Final program of the Division of Chemical Education, the Denver

The final complete program of general and divisional papers, entertainment, etc., ... St. Train, Big Thompson Canyon, and the Great Western Sugar Comp...
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FINAL PROGRAM OF THE DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, THE DENVER MEETING OF THE A. C. S., AUGUST 22-26, 1932 The final complete program of general and divisional papers, entertainment, ctc., appeared in thc August 10th News Edition of Indudrinl and Engineering Chemistry. Copies of abstracts of papers may he obtained by addressing the A. C. S. News Service, Mills Building, Washington, D. C. TUESDAYMORNING 8:011 A.M.-(1) Bowers, W. G., "Chemical Content of Textbooks in Allied Sciences" 9: I 5 A.M.-(2) Shreve, R. Norris, and Fotos, John T., "Facilitating thc Study of Gcrman for chemist^" 9:30 A.M.-(3) Shreve, R. Norris, "Organic Technology" 9:50 A.M.-(4) Entrikin, John B., "A New Type of Atomic Models for Organic Chcmistry" 10:00 A.M.-(5) Entrikin, John B., "Introducing Organic Chemistry in thc Laboratory" 10:15 AM.-(G) Wikoff, Helen L., "Occupations and Earnings of Women in Chemistry, with Special Reference to Acadcmic Degrccs" 10:35 A.M.-(7) Ebaugh, W. C., "Balancing Chemical Equations: The Contribution of Otis Coe Johnson (1880)" 10:50 A.M.-@) Glasoe. P. M., "The Residue of Knowledge Carried Over frarn HighSchool Chemistry to First-Year Collcge Chemistry" 11:05 A.M.-@) Clark, John D., "An Experience in Teaching a Survcy Course in Chemistry" 11:25 A.M.-(10) Frank, J. 0.. "An Experiment invisual Education" EDUCATION and The 11 :45 A.M.-Meeting o j the Ed~dztorsof the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL Citemidry Leaflet (Cosmopolitan Hotel, Room A) WEDNESDAY MORNINGAND APTF.RNOON !1:00 A.M.-(11) Bonar, Ross, Bonar, Floyd, and Davies, Earl C. H., "Cellophane Roll Films lor Slide Lanterns" 9: 15 n.M.-(lZ) Day. Jessc E., and Evans, Wm. Lloyd, "The Syrnposiulll Mcthod of Teaching Students in First-Year Chcxnistry Concerning the Nature of Matter" 9~411A.M.-(13) Ham, H. B.. and Martin, F. D., "A Graduate Course in Laboratory Technic" 9:55 A.M.-(14) Levitt, W. T.. "Demonstration of Glassblowing Technic for Students and Teachers of Chemistry" 12: 15 P.M.-Luncheon for hlembers and Friends of tha Division (Cosmopolitan Hotel, Ladies Lounge) 2 : 3 0 ~.M.-A[eeling ofthe Senate of Chemical Erlucafion 4:00 P.M.-Business Meeting of the Division qf CIzemi6al Education (Election of Oficers) THURBDAY, ALL DAY 8:30 A.M.-Excursion, complimentary to registered rnctnbers of the Division of Chrmical Education and their families, to Boulder, Colorado University, South St. Vrain, Big Tho~npsonCanyon, and the Great Western Sugar Company, with lulxch a t Estes Park. R. A. BAKER,Secretary 17 Lexington Avenue New York City