Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings - American Chemical Society

depth of interdiffusion and at certain molecular weights (8). The strength .... 0 x l 0-15. 6.9xl0"1 7. (e). PAMA. 180,000. 80. 4.0xl0"1 6. 2.0xl0-13...
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Chapter 11

Healing and Fracture Studies in Incompletely Annealed Latex Films and Related Materials 1,2,4,6

M. Sambasivam 1



, A. Klein - , and L. H.




Polymer Interfaces Center, Center for Polymer Science and Engineering, Emulsion Polymers Institute, Materials Research Center, Department of Chemical Engineering, and Department of Chemistry, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3194

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The molecular aspects of film formation and subsequent fracture in latex films have been reviewed. The film formation studies are based on SANS and DET techniques, and the fracture studies are based on tensile tests and more recently on a grinding fracture technique using a custom-built Dental Burr Grinding Instrument (DBGI). Strength development in latex films occurs by an interdiffusion process at temperatures above the glass transition temperature, and full strength is achieved at an interdiffusion depth equal to one radius of gyration of the chains. Molecular aspects of fracture in these films are considered in terms of chain scission and pullout processes. Under fully annealed conditions, for polystyrene at 32,000 g/mol, the chain pullout energy contribution is substantially 100% of the total fracture energy. At higher molecular weights 151,000 g/mol, and 420,000 g/mol, the chain pullout contributions decrease to about 60% and 10%, respectively. Correspondingly, the chain scission and pullout contributions for P M M A (485,000 g/mol) are 75% and 25%, respectively. Using the molecular weight dependence of reptation time, τ, it is possible to predict the fractional chain scission energy contribution during fracture in PS for a given molecular weight. Chain pullout energies calculated from theoretical equations agree fairly well with the experimental values. Frictional coefficients calculated from the chain pullout energy for PS and P M M A allowed the estimation of the temperature of chain pullout, which is about 242-368°C and about 220°C, respectively, well above the glass transition temperature. The thickness around the crack tip to which this temperature is confined was estimated to be about 1.52.3 nm using fracture mechanics calculations. Water-based polymer latexes are gaining more attention in the coatings and adhesives industries over conventional solvent-based systems, mainly due to restrictions imposed 7

Corresponding author 0097-6156/96/0648-0179$15.25/0 © 1996 American Chemical Society Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


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by environmental requirements. A better understanding of the properties of latex films became very critical to suit the requirements of their growing applications. Similar to bulk polymers, the mechanical properties of latex films are dependent on the molecular weight and its distribution (7-3), and are sensitive to the presence of low molecular weight additives, such as surfactants (4). In addition, the strength of these films, for a given molecular weight, depends on the annealing time and annealing temperature (7,5-7). The process of film formation from latexes takes place via three different steps: i . water evaporation; i i . particle deformation due to capillary forces and evaporation of interstitial water, and; iii. interdiffusion of chains across the particleparticle interface. Randomization of the chains takes place by interdiffusion across the particle-particle interfaces, which determines the mechanical properties of the final film. Latex films provide a good model material for studying the healing and fracture at polymer-polymer interfaces (1,8,9). The chain interdiffusion in latex films is analogous to the healing process in bulk polymers, where the interface between the two surfaces is bridged by chains reptating and subsequently forming entanglements. Fracture in the latex films physically re-creates the interface. Important questions that arise are: how far must the chains interdiffuse into the neighboring particle for good strength; how does molecular weight affect the interdiffusion rate and the final strength? The healing and the fracture processes can be reversible up to a certain depth of interdiffusion and at certain molecular weights (8). The strength development at the interface is followed by measuring the chain interpénétration depth, number of chains crossing the interface, fracture energy, or tensile strength, among other properties. Several workers have studied the film formation process using different techniques such as small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) (4,9-13) and direct nonradiative energy transfer (DET) (5,6,15-17). The SANS technique primarily measures the radius of gyration of deuterated probe particles, which increases with annealing, from which the diffusion coefficient is obtained. Figuratively, the model resembles an exploding star. The DET technique involves labelling of the polymer chains with donor and acceptor fluorescent groups by chemical reaction. The intensity of energy transfer is followed as a result on interdiffusion which yields information on the extent of mixing (f ) and diffusion coefficients. There are several advantages and disadvantages between the two techniques. However, they provide valuable information at the molecular level. Winnik et al. (75) compared the diffusion coefficients of poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) obtained from DET and SANS techniques, and inferred that the values were nearly identical within experimental error, suggesting that both techniques yield the same results despite the different approaches. Combining the film formation results from SANS or DET with the mechanical tests, such as tensile, provides a better level of understanding the film formation process in these films (8). In this review, the emphasis is mainly on the mechanical properties of incompletely annealed latex films of polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Also, the film formation studies are briefly reviewed. m

