fibers - ACS Publications

ROBERT S. CASEY. W. .i. Sheuffer Pen Co., Fort Madison, Iowa. Expansion of synthetic fiber development has continued during the past year. New plants ...
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FIBERS Syracuse Chiversity, Syracuse, N . Y .

JOSEPH L. VODONIK, E . I . du P o n t de Semours & Co., Inc., Birflulo, N. Y .

ROBERT S. CASEY W. .i. Sheuffer Pen Co., F o r t Madison, Iowa Expansion of synthetic fiber development has continued during the past year. New plants with increased production have been built or planned for the newer synthetics. Research on dyeing and the use of new raw materials have shown much promise. Development of sources of new natural fibers, especially in the hard fiber field, has been carried out. Probably the most important development has been the study of blends of natural and synthetic fibers to obtain the most desirable properties of each.

In 19.50, the sales figures for spritheti, fibers mere over one billion dollars

Output capacities for the neiT synthetic fibers are being expanded substantiallr CorP owned jointly by American Viscose Corp. and Monsanto Chemical c‘o d a n s on annual outDut of 30.000.000 pounds for its ne; fiber, h h n . Chenistraiid is also licensed to produce 50,000,000 pounds of nylon annually. Du Pont ie building a new plant with an annual capacity of 35!000,000 pounds of Dacron polyester fiber, and adtiing facilities to produce 30,000,000 pounds of Orlon acrylic fiber annually. Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. is planning to build a new plant capable of producing over 20,000,000 pounds of dyne1 a pear.

HE Commonwealth Economic Committee ( 4 3 )iu a h u r v ~ yof industrial fibers states: Korld production of industrial fibers continued to expand in 1949 and, for the first time since the war, exceeded the figure for 1938. Trade in fibers increased also, but the total volume remained smaller than in prewar years. The postwar trend in trade has been irregular; a sharp rise in 1946 as stocks accumulated during the war were shipped to consuming countries was succeeded by a considerable decline in 1947, which in turn n-as followed by a recovery during the next tKo years. Statistics of consumption are neither as accurate nor as complete as those of production and trade, but i t is evident that total consumption of apparel fibers rose steadily after the war and in 1948 probably equaled the prewar level; in 1949 total consumption rose further. This report states that, in 1949, world production of apparel fibers x a s 19,072,000,000 pounds, of household fibers 1,863,000,000 pounds, and of sacking and cordage fibers 4,413,000,000 pounds, which gives a total of 25,348,000,000 pounds. The figures quoted are for cotton, wool, silk, flax, jute. hemp, mohair, coir, and rayon. Kidd (81) has reported on the essentiality, availability, requirements, and trends of hard fibers-Le., abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, and others. Davis ( 4 7 ) discussed the hard fiber products and thpir importance in v,-orld economy. Shraron (139) states that, “Overshadowed by the spectacular advances of the synthetic fibers, the nelv vegetable fibers have quietly been making sound and steady progress.” He gives the 1951 estimated n-orld production of jute as 2,090,000 tons, of abaca as 127,944 tons, of sisal as 288,369 tons, and of henequen as 105,309 tons. Ramie and kenaf are discussed in some detail. Other ne4 natural fibers under consideration and of good promise are coir in Ceylon and the Philippines, silk grass in Central and South America, kendyr in the U.S.S.R., and yucca in the United States. It is important t o note that hard fiber products “are so basic to everyday life that the average person is not aware of hov significant they are.” Henry (69) ha* stated that approximately 3,500,000,000 pounds of synthetic fibers, ranging from nylon to glass cloth, are being made every year throughout the world. About half of this production is in the United States. It cannot be said that one is better than another. Everything depends on the purpose for which the material-rope, cloth, yarn-is intended. NOW,it is possible to design fibers and fabrics for specific purposes. Loasby (90) has described the development of the synthetic fibers. Sherman (141) shows that rayon and the new synthetic fibers are continuing t o penetrate the cotton and wool markets. Rayon is finding expnnding uses iu old markets and gaining new ones.

Ken. synthetic fabrics are regarded as the “white hope of the future” by Sherman (140). These fabrics are made from blend;; of synt’hetic and natural fibers, in many cases, and utilize the basic good qualities of each fiber. Eglofl(60) is quoted, in a pres. release, as stating that since switching to an all-synthetic wardrobe he has developed the habit of washing his own shirts, undcrwear, and socks daily. A large party %.‘asgiven to introduce a. blended fabric of Orlon and wool by Deering Milliken and Co. (48, 88). These news items indicate the value and importanw o!’ synthetics to the textile industry. The historical development and outlook for viscose raj-on fibers is discussed by Hegan (67). The development of synthetic fibere has been reviewed by Williams (174). The role of synthetic, fibers in the textile industry of the future has been presented 137 Ray ( 1 8 2 ) ; and the present and future applications of the newel’ types of synthetic fibers, in comparison to wool, cotton, an3 rayon, have been covered in a reported interview in Businesa Week ($34). Chemical W e e k (53) describes the arguments, pro anti con, on the uses of wool versus wool-synthetic blends for Armed Forces uniforms. I t is stated that use of a 16-ounce serge for the Army, containing 85% wool and 15% nylon, provides an over-all moo1 saving of 24.4%. Future Marine Corps procurements of woolen and q-orsted fabrics are to contain 15% Dacron or Orloii. Sewell (106) gives a comprehensive chart on the synthetic fibers, the manufacturers, available deniers, properties, product’ion,and consumption. The reason for the use of synthetics ma.partly be an economic one. Comparative prices (33) are: wool 82.80 per pound; Orlon $1.70 per pound; dynel $1.26 per pound: Acrilan 51.85 per pound; Dacron $1.80 per pound; and Vicnra $1.00 per pound. Forfune (69) has presented an informative story on “man-made fibers,” with comparative figures. Production in 1961 was: rayon 865,000,000 pounds; acetate 429,000,000 pounds; Vicara 5,000,000 pounds; Orlon 8,000,000 pounds: Acrilan 1,000,000 pounds; dynel 4,000,000 pounds; nylon 125,000,000 pounds; Dacron 3,000,000 pounds; saran 18,000,000 pounds; and glass fiber 40,000,000 pounds. For 1953 t,he estimated produetion figures are: rayon 1,129,000,000 pounds; acetate 573,000,000 pounds; Vicara 20,000,000 pounds; Orlon 40,000,000 pounds’ Acrilan 30,000,000 pounds; dyne1 26,000,000 pounds; nylon


