark for evaluating U.S. national scientific programs: the $4 billion plus commitment to achieving a manned lunar landing. In addition. the o..:ean project could provide a much needed international foc;d point· for solving the scientific and tcchJ,ic;tl problems inherent in exploiting the ocean's economic resources. and pro" vide a basis for more critical examination of the many knotty legal problems itwolved in me of the seas. Since the proposal wa:s first broached last March by the President in a message to Congress entitled 'To Renew a Nation," the following reactions to it have been recorded: • At least a half dozen international political and scientific bodies concerned with oceanographic affairs have considered the proposal, and registered some measure of' support for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration for the 1970's. • Dr. Edward Wenk, Jr., executive secretary of the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, after making test sound-

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ings on the proposal in various world capitals this summer. reported favorable reactions in each of the countries VISited. • A hill expressing the sens.:- of Congress and calling for full participation by the U.S. hus been introduced in both houses of Congress. The Sen