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Incompletely Annealed Latex Films


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Theory of Healing and Fracture at Polymer Interfaces The chain motions in a bulk amorphous polymer are characterized by the de Gennes reptation theory (18), which was further developed by Doi and Edwards (79). This model has also been used to describe chain motions at polymer-polymer interfaces by de Gennes (20), Prager and Tirrell (27), Wool et al. (22), and Jud et al. (23). The conformations of the chains at the interface are not in equilibrium when the interfaces are brought into contact, such as-molded latex films. When diffusion of the species, on either side of the interface, is thermodynamically favorable, interdiffusion of the chains takes place at the interface. Consequently, the chains begin to disengage from their tubes. The portion of the chain that disengaged from the original tube at time t, is termed a minor chain (22). Based on the Woofs minor chain reptation theory (22), there are two different ways of defining the reptation time, τ: i . the time at which only 1/e fraction of the chain still remains in the initial tube, and; i i . the time at which the chains at the interface have diffused through a distance equal to one radius of gyration, R . The reptation time is given by, 2


τ = R /(3TI D)



D = .(π/2ί) τ ~M




where R is the end-to-end distance, D is the self-diffusion coefficient, M is the molecular weight, and is the diffused distance at time t. For a healing interface, the mechanical properties are expected to increase up to the reptation time, after which the system is considered equilibrated. However, experimentally, properties change asymptotically for two or three times the reptation time (2,3). Molecular weight and annealing time are important variables in determining the strength of the interface. According to the scaling laws, the fracture toughness (G ) of the interface scales with annealing time, t, as, IC



- t


(t < τ)


Some other important scaling relationships for both incompletely and fully annealed systems are listed in Table I. Even though the different models predict slightly different exponents, they all describe the same physical phenomenon, which is interdiffusion resulting in the formation of entanglements on both sides of the healing interface. The exponent is also dependent on the real time, t, with respect to the reptation time, τ. Another important molecular parameter is the number of chains crossing the interface bound by physical entanglements on both sides, N , which scales as: Noc

1 / 4 t

Ν « M°


5 / 4


Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

(5) (6)



Table I. Time and Molecular Weight Dependence of Fracture Energy (G ) IC


Time (t) and molecular weight (M) dependence tτ

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de Gennes (20) Prager and Tirrell (21) Kim and Wool (22) Jud et al. (23) τ is the reptation time

In the authors' work, the number of chain scissions are approximated to be the number of chains crossing the interface, N . Latex Film Formation Studies A number of people have investigated the self diffusion coefficients of polystyrene, Table II (£), and poly(methyl methacrylate), Table ΠΙ (8). A l l data were converted to 135°C and 150,000 g/mol for better comparison. Although each instrument used has a somewhat different sensitivity, and the samples were prepared by a variety of methods, the diffusion coefficients for the polystyrene agree within a factor of ten. The major exception is the data of Yoo, et al. (12b), which is two orders of magnitude lower than the others. It is of special interest to compare this data with that of Kim, et a l . , since the data were generated in the same laboratory. Although the molecular weight of the Kim, et al. sample was higher, it had hydrogen end groups, compared with the liberal supply of sulfate end groups on the Yoo, et al. samples. Also, the latter had a much broader molecular weight distribution, which may have contributed somewhat to a "smearing effect," i.e., the lower molecular weight species may have diffused almost completely across the latex particle interfaces before the SANS experiments were initiated. However, since the tensile strength of the Kim, et al. sample increased with time much more rapidly than the Yoo, et al. samples, it is tentatively concluded that the sulfate end groups actually slowed the interdiffusion down. Possible reasons include the ionic nature of the sulfate end group, contributing to a positive χ (1) effect, ionomer segregation, and/or the large size of the sulfate group. The critically important point here is that almost all commercial latexes are prepared via ordinary emulsion polymerization, while most of the polymer physics experiments are based on anionic polymerizations and subsequent emulsification or miniemulsification. If these diffusion coefficients actually differ by a factor of 100, then let the technologist beware! In Table HI, there is a variation of a factor of 50 in the converted D* data for P B M A , ranging from l . l x l O " to 1.8xl0' . In addition, it might be expected that P A M A should have a slightly larger diffusion coefficient than P B M A , since its glass 14



Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Incompletely Annealed Latex Films

transition temperature is lower. The poly(methyl methacrylate) data yields the best comparison to the polystyrene data, since they have nearly the same glass transition temperatures, 100°C for the polystyrene, and 106°C for the poly (methyl methacrylate). After suitable corrections for temperature and molecular weight, the data do, in fact, almost agree.

