lie on a portion of the curve too far removed from p = 0 to give any idea of the correct ... of any food and vitamins, I should appreciate a reply sen...
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VOL.9, NO.1



complicated. See GRONWELL, Physik. Z., 29, LAMER,and SANDVED, 358 (1928).] The three values of K given, when plotted in this way, give a slope of about -0.32, and, as shown in the accompanying figure, undoubtedly lie on a portion of the curve too far removed from p = 0 to give any idea of the correct extrapolation. As suggested in the figure, a value of log KOless than 1.25 seems unlikely, and this may be far too low. Thus K Owill not be less than 0.178. The work of NOYESand BRANN[I.Am. Chem. Soc., 34, 1016 (1912)l does not throw any light on this extrapolation, since all of their experiments were carried out a t values of p above 0.1. Their extrapolation of K, by plotting against total nitrate ion concentration to a value of 0.128, suffers from the same difficulty as that of Shaw and Hyde. Very truly yours, CECILV. KING NEWYORKUNIYERS~TY WASEIXGTONa l l A R E COLLEGE NEWYORKCITY

VITAMINS AND FLAVOR DEAREDITOR: I have observed in the study of vitamins that there seems to be a direct correlation between vitamins and flavor, For example, we find a greater amount of vitamins a t the outer part of the apple, and the number decreases as you approach the core. We also find that the flavor of the apple is greatest a t the outer layer and decreases near the core, as is the case with vegetables. Fruit often has a flat taste. Certain species of apples, for example, have very little flavor. If any one has found by experiment a correlation between the flavor of any food and vitamins, I should appreciate a reply sent direct to me at the address below. Sincerely yours, D. M. TORRANCE GRANT SENIOR HIGHSCrtuOL CEDARRAPIDS.IOWA

FARADAY DEAREDITOR: It may interest you, and perhaps you will insert in one of the numbers of EDUCATION, a clipping from the London (Enthe JOURNAL OR CHEMICAL gland) Times under date of August 27, which I brought with me on re-