October 1952



250,000,000 pounds; Dacron 35,000,000 pounds; saran 20,000,000 pounds; and glass fiber 65,000,000 pounds. Prices are consistent with those previously quoted. MAN-MADE FIBERS

I n spite of their tremendous importance, man-made fibers suffer from confusion of consumers, arising from a variety of trademarks, some representative and some not representative of either 3ource or composition. Adams (1)says:

At present there is confusion in the names given to fibers and in the description of the resultant fabrics as to content. Percentages of two or more fibers used do not adequately tell the story. Nor do brief slogans give the buyer the information that is needed. There must be a codification of textile terms that will bring enlightenment out of the present state of mystification and bewilderment that exists in the market. Buyers must know what they are getting and sellers must keep their classifications and descriptions within the framework of a trade-wide and sincerely accepted code. Kennedy (78) clarifies some of this confusion concerning the vinyl fibers, made by Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co. Vinyon fiber is produced as a staple with the letter designation

HH, by American Viscose Co. There have been a number of

other types made in the past-E, CF, etc.-but all have since been dropped by them. The Vinyon HH staple fiber, made from a vinyl chloride-acetate resin we produce, is in regular production for use in sculptured carpeting, tea bags, and other uses that take advantage of the low (65’ C.) initial shrinkage temperature. Vinyon N continuous filament is produced in pilot plant quantities a t our South Charleston plant. It is being used primarily for military use, such as filter fabrics, air trim cloth, and sewing threads. It is dry spun from a resin polymerized from 60% vinyl chloride and 40% acrylonitrile. Dyne1 is all staple fiber, wet spun from the vinyl chloride-acrylonitrile resin. It is by far the most important of the three fibers you mention in terms of production rate and versatility of use. It is made in a commercial plant a t South Charleston and has already gained wide acceptance in blankets; men’s socks; industrial goods, such as filter cloths, chemically resistant clothing, and paint roller covers; draperies; and blends for apparel fabrics. Davis ( 4 6 ) discusses the properties and possibilities of present synthetic fibers. Chemical constitution determines five general groups of synthetic fibers, based on the polymer used: cellulose and protein, which are derived from naturally occurring polymers, and polyvinyl, polyamide, and polyester, which are truly synthetic. Loasby (91)presents the history of rayon and synthetic fibers. Gantz (62) discusses the chemical and physical properties of some of these fibers. General production techniques are covered by Chemical Engineering (28) for Orlon, dynel, Vicara, Dacron, Acrilan, saran, nylon, glass, viscose rayon, and acetate. The properties of synthetic fibers are tabulated and classified by Goldstein (64)and Koch (81). Quig (119) answers the question for D u Pont, “why five fibers?” Hagen (66)and Urquhart (164) show the historical development and the outlook for viscose rayon fibers and cellulose derivatives. Coke (4%’)discusses the development and application of high-tenacity viscose rayon. Levison and Blomberg (86,87) have patented a process for the continuous manufacture of viscose rayon products. Chemical Week (32)describes Du Pont Fiber E, a viscose rayon with a high degree of crimp, suggested for use in rugs and carpets. Among others, Millard (96) presents information on the properties of nylon yarns, and Munch (102)discusses manufacture and costs for Perlon, nylon, and other polyamide fibers. Whinfield ( 1 7 0 )reviews the development of fibers from polyethylene terephthalate. Larson (84) describes the properties and ap-, plications of Dacron, the trade-mark for polyester fiber manufactured by Du Pont, and the general characteristics of this fiber are further amplified by Textile World (158) and by Rayon and Synthetic Textiles (i23). Information on Vicara, the trade-mark for a corn-protein fiber manufactured by the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. is made



Here machines twist slender filaments of man-made fibers into yarn. Dacron polyester fiber will be processed this way to make a single strand of yarn composed of a number of these filaments twisted together.

available by TexfileAge (156) and Whitcomb (171). Peanut-protein fibers are described by Arthur and Many (8). Vinyon HH staple is described by Shearer (138). Acrilan, the trade-mark for acrylic fiber produced by Chemstrand Corp., is discussed by Modern Industries ( 9 7 ) and by Rayon and Synthetic Textiles (126). The Textile Recorder (156) reviews in detail the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of dynel, the acrylonitrile-vinyl chloride staple fiber of Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp. Holmes ( 7 1 ) and Houtz ( 7 2 ) discuss the functional properties of Orlon, acrylic staple, which are based on the chemistry of the polyacrylonitriles. Partial classification of the man-made fibers is shown in Table I. This classification is based on chemical structure rather than on end use, with notes in parentheses indicating additional information. GLASS FIBERS