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Table II. Comparison of Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Polystyrene Measured by SANS with Other Techniques


Temp. (°C)

D (cm /sec)











































D* (cm /sec)



First Author
































Rayleigh Scattering




2.0xl0" 8.2xl0



* Converted to the same annealing condition (M =150,000 g/mol, T=135°C) by using D a M " and W L F equation n


(a) (b) (c)

P. F. Green, E. J. Kramer, J. Mat. Res., 1, 201 (1986). J. E. Anderson, J. H . Jou, Macromolecules, 20, 1544 (1987). K . D. Kim, B . Hammouda, L . H . Sperling, A . Klein, Macromolecules, 27, 6841 (1994). (d) J. S. Whitlow, R. P. Wool, Macromolecules, 24, 5926 (1991). (e) M . Stamm, J. Appl. Cryst., 24, 651 (1991). (f) K. D. Kim, G. D. Wignall, L . H . Sperling, and A . Klein, Macromolecules, 26, 4624 (1993). (g) J. N . Yoo, L . H . Sperling, C. J. Glinka, A . Klein, Macromolecules, 23, 3962 (1990). (h) D. Brautmeier, M . Stamm, P.linder, J. Appl. Cryst., 24, 665 (1991). (i) A . J. Barlow, A . Erginsay, J. Lamb, Proc. R. Soc, A298, 481 (1967). Source: Reproduced with permission from reference 8. Copyright 1994 John Wiley.

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Table III. Selected Diffusion Coefficients via Direct Energy Transfer Technique (DET) Polymer

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Temp. (°C)

D (cm /sec) 2

D* (cm /sec)
















3.5xl0" **








2.3xl0" **

























(c) (c)







6.9xl0" 2.0xl0






Converted to the same annealing condition (M = 150,000 g/mol, T=135 °C) by using DocM" and W L F equation ** SANS results for comparison. P B M A - Poly(butyl methacrylate); P M M A - Poly(methyl methacrylate); PAMA-Poly(amyl methacrylate) n


(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

Y . Wang, C. L . Zhao, and M . A . Winnik, J. Chem. Phys., 95, 2143 (1991). M . A . Winnik, Y . Wang, and C. L . Zhao, in "Photochemical Processes in organized Molecular Systems," K. Honda, Ed., Elsevier Science Pub., Amsterdam, 1991. K . Hahn, G. Ley, H . Schuller, and R. Oberthur, Colloid Polym. Sci., 264, 1029 (1986); 266, 631 (1988). E. M . Boczar, B . C. Dionne, Z. Fu, A . B. Kirk, P. M . Lesko, and A. D. Koller, Macromolecules, 26, 5772 (1993). Y . Wang and M . A . Winnik, Macromolecules, 26, 3147 (1993).

Source: Reproduced with permission from reference 8. Copyright 1994 John Wiley. Hahn, et al. (10) were the first investigators to use SANS to study the latex film formation process in P B M A . The effect of molecular weight during the coalescence of latex particles was studied. Also, they studied the effect of crosslinking on interdiffusion. Their results indicated that the particle-particle coalescence is due

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Incompletely Annealed Latex Films


