Fifth General Meeting - Journal of the American Chemical Society

J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1893, 15 (3), pp 177–178. DOI: 10.1021/ja02113a600. Publication Date: March 1893. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc...
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be determined a t a high temperature with a minimum amount of trouble. By means of a paraffine bath for our oil we have no trouble whatever in doing this with the torsion viscosimeter. When one oil has been tested sufficiently the cylinder can be taken out in a moment, wiped off, and is then ready for another oil. T h e necessity of a standard instrument which shall be recognized by the trade as such cannot be too forcibly emphasized, as the present state of affairs is most annoying to both producer and consumer, leading as it so often does to misunderstanding and financial loss. T h e torsion viscosimeter is the standard instrument of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, but this simply means that it is the best we know of a t present. W e are, however, always open to conviction, and if any better method of determining the viscosity of an oil is invented we will be very glad to adopt it.



HE following resolution was adopted by the Council of the American Chemical Society, June 7, 1893 :

Resolved, T h a t t h e General Meeting of the American Chemical Society for t h e summer of 1893 he held in Chicago at such date a s may he determined by t h e committee appointed by the society t o co-operate with t h e World’s Fair Auxiliary of t h e Colunihian Exposition in arranging for an International Congress of Chemists.

I n accordance with the terms of this resolution the committee to co-operate with the World’s Fair Auxiliary have determined that the Fifth General Meeting of the Society shall be held during a period beginning August 2 I , I 893, in conjunction with the World’s Congress of Cheniists to be held under the auspices of the World’s Fair Auxiliary and the American Chkniical Society. T h e committee desire to call to the attention of the members of the society and of American chemists generally, the fact that in view of the large number of eminent chemists, home and foreign, who have already signified an intention to attend the World’s Congress of Chemists, and the valuable character of




the papers that will be presented, this iiieetiiig will doubtless be the most important gathering ever held b y cheiiiists iii the United States. Tlie time and place are therefore particularl!~ auspicious, and the proiiiise of a most successful aiid eiiju!-al)lc occasion very great. Tlie ineetiiigs ;vi11 tie upeii to all clieniists i I)roceecli:igs in good standiiig. arid in order that :I i ~ i ' ( l f i r x ! ~of ilia). be arraiigeti in advaiice, it is e:Li-ilestl!. requesteci t h x t !liow ivlio desire to offer papers \vi11 fornxrcl titles tllercd :is earl>-:LS Xugust I , to Prof. IVm. 1lclIurtrie. 106 \\'a!l street. X C YYork Y City, care of S e w York Tartar Cu. I t is also the hope of t h e coiiiiiiittee that i n .;ie\\ oi thc i i i i portaiit part taken by the Ainericaii Cheniicni SocietJ- i i i cnlliiig the World's Coiigress of Chemists, tlie sorietj. l l - i l i 1)e represented by a large iiuniber ot its iiieiiilw-s i l l t!iis :iicetiilg. 'I'iiis is due to the foreign clieniists n h o liar-e accepted tlic iii\.itntioiis exteiicted by tlie societ!. . 111 iiiatters of transportatioil to, a:id quarters i n . Chicago. iiienibers of the societl- xvili have all the ntl\.aiitng:-cs provi!led for those ivlio \vi11 atteiid the I\70r!d's Congress of C l ; e ~ i i i s t ~ . Those desiring inforniatioil with this regarti iii:i! oiltaiii it by addressing Prof. Johni H . Long:, So. .1421 I1enrl)orii R ~ ~ . C I I G Chicago, Ill. I t is requested that as sooii as possible after tlivir arri\.al i i i Chicago, iiiembers will report at the Congress Hcadtjuarte~sin the Art Institute Builtling, Lake Froiit ;11i(1 Atlains itreet, :tiit1 register their nnnies anti Chicago addresses so t!int t!ie\. i x a y reteil-e without delay such iiotices and iiiioimntioii a s the CO!I;-inittees may have to distribute at that time. \i711. hi c 11 LT R T R I il , C . F'. C H . \ S l ) I , l ~ R . A . 13. i ~ i ~ i ~ s ~ ( ~ r * r ,

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c. E. l l ~ - s l < o ~ ~ ; ,

H.IV.T\-IL!;Y, Committee to Co-operate ivith tlie \Vorld's E'aii- A L I X ~ ~ ~ ~ I - ! . .