Because of their resistance t o chemical action and combustion, glass fibers have attracted increased attention. Robertson (138) has reviewed methods of manufacture and recent applications of glass fibers. Chemical Week (35) reports the production of a fine glass fiber with potential uses in filter paper and electrical insulation. Waggoner (168) has patented a process for making colored glass fibers, which is also described by Chemica2 Week (84). Three references (76, 96, 129) discuss the process of applying Teflon polytetrafluoroethylene resin t o glass fibers, giving them a smooth, nonadhesive surface, which can be dyed without reducing flameproofness. Parsons (111) discusses the properties of glass fiber laminates and their applications in the aircraft industry. Advantages of these laminates are attainment of smoother aerodynamic surfaces, greater flexibility in design, favorable stiffness versus weight ratio, and uses of nonstrategic construction materials. Glass fiber-reinforced polyester plastic sheeting for use in skylights,



Table I. Man-RIade Fibers I. From Natural Polymers A. Cellulose Base 1. Regenerated cellulose (rayon’) a. Viscose b. Cuprammonium c. Saponified cellulose acetate 2. Modified cellulose (esters and ethers) a. Acetate (Celanese) b. Ethylcellulose c. Cellulose acetate butyrate B. Protein base 1. Lanitol, Marinova (milk casein, Italy) 2. Ardil (peanut) 3. Vicara (corn) 4. Soybean 5. Feather keratin 6. Egg albumin C. Alginates 1. Calcium alginate (soap soluble, special uses) 2. Calcium chromium alginate D. Inorganic 1. Glass 2. Plastic coated glass 3. Metal (not a polymer) 11. From Synthetic Polymers A. Polyamides 1. Nylon 2 . PerlonL 3. Amilan B. Polyvinyls 1. Polyacrylonitrile or polyvinyl cyanide a. Orlon 2 . Copolymers a. Vinyon HH (vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride) b. Vinyon N (vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile) (one composition) c. Acrilan (acrylonitrile,vinyl acetate) d . Dynel (acrylonitrile,vinyl chloride) e. X-51 (chiefly acrylonitrile) 3. Polyvinyl alcohol (modified) a. Vinylon (Japan) b. Carilan (Japan) 4. Vinylidene chloiide, vinyl chloride copolynier a . Saran b. Velon c. Permalon d. PeCe (Germany) C. Polyesters 1. Terylene (polyethylene terephthalate) 2 . Dacron (polyethylene terephthalate) D. Polyurethanes 1. Perlon U (Germany) 2. Poluan (Japan) E. Others 1. Polyethylene (special uses as a monofilament) 2. Polystyrene a ‘ p d e r a l Trade Commission trade practice rules Dee. 11, 1931,define rayon as Man-made textile fibers and filaments composed of regenerated celluiose and yarn, thread, and textile fabric made of such fibersandfilaments.”

windowpanes, etc., is described (98). A silicone resin-treated glass cloth for motor and cable insulation is now being produced (114). Plating tanks are being produced (QQ) from glass fiberreinforced plastic. Talet and Cor (152) describe a process for manufacturing a rigid plastic material of great mechanical strength from glass fibers and polyvinyl alcohol. Paper composed entirely of glass fibers with no additive has been made for the first time a t the ru’ational Bureau of Standards (104) in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory. This all-glass paper may be applied as filters for gas masks and respirators. Other references (86,61, 76, 165, 156) give further electrical and thermal properties of glass-fiber papers. A new type of twine constructed of kraft paper twisted around a core of Fiberglas strands has been reported (109). Glas-Kraft (116) is a strong, tough, nondeteriorating, waterproof paper reinforced in

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all directions by continuous glass fibers between two plies of kraft, bonded under heat and pressure in a special resin laminant. INDUSTRIAL FIBER CSES

A. W. Williams (172)and T. L. Williams (176)discuss theproperties of synthetic fibers for industrial purposes. Advantages over natural fibers are given by uniformity, strength, thicknessLe., more strength per thinner section-and resistance to microbiological attack. Although the initial cost may be comparatively higher, the performance of the articles from synthetic fibers proves them more economical. Smith (144) has discussed the physical properties of fabric filter media, their relation to difficulties encountered in filtering operations, and principles in correct filter design and control of operating conditions. New types of filter fabric construction are described in which Orlon acrylic fiber, Vinyon, saran, and nylon are employed. Dynel (5) has also been noted as a filter fabric in various industrial applications. Portable ducting (99) made of glass-fiber fabric cemented to a continuous steel spring aire helix is available. It has a temperature range of - 70” t o +625” F. a t pressures up to 100 pounds per square inch. This tubing (37) can be coated with vinyl resin, making it inert to chemicals and oils. Yamada (178) claims that the best artificial leather is made from cotton, with a polyvinyl acetate coating, containing 15 to 20% plasticizer. Weller (169) has discussed the use of various synthetic fibers in the manufacture of tires, rubber hose, belting, and other rubber goods. An endless band of Perlon (130) is said to be especially useful for the manufacture of ropes and cables. A papermakers’ felt (110) consisting of 100% synthetic fiber for use on a Fourdrinier machine has been very successful. Synthetic bristles ( 2 1 ) have been made, including multiple small channels t o provide for retention and delivery of paint, thus simulating the Chinese hog bristles. Concrete slabs with center layers of glass fiber (1%’) are designed to lessen the cost of masonry construction and provide an insulating sandwich wall for commercial and residential use. Valve and flange covers ( 3 8 ) of dynel fabric offer additional protection in case of packing or gasket failure on pressurized lines. Mucra-Sham (31)is a lateximpregnated nonwoven fabiic, which is being used to replace chamois cleaning cloths. Synthetic furs ( 2 3 , QS), developed by the Air Force Materiel Command, consist of a nylon bristlelike material t o be used as a lining for cold-weather clothing. NEW TEXTILE USES