to a center-of-mass diffusion. In crosslinked matrix, this interdiffusion is highly restricted. Winnik, et al. (5) considered the film formation process in P B M A latexes using DET measurements. The interdiffusion in the latex films was studied as a function of molecular weight and annealing temperature, and in the presence of plasticizers. Winnik, et al. (77) also studied the interdiffusion in melt pressed P M M A films. Diffusion coefficients were calculated as a function of temperature, about 10" cm /s at 149°C and 10" cm /s at 120°C, see Table ΙΠ, which yielded an activation energy of 100 kcal/mol. Boczar, et al. (6) carried out interdiffusion studies during latex film formation in P B M A and poly(amyl methacrylate) (PAMA) using DET technique. They investigated the effect of particle size, temperature, polymer compatibility etc. on interdiffusion. According to their spherical diffusion model, they observed that a change in the particle size affected the intermixing rate proportional to the particle surface area to volume ratio; however, the diffusion coefficient was not altered. Figure 1 shows that the intermixing rate in the 100-nm sized particles is faster than that in the 300-nm sized particles. Also, their results support the fact that the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient follows both W L F and Arrhenius equations in a narrow temperature range of Τ to Τ + 60°C. Activation energies of 33-37 kcal/mol and 36-39 kcal/mol for P B M A and P A M A , respectively were obtained from the two equations. In the case of blends containing the two polymers, the extent of mixing was low due to the lack of miscibility between the two components. Studies on latex film formation at Lehigh University focussed on two aspects: i. interdiffusion using SANS, and; i i . fracture using tensile and grinding tests. Linne, et al. (77) studied the interdiffusion in compression molded polystyrene latex films using SANS. Molded latex films were annealed at 40°C above T (=104°C) for different times. Also, the tensile strength of the films was studied as a function of the annealing time. Since the latex particle size was small (about 38 nm) compared to the dimensions of the chain (R = 79 nm, where R is the radius of gyration), the chains were highly constrained. On annealing, the entropie forces dominated the center-ofmass diffusion process, leading to a faster interdiffusion and a rapid increase in the tensile strength. Following this work, Yoo, et al. (72) investigated the correlation between SANS interdiffusion depth and tensile strength in polystyrene latex films of M = 2.59xl0 g/mol (intermediate M), and 1.8xl0 g/mol (high M) (Figure 2), prepared via conventional emulsion polymerization. In this work, sub-micron sized latex particles were prepared, but large enough to avoid entropie constraint of the chains. As Figure 2 indicates, the tensile strength increased with interdiffusion depth in the intermediate molecular weight sample and reached a plateau value at a depth corresponding to the 0.8R of the chains, as predicted by Zhang and Wool (24). The high M , however, showed a rapid increase in the tensile strength with depth initially before reaching a plateau value at a depth much below 0.8R . This was attributed to the location of chain ends, which in the latter case was probably close to the particle surface, thereby leading to a faster interdiffusion rate. Anderson and Jou (13), prepared latexes of anionically synthesized polystyrene via a direct emulsification process. Polystyrene dissolved in benzene was emulsified 15

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Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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0.00 ' — 0

' 2

» 4







Square Root of Cur* Tlmt (Mlnutot)

Figure 1. Plots of f versus cure time for P B M A latexes of two different particle sizes. Although the diffusion coefficients are similar, interparticle mixing is faster in the 100-nm latex, in accord with predictions from the model. (Reproduced from reference 6. Copyright 1993 ACS.) m

ol 0


. 40


. 80


u_ 120

dU) Figure 2. Plot showing that the tensile strength for the high molecular weight polystyrene yielded a higher ultimate tensile strength than the medium molecular weight (72). Unexpectedly, the tensile strength of the higher molecular weight also increased faster with interdiffusion. (Reproduced from reference 12. Copyright 1990 ACS.)

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Incompletely Annealed Latex Films

in water using surfactants. Then, the solvent and surfactant were removed. However, the latex particle size distribution in their study was very broad. At Lehigh University, Mohammadi, et al. (25) developed a direct miniemulsification technique that yielded a narrow size distribution latex particles from anionically synthesized polystyrene. Table IV gives the direct miniemulsification recipe developed by Mohammadi et a l . 25

Table IV. Recipe for Direct Miniemulsification

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DDI water sodium lauryl sulfate cetyl alcohol stearyl alcohol

Polystyrene Cyclohexane cetyl alcohol stearyl alcohol

weight (g) Aqueous phase 100.0 0.435 0.255 0.109 Oil phase 2.0 20.0 0.255 0.109

Source: Reproduced from reference 14. Copyright 1993 ACS. Using this direct miniemulsification technique, Kim et al. (14) studied the film formation process in PS with medium molecular weights (185,000 g/mol). Tensile strength was measured and correlated with the interdiffusion depth data from SANS (Figure 3). Similar to Yoo, et al.'s (72) results for medium molecular weight PS, Kim et al. observed a maximum tensile strength at an interdiffusion depth of about 0.8R . This is also in agreement with the reptation theory, according to which the chains are completely randomized at an interdiffusion depth equal to one R . As discussed above, Kim, et al. (14) found that the diffusion coefficients obtained were much higher than those obtained by Yoo et al. for emulsion polymerized latex films. Kim, et al. (4) also studied the effect of annealing temperature and residual surfactant on the interdiffusion kinetics in polystyrene (M= 151,000 g/mol). The interdiffusion was faster at higher annealing temperatures and in the presence of surfactant, which acts as a plasticizer. Apparent activation energies of 55 and 48 kcal/mol for molecular weights of 185,000 g/mol and 151,000 g/mol, respectively, in the temperature range of 125-155°C were calculated, which compared well with that from dynamic mechanical measurements (26), about 56-80 kcal/mol. g


Molecular Basis of Fracture in Latex Films Mohammadi et al. (7) designed and built a Dental Burr Grinding Instrument (DBGI), which uses a fine dental burr to grind the latex films at a depth of 500 nm per pass.

