Finnigan MAT

“coaches” you through every stepof your capillary-column GC analysis. Yet the power of mass spectrometry is there... Universal and Specific. The I...
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The Power of Mass Spectrometry in a Routine GC Detector... Finnigan MAT Makes It a Reality

Easy to Use The Finnigan MAT Ion Trap Detector™ is a simple, elegant implementation of an advanced technology. Operation of the ITD™ is straightforward. Maintenance is minimal. Set-up, data collection and processing are handled with an IBM Personal Computer XT.™ The software "coaches" you through every step of your capillary-column GC analysis. Yet the power of mass spectrometry is there...

Universal and Specific The ITD lets you streamline your laboratory procedures by handling the job of several conventional GC detectors. Use the universal detection mode on the ITD to record the chromatogram and complete mass spectra. The specific detection mode gives you added sensitiv­ ity and selectivity for your most demanding samples. You monitor only selected masses characteristic of the analytes of interest.

as well as retention time. For positive identification, you supplement retentiontime data with mass spectra. This identi­ fication is further facilitated by the extensive library search capabilities of the system.

I nterference-Free Quantitation With characteristic masses you can quantitate the analyte of interest even when complete separation is not achieved on the column. Errors due to coeluting peaks are eliminated. Sample throughput is increased as cleanup requirements are reduced. And, you can use isotopicallylabelled analogs as quantitative standards, an option not available with conventional GC detectors.

See for Yourself

Scan 153 207 323 330 414 440 532 535 669

Time 2:33 3:27 5:23 5:30 6:54 7:20 8:52 B:55 11:09

Positive Identification

See the Finnigan MAT Ion Trap Detector in action at one of the seminars and exhibits near you. Circle 65 for a product brochure and a schedule of the presenta­ tions. Circle 66 if you wish to discuss your application with a Finnigan MAT representative.

The ITD adds a new dimension to capillary-column gas chromatography: the analytical sample is separated by mass

355 River Oaks Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134, USA D (408) 946-4848 Postfach 14 40 62, D-2800 Bremen 14, FRG D (0421)54 93-0 Paradise, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 4TG, UK D (0442) 4 04 91

Area Height Width AR/HT 10361 3292 1624 37B0 3054 2629 3377 4002 7565

4039 1084 645 1913 1509 134B 1606 1B69 4170

9 7 Β 7 7 7 6 6 Β

2.6 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.8