Part of the difficulty involved in proper utilization of the newer synthetics in textiles is due to dyeing problems. Etchells (56) reports on some of the economic factors involved in the development of new fibers and the replacement of natural fibers by synthetics. Brosnan (20) discusses the present and future developments in the dyeing and finishing of synthetics. Bowker ( 1 6 )surveys dyeing properties and associated problems in relation to terylene, nylon, Vinyon, dynel, and Orlon. Woodruff (277) summarizes laboratory a-ork on dyeing of hcrilan. The chemical and physical properties of textile fibers and the problems which they present to the textile industry are discussed by Dillon (49). The various factors which affect comfort, such as fiber diameter crimp, thermal character and bulk density, moisture regain, air permeability, water vapor permeability, wind resistance, and degree of contact are evaluated by Bennett (13)for wool, silk, cotton, acetate, and nylon. Lake (83)has investigated the properties of fabrics made from several synthetic fibers and their impact on the textile industry. Contributions claimed for Dacron polyester fiber ( 117) include: excellent appearance (color, drape, tailoring qualities); wrinkle resistance and press retention (wet, moist, or dry); dimensional stability; launderability vithout shrinkage or win-

October 1952



kling; and economy. I t s use in the clothing industry as a replacement for other fibers is discussed (74)as well as its use as sailcloth (163) for sailing yachts. Drapery material (6) of Vinyon N filaments and dyne1 staple has been approved as fire-resistant and acceptable for draperies and curtains in places of public assembly. Nylon typewriter ribbons (126) give three t o four times the life of other types, are cleaner, and produce better carbons. A new process (161) for vat dyeing of glass fibers has been reported, based upon a coating of methyl vinyl ether maleic anhydride copolymerized with polyvinyl alcohol. FIBER BLENDING

Emphasis on the use of synthetic and natural fibers blended to obtain the more desirable properties of each has increased during the year. Leineweber (86)and Luther (92)have discussed the different aspects of the blending of natural and synthetic fibers with outstanding as well as deficient properties of the fabrics. Franck (60) states that artificial fibers are not substitutes but have distinctive properties of their own blended in with wooli.e., viocose rayon, nylon, and ArdiI. He concludes that there are three reasons why new fibers will not replace wool: “(1) They cannot completely imitate wool in all its properties. (2) There is, a t the moment, a world shortage of these fibers almost as great as the shortage of wool. (3) The world demands for textiles show every sign of increasing and not decreasing.” The properties of a tropical suiting material (48,194)consisting of 55% Dacron and 45% fine wool are discussed. It is reported to be cooler, more crease-resistant, longer-lived, and more easily cleaned. Wolf (176)has given a general quantitative method for determining the percentages of wool in wool-synthetic blends. Utilization of blends by the Armed Forces has been reported (33). Hunlich (73) has discussed the use of various rayon and synthetic staple fibers in admixture with wool and the properties of fabrics made therefrom. Alibert ( 4 ) describes the thermal and shrinking properties of vinyl resin fibers and the use of these fibers in mixtures with rayon. An interesting report (139) states, “Traditionally, papermaker’s felts have been made only of the choicest and best wool, but blends of wool and synthetic fibers, particularly nylon, have proved more satisfactory than straight wool construction for felts where excessive abrasion is encountered.”




Spires of industry rise above woods and fields of nearby Kershaw County, South Carolina, where Du Pont has built the first full-scale commercial plant for manufacturing Orlon acrylic fiber in the world. Above are units for recovering essential materials for re-use in the process

plastic materials, and offers possibilities as a filtering material for gas masks to remove aerosol particles as small as 0.3 micron. FIBER TREATMENTS


Interest continues high in nonwoven fabrics, partly because of economics, but also because of advantages in utilization of some of the newer fibers. Elliott (53,64)describes the development of nonwoven or bonded fiber fabrics. Stoll (149) discusses the nature of the breakdown of these fabrics under mechanical wear tests. Rahmer (1g0) describes fleece sheets composed of thermoplastic fibers, produced by welding the fibers at their intersection points by the use of dielectric or infrared heating. Several references (113,128) discuss a new nonwoven fabric, consisting of a fiber fleece bonded by a novel process which does not shrink or crease and has an almost complete power of recovery. Awnings, industrial webbing, protective aprons, tents, and industrial covers (116) are made from a high-strength vinyl resin fabric, composed of a cross batch of strong threads embedded in a film. A new unwoven fabric (118)is recommended as a laminating or plastic reinforcing material for industrial application. Thiersch (163)describes a Thiokol impregnated leather (%onwoven natural fabric”), which is suitable for use as gaskets and packings in many types of environments. Nonwoven fabrics (99) were discussed a t a recent meeting of the Electrochemical Society as useful for insulation, filter fabrics, and cell spacers. One of these fabrics is made of 0.1-micron filaments of thermo-