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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This experiment allows the measurement of two quantities independently: i . by measuring the torque at the burr, the energy required to grind a unit volume of the film, in other words, the fracture energy per unit volume or (by measuring the size of the ground particles and computing their surface areas) per unit area. ii. molecular weight measurements made before (initial sample) and after (ground powder) grinding using gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The last allows the determination of the number of chain scissions and chain pullouts per unit volume or per unit area. The size of the ground powder, measured using dynamic light scattering, allows the estimation of the surface areas generated. Mohammadi et al. (7) studied the film formation in high molecular weight polystyrene latex films (420,000 g/mol) as a function of the annealing time and frequency of the rotating burr in the DBGI. The fracture energy increased with annealing time, and exhibited a peak at the reptation time (96 min.), as shown in Figure 4 (9). Also, the number of chain scissions, and the tensile strength exhibited a peak around the reptation time. At short annealing times, the fracture surface showed the characteristics of the individual latex particles, like a basket of eggs. At long annealing times, a miiTor-like fracture surface was obtained. Thus, the peak in the mechanical properties was attributed to the change in the crack path from the particle-particle interface to through the particles. The total fracture energy was divided into three contributions: chain stretching, scission, and pullout. The chain scission energy and the chain stretching energy were calculated from the number of chain scissions using the Lake and Thomas theory (27), according to which all the bonds between the entanglement points are stretched to the maximum limit before one breaks. The basic concepts of the Lake and Thomas theory received partial confirmation from studies on the deformation characteristics of aromatic polyamides (27a,b). In that case, elongation of the rod-shaped chains under stress was attributed to the changes of the bond angles and bond lengths up and down the chain. The point is that the whole chain was involved, not just one bond. From the total fracture energy, the energy for all of the chain scissions was known. Then, the remainder portion was assumed to be the chain pullout energy. For fully annealed films, of the 420,000 g/mol material, the contribution from chain scission energy was about 90% and about 10% from chain pullout. A minor contribution (less than 1%) was delegated to the uncoiling process. Sambasivam et al. (2,3) investigated the fracture behavior of a series of polystyrene latex films of narrow molecular weight distribution (M= 151,000 g/mol, 32,000 g/mol, 600,000 g/mol) prepared via the direct miniemulsification process, using the DBGI. In addition, latex films of commercial polystyrene (Styron 6069) ( M = 180,000 g/mol; PDI=1.5) were studied. In the latex form, the molecular weight slightly lowered to 142,000 g/mol due to processing. An annealing temperature of 144°C was chosen for direct comparison with Mohammadi et al.'s data. Results from these studies are also included in Figure 4. It is clear that the fracture behavior of these latex films strongly depends on the molecular weight. The medium molecular weights (151,000 g/mol and 142,000 g/mol) show considerable increase in fracture energy on annealing. The blend system contained a 50:50 mixture of low molecular weight PS (34,000 g/mol) and high molecular weight PS (600,000 g/mol) (3). Due to the presence of the low molecular weight, which is right at the critical limit for entanglements, the fracture energy is much lower than the medium molecular weight n

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Incompletely Annealed Latex Films


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• Direct mini-emulsified latex M.W. =200,000 Mw/Mn=1.05

co 150 100

• Emulsion polymerized latex Mn=68.000 Mw=259,000

50 50






Figure 3. Tensile strength of polystyrene films first increases, then goes through a maximum, and finally levels off (4). The appearance or non-appearance of a maximum in both tensile strength measurements and dental burr fracture experiments (below) is both a function of molecular weight and reptation time relative to the time frame of the experiment. (Reproduced from reference 4. Copyright 1993 ACS.)

Figure 4. Plot of fracture energy versus square root of annealing time for different narrow molecular weight distribution PS latex films. (Adapted from reference 3.)

