Fill your chemical processing Rx with Norton SPECIAL Refractories

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T o improve chemical processes or increase yields, g e t your answer from Norton. N o one refractory can be t h e solution to all your problems. But Norton r^ service will help you get the composition best suited to your particular purpose.

Fill y o u r chemical processing

In almost every field o f chemical processing, Norton Refractories are making definite c o n tributions — improving methods and cutting costs. T h i s is true in catalyst supports for t h e manufacture o f phthalic anhydride, for reforming natural gas and production of ^atmosphere gas" — electric furnace shapes . . . p o r o u s mediums, for filtration, diffusion a n d aeration.

To get your fy Iff. A'T^/ï/l'ÇÎ SfJ.Ti'fifi'i'ËÇ

Norton makes catalyst supports having controlhd structure. T h u s t h e r^for rings and pellets can range from medium porosity to high porosity — for spheres from medium porosity with rough exterior for coating with a catalyst, to high porosity with a network o f open pores uiroughout and rough exterior designed for impregnating with catalyst. Spheres are made in diameters ΎΑ" to \". Rings supplied from 3/32" I . D . , 3 / 1 6 " long, 7 / 3 2 " O . D . to i/ 2 " I.D., 1" long, 1" O . D . Pellets from Vs" χ Ys" to Î4" χ Vi"* Catalyst supports are just an e x ­ ample o f rjr engineering.

The "Basic 4" for your 1% According to t h e requirement your Ijr is for ALUNDUM*, CRYSTOLON*, MAGNORITE*, o r FUSED STABILIZED Z I R C O N I A , each with its own particular characteristics. A l l are chemically stable . . . all are highly refrac­ tory, resistant to abrasion and have extra l o n g life. Here are just a few of their uses in many fields. Norton ALUNDUM catalyst supports in t h e manufacture o f phthalic anhydride, production of "atmosphere g a s " a n d in reforming natural gas.

with N o r t o n S P E C I A L Refractories engineered to your needs

Norton FUSED STABILIZED ZIRCONIA has stood u p under 4 7 0 0 ° F in gas synthesis. Its low thermal conductivity and i t s high elec­ trical conductivity at elevated temperatures make it useful for many special chemical proc­ esses. N o other refractory is s o chemically stable under high temperature. Norton ALUNDUM porous mediums with "controlled permeability" are ideal for filtra­ tion, diffusion or aeration. Norton ALUNDUM, CRYSTOLON and MAGNCRITE mixtures for reaction furnaces are supplied in a variety of shapes engineered to your exact requirements.

Find out more So broad i s Norton's range o f Special R e ­ fractories that it can o n l y be outlined here. W e believe that it will p a y y o u to make Norton Refractory Research y o u r partner in solving your problems. F o r quick action, just contact your N o r t o n Refractories Representative o r write N O R T O N COMPANY, 2 0 9 N e w Bond S t . ,

Worcester 6 9 Mass,





Norton refractory shapes for reaction furnaces come in bricks, plates, tubes and blocks of ALUNDUM, CRYSTOLON, MAGNORITE and FUSED STABILIZED ZIRCONIA.

Special REFRACTORIES fâlakfnq betterproducts to make other products better Trade-Marks Res* U. S. Pat· OS» and Foreign Countries

Norton catalyst supports are made in spheres, pellets and. rings, by Norton's "controlled structure" process* V O L U M E

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