Specid fiber treatments have become increasingly important in order t o improve some of the properties of the various fibers. Oesterling (107) states that the application of special textile finishes for the attainment of certain desired functional properties produces both primary and secondary fabric characteristics : (1) primary-water resistance, fire resistance, mildew resistance, shrinkage control, resistance to chemical or photochemical degradation, crease resistance, and color or shade characteristics; and (2) secondary-breaking strength, drape, flexibility, tear strength, sewability, seam strength a t low temperatures, nontackiness, resistance t o crocking, color fastness, resistance t o perspiration, moisture vapor permeability, durability of the finish to laundering, maintenance of strength during laundering, durability to leaching, stability to weathering, stability to aging or storage, wear resistance, nontoxicity, and freedom from objectionable odors. Bernard ( 1 4 )discusses the technology of resin finishing. Developments in the drying and finishing of rayon and synthetic fibers are reviewed for 1951 (19). Barail (10) discusses the toxicity of fabric finishes in general. Barnard (11) describes methods of application and types of durable and nondurable flame-retardant treatments for textile fabrics. Little (89) diecusses the fundamentals of flame-retardancy in cellulose textiles. Several other references (39, 162) list fireproofing agents and treatments. Patents (68, 101, 146)



have been issued covering \nrious neiv or modified methods of fireproofing. Jacobsen et al. ( 7 7 ) report on a study of titanium compounds for fire-retardancy, .ivhile Blumenthal (16)discusses the use of zirconium chemicals from the hygienic aspects. Of pertinent importance to fireproofing are several references on antistatic finishes (30, 160). Harding (66) reviews the past developments and future prospects of water-repellent? of textiles. Fulton (61) discusses the

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Davis (45) discusses the properties of the present synthetic fibers produced in Canada and their potential capacities in 196253. The increased production ( 2 7 )is reviewed for acetate, viscose rayon, nylon, polyester, and other synthetic fibers in Canada. Ardll. trade-mark for a British protein fiber, is described by Elliot ( 5 2 )and its properties are defined (18).


Frame a n d Filter Press with Dyne1 Filter Cloths

general processes, chemicals, and equipment employed in the drycleaning industry, with reference to application of mothproofing and water-repellent finishes. Various u-aterproofing treatments are reported in patents (18, 21,55, 101, 102) and in several notes (36, 108). Williams (173) discusses the bacterial attack of fabrics, and treatments to prevent such attack without adversely affecting the fabric or its dye properties. Zinkernagel (179) mentions various treatments for mothproofing textiles. Abrams (1)lists results on a study of mildew-resistance of cotton duck. Acrylonitrile (154) is said to give permanent mildew-resistance to cotton and also to alter other physical characteristics. Vartanian (167)has patented a formulation for flame and mildew resistance. Musgrove and Turner (103) report an investigation of some factors that affect the efficiency of fungicides on leather. Swaney (151) has proposed a fungicidal composition consisting of a copper acetylide. Various finishes for creascproofing and wrinkle resistance are reviewed by Falcone ( 6 7 ) and by Vale and Gantz (166). Alexander (3) reviews recent developments in nonshrink processes for wool. He mentions the anh~drocarboxyglycine process, melamine formaldehyde resins, urea-formaldehyde resins, vinyl polymers, and silicone resins. Various patents ( 7 , 41, 44,134) have given formulations and compositions for shrinkproofing of wool. Kerr (79, YO) describcc: the equipment, formulations, and applications of fabric coating-. Suessle ( 1 0 6 )reports a study of the effect of resin concentration on the abrasion-resistance of such treated fabrics. Stoeckhert ( I @ ) discusses the methods for manufacturing and surface treating of fabrics to give synthetic leathers. Smith ( 1 4 3 ) states that butylated aminoresins find application as emulsions for the fixation of pigments on textiles. Hagen (65)describes and compares the various techniques for coating fabrics with plastics.

Su-aniinathan (150) gives information on the production of Terylene, a fiber based upoii ethylene and p-xylene derived from petroleum. Renfrew (187) states that Terylene will have its most important application in the textile industry, but it mag have applications in forms other than that of fine filaments. Marinova (86, 169) is a protein synthetic fiber, which is said to have properties almost identical to those of wool. It is produced from casein in Italy. Perlon is described by Peiper (112) along with its physical, chemical, and physiological properties. Some of the finishing processes for Perlon and the manner in Fhich they affect the properties of the fabric are discussed (131). Various chemical and operative details are given by Sakurada and Kawakami (136) for the manufacture of the Japanese synthetic fiber trade-marked Vinylon. The properties of this polyvinyl alcohol fiber are compared to those of other natural and synthetic fibers (167). Hirabayshi et al. ( 7 0 ) write about the effects of ultraviolet light on the so-called *‘Gosei-Ichigo” fibers, which are polymers of polyvinyl alcohol. Polyvinyl chloride fibers produced in France, trade-marked Rhovyl, Fibravyl, Thermovyl, and Isovyl, are discussed (142). RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTS

In few fields have research developments been so promising as in new fibers, fiber uses, and fiber treatments. Bray and Carter ( 1 7 )review trends in wool research. -4shcroft (9) discusses industrial research and the consumer target. Moncrieff (100) reviews the chemical and physical aspects of the problem of producing a satisfactory synthetic wool. The question of the most suitable raw material is considered. Oil and seaweed seem destined to be further sources.

