Fastest Voltage Regulator Available

C O R P O R A T I O N - C A R L S Τ A D T, N. J.. Simultaneous recordings of response to step change in. 00 cps voltage. Typical electromechanical re...
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Reagent-Grade Solvent T h e availability of dimethylformamidc in high p u r i t y grade is announced b y Fisher Scientific Co. According to t h e company, t h e low evaporation r a t e of this solvent a n d its ability to p u t complex organics into solution m a k e it ideal for application in chromatography. I t can also be used b y analysts for t h e determination of such specialties as N i Carbazin, t h e new poultry drug. H a v ­ ing high dielectric properties, t h e re­ agent is useful as a reaction solvent for amino acids. In addition, Fisher claims it is an i m p o r t a n t solvent in m a n y non­ aqueous titrations. 10

freezing of glass joints and stopcocks is announced b y Glass Engineering L a b ­ oratories. Labeled Hi-Tem-Vac, t h e product is suitable for operation a t t e m p e r a t u r e s up t o 360° C. a n d pres­ sures as low as 0.5 m m . Hg, says t h e c o m p a n y . I t is available in 2-ounce jars. 11

equally well in hard or soft water. T h e use of 1 to 1 Yi ounces or tablespoons for each 8 to 10 gallons of water pro­ vides an effective mixture which can hold in solution complex salts of cal­ cium, magnesium, iron, and other metallic ions, rendering t h e m inactive for complete removal. 12

Free Sample of Laboratory Detergent A v a i l a b l e

N e w Sterols Available

Alconox, Inc. is offering free 2-pound samples of Alcojet, a machine detergent recommended for cleaning laboratory glassware and a p p a r a t u s p a r t s . T h e company says t h e cleansing properties of the compound facilitate removal of dirt, chemical precipitates, lime de­ posits, oily films a n d grease from glass­ ware, metal or porcelain. Highly soluble and completely rinsable, t h e detergent is said t o work

High-Temperature Stopcock Grease '«J Development of a new silicone-base grease designed t o resist leakage a t elevated t e m p e r a t u r e s a n d p r e v e n t

Fastest Voltage Regulator Available THE CURTISS-WRIGHT LINE REGULATOR The Curtiss-Wright Model E E 100 Distortion Elimi­ nating Voltage Regulator provides faster recovery time than any other regulator on the market—less than l/50th cycle, or 330 microseconds. I t also reduces typical power line distortion to less than 0.3%. Ca­ pacity is 1.4 KVA. Now being installed in a rapidly growing number of laboratories and production test departments, it provides simpler, more accurate calibration of meters, better design of transformers, synchros and motors . . . easier testing with fewer rejects, more accurate meas­ urement of magnetic properties and receiver sensi­ tivity . . . better a.c. computer performance, elimina­ tion of fast line transient effects. Write for details.

Simultaneous recordings of response to step change in 0 0 cps voltage.

Typical electromechanical regulator output. Recovery time over 4 seconds.

Electronic Component & Instrument Sales Department ELECTRONICS DIVISION




C A R L S Τ A D T,


Curtiss-Wright DEVR output. Full recovery 330 microsec­ onds.



Beta Laboratories, Inc. has recently announced t h e commercial availability of two radioactive sterols, namely cholesterol 4-C 1 4 and cholesterol 26-C 1 4 . T h e specific activity of t h e first com­ pound is 2 to 5 microcuries per milli­ gram, and t h e manufacturer claims highest radiochemical p u r i t y is assumed as a result of purification b y digitonide a n d chromatography. T h e latter com­ pound is purified by chromatography a n d crystallization a n d is said to h a v e a specific activity of 1 microcurie per milligram. B o t h cholestérols are available in quantities of 50 microcuries or less without A E C license. High p u r i t y beta sitosterol, previously available only in experimental quantities, is now offered in commercial a m o u n t s b y Swift & Co. Large scale production of t h e sterol, using a process developed b y Swift research laboratories, began recently a t t h e company's technical products plant in H a m m o n d , Indiana. Derived from vegetable sources, beta sitosterol is being produced in its purest form to meet exactingspecifications, according to t h e company. 13 High-Purity


Two more analytical reagents are now available in extra-high purity grades, announces Fisher Scientific Co. Sodium formate, used b y chemists as a precipitant for the noble metals, is obtainable in t h e new grade, with each lot individually analyzed. A typical analysis is as follows: insoluble matter, 0 . 0 0 5 % ; chloride, 0 . 0 0 1 % ; sulfate, 0.003%; calcium, 0.005%; lead, 0 . 0 0 5 % ; iron, 0.005%. T h e second newly available compound is high-purity lead sulfide, with the following tvpical lot analysis: nitric acid insolubles, 0 . 3 % ; chloride, 0 . 0 1 % ; copper, 0 . 0 1 % ; iron, 0 . 0 1 % . 14 b^

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