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



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films. These results are similar to those obtained by Yang et al. (28) for the bulk PS blend system. At the critical entanglement molecular weight, 32,000 g/mol, there is no change in the fracture energy with annealing time. The chains fail to form effective physical entanglements on interdiffusion. The peak in the fracture energy, observed in Mohammadi et al.'s work (420,000 g/mol) (7), was not seen for lower molecular weights or the blend systems. This is because the high annealing temperature caused significant interdiffusion at short times, and the reptation times in all these samples were less than 10 minutes. Table V gives the energy contribution results for medium molecular weight PS (151,000 g/mol) (2) as a function of the annealing time. It can be seen that the chain scission energy contribution increases with time before reaching a plateau value of about 40% beyond 60 minutes.

Table V. Energy Contributions for Medium Molecular Weight (151,000 g/mol; PDI=1.02) PS Latex Films

Annealing time, t, min.

0 10 30 60 120 240

No. of scission m" x l O " 3

4.5 3.2 5.9 12.0 14.0 12.0


Contributions %E * %E S

28.0 14.0 21.0 44.0 42.0 39.0

Total Fracture energy, J/m χ 10" 3


72.0 86.0 79.0 56.0 58.0 61.0


242 349 406 399 486 459

* Includes the uncoiling energy contribution (


Q) 700i CO ut 600-



1 0









Annealing time ( m i n .



Figure 5. Fracture energy per unit volume versus annealing time for P M M A latex films ( M = 485,000 g/mol; PDI=1.85) at two different annealing temperatures. Average error: ± 10%. (Reproduced with permission from reference 7. Copyright 1995 John Wiley.) n





•07. MAM A

-i— 17. .— 1.57.

ι 100

I 200



—ι— 400

Figure 6. Fracture energy vs annealing time at 90°C for P B M A with various concentrations of M A M A , as indicated. (Reproduced from reference 31. Copyright 1993 ACS.)

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Incompletely Annealed Latex Films

function of annealing time. It can be seen that the tensile strength increases with annealing time in the uncrosslinked latex films, whereas in the crosslinked films, the strength does not appreciably increase on annealing. Also, it was observed that in the case of highly crosslinked films, where the molecular weight between chemical crosslinks (Mc) were larger than the entanglement length (M ), the films remained brittle even after annealing. They concluded that the interdiffusion step is hindered in crosslinked films. Sambasivam et al. (32) studied the fracture behavior in bulk crosslinked PS and P M M A films, prepared via photopolymerization, as a function of mol % crosslinker. Reversible crosslinkers, acrylic anhydride ( A A A ) and methacrylic anhydride (MAA) were used separately. Figure 7 shows the results of this study. A maximum is observed around 1.5-5.0 mol% crosslinker for both crosslinked PS and P M M A . The maximum in Sambasivam et al.'s data (32) was explained in terms of the apparent change in the number of physical entanglements with crosslinking. However, Zosel and Ley's (31) data for the t > 300 minutes, which approximates a fully healed system (or bulk state), i.e. t » τ, does not go through a maximum; the fracture energy of P B M A decreases with increasing crosslinker ( M A M A ) . The main difference between the two sets of data is that in the Zosel and Ley materials, each latex particle was a separate network. In the film form, the micro-networks were not attached to each other by primary bonds. In the Sambasivam, et al. studies, the material was a single macroscopic network.

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Fracture per Unit Volume Versus per Unit Surface Area. Most of the fracture results from the authors' work have been expressed in terms of per unit volume instead of the conventional per unit area. Evidence from the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the ground surface revealed that there is considerable sub­ surface damage (8). Also, the fracture surface generated with the dental burr is not smooth and planar. Hence, the assumption of a spherical model (for fractured latex films) to describe a jagged surface might create substantial error. These problems could be minimized by expressing the results on a per unit volume of fractured material. However, for better comparison of results with literature, measuring the average size of the ground powder allowed the determination of the surface area generated due to grinding and allowed the expression of the results on a per unit area basis (Table VII) (7). Although the fracture energy in terms of per unit area from the grinding experiment, G (where B G represents Burr Grinding), probably contains mixed modes of fracture, the values are comparable to reported G values (33;34). B



Theoretical Chain Pullout Energy. Two different theories were used to calculate the chain pullout energy in PS and P M M A latex films. The first one is based on Evans equation, 35

E = kTN p

2 e


where E is the chain pullout energy, k is Boltzmann constant, Τ is the temperature, and N is the number of mers between entanglement points. The second theory was based on Mark's approach (36). Here, the force necessary to scission a chain is assumed to be that force necessary to stretch a C-C bond from 1.54 Â to 2.54 Â. If p


Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Figure 7. Plot of fracture energy versus mol% crosslinker for XPS and XPMMA-(AAA-acrylic acid anhydride; MAA-methacrylic acid anhydride). (Reproduced with permission from reference 32. Copyright 1996 John Wiley.)

