Finnigan MAT

LC/MS interface delivershigh LC flow rates for direct LC/MS coupling without trouble- some splitting. You also getthe highest sensitivity available, e...
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OUR LC/MS CURES SPLITTING HEADACHES. Our new LC/MS interface delivers high LC flow

Ionization (APCI) and Electrospray Ionization (ESI).

rates for direct L C / M S coupling without trouble-

And you can switch between APCI and ESI in minutes.

some splitting. You also get the highest sensitivity

Exclusive features give you sensitivity down to

available, even at high flow rates. We've engineered it for

picogram or femtogram levels along with the flexi-

simple, rugged operation, and it runs automated anal-

bility to analyze virtually any compound.

yses around the clock.

Find out how easy L C / M S analysis can be by

The source accepts a wide range of LC flow rates, up to 2 mL/min for Atmospheric Pressure Chemical

calling your Finnigan MAT office below or FAX (408) 433-4823.

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