October 1952


Steele et al. ( 1 4 7 ) review the literature of 1950 on textile science and technology. Papers in the field of research have been concerned with studies of the structure and properties of natural and synthetic fibers, with the chemistry of cellulose and starch, with the microbiological degradation of cellulose and wool, and with the processes of adsorption, swelling, diffusion, dyeing, and detergency. Methods for determining molecular weight of high polymers by viscometry, osmotic pressure, light scattering, and centrifugation have been included. Goldberg ( 6 5 ) has reported on textile research achievements in 1951. Schwarz (136) discusses factors to be considered in predicting textile performance. Ray (121) states that the hand and resilience of fabrics are related to five fundamental fiber properties: (1)elastic modulus in tension, (2) shape of the stress-strain curve, (3) ability to recover the work of elongation, (4) shear modulus, and ( 5 ) degree of anisotropy. The problem of improving resistance to soiling and ease of washing in cotton textiles is reviewed by Utermohlen et al. (166). Somers (146) discusses the development of high tenacity viscose rayon. It is stated (40): “Smack in the path of the new synthetic fibers sprint for expanded consumer markets is a high hurdledyeing , . Most of the new synthetics just don’t take to dyes. Their chemical nature tells why.” These problems are being worked out by various new dyeing techniques, including continuous processing.




(1) Abrams, E., Textile ResearchJ., 21, No. 10,721 (1951). (2) Adams, F. A., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 33, No. 4,29 (1952). (3) Alexander, P., J . SOC.Dyers Colourists, 66, 349 (1950). (4) Alibert, I. M., Reyon Zellwolle, 30, No. 1, 5 (1952). (5) Am. DyestuffReptr.,40, No. 14,456 (1951). (6) Ibid.. No. 16.513. Angus, E. fi., Creely, J. W., and Fischer, 1L. M., U. S. Patent 2,522,338 (Sept. 12, 1950). Arthur, J. C., Jr., and Many, H. G., A m . Dgestuf Reptr., 39, No. 22, 719 (1950). Ashcroft, J . Textile Inst., 42, No. 8,805 (1951). Barail, L. C., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 32, KO.10, 59 (1951). Barnard, K. H., Ibid., 33, No. 3,64 (1952). Beauchamp, D. N., U. S. Patent 2,575,577 (Nov. 20, 1951). Bennett, R. D., Chemistry in Canada, 4 , No. 1, 33 (1952). Bernard, J. J., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 4 0 , No. 25, 837 (1951). Blumenthal, W. B., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 32, No. 4, 79 (1951). Bowker, E. E., Brit. Rayon and Silk J., 28, No. 326, 58 (1951). Bray and Carter, J . TextileInst., 42, No. 8 , 361 (1951). Brit. Ragon and Silk J., 28, No. 326, 52 (1951). Ibid., 29, No. 332,44 (1952). Brosnan, W. F., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 40, No. 11, 350 (1951). Building Products, 15, No. 4, 1 (1951). Burnham, R. R., Anderson, A. T., and Matheson, A. M., U. S. Patent 2,577,840 (Dec. 11, 1951). Business Week, 1951, No. 1130,54. Zbid., No. 1152,46. Callinan, T. D., et al., Elec. Mfg., 48, No. 2,94, 248,262 (1951). Can. Chem. Processing, 35, No. 10, 776 (1951). Ibid., p. 786. C h m . Eng., 58, No. 8 , 125 (1951). C h m . Eng. News, 30,2084 (1952). Chem. Processing, 14, No. 11,28 (1951). Chem. Week, 68, No. 19,41 (1951). Ibid.. No. 24.20 (1951). (34) Ibid., No. 4,15 (1951). (35) Ibid., No. 5,18 (1951). (36) Zbid., No. 11,44 (1951). (37) Zbad., No. 24,38 (1951). (38) Ibid., 70, No. 4,42 (1952). (39) Ibid., No. 6,45 (1952). (40) Ibid., No. 21, 25 (1952). (41) Coe, M. R., U. S. Patent 2,548,774(April 10,1951). (42) Coke, C. E., TextileMfT., 77, No. 918, 277 (1951). (43) Commonwealth Economic Committee, “Industrial Fibres,” London, His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1951. (44) Cupley, M. E., U. S. Patent 2,526,637 (Oct. 24, 1950). (45) Davis, J. A., Can. Chem. Processing, 36, No. 1 , 58, 60, 62 (1952).


Photomicrograph of Cross Section of Experimental Synthetic Fiber X-51 Concentric ring structure and circular cross section shown differentiate X-51from other acrylic fibers