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Incompletely Annealed Latex Films

the force required to pullout a chain is, on average, about half the force required for scission (this assumes all values from zero to actual fracture are equally likely), the pullout energy can be calculated. The results of these calculations are given in Table V m for both PS and P M M A . The two theories yield values differing nearly by a factor of ten. It must be noted that the present experimental values agree much more closely with the Mark approach values.

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Table VII. Comparison of Fracture Data in Per Unit Volume Versus Per Unit Area Annealing time (min.)

Clump diameter

No. of scissions m -3 m-2

Fracture energy Ej G B


urn xlO

2 4


1 7







Polvstvrene M=151,000 g/mol (12) 0 240

1.4 3.0

0.4 1.2

0.6 0.6


2.8 3.5

3.8 7.1

1.0 7.0

242 459

55 230


154 174

15 17

0.9 2.5

695 880

150 511

M=32,000 g/mol (13) 0 120 Polv(methyl methacrvlate) M=485,000 g/mol (14) 0 2880

G - Fracture energy from dental burr grinding experiment Source: Reproduced with permission from reference 7. Copyright 1995 John Wiley. B G

Frictional Coefficients Under conditions favoring chain pullout, according to Prentice (57), the fracture energy, γ, is related to the molecular frictional coefficient, UQ, as, 2

γ = (uQ-v.n. L )/2


where ν is the velocity of chain pullout, η is the number of chains, and L is the length of the chain segment being pulled out.

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Table VIII. Theoretical and Experimental Chain Pullout Energies for PS and PMMA Basis

Chain pullout energy (E ) J/m x l O p





49 ( N = 150 mers)

27 ( N = 95 mers)

Mark approach

311 (150 mers)

197 (95 mers)


260 (151,000 g/mol)

211 (485,000 g/mol)

Evans equation (7)

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* Fully annealed latex films

The following assumptions were made to obtain molecular frictional coefficient of chain pullout. The chain pullout energy was considered to be γ; two values were assumed for the velocity in equation 9: i . velocity of the burr (8.3xl0 m/sec, lower bound value) and; i i . crack propagation velocity in glassy polymers under impact conditions (620 m/sec, upper bound value). The quantity η is obtained from the difference between the total number of chains and the number of chain scissions, the quantity L was assumed to be equal to the length of the chain end, which is roughly 1/2 M , where M is the molecular weight between physical entanglements. Substituting these values in equation 9, the molecular frictional coefficients were obtained for PS and P M M A . From the molecular frictional coefficients, the mer frictional coefficient was obtained by multiplying equation 9 by the length of one mer (2.54 Â/mer). Usually, the mer frictional coefficients are obtained from dynamic mechanical measurements in the melt state. The mer frictional coefficient, ζ , was calculated to be about 1.5xl0" and 2 . 0 x l 0 ' dyn.s/cm for medium molecular weight PS, and about 1.2xl0" and 1.8xl0' dyn.s/cm for P M M A , for the lower and upper bound velocities, respectively. Comparison of these values with that from literature yielded an estimate of the actual temperature of the pullout process to be about 150250°C for PS (2) and about 220°C for P M M A (7). These temperatures are all above the glass transition temperatures of the individual polymers, suggesting that at the actual instant of pullout, a chain is activated to a high energy state. Being above T , it is able to undergo reptation motions during pullout. In order to verify the temperature at the crack tip in the grinding experiments (using DBGI), some other calculations were made. It must be noted that the grinding experiment was carried out under water-cooled conditions. The first calculation was based on the total fracture energy, and the second one was based on the energy associated with water evaporation from the surface of the cooling water drop. For the -3










Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




Incompletely Annealed Latex Films

former, the total fracture energy for the fully annealed medium molecular weight (151,000 g/mol) PS (=460x10 J/m ) was used, and for the latter, the standard enthalpy and entropy values associated with water evaporation at room temperature were used . Table IX lists the temperature values obtained from each source. It can be readily seen that the temperature values from the three different sources range from 150 to 368 °C. The lowest value, 150°C, based on the dental burr surface velocity, seems to be too low. 6



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Table IX. Polystyrene Fracture Temperature Calculations Source

Energy, J/m

1. Experimental fracture energy (grinding experiments)


2. Frictional coefficient


3. Water evaporation @ room temp.


Temperature, °C





260xl0 (pullout energy) lOOOxlO




M . Sambasivam, A . Klein, and L . H . Sperling, Macromolecules, 28, 152 (1995). Source: Reproduced with permission from reference 9.

