Fast Evaluation of Chemical Distance by Tabu Search Algorithm+

Aug 15, 1994 - Fast Evaluation of Chemical Distance by Tabu Search Algorithm+. VladimEr KvasniEka' and Jiii Pospichal. Department of Mathematics, Slov...
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J. Chem. In$ Comput. Sci. 1994,34, 1109-1112

Fast Evaluation of Chemical Distance by Tabu Search Algorithm+ VladimEr KvasniEka' and Jiii Pospichal Department of Mathematics, Slovak Technical University, 8 12 37 Bratislava, Slovakia Received January 15, 1994" The concept of chemical distance is a principal formal tool of mathematical chemistry oriented to organic synthesis design problem. Applications of standard combinatorial methods (like the backtrack algorithm) to the evaluation of chemical distance are ineffective for larger molecular graphs. A tabu search algorithm is applied for the evaluation of chemical distance. For smaller molecular graphs (say, up to 10-12 vertices) it provides results that are closely (or even precisely) related to their exact values and moreover obtained in surprisingly short CPU time. 1 . INTRODUCTION

The concept of chemical distance has been developed by Dugundji and Ugi1-3 (see also refs 4-9 and for topologicalchemical distancelo) as a proper measure of similarity between two molecular graphs. Recently, this concept has become very imp0rtant3.~.~~-'~ as the main driving force for the construction of the so-called reaction network composed of such intermediate molecular graphs that are constituents of a reaction mechanism of the reaction: educt product. Let G1 and G2 be two molecular graphs composed of the same number N of vertices-atoms (we say that GI and G2 are isomericor stoichiometric). The corresponding adjacency matrices are denoted by A1 = (Au) and A2 = (Ah), respectively. Let P = (p1,p19...,pN) be a permutation of N objects. The chemical distance between GI and G2 is defined as a minimum value of the L1 norm of a "difference" of adjacency matrices for all possible permutations'


We emphasize that if G1 and G2 are composed of atoms of different chemical nature, then the permutation relates only vertices of G1 and Gz that are of the same chemical nature. An alternative graph-theoretical definition of the chemical distance is"

where IE(G)I denotes the cardinality of the edge set of a graph G, and GI n G2 is the maximum common subgraph (not induced !) of G1 and G2. Both these definitions are equivalent and it was proved" by making use of (2) that the chemical distance is a metric (it is nonnegative, zero only for isomorphic graphs, symmetric and satisfies the triangular inequality). The evaluation of chemical distance belongs to the set of NP complete problems, Le., its correct evaluation needs N! (an upper bound) matchings of vertices between GI and G2. Many different exact methods1b20 have been suggested for the evaluation of chemical distance. All these methods are unable to surmount the barrier of NP completeness, Le., for larger graphs (say N > 12-1 5) they are ineffective. Recently, f Dedicated to Professor Milan Kratochvfl on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Abstract published in Advance ACS Absrracts, August 15, 1994.


a genetic algorithm21*22and simulated annealing23 were successfullyapplied for suboptimal evaluation of the chemical distance. The purpose of the present communication is to describe an application of the tabu search algorithm%J5for an extremely fast suboptimal evaluation of chemical distance between smaller molecular graphs (up to 10-12 vertices). Although the effectivenessof the tabu search approach cannot be directly related to the effectiveness of the above mentioned two stochastic optimizations for larger graphs, the tabu search offers a very effective method for suboptimal evaluations of chemical distances giving results in fractions of CPU time of any other methods. 2. TABU SEARCH ALGORITHM

The tabu is an interesting approach which is recently receivingsignificant attention as an effective heuristic suitable for optimization of combinatorial problems. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated by many problems of operations research and graph theory (see ref 25 for extensive list of applications). The basic entity that should be optimized by the tabu search is a permutation P = (pl,p2, ...,p~)of N objects. We assign to the permutation P a current chemical distance determined by the right-hand side of (1)

Then the exact chemical distance CD(G1,Gz) is equal to the minimum of CD(P) over all (A!) permutations from the Nth degree symmetric group. A current permutation P = (p;,p?,...,p~) is transformed into another permutation P' = (pI,p2,...,p;Y) by applying a transposition operator tij (for any l l i < j l N ) I


t,j(P) = tij(p1, ***,pi, * **,pj,-**@N)


= (p1,...,p j ,...,pi,...,pj.o

Current chemical distances CD(P) an CD(P') are simply related by 0 1994 American Chemical Society


1110 J . Chem. In$ Comput. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 5, 1994 N

k= 1 (kirij)

All transposition operators form a set of feasible transformations

s = {t,2,t13,...,~N4fl1




whichcontains N ( N - 1)/2 transformations. A neighborhood of the permutation Pis composed of all permutations P’,P”,... that are created from P by all transformations ttS U(P) = {P’; VtcS: P’= t ( P ) )


Its cardinality is the same as the cardinality of S , Le., IS1 = IU(P)I. At this moment we are able to formulate the so-called hill climbing algorithm for finding a suboptimal solution of the problem (1) rewritten as follows CD(G,,G,) = min CD(P) P


where the current chemical distance is determined by (3). For a randomly generated permutation P we look for a minimum of the current chemical distance not in the entire symmetric group but only in the neighborhood of the permutation P determined by (7) CD(P*) = min CD(P7 P‘tU( P)


The obtained permutation P* is subsequently used in the next iteration (single hill climbing) as a “center” of new neighborhood U(P*). This process is repeated for a prescribed number of iterations, as seen in Figure 1. In general, the hill climbing algorithm provides a sequence of locally optimal current chemical distances that are oscillating. Its PASCAL pseudocode appears as follows Hill climbing algorithm. 1 2 3 4


P:= randomly generated permutation; time:=O; CD. I :=m; WHILE time