~(46) Davis, .I. d.,Can. Textile J., 68, 60 (1951). (47) Davis, R. J., “World Study of Hard Fibers and Hard Fiber Products,” Part 11, Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1949. (48) Deering, Milliken & Co., New York, Milliken 55-45 DacronWool, advertisement, 1952. (49) Dillon, J. H., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 41, No. 3, 65 (1952). (50) Egloff, G., B u f a l o Courier-Express, April 16, 1952. (51) E&. Mfg., 48, No. 6 , 8 (1951). (52) Elliot, S., Reyon, Synthetica, Zellwolle, 29, No. 8,313 (1951). (53) Elliott, G. H., J. TextileInst., 42, No. 8 , 661 (1951). (54) Elliott, G. H., Textile Mfr., 77, No. 919,330 (1951). (55) Ellis, L. M.,U. S. Patent 2,523,868 (Sept. 26, 1950). (56) Etohells, A. W., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 40, 19, 598 (1951). (57) Falcone, M. A., Rayon and Synthetic Textiles, 32, No. 8 , 53 (1951). (58) Fordemwalt, Frederick, U. S. Patent 2,536,978 (Jan. 2, 1951). (59) Fortune, 43,130 (May 1951). (60) Franck, R. R., J . TextileInst., 42, No. 9,873 (1951). (61) Fulton, G. P., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 40, No. 23, 939 (1951). (62) Gantz, G. M., Ibid., 41, No. 4, 100 (1952). (63) Goldberg, J. B., Am. Assoc. Textile Technologists (Papers), 7, No. 2,74 (1952). (64) Goldstein, K. R., Melliand Teztilber., 32, No. 12, 900 (1951). (65) Hagen, G., Textil-Praxis, 6, No. 6 , 428 (1951). (66) Harding, J . Textile Inst., 42, KO.8, 691 (1951). (67) Hegan, H. J.,Ibid., 42, No. 8 , 395 (1951). (68) Hegan, H. J., TextiZeMfr., 77, No. 919,320 (1951). (69) Henry, T. R., Syracuse Herald-Journal, May31,1952. (70) Hirabayshi, K., et al., Chem. High Polgmers, 6 , l (1949). (71) Holmes, D. F., Am. Assoc. Textile Technologists (Papers), 7, No. 2,85 (1952). (72) Houtz, R. C., Textile Research J., 20, 786 (1950). (73) Hunlich, R., Reyon, Synthetica, Zellwolle, 29, No. 6, 245 (1951). (74) Ibid., No. 8,320 (1951). (75) Ind. Equipment News, 19, No. 8, 1 (1951). (76) Znd. Gas, 30, No. 8, 14 (1952). (77) Jacobsen, A. E., Sullivan, W. F., and Panik, I. M., Am. DyestufReptr.,40, No. 14,439 (1951). (78) Kennedy, R. K., Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co., New York, N. Y., private communication, Jan. 3, 1951. (79) Kerr, T. J., Textile World, 102, No. 2, 151, 153, 282, 286 (1952). (80) Ibid., No. 3, 149, 151, 236, 238, 240, 242, 244 (1952). (81) Kidd. F. F.. “World Studv of Hard Fibers and Hard Fiber Products,”’ Part I, Waskngton, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1949. (82) Koch, P. A., Textil-Rundschau, 6, No. 9,403 (1951). (83) Lake, G. K., TextiEe ResearchJ., 22, No. 2,138 (1952). (84) Larson, L. L., Am. Assoc. Textile Technologists (Papers),6, KO. 2, 125 (1951). ~I



(85) Leineweber, W. F., Jr., Teztile Age, 15, N o . 6, 50 (1951). (86) Levison, Robert, and Elomberg, E. J., C. S. Patent 2,566,455 (Sept. 4,1951). (87) Ibid., 2,566,456 (Sept. 4, 1951). (88) Life, 32, No. 20,142 (1952). (89) Little, R. W., Teztile Research J . , 21, No. 12, 901 (1951). (90) Loasby, G., J . Teztile Inst., 42, No. 8 , 411 (1951). (91) Loasby, G., Research, 5, No. 1, 16 (1952). (92) Luther, W. F., Rayon and Synthetic TeStiles, 33, No. 2, 34, 49, 52,54 (1952). (93) Mech. Eng., 73, N o . 5,411 (1951). (94) Metal Finishing,49, No. 6,85 (1991). (95) Millard, F., J . TeztileInst., 42, No. 4, T 168 (1951). (96) Modern Ind., 22, No. 3,104 (1951). (97) Ibid., 23, No. 2, 125 (1952). (98) Ibid., p. 132. (99) Ibid., p. 150. (100) Moncrieff, R. W., Teztile Recorder, 68, S o . 817, 105 (1951). (101) Morton, T. H.,and Ward, Frank, E. S. Patent 2,530,261 (Nov. 15,1950). (102) Munch, W., Melliand Teztilber., 32, S o . 10,742 (1951). (103) Musgrove, A. J., and Turner, J. s., J . sot. Leather Trades' Chemists, 35, No. 9, 290 (1951). (104) Natl. Bur. Standards, Tech. News Bull., 35, KO. 12, 177 (1951). (105) Newell, W.A., Teztile World, 101, S o . 9, 105 (1951). (106) Nuessle, A. C., Teztile Research J., 21, No. 10, 747 (1951). (107) Oesterling, J. F., Am. Dyestuf Reptr., 40, No. 11, 346 (1951). (108) Oil,Paint Drug Reptr., 160, No. 2,28b (1951). (109) Paper TrudeJ., 133, No. 23,40 (1951). (110) Ibid., 134, No. 1 0 , l l (1952). (111) Parsons, C. B., Modern Plastics, 29, S o . 10, 129, 134, 136, 138, 140 (1951). (112) Peiper, E., Melliand Teztilber., 32, No. 9, 665 (1951). (113) Plastics News Letter, 11, To. 41, 4 (1951). (114) Ibid., h-0.43, l(1951). (115) Ibid., 12, No. 1 , 1 (1952). (116) Plastics World, 9, No. 5 , 15 (1951). (117) Ibid., No. 7, 13 (1951). (118) Ibid., No. 11,4 (1951). (119) Quig, 5. B., R a y o n and Synthetic T'eztiles, 32, T o . 9, 34, 69, 71 (1951). (120) Rahmer, H., Melliand Teztilber., 33, No. 2, 112 (1952). (121) Ray, L. G., Teztile M f r . , 77, S o . 924, 625 (1951). (122) Ray, L. G., Teztile Research J . , 22, No. 2, 144 (1952). (123) R a y o n and Synthetic Textiles, 32, S o . 6 , 52 (1951). (124) Ibid., No. 7,34 (1951). (125) Ibid., No. 9, 83 (1951). (126) Ibid., p. 140 (1951). (127) Renfrew, A,, Plastics (Brit.), 16, So. 167, 179 (1951). (128) Rev. Sci.Instruments, 22, No. 11,863 (1951). (129) Ibid., p. 864. (130) Ibeyon, Synthetica, Zellwolle, 29, S o . 4, 147 (1951). (131) Ibid., No. 12,494 (1951). (132) Robertson, A. M., Brit. Rayon and Silk J.,27, K O . 319, 63 (1950). (133) R o h m & HaasReptr., 10, KO.2, 1 (1952).