This temperature rise is localized around the crack tip, with the bulk of the sample at ambient conditions. In order to estimate the size of this localized zone, it was assumed that it is equal to the plastic zone size at the crack tip. The plastic zone size was calculated to be about 1.5 nm from the data given in reference 39 under plane-strain conditions (for PS with a molecular weight of 218,000 g/mol). By assuming that the pullout in polystyrene is limited to chain ends, this length is about 7,500 g/mol. The radius of gyration of such a chain end segment is about 2.3 nm, which is in reasonable agreement with the plastic zone size. In other words, the local heating at a crack tip is confined to a very small length, of the order of a few nanometers. Summary and Conclusions The film formation and subsequent fracture studies in PS and P M M A latex films have been reviewed. The interdiffusion process in the latex films follows Woofs minor chain reptation theory. Tensile strength in these films increases due to interdiffusion and subsequent formation of physical entanglements. Full strength can be achieved at an interdiffusion depth equal to one radius of gyration of the chains, as predicted by the minor chain reptation theory. The annealing temperature has a significant effect on the interdiffusion rate, following the Arrhenius and W L F equations within a given range. The activation energies for the diffusion process are about 33 kcal/mol for

Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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poly (butyl methacrylate), about 55 kcal/mol for PS, and about 100 kcal/mol for P M M A . In crosslinked systems, the interdiffusion is hindered due to the presence of permanent chemical crosslinks. The molecular basis of fracture in plastics has been reviewed. Fracture energy and the number of scissions increase with annealing time. This is due to the interdiffusion and subsequent formation of physical entanglements. For PS, at the critical molecular weight for entanglements, about 32,000 g/mol, the entanglements barely resist the crack growth, resulting in substantially 100% chain pullout. With increasing molecular weights, however, the chain scission energy contribution increases at the expense of the pullout process from 0% for M=32,000 g/mol to about 90% for 420,000 g/mol. At the medium molecular weight, about 151,000 g/mol, the scission and pullout contributions are roughly equal. From the molecular weight dependence of reptation motion, a simple equation has been used to predict the extent of chain scission energy contribution during fracture in PS. The values predicted by this equation agree with the experimental values. The theoretical chain pullout energies calculated from the Evans equation and the Mark approach were compared with the experimental values, for both PS and P M M A . The Mark approach yields better agreement. Frictional coefficients calculated from the chain pullout energy indicate that the actual temperature of pullout is about 242-368°C for PS and about 220°C for P M M A . In the case of polystyrene, this temperature seems to be confined to a thickness of 1.5-2.3 nm. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank National Science Foundation for support through Grant No. ECD-9117064, and the companies that make up the Polymer Interfaces Center at Lehigh University for their collective support. The authors would also like to thank Dow Chemical Company for Styron 6069, Shell Development Company for medium molecular weight PS, and Rohm & Haas Company for P M M A latex. Literature Cited 1. Mohammadi, N.; Klein, Α.; Sperling, L. H., Macromolecules, 1993, 26, 1019. 2. Sambasivam, M.; Klein, Α.; Sperling, L. H., Macromolecules, 1995, 28, 152. 3. Sambasivam, M.; Klein, Α.; Sperling, L. H., J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1995, 58, 357. 4. Kim, K. D.; Sperling, L. H.; Klein, Α.; Wignall, G. D., Macromolecules, 1993, 26, 4624. 5. Wang, Y.; Winnik, Μ. Α., J. Phys. Chem., 1993, 97, 2507. 6. Boczar, E. M . ; Dionne, B. C.; Fu, Z.; Kirk, A. B.; Lesko, P.; Koller, A.D., Macromolecules, 1993, 26, 5772. 7. Sambasivam, M . ; Klein, Α.; Sperling, L. H., accepted, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 1995. 8. Sperling, L. H.; Klein, Α.; Sambasivam, M.; Kim, K. D., Polym. Adv. Technol., 1994, 5, 453. 9. Sperling, L. H.; Klein, Α.; Sambasivam, M., submitted, J. Polym. Mater., 1995. 10. Hahn, K.; Ley, G.; Schuller, H.; Oberthur, R., Coll. Polym. Sci., 1986, 264, 1092.

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Provder et al.; Film Formation in Waterborne Coatings ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.