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(134) Royer, G. L., U. S.Patent 2,555,277 (May 29, 1951). (135) Sakurada, I., and Kawakami, H., Chem. High Polymers, 6 , 423 (1949). (136) Schwarz, E. R., Am. Assoc. Textile Technologists (Papers), 6, No. 3,149 (1951). (137) Science News Letter, 61, No. 4, 56 (1952). (138) Shearer, H. E., T a p p i , 34, No. 5, 118 (1951). (139) Shearon, W. H., Jr., Chem. Eng. News, 30, 1618 (1952). (140) Sherman, J. V., Barrons, 13 (July 30, 1951). (141) Sherman, S. L., Ibid., 11 (July30, 1951). (142) Skinner's Silk and Rauon Record, 25, KO,7 , 893 (1951). (143) Smith, A. R., PZastics (Brit.), 16, No. 167, 179 (1951). (144) Smith, E. G., Chem. Eng. Progress, 47, No. 11, 545 (1951). (145) Somers, J. A., Brit. Rayon and Silk J . , 28, No. 329, 71 (1951). (146) Sostmann, M. J., and Phillips, I. L., U. S. Patent 2,547,671 (April 3,1951). (147) Steele, R. O., et al., Teztile Research J . , 21, No. 5, 293 (1951). (148) Stoeckhert, K., Kunststoffe, 41, No. 10,329 (1951). (149) Stall, R. G., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 40, NO. LO, 305 (1951). (190) Swaminathan, V. S., Oil Gas J., 50, N o . 5 , 8 6 (1951). (151) Swaney, M. W., U. S. Patent 2,521, 424 (Sept. 5, 1950). (152) Talet, P. A , and Cor, Pierre, Ibid., 2,572,407 (October 1951). (153) Teztile Age, 15, No. 5, 8 (1951). (154) Ibid.,p. 60. (155) Ibid., No. 9,16 (1951). (156) Teztile Recorder, 68, No, 1, 97 (1951). (157) Teztile World, 101, No. 4,123, 232, 234 (1951). (158) Ibid., No. 7,120 (1951). (159) Ibid., No. 9, 170 (1951). (160) Ibid., p. 172. (161) Ibid., No, 10,266 (1951). (162) Ibid., 102, No. 3, 184 (1952). (163) Thiersch, G., E. F. Houghton & Co., Chicago, Ill., private communication, June 20,1952. (184) Urquhart, A. R., J. TertileInst., 42, No. 8,383 (1951). (165) Utermohlen, W. P., Jr., et al., Teztile Research J . , 21, No. 7, 510 (1951). (166) Vale, K. G., and Gantz, G. M., Rayon and Synthetic Teztiles, 33, No. 3,42,45 (1952). (167) Vartanian, R. D., U. S. Patent 2,536,988 (Jan. 2, 1951). (168) Waggoner, J. H., Ibid., 2,577,936 (Dec. 11,1951). (169) Weller, E., Ragon and Synthetic Teztiles, 32, No. 8 , 39, 48 (1951). (170) Whinfield, J. R., Endeavour, 11, No. 41,29 (1952). (171) Whitcomb, L. B., Can. T e z t i l e J . , 68,51, 53, 65 (1951). (172) Williams, A. W., Rayon and Synthetic Teztiles, 32, No. 9, 36, 119 (1951). (173) Ibid., No. 10, 39, 72,82 (1951). (174) Williams, S., Sci. American, 185, KO. 1, 37 (1951). (175) Williams, T. L., Can. Teztile J.,68,48, 50, 52, 55 (1951). (176) Wolf, H. W., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 40, No. 9, 273 (1951). (177) Woodruff, J. A., Teztile World, 101,No. 8 , 126 (1951). (178) Yamada, M., Chem. High Polymers, 4, 172 (1947). (179) Zinkernagel, R., I n d i a n Teztile J., 61, 421 (1951). RECEIVED for review July 12,1952.

ACCEPTED J u l y 12,1952.

Polymer Building of Chernstrand Corp. Where Raw LMateriaIs Are Processed Prior to the Manufacture of Acrilan Acrylic Textile Fiber